Snoring Against Stupidity: Freedom Sleep #19 to Nestle on City Hall Sidewalk Tuesday Night

Title: Fight Cold Hearts and Cold Weather: Freedom SleepOut #19
START DATE: Tuesday November 17
TIME: 5:00 PM – 8:00 AM Wednesday
Location Details:
Another all-nighter in front of City Hall on the sidewalks, the bricks, the grass, and in vehicles parked nearby from dusk Tuesday to morning Wednesday at 809 Center St.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB 14B S.C. CA 95060
The protest continues apparently to provide a temporary emergency “safe from tickets” zone on the sidewalk (and recently on the red bricks) from ticketing for survival sleeping. Or such has been police practice for the last month or more.

Last week the usual harassing klieg lights, “no parking” jackets, and even police harassment were absent. And the 1st Alarm “security patrols” were reduced. The City Hall Courtyard grounds still posted A-frame signs and yellow tape cutting off day and night use.

Officer “Winter” however is also battering at the protest, so bring cold weather gear and any donations you may have.

Coffee and the usual barebones pb&j supplies will be available as well as some prospective addition edibles from generous donors.

The beloved Freedom Portapotty will be available for welcome relief since City Hall is locking its bathrooms at night–again.

Berkeley activists have drawn strength and resolution from our struggle against the Sleeping Ban here and are holding their own 11-16 Sleep-Out and 11-17 Speak-Out at their City Council. (See ).

More on the Berkeley protests today and tomorrow at—Elisa-Cooper

Additional articles are at

Students and union activists at UCSC will be throwing a Housing and Homelessness Forum on campus Wednesday night where Freedom Sleepers and HUFF will be speaking. It will begin at 5:30 PM at Kresge Town Hall.

Police citations for MC 6.36 (the Camping Ordinance) seem to be down for October (to 43 compared to 79 in September by a rough count). (This does not take into account eager Parks and Recreation Ranger harassment though).

Outgoing Mayor Lane (due to rotate out in December though he will still be on the Council) has made no further public statements nor taken any actions to agendaize elimination of the Sleeping or Blanket bans.

His facebook statement and my response (as well as other Freedom Sleeper info) can be found at .

Tickets and stay-away orders are still being given out for being in a park after dark to unhoused folks elsewhere in town.

The Winter Armory Shelter begins operation today, however it only houses 100 and has many restrictions.

The Homeless (Lack of) Services Center continues to ban the majority of homeless people from its campus, meals, bathrooms, showers, and laundry services under the new director Phil Kramer unless they are “on a path to housing”.

Photographer Alex Darocy, who has regularly covered these sleep-out’s is facing charges for photographing the student/community protest against police brutality and tuition hikes in the Highway 6 case. (See ).

Alex was also cited for MC 13.04.011 (being on the City Hall grounds after 10 PM), but that citation was reportedly dismissed.

Trials for Freedom Sleepers on the same charges will be coming up in the weeks ahead. Watch this website for information.


The need to provide indoor protection from the cold is coming into clearer focus as the weather worsens. In the face of El Nino winter, City Council has made no provision for warming shelters, campgrounds, car parks, or a lifting of the camping bn to allow unhoused folks to formtheir own protective community and shelter.

On the horizon at the next City Council meeting (11-24) is a nasty Niroyan-initiated plan to restrict or ban RV’s, requiring residential permits and eliminating parking spaces.

City Council indifference to public opinion can be seen in its ignoring the massive outpouring of support for the Beach Flats Community Garden on 11-3. The community needs to take its own independent direct action on issues involving community space and local human rights.

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) will hold its usual sleep-deprived meeting at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific the morning after the sleep-out.

One thought on “Snoring Against Stupidity: Freedom Sleep #19 to Nestle on City Hall Sidewalk Tuesday Night

  1. Robert, I see yo are promoting the “letter” Don Lane wrote, but not doing the same for better for the story I wrote? ???

    Because this seems a pattern over time, the feminist lodged in my bosom is having a dire reaction!

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