Note: Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group. They cover a wide range of possibilities.
- Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper; Vibes Guy
- Minutes Prep Help
- Old Business: 1220 River St. Report & 8-8 Protest/Press Conference; 10 AM
- Old Business: 1st Friday Tabling to Advertise Direct Action on Bathrooms 5 PM…Prep.
- Kevin’s Response to SCPD National Night Out Tuesday Aug 6 4-6 PM responding to station tours, live demonstrations, and snacks at 155 Center St
- Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
- Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-
Transport Proposal
- Follow-Up on Expenditures & Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Service; CATCH Committee Update.
- California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
- Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem
- Odds & Ends: Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
- Linking Up with ICE Resistance
For HUFFsters
- Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
- Further Action on C & A Items
- Street and Campground Report
- RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
- August 2nd Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
- Police Auditor Contract; Mills GT Article
- Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data Some at https://cityofsantacruz. s34d2fddbfc2468da
C & A/HUFF Meeting
Alicia, Kevin, Rapha: Subcommittee on how money is being spent.
Alicia: August 2 and previous prep tabling downtown for bathroom demo, round up some toilet art, very visible sign
Alicia, Steve, Kevin, Robert, Gloria: Downtown Tabling
Rapha: Sending copies of 1220 River St. Contract to Robert
Robert: List of demands for August 2nd
Keith, Robert (Keith not at meeting): Perhaps Follow Up on the “Call a Cop for Shelter Transport”, Alicia and Kevin may join
Robert will ask Keith to do a Press Release for August 8th
Phil will contact New Director with Demands.
Robert will e-mail Drew with request for specific addresses on Infraction data, and/or specific definitions of “fixed” versus “transient” residence.
Robert will send Rapha the 12 categories Drew requested.