Meetings Today–Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific: Conscience & Action 11 AM; HUFF at noon; Attorney Anthony Prince 1 PM; Legal Workshop at the Ross Camp at 2PM



  • Prep for the 2 PM Legal Forum Out at Camp Ross
  • Update on Last Night’s City Council Meeting’s Actions and Inaction
  • Round 2 With “Closed Bathrooms” Tony Elliot?
  • Council Procedure Changes Proposed?  Action at the Next Council from the Audience
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Report on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Latest RV Harassment Update: Coastal Commission Pressure, Buddy Solidarity, Council Action
  • Continuing Documentation of the Shelter Deficit to Protect the Broader Homeless Community
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Meeting with Attorney and Activist Anthony Prince at 1 PM
  • For HUFFsters
  • Conscience and Action  items unfinished of interest to HUFFsters
  • RV Harassment Report from Cynthia and Alicia
  • RV living elsewhere; Reports from Elsewhere (San Diego’s Law)
  • Prepping for the Concentration Camp Solution; Homeless Dumping Out of Town
  • Organizing Ross Camp Support and Satellite Camp Expansion
  • Possible Update on Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • FRSC Meeting with Mayor Martine Watkins Friday
  • Tenants in Trouble—demanding real data from the Task Farce, organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • Library Situation: Monitoring the Mischief
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, tasering, DHS/ICE collusion, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • MHCAN:  A New Regime with a new Executive Director?  What changes now?
  • Right to Rest Law on State Model as a City Ordinance

Sunday 2-24-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: Key City Council Challenge 2-26; 6:15 PM Protest; Legal Forum on 2-27; & a Full-Packed Flashback from March 15, 2015

Free Radio Santa Cruz still offers a reward of $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at  

On the show today:

  • Will the Watkins Minority-Rule at Council Force the Closing of the Ross Camp through Agenda Manipulation…Again?
  • Showdown at City Council Tuesday February 26th: Deconstructing the Agenda
  • Teaching Poor Folks Legal Self-Defense with Attorney Anthony Prince at the Conscience and Action meeting with next Wednesday’s 2 PM Workshop
  • Memorial to Three Who Died in Salinas with Doug Dunn

Flashback to March 15, 2015 with
  • Red Church Roughtalk
  • Stay Away Order Expansion at City Council–Deepening Repression
  • Bad News from the Berkeley “Progressives”
  • “Wild and Wooly” Warren West on the failed 180/180 Program
  • Salinas Slimesurfing with Bill Black
  • Sherry Conable at City Council
  • “Don’t Duck’ Dan MacMullan Covers Berkeley

News Nesteggs from Santa Cruz Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre Robert:
    • Pushing Unpaid Labor for a Few Homeless Volunteers–the (Sweep the) Street Team: (30 minutes into the Felton PovertyPimp TalkieTalkie file)
    • Seaside City Council Bureaucrats Divide the HEAP Booty: :

  • Speaking Loud Outside City Hall to the Homeless on the City’s Attack on the Ross Camp, RV’s, and Folks Outside 6:15 PM City Hall Tuesday 2-26-19. Bring Signs, Blankets, and Bodies.
  • Challenging the Mayor’s Agenda & Council 7 PM right after.
  • 2 PM 2-27-19 Ross Camp: Attorney Anthony Prince of the state-wide Union of the Homeless and Marysville’s Brian Brown Outline “Suing the City’s Hardhearts…when they steal your stuff.”

  • Join Campquest 2019–the Search for Survival Shelter in Empty Buildings and Parking Garages
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers–Winter Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–Ross Camp Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in a 2nd spot
  • Demand Immediate Council/Supervisor Support for the Hundreds of Refugees Outside in Freezing Weather
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833.
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (2-21-19) at 6 PM at

Free Radio Santa Cruz still still offers a reward of $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Ross Camp Runaround: Will the Council Stop the Destruction of the Camp Feb. 26th?
  • Ross Camp Resident “Shitkicker” Shannon Reports Chief Andy Mills Latest Threats
  • “All Together Now” Alicia’s Ross Camp Update
  • Elise “Can the Crap” Caseby’s Take on the recentHEAP/HAP Har Har Meetings

Tidbits of Truth and Trouble from Soothsayer-of-the-Street Julie Shaul:

As the Struggle to Save Ross and Establish Decent Rights and Services Continues: Conscience & Action at 11 AM; HUFF at noon: All at the Sub Rose Wednesday February 20

Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF meets at noon; times are flexible.  Both meetings are open.

Agenda Suggestions for 2-20


  • Update on Proposed Garage Protest Camp, Connection Tent at Ross, Ross Contacts
  • Update on Council Retreat, Latest Council Communications, Relevant Public Records
  • (No) Update on Bathroom Advances
  • Truth Squad Activity to Counter City Staff Lies About Available Ross Alternatives
  • Council Procedure Changes Proposed?  Action at the Next Council from the Audience
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Report on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Restoring rights of & safe parking for folks whose homes are on wheels: Other Cities
  • Meeting with Martin the Mangler– suspend ticketing under Sleeping Ban-type laws.
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Organizing mass support for the upcoming February 26 meeting at City Council around students, immigrants, elderly, differently-abled, and youth groups and an attempt to reverse the February 12th Demolition of the Camp Decision.


    For HUFFsters

  • Ross Camp Support and Situation Update
  • Possible state Union of the Homeless meet with Organizer & Attorney Anthony Prince
  • RV living elsewhere; polling and research with Cynthia and Alicia here.
  • Update on Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Council Reform and Public Records: Current Situation, Future Goals: what the audience can do, between-council activism,
  • Tenants in Trouble—demanding real data from the Task Farce, organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Connections and Union of the Homeless Outreach to Campers in and out of Ross
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • Library Situation: New and Old
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • MHCAN:  A New Regime with a new Executive Director?  What changes now?
In addition, Councilmember Cummings sent this letter to Conscience and Action members:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 10:05 PM Justin Cummings <> wrote:
Hello Rabi Posner and members of Conscience and Action,

First I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner.  I have been down to the camp in the past few days and from what I have seen, it appears that things are moving much slower than what was suggested by staff.  What we hope to accomplish with providing beds and shelter for homeless people and the reality of getting to the point where we can do so is often very challenging and can take more time than we anticipate.  Given the pace at which we are moving, I am not confident that we will be able to provide enough shelter for our homeless population by the proposed closure date of the Ross camp and will recommend that we not close the camp until we have a clear feasible plan to do so with the least amount of negative impact.
This week we will be having another homeless 2×2 committee meeting where I will be raising these concerns with the county supervisors, and both county and city staff.  I will express to them the concerns of the community and inform them about how the March closure will not be productive and be detrimental to our community.  My hope is that we will be able to come to consensus and if not, we will be able to appropriately address these concerns at the next city council meeting. Thank you all for your hard work, concern and for reaching out to me.
Kind regards,
Justin Cummings

Indybay Story with Flyer On Upcoming “Save the Ross Campground” Events

Save the Ross Campground
by Robert Norse & Keith McHenry (rnorse3 [at]
Monday Feb 18th, 2019 5:23 PM

The Heroes encampment behind the Gateway-Ross area is under threat of “abatement” according to resolution passed at the 2-12-19 S.C. City Council. The flyer here describes some actions discussed by HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom).
Download PDF (329.1KB)
Recently Chief Andy Mills of the SCPD visited Ross Camp and gave stern warnings to campers that they would all have to leave by March 15. Some would have to leave town and not return. No future encampments of this sort would be permitted.

Official-looking notices have already been posted (

There are no clear records of any Ross campers being housed elsewhere as was supposedly offered by city bureaucrats Susie O’Hara and Tina Shull at Council on February 12th.

Nor do Ross campers feel they want to leave for the proposed waiting lists, night-time only shelter, and other inadequate alternatives being spoken about (though not actually offered).

One camp resident gave her chilling account of Mills’s threats at with an additional short piece at

The federal Miller v. Boise decision, whose precedent is applicable here, bars cities from enforcing laws that criminalize sleeping, camping, resting, or lying where they have no shelter comprehensive alternatives.

Conscience and Action and HUFF will be meeting Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church 11 AM to 1 PM. Join us.

Broken Promises, Buses to Nowhere: the City Council’s Homeless Solution–the Nationwide “Homeless Bound” Scam

NOTES BY NORSE:   “Liberal” SCPD Chief Andy Mills showed up at the Ross Encampment last week around the time “Abatement” notices were being posted, to give warnings.
            If you live in distant towns, you will be given (one-way) tickets; if you live in outside Santa Cruz City Limits, you will be forced to leave; if you live in here, you will be evicted by March 15th.  You will never be allowed to form another Ross Camp style survival encampment again.   These were his words as remembered by Mama Shannon, a long-time homeless activist and resident of Ross Camp and as reported to me last night
            Thanks to the key vote that killed a proposal to restore last year’s rent freeze and just eviction protection law, hundreds of Ross camp residents are facing loss of their lodging, belongings, privacy, and safety.  New Councilmember Justin Cummings voted with the Mathews-Watkins majority  to back a slippery City-County plan to offers phantom floor spaces and uncertain prospects of future shelter.  Why?  A cosmetic cover for the joint City-County “eliminate the eyesore” Ross Camp which prompts anxiety from nearby housed residents and tourist-seeking businesses at the Gateway Plaza.
              Cummings made an apparent promise on February 12th that the announced “abatement” might be altered at the February 26th or March 12th Council meetings if it became (even more) obvious that there was insufficient shelter to meet the needs of the Ross residents.  However he also voted for the provision that allowed for closure notices to be posted immediately and has not responded to repeated requests tostop the forced eviction until real guarantees can be provided.
              Santa Cruz also uses the deceptively-termed “Homeward Bound” as part of its one-way-trip-to-nowhere plan to lawlessly deport homeless folks, often in collusion with law enforcement authorities, social service “providers”, business interests, and courts.  This provides the charade with both humanitarian and legal cover.  Last year’s Boise v. Martin decision makes laws that enable arresting homeless folks for sleeping, resting, sitting or lying likely unconstitutional here.
              The makeshift Ross Camp Community was created largely by the unhoused themselves. This was prompted in part by the shameless reduction in even token winter shelter space.  In part by city staff betraying promises to keep open the small and cramped River St. Camp until next April (while actually closing it in October=–thank you  City Manager Martin Bernal, Susie O-Hara and Tina Shull).  And partly by the inevitable explosion of the local homeless population as rents escalate, jobs disappear, and services shrink.
               Police and rangers may have had a plan to use the camp as a concentrating device.  Numerous survival sleepers report being (illegally) driven to the camp under (false) threat of arrest and property seizure.  However, once there, saner and more compassionate heads in the community began to provide food and shelter support.  The City and County were forced by the numbers to provide minimal portapotty, trash, and needle disposal services.
                Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs announced a nonviolent direct action campaign to establish temporary survival campgrounds in downtown parking garages  (See “This is a Homeless Emergency” at )
                 Tomorrow (Tuesday February 19th) is a Special City Council meeting behind held at the Harvey West Clubhouse  326 Evergreen St. at 9 AM where there will be a brief public comment period (
                   Wednesday Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe followed by HUFF at noon to firm up strategies.  Councilmember Glover is reportedly going to be going to an open meeting that night at the Felton Community Hall  6191 Highway 9 in  Felton (6:30 – 8 PM)
                  The Guardian article below documents how widespread the homeless-dumping practice is throughout the U.S.  For more details, video, and commentary, go to .

2-17-19 Sunday 9:30 AM-3 PM at Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: Current Events Carousel–Interviews with Keith McHenry, Alicia Kuhl, Dan McGuire, & Others Around the Ross Camp Crackdown

 Free Radio Santa Cruz still offers a reward of $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at  

On the show today:

  • “Katzenjammer” Keith Suggests Immediate Emergency Camping Areas for Those Facing Ross Camp “Abatement”
  • Historic “Protect the Poor” Pottinger Decision Dismantled in Miami
  • Cops Kill Another Black in Vallejo:
  • “All Speed Ahead” Alicia Pushes Back Against the City Council’s “Dump the Ross Camp” Decision
  • Local Democratic Socialists Walk the Walk Out at Ross
  • “Heart on the Line” Dan McGuire on his Ross Camp Support
  • Brent Adams Says “Clear the Camp” and Do It Right.
  • Mixed Memories of “Sharin'” Sherry Conable
  • Voices Unheard at the February 12th Council Camp Close-Down
  • Rethinking the Cummings Conundrum

News Nesteggs from Santa Cruz Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre Robert:
  • Bring Signs, Blankets, and Bodies to City Council’s Open “Retreat” 2-19-19 Tuesday at Harvey West Clubhouse to Stop the Ross “Abatement”.
  • Join Campquest 2019–the Search for Survival Shelter in Empty Buildings and Parking Garages
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers–Winter Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–Ross Camp Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in a 2nd spot
  • Demand Immediate Council/Supervisor Support for the Hundreds of Refugees Outside in Freezing Weather
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833.
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (2-14-19) at 6 PM at

 Free Radio Santa Cruz still still offers a reward of $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Preliminary Report: Protest and 2-12 City Council Homelessness Session
  • Ross Camp Report on the Eve of the 2-12 Council Meeting
  • Drew Glover and John of the Association of Faith Communities on the Delayed Glover-Krohn proposals
  • Alicia Kuhl on the Aftermath of the 2-12 Council Carousel

In the Wake of the Council Sell-Out of the Ross Camp: Conscience & Action at 11 AM; HUFF at noon: All at the Sub Rose Wednesday February 13

Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF meets at noon; times are flexible.  Both meetings are open.

Agenda Suggestions for 2-13


  • Alternatives for Organizing and Resistance to the Mass Eviction of Ross Beginning Today
  • Update and Response to the Blockaded Bathrooms Situation
  • Truth Squad Activity to Counter City Staff Lies About Available Ross Alternatives
  • Holding the Mayor Accountable for her Abusive Council Behavior Toward Council and Public
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Action at the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Restoring rights of & safe parking for folks whose homes are on wheels: More Organizing
  • Meeting with Martin the Mangler– suspend ticketing under Sleeping Ban-type laws.
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Organizing mass support for the upcoming February 26 meeting at City Council around students, immigrants, elderly, differently-abled, and youth groups and an attempt to reverse the February 12th Demolition of the Camp Decision.

    For HUFFsters

  • The Ticket-and-Tow Racket–the Latest Chapter
  • Polling and Organizing RVsters and Vehicle Dwellers with Alicia and Cynthia
  • Update on Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Confronting Council Crapola—sustaining and expanding restored public comment under Mayor Martine Watkins by action from the “Progressive 4”
  • Tenants in Trouble—demanding real data from the Task Farce, organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Connections and Union of the Homeless Outreach to Campers in and out of Ross
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • MHCAN:  A New Regime with Pleich gone as Executive Director?
  • Report from the state Union of the Homeless  and upcoming Stockton/Sacramento protests.