xxx Voices Unheard on Police Defunding
xxx Still Held and Medicated Against Her Will in Fremont-Street Spirit Vendor and HUFF activist Angel
xxx Voices Unheard on Police Defunding
xxx Still Held and Medicated Against Her Will in Fremont-Street Spirit Vendor and HUFF activist Angel
HUFF Agenda Suggestions
Start at 11 AM
Coffee Free Meeting in Courtyard not Indoors.
With City Council and the powerful City Manager refusing to respond to three separate calls for defunding our overamped police. Two regular June Council meetings had an overwhelming majority of voices at the Oral Communications period calling for fundamental change—and that was repeated last Thursday June2nd at the contrived “Special Meeting”. Public protest demanding these changes was shown by the five and a half hour long protest and march from the Town Clock to the Boardwalk and back.
Scotts Valley: Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protest Thursday July 9 5:30 PM |
5:30pm: Meet at Skypark, 361 Kings Village Rd, S.V.
Arrive at MacDorsa Park 6 PM
Open Mike + Speakers Bring water, sunscreen, a sign, and comfortable shoes. Masks Required |
Black Lives Matter SLV
Saturday July 11 10 AM
Meet at San Lorenzo Valley High School, 7105 Hwy 9, Felton
March to Brookdale Lodge
Open Mic.
Paddle Out for Tamario Smith
Cowells Beach
Saturday July 11th 6pm Worldwide Solidarity in Surfing Honoring the dead from police brutality or misconduct
Bring mask and flowers/petals to offer in
ceremony. Organized by Indigenous Surf Club, in affiliation with Barrios
Unidos, Black Girls Surf, and Black Lives Matter Movement in Santa Cruz
The HUFF website is still under reconstruction. Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows are still being netcast Thursdays 6-8 PM and Sundays 9:30 AM – 3 PM at and some archives are available. Volunteer assistance is badly needed. Bring your reports for rebroadcast on the net at Free Radio Santa Cruz ( either to the meeting or call in at 831-423-4833.
More important hit the streets to make real change!
(A useless Zoomed City Council meeting on 6-23 ignored the strong demands to defund the SCPD. It proceeded with the usual prefabricated agenda involving no meaningful checks on current police use of force and violence. The real budget meeting was on July 2nd. Without strong loud community response beyond the sterile and City Manager-controlled confines of City Hall, City Council will continue to ignore the ongoing protests and refuse to hold public meetings in the Civic where folks could distance and participate. The Community needs to continue holding its own meetings (i.e. protests in the streets and using the public buildings as we need to))
Shows are NOT yet being archived at If you have technical savvy and want to help, call 831-423-4833.
REMINDER: Free Radio Santa Cruz stands ready to dole out $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure). We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word. Help us so we can help you!
Coming as soon as the site is repaired—Check out the show at .
New postings and interviews from the last few days at (repair pending)
xxx Noisemakers at City Hall Protest the Phony Police-Featherbedding “Zoomed” Council Meet
xxx Living the Life Under Ranger Rousts at Elm and Cedar with Merrymaker Marty
xxx Homeless COVID-19 Update from Katzenjammer Keith McHenry
xxx More from the 6-21 March That Reclaimed Hiway 1, River St., and Water St….briefly
With the Sub Rosa Cafe courtyard reopening
and the “Public Not Invited” City Council meeting slated for tomorrow.
That Agenda was finally released today (24 hours before the meeting) at though I found it hard to open.
We start at 11 AM — Coffee free. Suggested topics topics:
Black Lives Matter Capitola Village March & Speak Out Today 5-8 PM Monterey Avenue Park 700 Monterey Ave., Capitola TOWN CLOCK Black Lives Matter Protest 1 PM July 4th Saturday |
Every bit of correspondence to the City
Council regarding in their correspondence packet urges cutting the
bloated police budget.
The HUFF website is still under
reconstruction. Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows are still being
netcast Thursdays 6-8 PM and Sundays 9:30 AM – 3 PM at and some archives are available. Volunteer assistance is
badly needed.
Bring your reports for rebroadcast on the net at Free Radio Santa Cruz ( either to the meeting or call in at 831-423-4833.