HUFFster Huddle 11 AM Sub Rosa Wednesday April 12–Winter Shelter Dump and Freedom Sleeper Surge–What are the Next Steps?

HUFF Agenda Prospects:   Wednesday 5:30 PM meeting with Freedom Sleeper Old-Timers at Rio Mobile Home Park–What’s Next?…Winds of War–Resuscitating the Vigil Against Two Wars–the Homeless at Home and the Homeless Abroad…Another Jolly City Council Meeting Ahead?…Freedom Sleeper Max Green In Court: 10 AM 4-11–a Report (Join the Freedom Sleepers to Support Max)…and whatever goes down with the free coffee…

War Against the Poor and War Abroad Ramps Up

 Friday Apr 7th, 2017 8:49 AM

There have been nearly two years of weekly overnight protests on the sidewalks adjoining City Hall (the Freedom Sleepers) and a month of nightly protests (a group I call the Survival Sleepers) at the same spot. Now, the day after Fuhrer Trump has directly attacked Syria, escalating to the brink of nuclear war, SCPD attacked the poor sheltering themselves under the eaves of the City Hall and arrested Freedom Sleeper Abbi Samuels as she videoed the abuse. The Winter Shelter program (sheltering 110 of the 1000-2000 Santa Cruz homeless) ends today.

Download PDF (378.4kb)

For further information on the Survival Sleepers and Freedom Sleepers go to .

For broader information about protests against Trump’s Nuclear Poker escalation in Syria, see .

§Activists from the Bay Area Respond

by Robert Norse Friday Apr 7th, 2017 8:49 AM

Download PDF (431.0kb)

Support Survival Sleeping Tonight at City Hall; Catch the Stream of Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides 6 PM at

Free Radio Santa Cruz was briefly back on the air, but its transmitter died.  Until it’s repaired, we’re back on the stream at

The latest Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show will stream as usual tonight 6-8 PM and archive .

The show reviews homeless input from the last week outside City Hall and on Pacific Avenue including Jenny, Tyler, Enrique, Esteban, Shannon, Cat Man, Shadowside Steve, Julie, Renegade Robert B., and others

with the usual pungent groans from host Robert Norse.


HUFF Resolutions for City Council Action

HUFF voted today to support a number of resolutions.

  1. In light of the critical emergency shelter situation, HUFF supports homeless people seeking shelter at the Natural Bridges State Park picnic area.
  2. Since the Winter Shelter Program is due to end Friday April 7th leaving 110 people out on the streets with no bus service to areas where homeless people keep their belongings (including their survival gear), we urge the City Manager to make city resources for shelter services available for the weekend until bus service resumes on Monday.
  3. In the absence of any responsible City action ameliorating the crisis, we encourage people to join those at City Hall during the night for safety and during the day for community to seek the repeal of the sleeping ban and the establishment of safe places to sleep.

HUFF convenes without ceremony 11 AM Wednesday 4-5-17 at the Sub Rosa Cafe as ever

HUFF Agenda Stuff:  Getting records on Post Office Hankey Pankey in the War Against the Food Not Bombs feedings; using Public Records to Make City Council come clean; Anti-War Horizons: Reviving the Vigil Against Two Wars; Valet Homeless Storage Services on Pacific–a Frolic into the Future; Searching for the Missing Pendulum Downtown; Facing the Flood of Folks Emerging from the Winter Shelter Program In a City With a Sleeping Ban; Those Rumors About New Laws against Sleeping on the City Hall Sidewalk–Creative Fiction or Disturbed Delusion?…and whatever else goes down with the Free Coffee.