Tonight 5-3-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Bits and Snips from Near and Far, Flashback to 4-6-97

Tonight’s Show(6-8 PM) Includes: Joshua Tree Courts Versus a Vehicular Family,  Upcoming Events including Friday’s Take Back Santa Cruz Anti-Homeless Hysteria Gathering at the Town Clock Amplified by the Sentinel‘s Jessica York, Flashback to Justman Jim Cosner’s Chat with the FBI, Shitkicker Shawn Alemi’s Street Report, Palo Alto Lookback, Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on “Citizen’s Committee for the Homeless” Latest,  

Free Radio, as usual, streams at  The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for the Latest Show – 5/3/2018  Thursday, May 5, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.  

HUFF meets Today Wednesday May 2nd 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 5-2-18 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, next to the Bike Church.

Agenda Prospects:

  • Anti-Homeless Sentinel Fearmongering  in the recent Town Clock assault.
  • Rent Control/Just Eviction: Final Week of Signature Gathering
  • Follow-up on Local Response to Aggressive Wars
  • Boneyard Campground Documents and Last Council Chitterchat
Stories & Websites of interest: 

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

4-29-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides with Street Talk from “Push Back” Pat,, Councilwatch by “Lighthouse:” Linda, “Big Drum” Brent, , Renter Update with Tenants First! “Straight Talk” Cynthia, & the Red Church Roustabouts

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

Current Stuff:

  • Pat and John Colby update the latest cop and sheriff shenangans
  • Bathrobespierre blasts the latest City Council simperings.
  • Brent Adams Tippytoes His Critique of Existing Shelter and Storage Options
  • Cynthia Berger Goes Over the Details in the Last Days of the Rent Control Push
  • Smoothtalkin’ Steve Pleich Gives Supervisorspeak
  • Red Church Voices Speak Out from Last Days of the Red Church (closing until June)

This show archives April 29, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  

Tonight 4-26-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Interviews from FNB Corner, Berkeley, and Bathrobespierre Robert’s Hideout

Tonight’s Show Includes: Brief Bits on City Council’s  “Shove [A Few of] ‘Em in a Shelter” Plan, the County’s “Cut Back on Cannabis” Law,  Longtime Lydia Looks Back, Cornerstone Carol Denney on new anti-homeless laws in Berkeley, and more…

Free Radio, as usual, streams at  The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for the Latest Show – 4/26/2018  Thursday, April 26, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.  

Crackdown on Vehicles on Downtown Santa Cruz at 1:30 PM 4-24 City Council Meeting

Vehicular Profiteering Downtown Will Punish the Poor and Drive Away Customers
by Robert Norse (rnorse3 [at]
Monday Apr 23rd, 2018 11:40 PM

Santa Cruz City Council is set to rubberstamp increased parking fees, new parking meters, a two-hour “Move Along” vehicular law, “no vending from vehicles”, and a “no vehicles above 6′ in height” requirement along Pacific Ave. and adjacent streets at its 1:30 PM session tomorrow. It’s item #18 on the so-called “Consent Public Hearings” section of the agenda.
For the staff report, go to .

For the text of the ordinances, go to .

As of 11:30 PM Monday night, the only correspondence posted was critical at .

My own thoughts were sent to Mayor Terrazas earlier tonight. I reprint them below:

The proposed ordinance changes seriously impact downtown vehicle accessibility for the general public, for those who are disabled and required to use vehicles higher than 6′, and for artists like Alex Skelton and Joff Jones. These two were driven off Pacific Ave. by the “performance pens” “no art to be displayed for more than 1 hour” ordinances.

In contrast with recent claims in local media from Senior Ranger Jeremy Matthews (Ranger pictured on left) that “We’ve already racked up quite a few citations,” (via KION news) We have not seen…
In contrast with recent claims in local media from Senior Ranger Jeremy Matthews (Ranger pictured on left) that “We’ve already racked up quite a few citations,” (via KION news) We have not seen…

They returned and were showing their work on the side of their vehicles–which would now potentially be banned under the “no vending” provision. Curtis Reliford–who has already suffered racial and class discrimination–would now find his musical offerings and charity work excluded from Pacific Avenue view.

There is also an obvious economic impact, encouraging folks with vehicles to patronize other nearby cities and businesses where they won’t face jacked-up meter costs and likely parking tickets for parking longer than 2 hours.

For a city government supposedly concerned with carbon impact, encouraging folks to drive their cars to more distant cities, aggravates a growing crisis.

The prior intensified anti-homeless Downtown ordinances have also crowded and diminished musical performers, political tablers, and social gatherings on the Pacific Avenue sidewalk. Vendors of arts and crafts have been outright banned.

Plus, of course, accomplishing their main unstated purpose–to drive away visible poor people under the guise of “problematic street behavior”. Homeless folks report being driven out into the rain by SCPD and P&R rangers in spite of the more liberal nighttime policy regarding Sleeping Ban enforcement by Chief Mills.

The recent division of the City into 5 policing districts has apparently intensified “move along” directives by police officials like Bill Azua on public sidewalks where homeless folks have the right to congregate, whatever the aesthetic affectations of Taco Bell, Staff of Life, and other NIMBY businesses.

The proposed increased parking meter costs not only seem to negatively impact businesses, but also puts a particular burden on poor people. Especially those whose vehicles are their homes. Were the vehicularly housed and disabled part of the so-called “Stakeholder” group consulted in creating the staff recommendations? If so, please provide their testimony–when, where, and what was presented.

Have city staff has reportedly posted areas under bridges as “no sleeping/camping/assembling” areas–as activist Brent Adams has claimed? Are they still using shrill high-pitched “mosquito” noise devices to discourage public assembly in different places around the city? Is the City still enforcing its unique “no public allowed on City Hall grounds at night and during the weekends”?

The combined impact of these misguided laws is clearly to Yuppify the City and drive the visible poor out of town.

Please delay any discussion of these laws until the stakeholders who are most impacted by these laws–not just some hand-picked businesses–are able to provide relevant information on the impacts. Particularly the disabled, the poor, the artists, and the general public.

4-22-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM & Brent Adams Update and Warning, Cherie’s Lone Protest, Streetside Reports & Bad News for City Councl Tuesday Flashback to May 18, 1997

Current Stuff:

  • Cherie Sherie Returns to City Hall in a Winter Shelter shutdown protest
  • Voices from Food Not Bombs Peace Rally, Pacific Avenue, and the Red Church
  • Brent Adams Updates Shelter & Storage Options, Warns of Police Crackdown
  • “Homeless Begone” Bigotry at the Food Bin?

Flashback to May 18, 1997  : 

  • Skidmark Bob on the New Leaf, Downtown Association Crackdown on Food Not Bombs
  • Arrests for Flowerpicking, Panhandler Pummeling, and Other Familiar Tales of Terror
  • Bob Campbell reviews the Medical Marijuana Situation
  • San Jose Community Homeless Alliance Ministry Nancy Nichols Reports
  • Norse on the “Toy Poodle” Police Review Board in Santa Cruz
  • Robin Pickets “Bead It” Bigotry from a long-gone Pacific Avenue biz.

This show archives April 22, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833

Tonight 4-19-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Anthony and Angela Face the Taos Police in the Bumpersticker Car,

Weekend Events & Follys:  Harm Reduction Coalition, Science March, NAACP; Food Not Bomb documentarians Anthony and Angela brave brutality and jail in Taos; Attorney and Activist Anthony Prince on the Salinas struggle and the Poor People’s Campaign 2018; many voices from the FNB/Santa Cruz Action for Peace rally, and various you-tube satirical songs…

Free Radio, as usual, streams at  The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for the Latest Show – 4/19/2018  Thursday, April 19, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.  

HUFF meets as Santa Cruz Ignores the Two Wars (Against Syria and the Poor in Santa Cruz) Tomorrow. Wednesday April 18, 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 4-18-18 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, next to the Bike Church.

Agenda Prospects:

  • Aftermath of the End of Winter Shelter last weekend
  • Rent Control/Just Eviction: Renter Updates Statewide and the Local Struggle
  • Breaking the Silence as Aggressive Wars (and U.S. bombs on Syria) Mount
  • Homeless Reports on Police/Ranger “Out Into the Rain With You” Incidents
  • Public Records Delays–and Assessments of What We Have
  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

4-15-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM & Joyful Heart’s River St. Campground Report, Red Church Roustabouts, HUFF plots Vigil Against Two Wars, and a flashback to March 2003

Current Stuff:

  • Campground worker “Joyful Heart” fields Bathrobespierre’s blasts
  • Educational eruptions from the Monday Night Free Meal
  • HUFF charts a response to the closing of Winter Shelter and Trump’s bombing
  • Whittle-em-down Wes White updates us on Salinas sufferings

Flashback to March 6 and 9, 2003  : 

  • San Francisco anti-war activists hit the streets in early March 2003 
  • Olivia Brownrabbit Describes Police Repression on Anti-War Homeless Activists on Pacific Avenue\
  • A lot more of the same

This show archives tomorrow or perhaps later today at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.

Emergency Meeting–OUTSIDE THE SUB ROSA TODAY on Pacific Ave noon Today April 14 NO WAR ON HOMELESS, NO WAR ON SYRIA !


  • Trump has escalated Obama’s War on Syria with multiple rocket strikes last night.  With few exception, there is no indication Democratic or Republican politicians have any serious objections to the “more foreign wars” policy.
  • This war affects everyone, but disproportionately the poor of Santa Cruz and Syria.
  • No one is safe from the Foreign War machine operating out of Washington, D.C. which has continued and expanded wars for decades.   Time to say, NO.
  • A houseless disabled elderly woman called HUFF an hour ago, calling for a protest tonight.
  • The Winter Shelter program ended its 100+ spaces for the homeless last night.  Local homeless people are calling for an alternate shelter/protest program tonight.
  • While Police Chief Andy Mills has suspended Sleeping Ban enforcement, survival camps are being swept away, Stay-Away orders regularly issued in parks at night, and other “trespass on public property” citations are being issued regularly.
  • There is no shelter for the 1000-2000 outside other than the full River St. Campground, the full Association of Faith Communities 20-person program, and the “no room without a ‘pathway to housing'” policy of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center.

  • HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom)  will discuss a resumption of the Vigil Against Two Wars, which the group as done in the past.

Meet outside the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific Ave. in Santa Cruz at noon today to discuss a response.

The Sub Rosa is also the site of the Really Free Market today and we may be able to meet indoors.  the weather is expected to be cool to temperate.  Coffee may be available.

For more visual info, go to

Free Radio Santa Cruz will be covering these issues in a pre-recorded show Sunday morning 9:30 AM for several hours afterwards on Sunday, April 15th.

More info: call 831-423-4833.