Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 9-16-21 show netcasts at and archives around 6 PM THE SHOW IS ANOTHER ALL FLASHBACK to August 7, 2014 with co-hosts Pat Colbe and Doc Mike

If you wish, you can also hear this show (September 16, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .Detailed descriptions are available at soon after the show is aired or archived. 

ON THIS 9-16-21 SHOW, a FLASHBACK to 8-07-14
“Pick Your Punches” Pat Colbe updates her struggle with City Attorney Barisone for a disability accommodation to the “Move Along Every Hour” law downtown and his recent phone agreement that he refuses to put on paper”Agonizer” Azua Flashback to this SCPD’s reported brutalization of Synthia Kennedy on Saturday April 10, 2010 at ( ) where Kennedy had her hair pulled out and was smashed against the squadcar

“Jetpen” John Colbe called in to report on his phone contact with Barisone8-2 FNB

Street Interviews: Beggarbacker Becky Johnson

Wraps-smith John Ireton reports a bracelet ticket on the BoardwalkMore reports from Strummer & Treadway

Typewriter Kevin DeVane Curtailing Local Protest with the “No Median Standing” Laws

Last Days of HUFFish summers in the Benchlands 11 AM Thursday September 16th at the tables between County Building and the Survival Encampment: Farewell to Goatland?

Thoughts for an Agenda Prospects  for Thursday’s (9-16) Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Meeting
 ​Diminishing numbers of participants and a lack of interest among San Lorenzo residents may prompt a return to HUFF’s old meeting ground—the Sub Rosa–at its next get together on 9-23.  There’s also talk of reducing meeting frequency to twice a month rather than weekly.   Come and weigh in if you’re interested.

Meanwhile ongoing concerns include:
       +++ Reports of regular police harassment in the Benchlands by top police officials (Mills & Butler)      

+++ No relief for seizure of vehicular homes on the far-West side      

+++ Lack of “progress” on City shelter/storage alternatives as part of the intensified Camping Ban passed last spring      

+++ Failure of legal support to solidify and localize Martin v. Boise protections for unhoused folks–as has been done in Novato and Chico.       +++ Lack of grass-roots S.C. Union and HUFF organizing utilizing may declarations already made by many unhoused victims      

+++ Hot weather conditions and lack of shade in the Benchlands      

+++ Fall off in on-site organization for emergency response to likely move on the Benchlands in the coming weeks (say an immediate campground established by housed volunteers): Coalition Co-ordination
      +++ Vaccination discrimination & Antibody testing

Research is needed into:
      +++ Vehicle Code Vivisection: Defanging Hobohammer SCPD’s Haebe and Dustheart Deborah Elston’s favorite tools for stealing homeless homes–the so-called 72-hour “abandoned vehicle” fraud.
      +++ Record of Failed protections against Psychiatric Deportations, the record of Reiss hearing failures, dumping and forced drugging of the  “mentally ill”.  (Free Radio show coming up on fighting forced drugging with attorney  Jim Gottstein & psych-survivor Roxanne Stewart-Johnson)

Still Awaiting Action:
      +++ Link-Up with Tenant and Student Organizations regarding the end of the Rent Moratoria and Unemployment Benefits

Reports from the Roughlands
      +++ Padre Panther on the Dakota Landing Agreement Camp
      +++ Latest Police Actions Against the Benchlands Residents and SC Homeless Unionists
      +++ North Bay Updates:  North Bay Unhoused Movement on Facebook       +++ Latest on the Pledge to Defend the Benchlands
      +++ Miniscule report on the 9-14 Shitty Council meeting (and perhaps the Supervipers latest Tiddletattle).

September Street Sheet and Street Spirit newspapers still available!

Sunday 9-12-21 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show airs and archives 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: Roars of Resistance from Keith McHenry, Carol Denney, Peggy Lee Kennedy, & More Flashback to December 10, 2009–Psychiatric Stewpot

ON THE 9-12-21 SHOW:  
      +++   “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry talks Benchlands Defense and California Homeless Union report from the Sacramento gathering.
      +++   Musical musings from Danielle Savage throughout.
      +++    David Rovics on “What 9/11 Derailed”      

+++    “Cornerstone” Carol Denney strikes out at Berkeley “Business Interest” Politics
      +++   Catholic Worker and Street Spirit newspaper distributor J.C. Orton recounts a day in the life.
      +++    People’s Park resident Chris F. reviews the good and the bad there.
      +++    Food Not Bombs Festival with comments from “Mad Mouth” Mike, Hannah from the Sentinel, San Jose Homeless Union’s Robert Aguirre, and Sea Otter      

+++    “Pick Your Poison” Peggy Lee Kennedy of Venice, CA, gives a grim review of L.A. Sweeps mounting up as COVID “Shelter-in-Place” evaporates.

       ****  In-studio interview with Jenny Gomez, client advocate on the Santa Cruz Mental Health Advisory Board, whose son is trying to come off psychiatric drugs encouraging public attendance. 
       ****  & Genita Petralli, anti-psychiatry activist, Green Medicine activist, nutritional biochemist, author of Green Mental Health Care, How to Get Off and Stay off Psychiatric Drugs and founder of Shangra La Clinic
       ****   Why Santa Cruz’s failure to access alternate non-drug treatments, the dangers of psychiatric drugs, the success of state-funded alternate treatment in Sacramento?
       ****  Critique of Bob Johnson, then head of Santa Cruz Patient Services       

****  Alaska attorney & psychiatric survivor Jim Gottstein ( ) phones in on psychiatric Medicaid fraud        ****  Critical discussion of Santa Cruz “Reiss hearings” supposedly protecting clients from forced drugging       

****  Street Interviews: early December: Anon reports rock throwers at homeless, first Smoking Ban tickets, 12-9: Drum Circle interview with Robert “Blindbear” Facer

       We long for studio space to restore the phone line to reopen Free Radio to the Community.  We crave tips on where to rent that spacer.  We’ll give a $300 reward if your tip lands us a year’s space. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 9-9-21 show netcasts at and archives around 6 PM THE SHOW IS ALL FLASHBACK to August 25, 2005 featuring anti-psychiatric abuse attorney Jim Gottstein

If you wish, you can also hear this show (September 9, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

Detailed descriptions are available at soon after the show is aired or archived. 

ON THE 9-09-21 SHOW, a FLASHBACK to 8-25-05
“Crossroads” Chris Brozda, outspoken homeless advocate, calls in arrested for “disturbing the peace” while distributing his business card in an election campaign. 

Alaska anti-forced drugging attorney Jim Gottstein ( speaks on alternatives to overdruging in Trieste, Berne, Finland and elsewhere, outlining abuses in the psychiatric system.

Marilyn of San Diego calls in describing her son’s case held in Atascadero State Hospital.Jeff calls in from Support Coalition International  ( on falsified hospital records and how to form support networks.

Lisa Molyneux’s Santa Cruz Greenway dispendary report

Street interviews with Tiffany and Nick.

HUFF summers on in the Benchlands 11 AM Thursday September 9th at the tables between County Building and the Survival Encampment

Preliminary and Partial Agenda Prospects
  for Thursday’s (9-9) Meeting

+++ Sacramento Union of the Homeless Update from Keith or Wes       +++ Vehicle Code Vivisection: Defanging Hobohammer Haebe and Dustheart Deborah Elston’s favorite tools for stealing homeless homes
+++ Street, Park, and Camp Reports Re: Discrimination, Sweep Threats, Goat Breakthroughs, etc.      

+++ Federal Eviction Moratorium Gone; California’s Moratorium Going;  State Unemployment Benefits at Risk
+++ Panther May Report on the Dakota Landing Agreement Camp
+++ Little Bites off the Beast: Possible Projects?
+++ North Bay Updates:  North Bay Unhoused Movement on Facebook       +++ Latest on the Pledge to Defend the Benchland

+++ Coming Up on Free Radio: First Psychiatric Refugee Granted Asylum–Jim Gottstein and Roxanne Stewart-Johnson      

+++ Another Shitty Council Meeting 9-14; City Hall Bathrooms finally open; Shelters Closing      

+++ New September Street Sheet and Street Spirit newspapers available!

Sunday 9-5-21 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show airs and archives 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: Keeping Up to Date with Laura Chatman, J. Sardis on Novato, Reports and Retorts from Homeless Unionsters; Flashback to September 10, 2008

ON THE 9-5-21 SHOW:  
      +++    Lay of the Land at the Santa Cruz Homeless Union‘s latest powow, according to “Let’s Get Going” Laura Chatham.
      +++    Jason Sardis on the Novato Homeless Union’s Injunction still holding
      +++    Carmel campcrushers at the ready, says local paper.      

      +++    Riding the Freedom Road is “Whip ’em Into Shape” Wes White Heading Towards Sacramento and a Labor Day Rally.      

+++    Food Not Bombs Festival with comments from “Mad Mouth” Mike, Hannah from the Sentinel, San Jose Homeless Union’s Robert Aguirre, and Sea Otter      

+++    David Rovics: “Living Free, Dying, and Being a Sociopath”
      +++    Jerry William Cochran denounces the seizure of 72-year-old Dorothy’s motorhome, towed for 5 unpaid tickets      

+++    Fleeing from the fires, Daniel McCrae loses his vehicular home to “law enforcement”.  Hanna Hagmann’s story on McCrae:
      +++     Growls, snarls, and spats  from Anthony Prince, Rose Nay, Wes White, and others fighting police sweeps & struggling for solidarity.
       ****   Troublesome Thomas and Bathrobespierre Robert Review Pack of Poltroons Running for Shitty Council

       ****    Alaska Psych Rights attorney Jim Gottstein

( joins Bob Whitaker, Mad in America author on his forthcoming book Anatomy of an Epidemic ( )       

****    Can SCPD deny info to the Downtown Commissioner —Tim Fitzmaurice’s inquiry?
       ****    “Scope it Out” Scott Graham critiques the Recycled Council Candidates

The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  later today as well as netcast at 9:30 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are posted at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of earlier shows may also be available on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can leave comments. Some of Ursula’s earlier work can be found at

       We long for studio space to restore the phone line.  We crave tips on where to rent it.  We’ll give a $300 reward if you find us a year’s space. 

WE’RE NEEDED BACK ON THE AIR NOT JUST THE NET.  That requires a location to set up our antenna again in or around Santa Cruz– in a tree, a house, etc.  Call the HUFF line (831-423-4833) if you have any tips. 

STILL MEETING THURSDAYS ABOVE THE BENCHLANDS– at 11 AM at the tables between the Benchlands camp and the County Building. 
GET YOUR STORY OUT ON THE NET, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at the HUFF line or  You can also comment on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 9-2-21 show netcasts at and archives around 6 PM at Goatcatcher Kevin, Katie Bradley, Lee Ann Sherwood, and Keith McHenry chat informatively

If you wish, you can also hear this show (September 2, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience. Click on .

Detailed descriptions are available at soon after the show is aired or archived. 

ON THE 9-02-21 SHOW: 
GoatTender Kevin Leland & Katie Bradley discuss the progress and problems of the Benchlands. 

Mountain View slams back against survival RV parking.

Kevin and LeeAnn Sherwood on Refereeing Fights in the Benchlands

AB48 may protect lawful protesters from “less lethal” weapons.

Guadalupe cop kills bystander; “Restraint” Killing of Angelo Quinto ruled an “accidental death” by Coroner’s Jury in Antioch, Contra Costa Jury.

“Cat’s Meeyow” Keith McHenry Updates on the Sacramento Freedom March, and Many Things Santa Cruz.

A Grim and Graphic Recitation of the “Steps” Fatal COVID-19 Takes.

David “Rest When It’s Over” Rovics sings many a pointed tune.

HUFF cools its heels 11 AM Thursday September 2nd above the Benchlands at the tables between County Building and Encampment

Preliminary and Partial Agenda Prospects  for Thursday’s (9-2) Meeting:
 +++ Agenda Additions and Priorities      

+++ Street, Park, and Camp Reports Re: Discrimination, Sweep Threats, Goat Breakthroughs, etc.      

+++ Expanded Attacks on RV’s: Latest Reports

+++ Research into Ordinances Used to Harass RV’s locally

+++ Co-Ordinate Copwatch Reports to Prepare Injunctive Relief

+++ Federal Unhoused Bill of Rights

+++ Text of the Bill:      

+++ Homeless Freedom Ride Concert Yesterday and Sacramento Rally Coming Up: HUFF Response

+++ Panther Reports on the Dakota Landing Agreement Camp

+++ Little Bites off the Beast: Possible Projects?
+++ North Bay Updates:  North Bay Unhoused Movement on Facebook       +++ Latest on the Pledge to Defend the Benchlands

Sunday 8-29-21 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show airs and archives 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: Posner on Bikes and the Community Credit Union Scam; Gloomy Growls from the Food Not Bombs meal; Panther Patrols the Dakota Camp; Flashback to 4-29-01

ON THE 8-30-21 SHOW:  
      +++    Correcting the “Bad Biker” Narrative with “Minimum Trust” Micah Posner
      +++    Questioning Voices from the Food Not Bombs meal: Sea Otter, Thomas, Rain, Q.Z, and Dreadeye
      +++    Panther on Problems & Prospects of the Dakota Agreement Camp
      +++    Video shows trooper pummeling Black motorist after traffic stop:

       ****   “No to Columbus Worship; Free Political Prisoners” Forum with attorney Larry Hildes, Petitioners to Dump Columbus Day, Yellow Hawk, and more       

****     Robert Waters Suffocates in a D.C. Court While Attorneys Chatter On       

****     The Supreme Court’s Atwater decision: allowing abusive arrests for “no seat belt”       

****      “Rough Rider” Richard Quigley on the “Atwater v. City of Lago Vista” Decision; the local “Take Me to a Magistrate” suspect’s rights   

****       Bathrobespierre plays Cop to Quigley’s Suspect–Role-Playing as a citizen training exercise.       

****        The City Council’s Self-Congratulatory “Rage Against Rent” Rally in the Beach Flats while the 5-2 Progressive majority on the Council did nothing about real Rent Control.

The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9:30 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are posted at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  

Sunday 8-15-21 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show airs and archives 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: Interviews Galore with Sausalito Activist Robbie Powelson, Berkeley’s Carol Denney, the Benchlanders, Salinas’s Wes White, People’s Parksters, & More

ON THE 8-15-21 SHOW:  
      +++    Standing Against Sausalito Savagery with “Rough Water” Robbie Powelson
      +++    Bedside Chat from “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry
      +++    “Cornerstone” Carol Denney on Destruction of “Where Do We Go?”
      +++    “Backstory” Brent Adams Critiques City/County Cut-and-Run Policies
      +++    A Walk Through the Greater Camp Paradise:
      +++    Barks from the Benchlands with Darien, Marsha, Sophie, & Greg
      +++    Present at the Pulverization: Woeful Watcher Wes White Documents the Razing of the Sherwood Park and Carr Lake Survival Camps in Salinas
      +++   “Scope it Out” Scott Graham on “Mum’s the Word” Mayor Meyers Sneak Play Slipping in District Elections in Santa Cruz      

+++   Survival Camp Days in Berkeley’s Peoples Park with Heartspeaker Hans
      +++   Tasty Tidbits and Sharp Seasoning from the Volunteer Staff of Berkeley’s People’s Park Kitchen with Chef Nick & the Community of Cooks
      +++   Adventures Outside the Dominant Paradigm with Cooper & Russell        

+++   Plodding through Police Pawing with Marty & Bathrobespierre: Anatomy of a 72-Hour “Storage” Citation

NOTE TO BENCHLAND DEFENDERS:  Santa Cruz Homeless Union is postponing its PUSH movie today, part of a campaign to pledge defense of the Benchlands and other encampments, out of caution in the wake of the new Delta virus assault.

The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9:30 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are posted at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows may also be available on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments. Some of Ursula’s earlier work can be found at