More Punches at the Poor on Today’s Council Agenda

HUFFsters might be interested in some commentary on today’s City Council agenda.  The meeting starts extremely early at 9:30 AM (for the Closed Session) and then 10:30 AM (for the Regular Open Session).
The article expands on a recent letter I sent to Mayor Justin Cummings concerning continued City misconduct towards unhoused folks as well as the Council’s general obliviousness and what appears to be the usual stacked agenda, rife for rubberstamping.   Any budget discussions or public debate on the pressing issue of the day–defunding police violence–is not on the agenda, of course.
Today’s agenda for the “public” meeting is largely a ratification of the City Manager’s latest decrees and the unelected city staff’s priorities.

For details on a few of the items, go to:

Or here is the article:

More Punches at the Poor on Today’s Council Agenda by Robert Norse (rnorse3 [at]
Tuesday Sep 22nd, 2020 8:42 AM A recent letter I sent to Mayor Justin Cummings remains largely unanswered. I include some selections as well as a few additional comments bearing on today’s agenda at the “public” meeting–largely a rubberstamp of the City Manager’s latest decrees and the unelected city staff’s priorities. Several items caught my attention in today’s agenda.

Item 7 simply extends the COVID-19 emergency. Some oppose this based on disagreement as to the proper way to find the COVID-19 pandemic, some dispute its toxicity. My concern is rather the extension of fundamentally unaccountable dicatatorial powers given to City Manager Martin Bernal, city employees, and the police/rangers. As a member of HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom), I focus on the impact of those outside, but, establishing a defacto dictatorship with only token public input, fundamentally alters the whole political process.

The first was the library burial rubberstamping (Item 12 on the Consent Agenda), covered by Erica Aitken at (“The library/parking garage project is a litmus test for the future of Santa Cruz”) with more information at . Since the library–when it’s open–in spite of increasing restrictions in recent years–has been something of a resting place for homeless folks, many have been concerned that relocating it under a parking garage may make it less friendly, healthy, and accessible.

Noticeable by their absence were any stat updates on the availability of safe sheltering (i.e. motel rooms) during the Coronavirus pandemic situation for unhoused folks. City Manager Bernal and his faithful rubberstampers on the City Council have failed to follow CDC guidelines to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in the congregate shelters such as the Vet’s Hall, the Armory, Laurel St., and the Paul Lee Loft.

As more tourists flock to the City without adequate testing, contact tracing, vaccine prevention, treatment, etc, the danger for all of us–both the unhoused and the housed remains very real. How much Roomkey and Housekey money was spent? How much remains? How many are still unsheltered? How many were tested? Are tests available to those who ask for them?

Given Cummings’ supposed close collaboration with the County, he has access to direct answers: how much was spent, how it was spent, how many vulnerable folks are actually being housed in safer motel rooms away from congregate settings, how many are not. County health worker Jessica Scheinert declined to follow up with any specifics on the questions several months back.–the amount of money received and spent, how many vulnerable homeless people are being turned away, how many are still in the dangerous congregate shelters, and so forth. Nor has Cummings.offered any accounting.

Last spring Cummings voted not to disperse Ross Camp until there was adequate alternative shelter. Weeks later, under the toxic wing of Councilmember Mathews and Supervisor Coonerty, Cummings ignored his commitment and authorized police to drive hundreds into the bushes, the streets, the downtown, and the neighborhoods. His pretext was a concern to keep County money flowing to the smaller token 1220 River St. shelter which warehoused a fraction of the Ross group.

In my letter to him, I pointed out that he now has a chance to rectify that cruel mistake. The issue is back on the table again as the number of visible camps skyrockets along hiway 1 (see The SCPD continues its abusive and unhealthy homeless displacement raids (see And in spite of momentarily expanded shelter, there simply is no plan for legal and accessible shelter for those displaced, nor any protection for their property.

In the Pogonip and along the levee as well many many survival sleepers face demands to leave with what they can carry or face fines and jail (an unconstitutional threat under Boise v. Martin) . I asked Cummings to direct the City Manager to secure an accounting from the County of how many are being displaced, and what kind of facilities are actually open and available for them–given their vulnerabilities and disabilities.
Cummings has made no reply.

Item #20 ignores and attempts to reverse the 5-2 decision of the Public Works Commission in upholding a challenge by Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless President Alicia Kuhl. She and other vehicle-dwellers have parked along Olive St. for a year lawfully and respectfully in spite of hostility from some groups in the City. In violation of the CDC stay-in-place guidelines and legal “no tickets without a shelter option”, city staff have moved to appease reactionary critics with a culture-war agenda. In an attempt to gentrify the area and strip it of poor people so it will have a better “look”, staff proposed shrinking parking spaces so as to functionally exclude Kuhl’s vehicle and that of others there.

My letter to Cummings expressed frustration and disappointment that he even put this item on the agenda. The Mayor (in conference with the City Manager) controls the agenda. This is something Progressives last year learned too well when former Mayor Wakins repeatedly used her power to exclude, weaken, or delay items protecting renters and the poor. When two Councilmembers objected to this process and struggled to change it, they were subject to a recall,

As Mayor,, not unexpectedly, Cummings has declined to use his power to advance Progressive interests. After Cummings’ failure to strongly oppose the decimation of the Progressive majority through the recall, he now tamely proceeds to allow the Mathews majority an easy path to rubberstamping. He had the option to delay such harassment of vehicle dwellers at least until such time as the staff presented actual stats showing a crime problem, or answered the concerns of the Commission which rejected its recommendations.

It seems particularly strange that the City Council agenda has no documents I can find that record the Commission’s debate on the issue or give the Council and the public any insight into why they rejected the staff’s “move ’em along” agenda. The answers: inadequate alternate shelter, important shelter-in-place health concerns, a rental crisis, don’t make the staff report.

Former Mayor Watkins repeated exercised Agenda-setting authority to keep Progressive items out of City Council last year. She even maneuvered to move the Council Meeting Calendar section, used in desperation by the Progressive majority last year to override Mayoral censorship, to the top of the agenda so new issues revealed in the meeting wouldn’t be used to require her to agendize Progressive items.

I believe agenda setting should be a public or at least an open process. I don’t believe behind-doors Mayoral-Manager dictating is a good precedent or regular go-to, but Cummings’ failure to use it to protect a vulnerable part of the process is telling in this case.

Some of the meeting is gloomily predicted on my Sunday show at (1 hr, 1 minute into the file).

The threatened sweeps defy the CDC’s COVID-19 shelter-in-place advisories as well as the Martin v Boise court requirements banning camping citations and other abusive citations for survival behavior outside.

Some folks look to the November election and the “Progressive” slate of Kuhl, Kumar, Hill, and Brown as a respite from the reactionaries now on the Council. None of them (except perhaps Kuhl) has come out for the firing of the City Manager and the City Attorney–the necessary first step in a fundamental change.

The community must mobilize to keep up pressure on the real power in the community–the staff and those who lead it–as well as the compliant Council. “Progressive”-sounding words historically degrade into complicity. Folks must continue to hit the streets, organize independently, and recognize that the current system is immune and indifferent to rational argument, but understands little other than power.

It takes direct action–whether to remove fences walling off the homeless (and the public), provide daily meals and clothing (as Food Not Bombs does) or to effectuate justice as authorities continue their bad-business-as-usual.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived & netcast 9:30 AM-3 PM today September 20,2020 Cooper’s Clarion Call, a Gloomy Look at the 9-22 City Council, Ben: Build Your Own Bathrooms, Alicia in Candidateland–Flashback to 9-18-03..and more

Help us GET BACK ON THE AIR AND RESTORE OUR PHONE LINE.  Phone in (423-4833) or e-mail us ( tips on where we might find a studio space and a place to put our antenna.  $300 reward for finding us the studio space.   Eternal gratitude for finding an antenna location.

My show streams at   and archives at At that archive, click on the date of the show to hear it at any time.

Summary descriptions of current and earlier shows after mid-November 2017 are posted at .  Earlier descriptions (back to 2005) are often available at

City Council continues to defy the demands of the Community regarding police defunding to curb police violence, discrimination, homeless harassment, and overspending.  It has NOTHING on its agenda regarding shifting funds to non-violent alternatives.  Item #20 attempts to veto its own Commission report defending the shelter-in-place needs of van-dwellers on Olive St. 

The D.A. and the SCPD have still not dropped inflated and groundless charges against MARTY MIRABEL (“PIRATE”) for defending his friend Ben’s vehicular home from a massive police raid in violation of CDC “shelter-in-place” guidelines.   After a gang of nearly a dozen officers surrounded him and slammed Marty to the ground, police continue to cite and harass Ben in spite of the CDC requirements and the Martin v. Boise decision prohibiting such official terrorism.

While six motels have reportedly  been funded to assist some of the vulnerable houseless, many more remain half-empty.  There are no indoor areas set aside for the toxic air quality alerts, the smoke danger, and cooling functions–particularly impactful of those outside, and of the broader community–given the COVID-19 pandemic.  Dangerous COVID-19 vulnerable group shelters at the Vet’s Hall, Armory, “Housing Mumblings” Paul Lee Loft, and Laurel St. continue to be the main “go to” for police”  as a warehousing “alternative” when they threaten the visually “undesireable” outdoor camps. 

Those camps–in the Pogonip, along and under Hiway 1, along the levee, continue to be starved of resources like porapotties, wash stations, and trash pick-up’s.  City Manager Martin Bernal’s Bumbuster Police, Rangers, and Public Works crews seem to be removing or reducing previous COVID-19 “emergency” accommodations in defiance of public health needs.   Encampments along the San Lorenzo pathway near the Broadway bridge and along Hiway 1 at River St. have multiplied exponentially after the City and County created more refugees with their show-encampment in the Benchlands, running off the larger camp that was there in a repetition of earlier homeless dispersals.  Food to those in the few hotels made available is reportedly being cut back.

No indication that vendors on Beach St. have been invited to resume their family-sustaining sidewalk businesses down near the Boardwalk.

VIDEOS OF AN SCPD GANG SURROUNDING A TACKLED AND TASERED BLACK MAN just outside the Westside Farmer’s Market at 12:40 PM 9-12-20 yesterday at

EARLIER VIDEO OF THE POLICE MOBBING MARTY AT   As Marty’s case in court reveals more police videos, more evidence may emerge of local “peacekeeping”.

​    ***  “Cry of Hope” Cooper D’Angelo’s Lengthy Update from her Latest Camp above the Benchlands
***  Upchuck at the upcoming City Council meeting Tuesday 9-22 with Mayor Cummings “zone ’em away” compliance (item #20) with Take-Back-Santa-Cruz bigots eager to run off low-income RV residents from the City including Cumming’s excuses to the Grand Jury for homeless resource negligence.  Cummings’ dodge-em report: .
***  Alicia Kuhl–on site at the Homeless (FNB) Survival Center–and on KZSC with John Malkin (full interview: )

***  Marty Mirabel (“Pirate”) & Noel Review the Cops’ Case Against Him for Speaking Up Against A Van Seizure
***  “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry Gives the Weekend Round-Up on Life in the Survival Zone

***  Sylvia and friends: police harassment
***  Mikuriya Hearing against a Doc assisting patients in getting medical marijuana: report

***  Pat Riles, De Anza Trailer Park Homeowner, on the City’s cowardly retreat from promised rent control***  Paul Marcelin-Sampson struggles to restore the right to distribute flyers at the Metro Center***  Bill of Rights Defense Committee looks local withdrawal from the Patriot Act***  John Shrim–Travelin’ Poet Heading for Venice***  Jolly Roger Comedy Troupe: Berkeley City Council Bemoans a Recent Court Decision OKing Panhandling


Recent Past Shows are Described at Past Shows are Archived separtely at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at
Archives prior to 2004 are at
For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback”

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 9-17-20 at 6 PM at & archived at Updates from Troy, Russell, Cooper, and a listen-in on Pleich’s Interviews with Kumar, Kelsey, and Brown


xxx  Troy reports on the Start of Sweeps Along the San Lorenzo Levee with no Shelter Options

xxx  “Progressive” candidates Kayla Kumar, Kelsey Hill, and Sandy Brown Make their Pitch to
Steve Pleich on Voices from the Village September  (full video at
xxx  Mayor Opposes, San Jose Council, Supports Rubber Bullet Use on Crowds:
xxx  “Homekey” housing funding goes to a few:

California awards coveted ‘Homekey’ homeless housing funds San Jose and Contra Costa County landed state funding to turn two motels into long-term homeless housing Wednesday — making them among the first in California to score the highly competitive aid …

xxx Troy, Russell, and Cooper Report from Their San Lorenzo Roost on City Camp Demolitions

HUFF returns to the Sub Rosa Courtyard 11 AM Wednesday September 16 with the usual coffee and crankiness

HUFF Agenda Prospects  9-16-20 

Recent Netcast Norse (“Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”) Shows: 

+++  9-10  Covers: Latest Street Spirit  article on no escape from Smoke for Those Outside– — No Tents for the S.F. Sidewalk Dwellers–8-18 Latinx Vendors at City Hall Part 1; J.C. Orton, Berkeley Samaritan, on the Bay Area Scene; Alica Kuhl Interview  

+++  9-13  Covers: Latinx Vendors at City Hall, Part 2; Speeches at Cynthia Mathews’ house;
Councilman-in-exile Chris Krohn interview; Angry Recall Politics and Retribution Along the Levee; national stories about Police Violence and Discrimination;  Much of the 9-2 HUFF meeting with updates from Nick, Fox, Alicia, Keith, & Robert; August interview with George Carvalho, SC Patient Advocate on 5150 Hearings.  More details at  at under 9/13

Recent Police/Council Abuses Unanswered 

  • Silence on Police Defunding; Signs still up at Swanton & Delaware; Homeless vehicles still held; SCPD property hours unchanged; vendor restrictions still on 

Agenda Notions for Discussion or Action: 

  • Bulletin Board Summary 
  • Alicia & Keith Reports 
  • Seaside, Watsonville, and Salinas Phone in Reports 
  • Street Reports: Downtown Bathroom Closures 
  • Looming Eviction Threat: Reports on Tenant Flight 
  • Forced Drugging—the Riess Protection Update: Carvalho’s interview;  
  • Street Reports on other encampments beyond the Benchlands,. Hiway 1, Levee 
  • Flushing Out Homeless from the Pogonip: Bernal’s Expanded Enforcement Powers 
  • Health status & testing availability of folks in the group shelters, Project Roomkey 
  • Direct Action Protest as part of BLM movement for unhoused outside residents 
  • The Upcoming S.C. Shitty Council Race: Alicia Kuhl’s Candidacy & Endorsements: 
  • Food Not Bombs and Union of the Homeless Reports 
  • St. Francis Soup Kitchen & Other Coffee Shop, Business Discrimination 
  • Olive and Delaware Street Status Updates 
  • Sacramento lawsuit outcome;  
  • Impact of Fire Refugee Arrivals & Discriminatory Treatment of Local Homeless  
  • Norse’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Shows at .

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived & netcast 9:30 AM-3 PM today September 13, 2020-More from the Last BLM Defund the Police Protest of August 18; Hanging with a mid-week HUFF-at-thon, Encampment Politics,Interview with County Patient Advocate Carvalho

The show streams at   and archives at .  Descriptions of current and earlier shows since mid-November 2017 are posted at .  Earlier archives are available at

To hear today’s show (or other recent shows), go to the archives at and click on the date of the show to hear it at any time.

City Council defied the Defund the Police demands made repeatedly at the last three Council sessions & direct action protests outside their homes by accepting at $750,000 federal grant for more SCPD enforcement (2 “Community Service” Officers) targeting minors and tobacco sellers.  More expensive and repressive drug war and more powers to an unrestrained local police force that is neither transparent, accountable, nor a peace force. No change or discussion happened at the September 8th City Council.  None is planned.

The D.A. and the SCPD have not dropped inflated and groundless felony charges against MARTY MIRABEL (“PIRATE”) for defending his friend Ben’s vehicular home from a massive police raid in violation of CDC “shelter-in-place” guidelines.   Police continue to cite and harass Ben in spite of the CDC requirements and the Martin v. Boise decision prohibiting such official terrorism.

Optimists report six motels have been funded to assist some of the vulnerable houseless, but there are no indoor areas set aside for the toxic air quality alerts, the smoke danger, and cooling functions–particularly impactful of those outside.  Dangerous COVID-19 vulnerable group shelters at the Vet’s Hall, Armory, “Housing Mumblings” Paul Lee Loft, and Laurel St. continue to be the main “go to” for police”  as an “alternative” when they threaten camps. 

Encampments along the San Lorenzo pathway near the Broadway bridge and along Hiway 1 at River St. have multiplied exponentially, without any expanded resources such as portapotties or wash stations.  Mixed reports indicate the typical “emergency shelter” discrimination at the evacuation refugee camps favoring recently arrived middle class homeless against more impoverished long-term local unhoused folks.

No indication that vendors on Beach St. have been invited to resume their family-sustaining sidewalk businesses down near the Boardwalk.
VIDEOS OF AN SCPD GANG SURROUNDING A TACKLED AND TASERED BLACK MAN just outside the Westside Farmer’s Market at 12:40 PM 9-12-20 yesterday at


​    ***  Part 2 of the last mass protest in Santa Cruz backing the still-banned Latinx vendors from Beach St: the Vendors speak. 8-18
***  Rally in front of Cynthia Mathew’s House on August 18th as the Council Zooms behind Closed Doors with no discussion of the budget nor of police defunding.  8-18
***  More Vendor Speeches at the close of the Rally at City Hall   8-18
***  Councilmember-in-exile Chris Krohn on “The Lessons of the Recall” and other topics 8-18

***  Angry Encampment Politics Along the Levee 9-11
***  Short Clips–Police Violence & Racist Discrimination Around the Country–Best Reason Not to Give Up Here
***  A Noon Visit with HUFF at City Hall 9-9.
***  Updates with “Furtive-but-Friendly” Fox, “Nutcracker” Nick, “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry,
“Bathrobespierre” Robert, and “All in” Alicia Kuhl at the HUFFmeet
***  George Carvalho, Santa Cruz and San Benito County Patient Advocate on Riess Hearing “Protections” for those threatened with forcible psychiatric medication against their will.


Recent Past Shows are Described at Past Shows are Archived separtely at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at
Archives prior to 2004 are at
For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback”

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 9-10-20 at 6 PM at & archived at Updates from Alicia Kuhl, Keith McHenry. The Vendors Si!, Police No! Rally on 8-18 at City Hall


If you miss the 6 PM show time, you can also download and hear it at


xxx  No Escape from Smoke for Those Outside–

xxx  No Tents for the S.F. Sidewalk Dwellers, Sweeping the Streets for the Privileged–

xxx August 18 Demonstration at S.C. City Hall Demanding Rights for the Latinx Vendorsxxx  J.C. Orton, Berkeley Samaritan, on the Bay Area Scene
xxx  Alicia Kuhl on the Latest Duckings and Doings Outside

HUFF quaffs coffee, courts controversy at S.C. City Hall Today Wednesday 9-9 11 AM after City Council Mayor Rejects Any Police Defunding for the Latest Council Agenda

HUFF Agenda Prospects  9-9-20 

          Summary of Recent Netcast Norse (“Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”) Shows: 

+           9-6 Updates from Keith M., Serg K., Alicia K., Scott G., Backlot Ben, Merryweather Mike, Dreadeye, David Rovics, Sarah Iannarone & J.C. Orton at  

+++        9-3  Field Reports from Lighthouse Linda, Mock-me-Not Monica, Whip-the-Worst Wes, & Zero Hour Zav (names from R.N.) at  

O        Ongoing National Police Abuses Suggesting Fundamental Institutional Corruption 

^^^  Rochester, NY Top Cop Resignations & Nightly Protests in Spit-Hood Killing of Daniel Prude 9-8 

^^^  Salt Lake City, Utah Shooting of 13-year old unarmed autistic Linden Cameroun 9-4 

^^^  Portland, OR cops brutalized wheelchair protester Dustin Brandon 

^^^  San Leandro, CA cop Jason Fletcher  charged with felony manslaughter after shooting dead 33-year-old homeless Black man named Steven Taylor inside a Walmart on April 18 within a span of 40 seconds, because Taylor was trying to leave the store with a tent and a bat 

Local Police/Council Abuses Unanswered 

  • No action at City Council 9-8 on police defunding, nor report from the Mills-Cummings Cop Committee 
  • Signs and barriers still block parking at Swanton & Delaware Streets  
  • Ben’s vehicle unreturned; charges still pending against Keith, Jeremiah. 
  • SC Union vehicle still not returned or compensated for  
  • Property return hours (and SCPD closedown?) still absurdly limited  
  • Vendor Restrictions Resume in late September; Beach St. Vendor Ban in Force 
  • New Murders: L.A.Sheriff Killing of Black Bicyclist Monday, 29-year-old Dijon Kizzee, inn Westmont. 

 Agenda Notions: 

  • Street Reports: Downtown Bathroom Closures including City Hall bathroom shutdown Tuesday 
  • Looming Eviction Threat: Council[‘s Weak 10% Ceiling on Profiteering Delayed 
  • Forced Drugging—the Riess Protection Update: Corvalho’s interview 
  • Street Reports on Status of other encampments beyond the Benchlands,. Hiway 1, the Levee 
  • Activist Harassment—Cooper, Pirate, Jeremiah 
  • Flushing Out Homeless from the Pogonip: Bernal’s Expanded Enforcement Powers 
  • Health status & testing availability of folks in the group shelters, Project Roomkey Update 
  • Status of Direct Action Protest as part of BLM movement for unhoused outside residents 
  • The Upcoming S.C. Shitty Council Race: Alicia Kuhl’s Candidacy & Endorsements:  
  • Salinas and Seaside Reports: Wes White and Anton Hunter on Outside Life to the South 
  • Food Not Bombs and Union of the Homeless Reports 
  • St. Francis Soup Kitchen & Other Coffee Shop, Business Discrimination 
  • Olive and Delaware Street Status Updates 
  • September Street Spirit  newspapers Available 
  • Blake v. Grants Pass  Federal Court ruling 
  • Sacramento lawsuit outcome 
  • Impact of Fire Refugee Arrivals and Discriminatory Treatment of Local Homeless  
  • Norse’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Shows at .   

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived & netcast 9:30 AM-3 PM today September 6, 2020-Updates from Keith M., Serg K., Alicia K., Scott G., Backlot Ben, Merryweather Mike, Dreadeye, & More

The show streams at and archives at .  Descriptions of this and earlier shows since mid-November 2017 are posted at .  Earlier archives are available at

If you want to hear today’s show (or other recent shows), go to the archives at and click on the date of the show to hear it at any time.

City Council defied the Defund the Police demands made repeatedly at the last three Council sessions & direct action protests outside their homes by accepting at $750,000 federal grant for more SCPD enforcement (2 “Community Service” Officers) targeting minors and tobacco sellers.  More expensive and repressive drug war and more powers to an unrestrained local police force that is neither transparent, accountable, nor a peace force. No report from the Police Chief’s Closed Committee is on the September 8th Agenda coming up.   

The D.A. and the SCPD have not dropped inflated and groundless felony charges against MARTY MIRABEL (“PIRATE”) for defending his friend Ben’s vehicular home from a massive police raid in violation of CDC “shelter-in-place” guidelines.  His next hearing is October 6th.  Police continue to cite and harass Ben in spite of the CDC requirements and the Martin v. Boise decision prohibiting such official terrorism.

Keith McHenry, Food Not Bombs activist, continues to face criminal charges for moving several tubs across the street attempting to assist homeless people dealing with Mills massive police raid on the encampment next to the downtown Post Office back in March. 

Mixed reports indicate the typical “emergency shelter” discrimination at the evacuation refugee camps favoring recently arrived middle class homeless against more impoverished long-term local unhoused folks.

No indication that vendors on Beach St. have been invited to resume their family-sustaining sidewalk businesses down there.



​    ***  “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry’s Saturday Report from Food not Bombs Central
***    Establishment Interview with Defund-the-Police Portland Mayoral Candidate Sarah Iannarone at

***    “Oust the Ostriches” Alicia Kuhl in an August 14 Interview on her City Council Campaign 
***    Bard and Barnstormer David Rovics Reviews the Tenant Crisis in Portland, OR

***    “Scope It Out” Scott Graham and Bathrobespierre Robert Norse Growl Gloomy Predictions for the Upcoming 9-8 Shitty Council Meeting and its Rubberstamped Public-Excluded Agenda

***   Serg Kagno on Fire Evacuation Shelter in mid-August with a Street Salute from Merryweather Mike
***   Activists at the Town Clock Advise on Best Sources for Protest Announcements
***   More Police Killings Uncovered in the Daily Headlines
***    Lefties Survey the 100-Night Long Portland Protest and the Killings There in a segment of Baltimore’s “The Real News” Stir Crazy Panel Discussion at
***    Berkeley Street Spirit Newspaper Distributor J.C. Orton Spreads Food and News Amidst Plague and Fire

Recent Past Shows are Described at Earlier Shows are Described at
Earliest Shows are Described at

Act Locally or Regret Later

  • Tuesday September 8th 1:30 PM Another Public-Excluded Sanitized Agenda of the Santa Cruz City Council meeting frequently inaudible and unnecessarily inaccessible.
  • Demand Full resources for ALL homeless whether inside or outside the County’s Containment Camp ! 
  • Support Tenant Resistance to the Unjust and Unconscionable Evictions on the September Horizon
  • Be on the lookout for City Mangler Martin Bernal’s County-funded Raids against Pogonip Campsites “to protect against fire danger” with Hiway 9 paths now taped off and 24 hour “No Parking” signs posted.
  • Join FenceWatch to monitor SCPD attempts to close off Public Space as they’ve three times done near the Post Office in their relentless anti-homeless campaign in violation of CDC Shelter-in-Place guidelines.  Remove the Fences on Coral St.   Protect and Provide Resources for the Survival Tents Along Hiway 1 at River St.
  • Document police pressure against many campsites citywide: Information is Power!  
  • Call in street reports to HUFF and the Free Radio Santa Cruz netshow back at 831-423-4833; Post your video on facebook and you-tube.  Pass on protest times and places via Instagram, and
  • Join Food Not Bombs [FNB], HUFF, and other local groups at theDaily Meal at the Laurel & Pacific seeking volunteers to pass on information and provide support. 
  • Eat and organize at FNB meals 1:30-5:30 weekdays, 4-6 Sat & Sun.
  • Demand Legislative Rubberstampers of City Manager Martin Bernal and County Potentates Restore Actual Public Meetings instead of Closed Door On-Line Charades.
  • Call City Hall (420-5020) and the Board of Supervisors (454-2200) or Rattle the Windows of these Toxic Pretenders where They Work & Live to demand Defunding Police Agencies to secure safety & services.
  • Hit the streets to Insist that City Manager Bernal and Chief Mills stop the sweeps of homeless encampments–violating the CDC directive and halt $$ for these and other police terror sweeps.
  • Prepare for peaceful urgent Direct Action to enact these health & safety measures if City Manager Bernal, Mayor Cummings, and Chief Mills continue to Stall.
  • Resist Business and Corporate Pressure to Restore Massive Tourist “Business as Usual” in the midst of a Pandemic of Unknown Dimensions 
  • Prepare for the likely return of explicit anti-homeless police, business, and vigilante activity as “business-as-usual” resumes.

  • Check out resumed HUFF meetings Wed 11 AM either at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific or in front of City Hall across from the Main Library downtown (next meeting 9-10: phone 831-423-4833 for confirmation). 
  • Demand “Bad News” Bernal Order His Cops to Stand off and Allow Homeless Activists to Reopen Camp Phoenix, let other survival campers remain where they are without molestation (stop the sweeps!), and/or allow for self-run triage zones (as at the Ross Camp site) now that Governor Newsom has declared that area surplus space to be designated for homeless use. Provide decent facilities for trash pick-up, washing, drinkable water, and bathroom access.
  • Pressure the City to provide support for vehicular residents, water for those outside, portapotties for those in the Pogonip and the Levee, and decent survival services citywide.
  • Denounce the latest cosmetic “See, We Have Shelter” lie with the pathetic and all-in-the-same-room response of the Vet’s Hall, the Armory, and Laurel St instead of the needed and promised motel rooms.  These need to be provided BEFORE symptoms develop, BEFORE testing, TARGETING the most vulnerable but providing for all as the crisis escalates nation-wide.
  • Demand immediate transfer of money to shelter the many rather than provide an illusion by unsafely sheltering a few, while really providing protective cover to the City Council and Board of Supervisors for essentially doing nothing for the great majority and allowing Mills’ police-and-rangers to threaten campsites with seizure and arrest at will as police are the only large gang allowed to publicly assemble.
  • Contact Chief Mills at  to demand fundamental changes such as that seized survival gear be available for reclaiming during regular business hours, not just 6 hours as week.  See
  • Hold accountable City Hall NIMBY whenever they show up in public:  Mayor Justin Cummings, City Manager-for-Life Martin Bernal, His Wrecking Crew of Abuse Enablers Susie O’Hara and Megan Bunch, Police Chief Andy Mills, & City Attorney Tony Condotti  for Inciting the Ross Camp Destruction,  Subsequent Deaths, & the Friday Nov 15th Demolition of Camp Phoenix (the renewed Deseire Memorial Survival Encampment in back of Ross) with a campaign of lies to the community regarding “adequate shelter options”.
  • Remember Deseire Quintero–Killed by City Indifference, Negligence, and Malice in Closing the First Ross Camp Without Any Adequate Shelter!  Support Survival Campgrounds, Empty Building Takeovers This Plague Season Wherever They Happen.  Provide them with supplies.
  • Take peaceful action to open up buildings for Emergency Shelter as well as an end to harassment citation of folks surviving outside under “trespass on public property”, “closed area”, “public nuisance” and “blocking the sidewalk” pretexts.
  • Witness, oppose, and document police and ranger harassment using “closed areas”, “blocking the sidewalk”, “public nuisance”, “public trespass”, and “illegal lodging” to get around the Boise v. Martin “No shelter? No tickets!” decision.
  • Demand City Manager “Mangler” Martin Bernal and SCPD Police Chief  “Ambushmaster” Andy Mills account for their destruction of Camp Phoenix ignoring City Council’s required Standard Operating Procedures for closing encampments and violating their own admission that “trespass” could not be properly applied to the survival sleepers.  Remember the bad history so it’s not repeated!

·  Contact Alicia Kuhl  to find more direct and effective ways to support the next shelter-in-place encampments, legal challenges, and fundamental police change  throughout the City starved of food and survival gear at 831-431-7766.   DONATE SURVIVAL GEAR  & VOLUNTEER DURING THE CRISIS EVERY DAY AT FOOD NOT BOMBS Laurel & Front St. MEAL.

·  Document Homeless Discrimination & Sign Up for Direct Action to “Open the Bathrooms Now!” Action by contacting the SC Union, HUFF,  Conscience & Action, or the Give-A-Shit Campaign

·  Provide Direct Support to Survival Camps & Squats as City Council Ignores the Emergency; Skip the Poverty Pimp Entrepreneurs to give directly to Food Not Bombs, the Felker St. Footbridge Services, the SC Homeless Union and other real providers.

·  Post Your Documentation of Police and Ranger “Move Along” Mischief or Pass it on to BadAss Mama at 831-431-7766

·  Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.

·  Additional Needs for Community Samaritans!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, Electrical Phone-Charging Hook-up’s and More Space in Additional Spots, Monitor and Expose Cop Crackdowns

·  Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, and independent homeless activists by documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.

  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  Power Surge Tenants Rights, Bay Area Landless People’s Alliance, and more on Facebook. Then go out and do something!
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with anytime with street reports: 831-423-4833
  •   If you must, expropriate items from corporate & chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

REMINDER:   Free Radio Santa Cruz still stands ready to dole out $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 9-3-20 at 6 PM at & archived at Lighthouse Linda Lemaster Reviews Evacuation Accommodations


If you miss the 6 PM show time, you can also download and hear it at

xxx  “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster in Flight from Fire & Smoke reviews Emergency Accommodations

xxx  HUFFsters Bathrobespierre “Help Not Harassment” Mom Monica on the Continuing War Against Vehicle Dwellers

xxx  “Whips Not Whimpers” Wes White on tomorrow’s Day in Court for the Salinas Sleepcrime Stalwarts

xxx  Tenant Sanctuary worker Zav Herschfield surveys the thin Tenant “Protections”

HUFF returns from its Fiery Exile today (Wed 9-2) in the Belly of the Beast: NEW MEETING LOCATION: City Hall Courtyard 11 AM Free Coffee Some Seating 809 Cedar St.

HUFF Agenda Prospects  9-2-20 

Continuing Local Police Abuses

  • No indication signs and barriers have been removed from Swanton & Delaware Streets driving away vehicular residents in violation of Coastal Commission regs. 
  • No return or recompense for S.C Homeless Union car, used to store clothing and food donations and also as shelter for unhoused guy, stolen two weeks ago from the FNB meal area.   
  • No reasonable property release hours at SCPD (6 hours per week only) with survival gear still being jacked (as in Jeremiah arrest of a week ago by Officer Jones near Subway.  
  • Downtown Vendor Restrictions Resume in late September; Beach St.. Vendor Ban in Force 
  • Threatened police move on FNB Meal Site ? 

        Agenda Notions: 

  • Street Reports: Downtown Bathroom Closures, Encampment Expansions 
  • Newsom Sells out the Tenants:  AB 1436 warped into AB 3088—the Coming Eviction Plague 
  • Any Protections Against Forced Drugging—the Riess Protection Update 
  • Street Reports on Status of other encampments beyond the Benchlands 
  • Benchlands contact, polling to check abusive evictions and restrictions 
  • Flushing Out Homeless in the Pogonip: Bernal’s Expanded Enforcement Powers 
  • Health status & testing availability of folks in the group shelters, Project Roomkey Update 
  • Exploring Joint Coalition Direct Actions to restore, expand services among uncaged outside residents 
  • Connection with Direct Action activists who restored open space down at the Post Office last Monday 
  • The Upcoming S.C. Shitty Council Race: Alicia Kuhl’s Candidacy & Endorsements.
  • Salinas and Seaside Reports: Wes White and Anton Hunter on Outside Life to the South 
  • Updates and Upcoming Protests from  BLM, DSA, and displaced tenants 
  • St. Francis Soup Kitchen Discrimination Status for Angel & other Alicia allies 
  • Olive and Delaware Street Status Updates 
  • September Street Spirit  newspaper coming soon. 
  • Blake v. Grants Pass  Federal Court ruling 
  • Sacramento lawsuit outcome 
  • Impact of Fire Refugee Arrivals and Discriminatory Treatment of Local Homeless  
  • Local Non-Response to 7 Bullets for Jacob Blake and subsequent attacks on BLM protests 
  • Norse’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Shows in Exile on Santa Cruz Indymedia:                
  • Latest Outrages Against Cooper & Russell, Ben and Pirate, Jeremiah

  • HUFF shows are back on the net !  Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows are being netcast Thursdays 6-8 PM and Sundays 9:30 AM – 3 PM at  Archives of most recent shows are available anytime at .  Some new “during the evacuation” shows are available at that site. 

     HUFF meetings are usually recorded for personal notes, member info, and replay on the net.  Reserve comments you don’t want public for private discussion later.