Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday February 1, 2024 show is a Flashback to September 21, 1997 featuring interviews with Eureka activists around the South Spit Jetty, Richard Quigley defending youth in Aptos + Updates from David Silva, Josh, & more

The February 1,  2024 show is a Flashback to September 21, 1997

and includes:

  • Second-hand accounts of Shitkicker Sean Alemi’s struggles, Redtop Robert’s Success in Appeals Court, and more
  • Interviews with seeking an Injunction against City authorities seeking the dispersal of the South Spit Jetty (Paradise Beach) homeless speaks with Nancy of Love in Action, a Eureka activist.
  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson, a dissident voice on the Citizens Committee for the Homeless critiques their latest Community House boondoggle. [interview cut off, as well as part of subsequent Quigley interview]
  • Roughrider Richard Quigley defending Jerry Henry, street preacher of human rights at the Ranch Del Mar Shopping Center
  • Green Party gadfly David Minton Silva’s SCPD-on-homeless abuse report, City Council update, and latest on the Sleeping Ban Initiative
  • Josh, tarot card reader, on police indulgence and harassment
  • Balderos released from jail after 2 months in jail without apologies, restitution, in the City Hall flooding case without PD help.
  • Updating Rev. Wiley Drake’s shelter for homeless folks punished by the Buena Park authorities.

HUFF braves heavy moisture Thursday February 1st to meet yet again at the Sub Rosa Cafe. Same new time 1:30 PM to 4 PM though it’s likely to end early at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

HUFF Prelim Agenda Prospects 2-1-24

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs , Passarounds

  ++++  Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)  Hand-raisin’ rules

  ++++  Hand-outs: TBA HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA   

  ++++  Street reports; As ever…Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee  

  ++++  Coral Street/Harvey West Musical Tents Crackdown: Next Crackdown Prep

  ++++  Depot Park Shelter Open 1 PM Wed 1-31 to noon Fri (capacity 30-50)

  ++++  UCSC Update

  ++++  Evolving Door protests: update

  ++++  Watsonville Cease-Fire shutdown;

   ++++   Last Day to Register to Vote: February 20, 2024

   ++++  Gathering the Evidence: Handout—Incoming and Outgoing  

  ++++  San Mateo: Criminalization disguised as Regulation:

  ++++  Troy’s Lawsuit Project and the Bail Situation: In search of an attorney

   ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission…

  ++++  End the War against Gaza and the S.C. Poor Petition for Future Use

  ++++  More on Coalition on Homelessness vs. S.F. Lawsuit

  ++++  Possible phone contacts:Keith, Wes,; Reggie M’s: OVO update

  ++++  Pro-Palestinian-HomelessAlliance for next protest; contact follow-up’s.

  ++++  Jail Hunger Strike (started November 8) Jason Cortez seeks dignity from staff; fair complaint process; affordable commissary and phone; attorney confidentiality 

   ++++  Alicia Kuhl: OVO update/support for possible protests as well as point-in-time count outcome; Kuhl’s concerns.  

  ++++  SC Free Guides:

  ++++ Local Anti-War Action:  Ocean/Water St. Saturday picketing 10 am-noon  

  ++++ Placeholder followup—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing 


          Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want to hear.

Last Sunday’s show is described at  

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 28, 2024 show reviews the City’s latest round of Refugee-Generation Raids at the gates of “Housing Matters” plus a Flashback to May 13, 2012 with a lively benefit for the S.C.11

The January 28, 2024 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides includes: 

  • [1-25] Mama Shannan’s refugee history and where SCPD told her to go in the newest round of Coral St. tent demolition evictions
  • [1-25] Black Shannon gives advice and a ground view of the homeless community 
  • Gaza Genocide Jingles from David Rovics [throughout the show]
  • [1-26] Jacob and Jack at Harvey West claiming Harvey West not a “Safe Zone” (from SCPD demolition)
  • [1-27] More Musing from Mama Shannan
  • [1-27] Rafael Soldana on the rabbit hole of “Funding Matters” at Coral St. and Jeremy Leonard at 1220 River St. and the Armory
  • [1-27] Former In-Home Care worker and local housed resident Sara Mineldi on grueling times in Santa Cruz
  • [1-27] Mello Mel on Bread and Roses food services; Grampa on Security abuses at Dominican, Dedicated Drew on Food Not Bombs [FNB] at the latest UCSC anti-genocide protest, and more FNB voices  
  •  A Place to Sleep

The Flashback to May 13,2012 includes:

  • Skeptical Sidewalk Sitter Erin Johnstone on SCPD’s bad priorities
  • India Joze’s Benefit meal and shindig for the Santa Cruz Eleven [SC 11] including interviews and/or speeches from San Jose John, Lighthouse Linda, Lyrical Eye (Isaac Collins), Dennis Etler, Beggarbacker Becky, and more
  • A protest march in support of the SC 11 with commentary from Bathrobespierre Robert, Angel, Gabriella, and other SC 11-sters
  • A brief clip from Robert Whitaker—Psychiatric myth exploder.
  • Reports from Larry Ryan of San Jose and the eternal Dreamcatcher
  • Making Contact  A show exploring After Apartheid and Genocide—the Reconciliation?
  • Free the Land  Bonus FRSC  show with FRSC broadcasterFree and his guest Bathrobespierre on the trials of Gary Johnson.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday January 25, 2024 show is a Flashback to January 12, 2012 featuring Commentary on the aftermath of the police crackdown on Occupy Santa Cruz plus interviews outside the County jail at a protest there

The  January 25, 2024 show is a Flashback to January 12, 2012 which includes:

  • Songs from the musical Working by Studs Turkel throughout
  • Bathrobespierre on continuing administrative curfew crackdown on political protest at the County Building and judicial muzzling of protest  by Gary Johnson under 647e (“illegal lodging”).
  • Brian Parquette claims meter ticket from Officer Warren after having paid up
  • 1-11  Noise at Noon rally at the back of the jail demanding freedom for imprisoned activist Gary Johnson; the protest including Bikelock Mike, Angel, Silver-Tongued Steve Pleich, Ed Frey and others.
  • Interview with Occupy D.C. Kimberly and Rush to appeal to Congress
  • SC Sentinel’s editor Don Miller defending SC Mayor and povertycrat Don Lane
  • Rush on ongoing Occupation of a foreclosed house.
  • Cops post photos of occupied bank defaming those legally in the vacant building; Bathrobespierre’s response.
  • Pleich’s report from the Occupy Santa Cruz General Assembly 
  • San Lorenzo campground report from Galen Boz, Dreadeye, and (by phone) Dead-On David Silva.
  • “Big Sue” Fresno interview on 12-15 after mass cop raid on tent removal

Huddle with HUFF tomorrow (Thursday, the 25th) at 1:30 PM Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church. Sparse snacks, abundant coffee

HUFF Proposed Agenda Prospects 1-25-24

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs , Passarounds 

  ++++  Coral Street Crackdown: Preparing for the Next Crackdown 

  ++++  Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)   

  ++++  Evolving Door evictions

  ++++  Watsonville Cease-Fire shutdown; 

 ++++  Seaside City Council update on Cease-Fire if available 

 ++++  Gathering the Evidence: Handout—Incoming and Outgoing     

  ++++  Hand-outs: TBA   

  ++++  Troy’s Lawsuit Project and the Bail Situation: In search of an attorney 

  ++++  Bryan Brown’s Marysville Concerns 

  ++++  UC Police Move on People’s Park—Update 

  ++++  Street reports; As ever…Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee   

  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… 

  ++++  End the War against Gaza and the S.C. Poor Petition for Future Use 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA    

  ++++  More on Coalition on Homelessness vs. S.F. Lawsuit  

  ++++  Possible phone contacts:Keith, Wes,; Reggie M’s: OVO update  

  ++++  Pro-Palestinian-HomelessAlliance for next protest; contact follow-up’s. 

  ++++  Jail Hunger Strike (started November 8) Jason Cortez seeks dignity from staff; fair complaint process; affordable commissary and phone; attorney confiden  

  ++++  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project 10-noon  except M,Tu, W, F at UN HQ with blue banner in window at 903 Pacific Ave.  Civil Grand Jury      

  ++++  Alicia Kuhl: OVO update/support for possible protests as well as point-in-time count outcome; Kuhl’s concerns.   

  ++++  SC Free Guide still not updated on line past September 2023 

  ++++  Local Anti-War Action:  Ocean/Water St. Saturday picketing 10 am-noon   

  ++++  Confronting Gaza Homelessness—No to Ceasefire by City and County  

   ++++ Placeholder followup—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing  

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW:                           Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want to hear.  Coming Up Today: Flashback to January 12, 2012 (then click on Thursday Jan 12, parts 1 and 2.              Tonight’s Flashback covers a protest outside the Santa Cruz County Jail in detail; resistance to SCPD Chief Vogel’s slander of Occupy Santa Cruz activists present

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 21, 2024 show has on the street updates snatched from roamers in the rain plus a Flashback to April 15, 2001 covering the Green Party’s refusal to hold its Mayor Tim Fitzmaurice accountable

The January 21, 2024 show includes:

The Flashback to April 15, 2002 includes: 

  • [4-14] Sherry Conable on the death of local street musician Ryder and the future of the struggle against the Sleeping Ban
  • Scott Simmons on motorhome life with his 9 year old disabled daughter and year old son Sativa, pressured by social service wonks.
  • Green Party defense of its Green mayor Fitzmaurice in violation of party’s pro-homeless platform and its trashing of critics
  • Justman Jim Cosner with rousing speech exposing local injustice and national lies
  • Battling Bob Lamonica sings Bathrobespierre’s praises
  • “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster, long-time Green Party activist differs with Bathrobespierre on the GP’s Homeless Working Group

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday January 18, 2024 show is a Flashback to November 25, 2010 featuring Interviews on and around the Civic Auditorium Thanksgiving Meal with Dreamcatcher, Catman, Julie C., Gilly, Eden, Colette Connolly, Crow, +

The January 18, 2024 show is a Flashback to November 25, 2010, the Thanksgiving show.  It includes: 

  • Catman, his friend Robert, and changing times on Pacific Avenue
  • Gabe, former anti-war protester turned military volunteer on Vets Hall closure controversy and the shrinking services
  • Shawn with positive report about Socks for Soles, negative report about police harassment, 
  • Alternate histories of Thanksgiving
  • [11-21] Julie Costanza of the In-Home Care Workers on fight to retain wages; outcome of the Dolphin-Lee (Nueva Vista) Project
  • Quick Clips in the Thanksgiving Food Line:  Billy, Joe Schultz, Eden
  • Collette Connolly, elderly PeaceCamp 2010 activist, on her court case—history and outcome of the PeaceCamp 2010
  • “False Choices in Airport Security First a Hand on Your Crotch Next a Boot in Your Crotch” by Michael Scott
  • Song: “I’ll Be Groped for Christmas”
  • Ella Mae on Sleeping Ban stupidity and Dreamcatcher’s Continuing Saga

New Time for HUFF meeting: 1:30 PM Thursday January 18, 2024 Same place–Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific- Come speak your mind on civil rights for those outside

HUFF Agenda Prospects 1-18-24 

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs , Passarounds 

  ++++  Gathering the Evidence: Handout—Incoming and Outgoing     

  ++++  Hand-outs: TBA   

  ++++  Troy’s Lawsuit Project and the Bail Situation: In search of an attorney 

  ++++  Bryan Brown’s Maryville Concerns 

  ++++  UC Police Move on People’s Park—Update 

  ++++  Street reports; As ever…Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee   

  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… 

  ++++  MLK Aftermath: Flyers Distributed & Looking to the Future 

  ++++  End the War against Gaza and the S.C. Poor Petition for Future Use 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA    

  ++++  Coalition on Homelessness vs. S.F. Lawsuit Updates 

  ++++  Possible phone contacts: Laura C.’s update; Reggie M’s: OVO update  

  ++++  Watsonville Cease-Fire postponement:   

 ++++  Pro-Palestinian-HomelessAlliance for next protest; contact follow-up’s. 

 ++++  Jail Hunger Strike (started November 8) Jason Cortez seeks dignity from staff; fair complaint process; affordable commissary and phone; attorney confiden  

  ++++  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project 10-noon  except M,Tu, W, F at UN HQ with blue banner in window at 903 Pacific Ave.  Civil Grand Jury      

  ++++  Alicia Kuhl: OVO update/support for possible protests as well as point-in-time count outcome; Kuhl’s concerns.   

  ++++  SC Free Guide still not updated on line past September 2023 

  ++++  Local Anti-War Action:  Ocean/Water St. Saturday picketing 10 am-noon   

  ++++  Confronting Gaza Homelessness—No to Ceasefire by City and County  

   ++++  Placeholder followup—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing  


          Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want to hear. (then click on Sunday Jan 7, parts 1 and 2. 

Last Sunday’s show listens in on grim and grotesque scene at Santa Cruz City Council  + Interviews with Lito, Helga, Keith, and others. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 14, 2024 show focuses on the City Council’s sell-out of the Gaza Ceasefire Resolution, Updates from Helga & Keith plus a Flashback to October 16, 2005 on the factional medical marijuana way back then

The Sunday January 14, 2024 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides includes:

  • 1-9 Santa Cruz City Council meeting—Item 29 Keeley and associates reject the Gaza ceasefire without debate after hundreds waited in line; Brunner and Brown present their doomed resolution 
  • [throughout the show] Daniel Mackler:
  • Commentary and songs in and around the speakers’ line at City Council from Hector, Nick and others.
  • Bathrobespierre at the Closed Session and Oral Communications on the absence of public process and destruction of homeless camps
  • Katzenjammer Keith on matters foreign, domestic, and local
  • [1-9] Rory Stanton (with pooch Mayhem) on Section 8 shenanigans
  • [1-11] Anteria on police tolerance in Santa Cruz
  • [1-13] Vandweller Yogi Jashua on troubles after the OVO (Oversized Vehicle Ordinance) arrives
  • [1-13] Miguel de Leon (Lito) on police seizure of his vehicles one after the other
  • Encounter with Sebastian Novelo, chef and father, reports San Lorenzo valley police discrimination
  • Hopespreader Helga describes a day without answers

The Flashback to October 16, 2005 includes:

  • Hurricane Katrina: Refugee problems in Houston; Narrow Escape from Martial Law in New Orleans
  • Downtown w/homeless lyrics; 
  • [10-1] At Human Rights Organization:  Eve, poet at age 9, on cops, services at Homeless Lack of Services [HLOC]; at Union Grove Planter, report of curbsitter copslammed on his face; Angel on undercover cop bust; 
  • In-Studio Guests: Tamara (5 years on the street), Daniel (“Up Til Now…”), & Cat (on squatting), 
  • Metro Strike: Paul Johnson vs. Mike Rotkin
  • Medical Marijuana: articles; L.C.’s courtcase on marijuana possession of one pound; bad treatment in jail; not enuf $ to buy marijuana or a get a recommendation; comments from Tokin’ Tim Rinker
  • Med X’s Anita Henri of Mex X suggests budget medical recommendations; Andrea on further problems getting “legal”
  • Compassion Flower Inn’s Andrea Tishler weighs in to assist L.C.; A.T. on the “Tax and Regulate” Initiative
  • Henri and Rinker criticize and analyze exclusive meetings between City Councilmembers & the Mike and Valerie Coral of Women and Men Medical Marijuana Alliance apparently not inviting other growers.
  • Susie Kippy on the Metro Bus Strike; More voices as well.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday January 11, 2024 show is a Flashback to November 30, 2008 featuring More Protest at the Metro; Pebbles Trippet on a Court vs. Medical Marijuana Rights, Peggy Lee Kennedy in the Venice struggle; & Street Talk Galore

The January 11, 2024 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show is a Flashback to November 30, 2008 which includes:

  • Further Flashback to January 26, 1990 at the Post Office Homeless Table with Jabberwocky Jay Green and “No Guns” Radichi provided musical noise as Sgt. Hennig accosts the tablers
  • [11-08] Return to the Metro Transit center to determine the rights of “loiterers” there and the powers of security guards
  • “Eyes Front” Jean Pirano on Lulu Carpenter’s owner Manthri Srinath’s Discrimination against homeless-appearing customers
  • Calls from Motorhome Chris, Persistent M
  • [10-26]  SAFE  J.P. Freeman’s Collection of ridiculous citations observed for bubblegum wrapper on street, wrong way biking, etc.
  • Tara and Aspirin on escape from the local looney bin; Black Rose (aka Rebecca), Rex seeking booze, & and other streetsters
  • Bill: Inquiry into panhandling the local laws; pregnant singer on the street; and more.
  • Polyamory and police harassment—various chats
  • 11-15] Peggy Kennedy’s Venice CA report
  • Pebbles Trippet of the Medical Marijuana Patients Union on the cost of medical marijuana recommendations/permits