Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (4-25-19) at 6 PM at On the Eve of the TRO Court Fight

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Update on tomorrow’s TRO Hearing in Federal Court
  • Ross Camp Chatter on Sunday
  • Blasting Back in the Face of the Burdick Decision: Attorney and Activist Anthony Prince Lays It On
  • As the City Council withdrew to lick its wounds…


In the Wake of the TRO Victory!: Conscience and Action Meeting meets 11 AM Today 4-25-19 ; Followed by HUFF meeting at Noon

Conscience and Action will be meeting today at 11 AM, with the HUFF meeting following at noon.  As usual, we meet at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church.   Free Coffee with the Clamor.


Court Order Prohibiting Ross Camp Closure Pending 9 AM 4-27 Federal Court Hearing in San Jose:

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Implications of the Court Victory and City Council Report
  • Resistance Organization for Furture Flashmob Documenting: LawSuit Sign-Up List Follow-Up
  • Possible Prince Report by Phone: 9 AM TRO Hearing in San Jose:  AND AFTER
  • Wes White’s Wednesday 4-25 7 PM RCNV Ross Camp Dialogue
  • Criminalization of Homeless Glover Resolution and Analysis
  • Councilmembers Cummings Analysis and Update
  • Bathroom Barricade: Stepping Up the Response
  • Transition Campsite Progress  News on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community & General Laundromat/Biz Discrimination?
  • Tenant/Student Coalition Update; Prospects for Targeting a Real Estate Ripster
  • Supporting UCSC Student RV Dwellers in the SNAIL Organization; Outreach to Dem Soc
  • Legislative: Fatal Force Law,  Cop Records, Student RV Parking at Com 2Colleges (AB 302)

    For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Help for Prep for Friday’s TRO Hearing
  • Street Reports; Restaurant Discrimination?
  • Anthony’s Suggestion: Resuming Protests at City Hall
  • Conscience and Action  items unfinished of interest to HUFFsters
  • Moving HUFF Meetings to Ross Camp in Conjunction with Ross Camp Council Meetings
  • Reports from Other Campsites & Areas
  • Tuesday Council Report; Pleich AFC Ross Camp Moving Support
  • Glover’s Ross Camp Meeting Last Monday and Next Monday at 3 PM
  • RV Attacks in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • Satellite Camp Expansion to Relieve Ross Camp Pressure: Benchlands Report
  • Push for Council Procedure Changes by Thursday 4-25 ? Watkins Friday Meeting?
  • Berkeley Reports:  Anti-RV Law:  People’s Park Meeting, Lawsuit Fightback:
  • Oakland Homeless Encampment Lawsuits: See “Encampments Sue the City of Oakland” in the hard copy of the April 2019 Street Spirit
  • Tenants in Trouble: students, renters, elderly, disabled groups for mutual power and solidarity.
  • Sentinel Letter Pushback

Save the Ross Camp:Actions Upcoming!

Emergency Protest to Defend Those Without Housing

Santa Cruz City Council to vote to violate Martin v. Boise ruling against Cruel and Unusual Treatment.






Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream 4-21-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at & a Flashback to 3-15-96

STILL AVAILABLE!  REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
On the show today:

  • Bathrobespierre Outlines the City’s Likely Ross Camp Agenda
  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry’s “Emergency Alert at Ross 10 AM Tuesday”
  • Berkeley’s Carol Denney and Andrea Pritchett Discuss the History of the Current Crackdown on People’s Park
  • Raging at the Wreckers of Ross Camp
  • Susie O’Hara’s Storytelling Hour–the City Manager Spins its Tale to the Ross Camp Residents

Blasts from the Boulevard from Santa Cruz Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre
FLASHBACK to March 15, 1996 show includes:
  • 15 Days Into the 8-Month Long City Hall Sleepers Vigil
  • Videojournalist Patrick Lancelin on Community TV’s anti-homeless shenangans
  • Debob–Peppersprayed by the SCPD?
  • Skidmark Bob’s Gives a Copwatch Report on Officer Martin Over’s Backpack Thefts
  • Flashy Phil Free Weighs In
  • Dialogues at the Vigil
  • Crossroads Chris Brozda Flayes the Homeless Community Resource Center
  • Louise Santana on the SCPD Assault
  • River St. Refugees Update
  • Catch original 1995 show segment at


  • 1-4 PM Sunday April 21  Easter Excitement at the Ross Camp with Drew Glover
  • 1 PM Monday April 22 City Sues Ross Camp in Dept. 5 at 701 Ocean St.
  • 3 PM Monday April 22  Open meeting of Ross Camp Council with Drew Glover
  • 10 AM  Tuesday April 23 Closed City Council Meeting on Ross Camp lawsuit
  • noon or earlier Tuesday April 23 City Council Votes on #13–the Ross Camp Closure
  • 11 AM Wednesday April 24 Conscience and Action/HUFF meets either at Sub Rosa or at the Ross Camp itself to be announced.
  • 6-8 PM Wednesday April 24   Community Dialogue on Ross Camp at the Resource for Non-Violence at 612 Ocean St.
  • Support Ross Camp and other Real Alternative Survival Camps and Squats
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766
  • Join Campquest 2019–the Search for Community Shelter in Empty Buildings and Parking Garages for Refuge if Ross Is Depopulated and “Clean-Up” Restricted
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–Ross Camp Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots.
  • Demand Immediate Council/Supervisor Support for the Hundreds of Homeless Refugees Outside in Wet and Freezing Weather
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Ross Camp, The Santa Cruz Community, & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on Facebook for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833.
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (4-18-19) at 6 PM at

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Ross Camp Relevant Interviews with Katzenjammer Keith McHenry and Ross Camp Liaison Alicia Kuh
  • Facebook Debate: Brent Adams v. Reggie Meisler
  • First They Came for the Homeless in the Calm Before the Storm in Berkeley

Conscience and Action Meeting WILL BE HAPPENING 11 AM Today; Followed by HUFF meeting at Noon

Contrary to a message sent out some hours ago, Conscience and Action will be meeting today at 11 AM, with the HUFF meeting following at noon.   The italicized and emphasized  items below are the reason.


  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • McHenry Report on Possible Tuesday City Council Ross Closing; Adding County to Lawsuit
  • Resistance Organization for Flashmob Documenting: LawSuit Sign-Up List Follow-Up
  • Prince Report by Phone
  • Wes White’s Wednesday 4-24 7 PM RCNV Ross Camp Dialogue
  • Ross Clean-Up Report; First Alarm Harassment and Response
  • Mosquito Device Threat
  • Lawsuit Follow-Up’s: Serving TBSC, Dismissing the Magistrate: Gas $ for Alicia
  • Recent Attacks on Brent Adams and His Vehicles
  • Camp Paradise Report: Possible Overflow and Relocation Area
  • Bathroom Barricade: Stepped Up Progress
  • Update on the $10 million from poverty pimps:  News on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Pressing for Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross or General Laundromat/Biz Discrimination?
  • Tenant/Student Coalition Update; Prospects for Targeting a Real Estate Ripster
  • Supporting UCSC Student RV Dwellers in the SNAIL Organization; Outreach to Dem Soc
  • Legislation: Fatal Force Law,  Cop Records, Student RV Parking at Com 2Colleges (AB 302)

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Street Reports; Restaurant Discrimination?
  • Anthony’s Suggestion: Resuming Protests at City Hall
  • Conscience and Action  items unfinished of interest to HUFFsters
  • Emergency Meeting of HUFF/C & A our at Ross Camp
  • Reports from Other Campsites
  • Tuesday Special Meeting Council Report
  • Glover’s Ross Camp Meeting Last Monday and Next Monday at 3 PM
  • RV Attacks in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • Satellite Camp Expansion to Relieve Ross Camp Pressure;
  • Push for Council Procedure Changes by Thursday 4-25 ? Watkins Friday Meeting?
  • Berkeley Reports:  Anti-RV Law:  People’s Park Meeting
  • Tenants in Trouble: students, renters, elderly, disabled groups for mutual power and solidarity.
  • Sentinel Letters
  • SNAIL (Student RV) Organizing

Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream 4-14-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at Flashback to 5-12-95

REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
On the show today:

  • Christina Hildebrand and Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on Compulsory Vaccination
  • 4-12-19 Ross Camp Press Conference with the Ross Camp Plaintiffs along with Attorney Anthony Prince & Activist Alicia Kuhl
  • “Bad Boy” Brent Adams Commentary on the Ross Camp Lawsuit, the Activists, the City  Council
  • Some of The “Civility” Discussion at City Council 4-9-19
  • Food Not Bombs Fragments from Last Month

Blasts from the Boulevard from Santa Cruz Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre
FLASKBACK to May 12, 1995 show includes:
  • Meadowminder Mark Co-Hosting “Back 40” Discussion with Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Raising Tents During the Day at the “Back 40” Coral St. Open Air Shelter
  • Fighting Forced Daytime Removal at the Tolerated Homeless Campground
  • Homeless Deaths and Anti-Homeless Violence Outside the Campground
  • Demanding Autonomy and Self-Government for the Homeless at the Campground
  • Negotiating with the Citizen’s Committee for the Homeless–the Property Owner
  • Sitting Ban Updates—Santa Cruz’s Eric Marcus Case and Berkeley’s Proposition O
  • 1994’s Deadly Downtown Ordinances
  • Lighthouse Linda Lemaster Fights RV Citations Before “Meatgrinder” John Mulligan
  • Lighthouse reports on the “Above the Line” Civil Liberties Subcommittee
  • Catch original 1995 show at


  • noon Monday April 15  Ross Camp Volunteer Clean-Up SAVE ROSS CAMP !
  • 3 PM  Monday April 15  Open meeting of Ross Camp Council with Drew Glover
  • 4 PM  Tuesday April 16 Special City Council Meeting, Presumably on Ross Camp
  • 11 AM Wednesday April 17 Conscience & Action then HUFF meets at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church
  • Support Ross Camp and other Real Alternative Survival Camps and Squats
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766
  • Join Campquest 2019–the Search for Community Shelter in Empty Buildings and Parking Garages for Refuge if Ross Is Depopulated and “Clean-Up” Restricted
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–Ross Camp Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots.
  • Demand Immediate Council/Supervisor Support for the Hundreds of Homeless Refugees Outside in Wet and Freezing Weather
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Ross Camp, The Santa Cruz Community, & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on Facebook for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833.
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (4-11-19) at 6 PM at

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at  
On tonight’s show:
  • More from Drew Glover’s Dialogue at Depot Park Station (full video available at
  • Red Church Roustabouts Speak Out!
  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson’s Seaside Update
  • Councilmember Glover at Ross Camp 4-8-19
  • Mad Mike the Wonderdog (Miguel Balderos) fresh out of 9 years in prison calls in.

Ross Camp Lawsuit Filed!, City Council’s “Clean-Up” Cave-In, Organizing Resistance at Ross Wednesday 4-10: Conscience & Action 11 AM & HUFF noon at Sub Rosa

Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF at 12; Sub Rosa (703 Pacific) will be doling out coffee and perhaps folks will bring edibles.


  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Following Up on the Wednesday Resistance and Thursday Depot Park Meetings: Flashmob Support
  • Implications of the Lawsuit and Follow-Up
  • Council Debacle and Review: Shifting the Focus Off the Council
  • Update on Organizing Events & Groups to Support Ross Camp if they Want
  • Deconstructing the Council’s Procedural Surrender to Staffster O’Hara and the Watkins Minority
  • Documenting the Shelter Deficit & Police Camp Demolition for the Non Ross Camp Homeless
  • Bathroom Barricade: Stepped Up Progress
  • Update on the $10 million from poverty pimps:  News on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Storage Situation:  The Day/Night Storage Controversy
  • RV Harassment Update: Coastal Commission Pressure, Buddy Solidarity, Council InAction, Specific Complaints & Flyer Distribution, 2-20 Haebe Records Report Review
  • Pressing for Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross or General Laundromat/Biz Discrimination?
  • Tenant/Student Coalition Update; Prospects for Targeting a Real Estate Ripster
  • Supporting UCSC Student RV Dwellers in the SNAIL Organization; Outreach to Dem Soc
  • Legislation: Fatal Force Law,  Cop Records, Student RV Parking at Com 2Colleges (AB 302)

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Street Reports; Restaurant Discrimination?
  • Conscience and Action  items unfinished of interest to HUFFsters
  • Reports from Other Campsites
  • Glover’s Ross Camp Meeting Next Monday 3 or 4 PM
  • RV Survival/Organizing Report from Cynthia and Alicia:
  • Satellite Camp Expansion to Relieve Ross Camp Pressure; Prep for “Clean-Up” and Beyond
  • Push for Council Procedure Changes? Watkins Friday Meeting? Public Agenda?
  • Berkeley Reports:  Anti-RV Law:  People’s Park Situation
  • Tenants in Trouble: students, renters, elderly, disabled groups for mutual power and solidarity.
  • Library Situation: Monitoring the Mischief–Investigation and Update
  • Pushing Back Against Media Mobbing: Sentinel’s Burying the Housing/Shelter Gap

Sunday 4-7-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at Part 2 of the Ross Camp Support Rally, Part 1 of the Glover Depot Park Dialogue; Flashback to 12-9-99

REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at  
On the show today:

  • Perilous Preview of the City Council’s April 9th Homelessness Item
  • Hour 2 of the “No Place for Hate” Rally of Ross Camp Resistance at the Resource Center for Non-Violence Last Night
  • Vallejo cops arrest driver, ‘lose’ his car
  • Part 1 of Councilman Glover’s Depot Park Dialogue
  • Attorney General Stalls on Releasing Bad Cops’ Records

Blasts from the Boulevard from Santa Cruz Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre
Flashback to December 9, 1999 show includes:
  • Meetings to Support Ross Camp noon and 4 pm Monday April 8 at the Camp
  • Support Ross Camp and other Real Alternative Shelters on the Streets and Sidewalks of Santa Cruz!
  • SAVE ROSS CAMP !  Speak Up at City Council Session 4 PM Tuesday April 9th
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere!
  • Join Campquest 2019–the Search for Community Shelter in Empty Buildings and Parking Garages for Refuge if Ross Is Demolished
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers–Winter Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–Ross Camp Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in additional spots.
  • Demand Immediate Council/Supervisor Support for the Hundreds of Refugees Outside in Wet and Freezing Weather
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Ross Camp, The Santa Cruz Community, & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .  Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833.
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!