Tonight 7-12-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Victory in San Lorenzo Park: Bathrooms ReOpen, Cornerstone Carol Denney Updates from Berkeley, Red Church Chatterings

Update/Victory:  San Lorenzo Bathrooms open; Louden Nelson bathrooms still closed to the public, but protest tabling planned for Tuesday 1:30 PM July 17 where the park meets the porch.

  • Stake-Out Steve C. notes Costco Cop harassing homeless passing through, and other tales from the Red Church chow line.
  • Berkeley writer and activist Carol Denney updates us on the wanderings of the RV refugees.
  • Pretentious ponderings of Bathrobespierre Robert

The show will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 7/12/2018  Thursday, July 12, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

7-8-18 9:30 AM-3 PM More Bathroom Balderdash! Thursday’s “Cut the Crap–Open the Crappers!” City Hall Protest; Badinage with “Locked Bathrooms:” Bernal; and Street Talk Downtown

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on the new Conservator powers against the homeless
  • First They Came for the Homeless activist Mike Zint on Berkeley bourgeois bullying
  • Vehicular Voice Amber on the Berkeley City Council’s Latest Attack on RV Residents
  • “Whip ’em Into Shape” Wes White’s 6-28 Video of the Conscience and Action protest
  • Lots more as well…
  • Swami’s Downtown Report on Cosmo Arrest 5/27 and other police actions
  • “Unreasonable noise” and street performers discussion…
  • “Mad” John Telfair calls in…
  • 6th Sleeping Ticket for Craig Canada…
  • Street performers make a police complaint against a motorcyclist…
  • Reports from Ragin Ron, Eagleeye Ed, Shantyshack Shannan, TickettakerTrey, and Caustic Colin (the last denouncing black mold in the HSC showers)…
  • AIDS sufferer Shane denied service, reports activist Donna Deiss…
  • Infraction window clerks deny public access to Sleeping Ban citation records and call police 5-24
  • Full show also available at


This show archives in the near future at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  


Tonight 7-5-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Part 2 of the Bernal Backtalk, Short bits from Food Not Bombs patrons

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at

  • Part 2 of the Bernal Bull Session with Faithful Phil Posner, Silver-Tongued Steve Pleich, Nutcracker Nick Whitehead, Generous Jean Pirano, “Just Stopped By” Jesse, Bathrobespierre Robert Norse, Glad eyes Gloria Rovay, and Katzenjammer Keith McHenry:  Hear City Manager Martin Bernal duck and weave, but definitively refuse to reopen the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo Bathrooms.

  • The caustic comments of Chito, Diogenes, Ruggedheart Ray,  Dreamcatcher, Mandolin Mark, David Hooper, “Youngster”, Elisse Casby, and a host of others while munching well-regarded Food Not Bombs edibles.

The show will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 7/05/2018  Thursday, July 5, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

7-1-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathroom Balderdash! Thursday’s “Cut the Crap–Open the Crappers!” City Hall Protest; Badinage with “Locked Bathrooms:” Bernal; and Street Talk Downtown

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM 

  • Thursday’s Rage and Revelry at City Hall Demanding Open Bathrooms 
  • Parking the New Library in a 5-Level Parking lot?
  • Voices for Rent Control at City Council
  • Conscience & Action Activists Grill City Manager Martin Bernal (Part 1)
  • Vernacular Voices from Downtown
  • Endless Commentary from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse

This show archives July 2nd or 3rd, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  

Tonight 6-28-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, FLASHBACK to June 22, 1997

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at

  • Jessie Cox on Welfare Rights March from Philadelphia to the UN Denouncing Welfare Destruction
  • Drum Circle Harassment Protest at San Jose City Council–Pat Circle & Other Activists Interviewed.
  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on Protests in S.F. Against the Police Killing of Aaron Williams
  • Steve Lightfoot: “Stephen King Shot John Lennon”
  • “Host”s Harassing the Street Community–Downtown
  • Norse interviews Motorcycle Activist Richard Quigley 
  • Gary Wood of Human Rights Defense Committee of San Jose at S.J. City Council on Police Violence

The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 6/28/2018  Thursday, June 28, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.


6-24-18 9:30 AM-3 PM In and Around Saturday’s Poor People Campaign Gathering…A Volley of Voices from the “Piss and Poo Prohibited” Poor….Troubled Times at the Tannery…and NO Flashbacks !

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Rumblin’ Richard Says “Stick it to the Supes”
  • Restoration Ernestina’s ICE Update
  • Tales of Hope and Terror from the Santa Cruz Scent-Anal
  • “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White’s Salinas Check-In
  • Tuesday’s Shitty Council Preview
  • Fabulous Phil Posner and Nutcracker Nick Whitehead Announce Thursday the 28th Bathroom Battle with City Manager Martin Bernal
  • Stand-Up Abbi Samuels Calls for a Santa Cruz Copwatch
  • Roadside Roberta Describes Her Shelter Search
  • Macaroni Mel’s Upsetting Update
  • Razor Ray Rags On
  • Katzenjammer Keith’s Kantakerous Komplaints
  • “Corral the Corrupt” Coral on Tannery Times
  • Lots more…too much to list!

This show archives June 24, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  


Schedule Change: “Unlock the Bathrooms” flyering and tabling will start at 2:30 PM today at the Poor People’s Campaign at the Main Post Office

Conscience and Action  activists will be joining the Poor People’s Campaign rally at the main post office today in downtown Santa Cruz. 

This will be at 1 PM (not Noon as previously scheduled) to table, make signs, and distribute flyers. 

We are slated to speak between 2:30 PM and 3 PM when the main gathering begins.

For more details on the campaign  Unlock the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo Park bathrooms, see “Conscience and Action Speak Out at Parks and Rec” at

A speak out and rally was held on Thursday, June 14 at noon protesting the closure by Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department of bathrooms at San Lorenzo Park and Louden Nelson Community Center. The action, attended by 23-30 concerned citizens, began at City Hall and moved to the Park and Rec ..


City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet” at

The City of Santa Cruz confiscated the Food Not Bombs community funded portable toilet on Saturday, June 16. Access to public toilets is a human right. Every person deserves the dignity of relieving themselves in a private sanitary way.

Audio of the 6-14 protest can be found at (1 hour and 9 minutes into the program) and (the first half of the show).

Tonight 6-21-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Parks and Rec Bathroom B.S. Demo Part 2

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at

  • More on the “Open the Bathrooms” Protest last June 14 noon and the upcoming June 28th gathering at City Manager Martin Bernal’s office.
  • Mainstay Mike Rhodes of Fresno reviewed recent years of struggle there.  Mike authored Dispatches from the War Zone and blogs at   In critical (but spunky) condition, his health blog is at .

The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 6/21/2018  Thursday, June 21, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

6-17-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Potty Training the Parks & Recreation Toilet Thieves : Thursday Protest Report, Brent Adams Storage Update… ….Flashback:FRSC Busted! and Activist Ann Simonton Opposes Decriminalizing Prostitution

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Salinas Activist “Whip ‘Em Into Shape” Wes White on City Council’s Renewed Attack on RV’s Next Tuesday
  • “Big Drum” Brent Adams Updates His Storage Program
  • Bathrobespierre Reviews the “Open the Bathroom” Protest at Parks and Recreation
FLASHBACK SHOW FROM October 10, 2004

  • The Federal Raid Seizing Free Radio Santa Cruz’s Equipment and Providing Mass Protest
  • Mediawatch activist Ann Simonton Attacks San Francisco Initiative Proposing Decriminalization of Prostitution
  • Full show available at .

This show archives June 19, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833


Tonight 6-14-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Fitzmaurice Folly Flashback–A Piece of the Past and the Present from January 7, 2001

A flashback show from January 7, 2001 featuring

  • Norse critiquing newly elected “Progressives” Emily Reilly and Ed Porter as well as “Three Amigos” Green Party candidate Tim Fitzmaurice for their reversals on homeless rights and services,
  • the Koffee Klatch Three case,
  • Looking Back at the Officer David LaFaver’s assault on a mother and child at the Kosovo anti-war protest,
  • Chris Connolton–local teacher and Koffee Klatcher playing his audio of an interview with  Mayor Fitzmaurice. [apologies to Chris for the hit-and-miss spelling of his name]

Because of time limitations, the flashback begins half an hour into the original show.  To hear the beginning of that original show go to .  


Report from the “Open the Bathrooms” Protest taking place today (June 14 noon) beginning in front of the Parks and Recreation Department at 323 Church St. will likely be available on the Sunday June 17th show 9:30 AM.  

Free Radio, as usual, streams at  The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 6/14/2018  Thursday, June 14, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.