HUFF huddles indoors in the face of likely overcast skies at 10:45 a.m. September 14 Thursday morning at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to ye olde bike church

HUFF Agenda Prospects 9-14-23      

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs   

  ++++  Possible phone guests: Reggie Meisler, Keith McHenry, Oswaldo Valdez      

  ++++  Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction (2), S.F. Injunction (2) Glover Notes (2)   

  ++++  Handouts:  outdated SC Free Guide; and other TBA  

  ++++  Early call-in from civil libertarian and human rights worker Dylan Verner-Christ

  ++++  SC Free Guide: Truth Squad Probe; recent e-mails to Evan and Cat 

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it) 

  ++++   Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file: 

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing Update:

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++   Diplomacy Not War in Ukraine Saturday 9-30 noon Town Clock  

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.    

  ++++  Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns; Greybears issues 

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue    

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170, 171, 172  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line 

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support    

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36    

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120     

  ++++   Shudderworthy Shadows from Julie Schaul 

  ++++ Oswaldo Vasquez—Harassment in Watsonville by cops and schools for disability autism?

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input    

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted    

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update:   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)      

  ++++  Wes White videos at See “City Pressured…”, “Union Pacific”, & his most recent videos 

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,    

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:   

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library Main Branch):

++++  Checking in:, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes; Sleeping Ban Sweeps/OVO threats—flyer work    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    


Marking progress; keeping up momentum  

Since the summer of 2022, the city of Santa Cruz’s programs addressing homelessness have made remarkable strides: 

• We’ve served 578 individuals through shelter and safe parking programs. 

• 74 individuals have transitioned into housing. 

• 77 people reconnected with family and friends in their hometowns. 

• We’ve provided 725 emergency shelter beds over the course of 19 nights   

(more details available on the City’s website at ) 

Progress?  Missing: the actual cost of the “emergency shelter beds”,  the large number of people left outside, & the wasteful and futile cost of the enforcement sweeps 

HUFF back at the survival gear-stealing sweeps and the phony “we have shelter” City narrative at the 10:45 AM meeting today (September 7th) at the Sub Rosa (703 Pacific next to the Bike Church). Come anytime up to 1 PM. All are welcome

Coffee, cookies, carrots, and conversation.  Come one, come all.

HUFF Agenda Prospects 9-7-23     

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs       

  ++++  Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction (2), S.F. Injunction (2) Glover Notes (2)  

  ++++  Handouts:  outdated SC Free Guide; and other TBA 

  ++++  SC Free Guide: Truth Squad Probe; recent e-mails to Evan and Cat

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it)

  ++++  Compare the City’s file with Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file:

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing Update:

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.   

  ++++  Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue   

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170, 171  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line at

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support   

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36   

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120    

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input   

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted   

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: 

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)     

  ++++  Wes White videos at See “City Pressured…”, “Union Pacific”, & his most recent videos

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,   

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:  

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library Main Branch):

++++  Checking in:, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes; Sleeping Ban Sweeps/OVO threats—flyer work    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    


Marking progress; keeping up momentum

Since the summer of 2022, the city of Santa Cruz’s programs addressing homelessness have made remarkable strides:

• We’ve served 578 individuals through shelter and safe parking programs.

• 74 individuals have transitioned into housing.

• 77 people reconnected with family and friends in their hometowns.

• We’ve provided 725 emergency shelter beds over the course of 19 nights  

(more details available on the City’s website at )

Progress?  Missing: the actual cost of the “emergency shelter beds”,  the large number of people left outside, & the wasteful and futile cost of the enforcement sweeps

HUFF hides from the heat Thursday August 31st at the Sub Rose Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church at 10:45 a.m. or as soon thereafter as we can assemble

HUFF Agenda Prospects 8-31-23     

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs       

  ++++  Passarounds: tba  

  ++++  Handouts:  Mime Troupe Flyer, City Council Blurb, 2019 Homelessness 

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it)

  ++++   Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file:

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing:  

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++  Supervisor Report; No Shitty Council meeting next Tuesday

  ++++  Harm Reduction Lawsuit; attempted Denise Elrich call 

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.   

  ++++  Mental Health Advis Board Report back ; Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue   

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line at

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.  Next hearing is September 6th, 10am in San Francisco. Contact Robbie Powelson via facebook  to help drive the plaintiffs down.

  ++++  Restraining order stopping Marin County sheriffs from destroying boat-home of Logan Paul Walker:


  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support   

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36   

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120    

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input   

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted   

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: + Verner-Crist’s letter   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)     

  ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,   

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:  

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library):

++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,     

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW:       Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want

HUFFsters will hide out from the heat and try to generate some cool plans of their own: 10:45 a.m. 8-17 Thursday at 703 Pacific Next to the Bike Church

HUFF Agenda Prospects 8-17-23    

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs      

  ++++  Passarounds: Street Sheet on COH v. SF lawsuits; OVO Law, Camping/Resting Ban;  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions, Marin Lawsuit 

  ++++  Handouts:  tba   

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions: 

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?   

  ++++  NextStupes and Shitty Council Meetings 

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity.. Tier 3  More info?  

  ++++  Upcoming Mental Health Advis Board: Aug 17 3-5 PM  Emeline 

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue  

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support  

  ++++  Public Records Updates:  Homeless 2019 Targeting, RV citations 

  ++++  Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36  

  ++++  Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120   

  ++++  Anti-war Protest Update from Hiroshima Sunday August 6th :  (80 minutes into the audio file)  

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Additional Updates: No word from Keeley yet.  

  ++++  FRSC latest show archives now accessible for latest shows 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted  

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: + Verner-Crist’s letter  

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)    

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,  

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library):

++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want  

Meet, munch, and chatter with HUFF Thursday August 10th 10:45 a.m. thru 1 p.m. or thereabouts as usual at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

HUFF Agenda Prospects 8-10-23    

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs      

  ++++  Passarounds: OVO Law, Camping/Resting Ban Public Record OVO outcome, Marin Lawsuit   

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?   

  ++++  Board of Stupes/Shitty Council Reports 

  ++++  Possible phone connection with Robbie Powelson on San Rafael Injunction protecting Mark Rivera against MC 19.50 

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity.. Tier 3  Protest at SCPD? City Hall?   Phone request to SC Free Guide for “Full Up” Document

  ++++   Baba Ito (aka Stewart Lober) Conservator mum, still no death record  

  ++++  Upcoming Mental Health Advisory Board: Aug 17 3-5 PM 


  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue  

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets:

  ++++  Public Records Updates:  Homeless 2019 Targeting, RV citations 

  ++++  Anti-war Protest Update from Hiroshima Sunday  

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Additional Updates: No word from Keeley yet.  

  ++++  MHCAN interview archived on Sunday July 30th show  

  ++++  FRSC latest show:  –archives now accessible for latest shows 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted  

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: + Verner-Crist’s letter  

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)    

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,  

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library):

++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,   

++++  Establishment Homeless Heighdy-Ho on Homeless Services Situation:

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764      

Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078    

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW:      Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    

Hack it with the HUFFsters tomorrow Thursday at 10:45 a.m. or fairly soon after. August 3rd, 2023 at ye olde Sub Rosa Cafe–still standing next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific with caffeinated drinks usually available

HUFF Agenda Prospects 8-3-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?  

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity.. Tier 3  Protest at SCPD? City Hall?  

  ++++  Baba Ito (aka Stewart Lober) Conservator mum, no death record 

  ++++  Cooper/Russell arrest on beach; possible phone account 

  ++++  Monica, Reggie, Laura on RV matters including new tow restrictions

  ++++  Robbie Powelson’s letter &  Mark Rivera video;  

Pacific Sun weekly on Marin County campcrushing:    ++++  Resolution supporting the Rivera suit; prospects of a Santa Cruz Injunction

   ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps 

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets:

  ++++  Aug 8 Shitty Council San Lorenzo Park Redesign 

  ++++  Missing 2019 Homeless Harassment Report 

  ++++  Ukraine war creating 5 million+ homeless; nuke war looms; peace talks; August 6th Protest 11 AM Town Clock 

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Additional Updates: No word from Keeley yet. 

  ++++  MHCAN interview archived on Sunday July 30th show 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Needed 

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: + Verner-Crist’s letter 

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)   

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          , 

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives  (also at the library)

 ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,  

  WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    

Still Unseen and Unpublicizied:  Ordinance Examination Ordered by City Council on February 22, 2019 

10)  Direct staff to make data available within 90 days in an organized format on the following ordinances to allow the Council and the community to monitor the potentially disproportionate impact on residents without homes. This data shall include the address and the race and gender of the persons cited, the charges, the location, date, and arresting officer or ranger. Concerning stay-away orders, the length of the stay-away order shall also be included. 

a)       Conduct in Parks: 13.08.090 

b)       Obstructing Sidewalks and Benches: 9.50.010, 15.32 

c)       Obstructing Sidewalks and Benches after dark: 5.32.040 

d)       Sitting: 9.50.021, 9.50.013 

e)       Lying: 9.50.011 

f)        24-hour stay-away orders: 13.04, 13.08.100 

g)        Smoking bans in public places 6.04.060(1)(b,s,u,w,x) 

h)        Dogs downtown and elsewhere: 8.14.200, 8.14.201, 8.14.205 

i)         Arrest 3 infractions without a warrant: 4.04.010(4) 

j)        Authority of the City Attorney to reduce misdemeanors to infractions to avoid due process: MC4.04.010(3) 

k)       Open container: 9.12.030 

l)        Parking garage loitering: 9.64.010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               m)      Median loitering: 10.36.040 

n)       Safety enhancement zones: 9.02 

o)       Youth curfew laws: 9.04 

p)       Aggressive solicitation: 9.10 

q)       Vendor licensing required for handicrafts: 5.04.080, 5.04.090 

HUFF huddles in sun or shade with occasional digestables and indigestable issues Thursday July 27th from 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. more or less at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific adjacent to the Bike Church

HUFF Agenda Prospects 7-27-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Golf Club Drive: Demo?  

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunit.. Tier 3  Protest at SCPD? City Hall?  

  ++++   Baba Ito (aka Stewart Lober) AWOL 

  ++++   Cooper/Russell tent, bag, and vehicle seizure; Meadow sweeps 

  ++++  Pacific Sun weekly on Marin County campcrushing:  

   ++++  Three new Street Sheets still available.  Also check Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday. 

  ++++  Ukraine war creating 5 million+ homeless; nuke war looms; peace talks; August 6th Protest 11 AM Town Clock…Resolution 

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Additional Updates: No word from Keeley yet. 

  ++++  MHCAN Thursday July 20th Talk of the Town Show KSQD 

  ++++  Reports from MH Advisory, Housing Matters at Garfield Library; Safety in Santa Cruz at Branciforte, e-mail on forced drugging 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Needed 

  ++++  Last HUFFmeet:     

  ++++  Legislative Updates: XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:                , ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   


 HUFF Street Spirit archives     

  ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,  

  WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want   

HUFF chatter on response to latest Meadow sweeps, vehicle seizures 10:45 a.m. – 1 PM Sub Rosa Cafe/Courtyard 703 Pacific New Street Spirits Next to the Bike Church Coffee and crunchables

HUFF Agenda Prospects 7-20-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Golf Club Drive: Demo?  

  ++++  Shitty Council Report \6-27  (Check out Thursday’s BB show) 

  ++++  Martin v. Boise Update:       


   ++++  Marin County campcrushing:    

  ++++  Evening show: McHenry Update: (Check latest BB show) 

  ++++  Ukraine war creating 5 million+ homeless; nuke war looms; peace talks; August 6th Protest 11 AM Town Clock…Resolution 

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Additional Updates 

  ++++  Psychiatric Sadism: Baba Ito’s Imprisonment and Forced Drugging, Upcoming MH Board meeting

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Needed 

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants further update   

  ++++  Phone Attempted Call to Fresno activist Desiree Martinez   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:                , ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   

  ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:    

 ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,  

  ++++  Various stories of interest:     TBA  

  WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want  

Stay Cool as Things Heat Up: HUFF meets 10:45 A.M. Thursday July 13 at Sub Rosa, next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

HUFF Agenda Prospects 7-13-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates:  

  ++++  RV Update: Reggie Meisler Report  

  ++++  Ukraine war creating 5 million+ homeless; nuke war looms; resolution to end U.S. arming; Anti-War August 6 11 AM Town Clock 

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Again Postponed:  Input? 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Needed 

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants aftermath    

  ++++  Wes White’s state-wide report 

  ++++  Hot Hopes from Hurricaine Helga: Police at Hiway 9  And now? 

  ++++  Phone Check-in with Fresno activist Desiree Martinez   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:  ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   

  ++++HUFF Street Spirit article archives    

 ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,  

  ++++  Various stories of interest: 

  WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  

Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     

Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    

HUFF strolls into the sunshine or cuddles indoors weather-dependent Thursday July 6th at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church as usual 10:45 a.m. or soon thereafter

Cookies, coffee, carrots, and confusion at the morning meeting.  Join in, speak your peace, and help fire up flagging spirits.

HUFF Agenda Prospects 7-6-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  Street reports; Sweeper Survivor Outreach  

  ++++  MHCAN Follow-Up: City/County Expansion & Protection 

  ++++  Sleeping Ban Flyer Update 

  ++++  Martin v. Boise Update:       


  ++++  Shitty Council funds one-year programs for some of those outside:  Items #11 and 12  

  ++++  Previous Report:    

  ++++  Musician and satirist Mark Levy may visit in September 

  ++++  Read Ukraine anti-war updates at or at  

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Update: Specific Prospects 

  ++++  MHCAN Report: QZ Expulsion; Joint MHCAN goals? 

  ++++  OVO Law Flyers:  Help Needed 

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants aftermath    

  ++++  Phone Check-ins with Fresno activist Desiree Martinez  

  ++++  Wes White’s Salinas Resistance to UP Tracks Eviction July 5-7 

  ++++  Julie Schaul’s P & R Targeted Harassment Update 

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:                

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives    

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:    

 ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,  

 ++++  Various stories of interest:  possibly   TBA  


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want