Lost Sunday Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show on Abolition of Sleeping Ban Now Available On-line

Due to power outages and equipment problems, the usual Sunday morning Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show was not available at its usual time.    The March 6 show intended for broadcast includes interviews with Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry, Berkeley singer and activist Carol Denney on the history of People’s Park, and my analysis of Lane’s Camping Ordinance amendments.

It is now available.

Go to http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html  and then click on the link under Lost Show – 3/6/2016 Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 1Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 2 .   Note that this is not the usual place the twice-weekly show is archived (which is http://radiolibre.org/brb/ ).  Barring unusual transmission problems, the shows will continue to appear there.My apologies for any confusion.
Robert Norse


Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show at 9:30 AM Features CURRENT Interviews with Keith McHenry, Pat Colby, Micah Posner and others. Tune In!

Food Not Bombs activist and local public space advocate Keith McHenry,  Freedom Sleeper Mainstay Pat Colby, Medical Marijuana Tax Opponent Mike Boyd, Fresno homeless activist and author Mike Rhodes, Councilmember Micah Posner and a way-back trip to 1989 with interviews with “Backyard” Brian Staley, and “Slyshoes” Sandra Loranger in jail for serving soup at the Town Clock.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org at 9:30 AM today (Sunday February 28).   It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160228.mp3.

Flashback to 1999: Debate Over the Sleeping Ban Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Will Look Back on Feb 11, 1999 Tune in at 6 PM Free Radio Today

In February 1999, the new “progressive” City Council had just dashed activist hopes and derailed protest with its 3 month-long Task Force to Examine the Camping Ordinance.   Art and Revolution’s Police Officer Provides Satirical Relief;  Janet Riley, Florida Legal Services in Ft. Lauderdale  where the Pottinger decision made it legal to sleep reports on the success of Sleeping Ban elimination; Silva and Norse Chew Over the City Council’s Latest; Dr. Breser of Broward County, FL denies the “magnet effect”of restoring civil rights to those outside.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160225.mp3.

Many Voices from December 2004: Free Radio Santa Cruz Flashback from December 12

Highlights:  Street interviews around  harassment of peaceful panhandlers (Becky Johnson discusses Officer Garner’s new “begging near a freeway” interpetation of a city code)…How corporate is the new Trader Joe’s downtown?….Highlights and Lowlifes at Human Rights Hypocrisy Day  in front of the courthouse with Mayor Rotkin on December 12…Street interviews including more CSO Pam Bachtel harassment downtown…More Human Rights Hypocrisy Day with Pat Clark, Mike Rotkin…Barbara of Clear View Court gives  a caustic update on the destruction of rent control there…Richard Quigley discusses lying CHP officers in his helmet case as well as the banning of Jerry Henry from the Aptos Rancho Del Mar Shopping Center ($25,000 bail and a stay-away for offending the Coffee Roasting Co. manager).
The show broadcasts at 9:30 AM Sunday February 21, 2016 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160214.mp3.
It can also be found at http://radiolibre.org/brb/brb041212.mp3 .

Flashback Fourteen Years Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Will Look Back on Feb 14, 2002 6 PM Free Radio Today

Flashing back again to February 14, 2002  In-studio interview with  “Dangerous” John Thielking on the Mumia Abu Jamal struggle; phone interview with former chief Santa Barbara Public Defender and Homeless Champion Glenn Mowrer;   the Supervisor’s Marijuana War–Interview with former owner of the Compassion Flower Inn Andrea Tishler:;  Aftermath of the Privatization of Hippie Planter in front of New Leaf Market,  Jenny Jett of Isla Vista Encampment, and more…

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160214.mp3.

18th Annual Homelessness Marathon Wednesday Night and Thursday Morning

COMING UP ON WEDNESDAY THE 17TH, THE NATIONAL ANNUAL HOMELESSNESS MARATHON, this year broadcasting from Washington, D.C. near the White House.  Free Radio Santa Cruz  will be broadcasting the 14 hour Marathon from 4 PM PST 2-17 to 6 AM PST 2-18 at 101.3 FM.  The show will also stream at www.freakradio.org .  For subsequent archiving, browse fpr 17th Annual Homelessness Marathon.  Note that Hour 7 (between 10 PM  and 11 PM   PST) will have a shout-out from local Freedom Sleeper Toby Nixon, who will be at Freedom Sleepout #32 the night before.


The Homelessness Marathon is primarily composed of short, pre-recorded reports and longer live discussions.




7-8 p.m.

We’ll open with Brian Carome, director, and Robert Warren, vendor, from Street Sense, the homeless paper of D.C.  We’ll initiate the first ever “Homeless Primary” by asking homeless people who they support for president, and then, joined by homeless advocate Eric Sheptock, we’ll begin a Homeless Walk Around the White House talking with homeless people there.

8-9 p.m.


The Doug Seegers Story – reported by Tasha Lemly
Long There’s No “I” in” Team” and No “You” In Public Housing” Guest host:  Parisa Norouzi of Empower DC.

9-10 p.m.


Street Poetry

Long The Second Hour of our Homeless Walk Around the White House, plus, from Philadelphia, Cheri Honkala, Director of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign.

10-11 p.m.


Finding A Home In Alaska – reported by Ann Hillman

Long You Don’t Have To Be Crazy To Be Homeless, But It Helps: A look at  Mental Illness and Homelessness. plus a shout-out from Brad Lancaster in Shoreline, Washington, who has a homeless encampment in his back yard.  Guest host:  Chantal James, WPFW



Street Poetry

Long If It Don’t Feel Good, Why’s It Illegal? – The Criminalization of Homelessness.  Eric Tars, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty; Paul Boden, Western Regional Advocacy Project, Kristin Matthews, Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless.  Then:  A talk with Red, a San Diego homeless man arrested for sleeping in a donated tiny house.  Guest host: Otis Maclay.

Mid. – 1 a.m.


Squatters in Venezuela – produced by Making Contact

Long The third hour ofour Homeless Walk Around the White House

1–2 a.m.

Short Street Poetry

Guests:  JoJo Valdez, who was swept from her homeless encampment in Boise, Idaho and Jessica McCafferty of the ACLU; then a shout-out from Toby Nixon, a homeless man protesting for homeless rights in Santa Cruz.  Guest host:  Otis Maclay, Pacifica Radio.


2-3 a.m.


Profiles – Perry, Olive Oil and Junior

Long The fourth hour of our Homeless Walk Around the White House plus a shout-out from Abbotsford, Canada, where they dumped chicken manure on a homeless encampment.

3-4 a.m.

Short Street Poetry
Long What Becomes of Homeless Youth? plus, Nick Dicenzo, who heads Cannabis Can, a charity that distributes marijuana to homeless people in Denver, Colorado. Guest host:  Katea Stitt, WPFW.

4-5 a.m.


Working Homeless – reported by Anne Hillman

Long The fifth hour of our Homeless Walk Around the White House, plus a shout-out from Faygo, a homeless protester for homeless rights in Sacramento, California.

5-6  a.m.

Short Street Poetry
Long Formerly homeless street musician Doug Seegers, from Sweden, and low-cost housing developer Sean Canonie, from Florida.  Guest host:  Katea Stitt, program director, WPFW.

6-7 a.m.


Profile:  Harley


The sixth hour of hour Homeless Walk Around the White House, plus a shout-out from Jared Stewart who, when we last spoke with him, had just been rousted from his homeless camp in New Orleans and was living under a bridge while awaiting back surgery.


7-8 a.m.


Street Poetry


Is Anyone Anywhere Solving Homelessness? We’ll take a look at some of the models being tried. 

Guest host:  Joni Eisenberg, WPFW.

Hour 14

8-9 a.m.


Homeless in Cape Cod – reported by Lucy Kang

Long The Homeless Walk Around the White House will come to an end at the White House, where housed and homeless people will gather, we’ll announce the results of the “Homeless Primary,” and everyone will sing the Star Spangled Banner.


Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Will Look Back on December 2003 9:30 AM Free Radio Sunday 2-14-16


Another flashback edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.  We’ll look in on  outspoken activist Jhond Golder describing his jail experiences for raising uncomfortable issues with the City,  youth advocate Jerry Henry fighting descrimination out at the Rancho del Mar Shopping Center (before it was a mega-Safeway),  turn-of-the-millenium poetry from Berkeley songstress Julia Vinograd, and writer Becky Johnson confronting Sleeping Ban booster and homeless civil rights remover Mike Rotkin.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160214.mp3.

Thursday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Will Feature “Camp Paradise” and “Mock-Nazi Salute” Flashbacks to 2002 6PM Today


Swooping back to the March 27, 2002 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, we join then-homeless attorney Kris Frederickson and Camp Paradise boss Larry Templeton discussing the court fight in the aftermath of Camp Paradise, the homeless-run encampment along the San Lorenzo River near the Hiway 1 bridge.  Also on the show: activists and attorneys Kate Wells and David Beauvais begin the 12-year fight to establish free speech at City Council in the “mock-Nazi salute” cases.  Though the City, after spending several hundred thousand dollars, avoided damages, the precedent became established that “a violation of the rules does not mean a disruption of the meeting”.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160211.mp3.

9:30 AM Sunday 2-7: Flashback Shows from April 1999 on Free Radio Santa Cruz: the Rotkin-Silva Sleeping Ban Debate

Tomorrow at 9:30 AM at 101.3 FM, streaming at freakradio.org, and archiving at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160207.mp3:

The April 8, 1999 show featured a strong debate between former Mayor Mike Rotkin and homeless activist David Silva on the killing the Sleeping Ban.   The next show on April 11, 1999 had Santa Barbara Homeless Coalition writer and organizer Jane Haagstrom discussing the preiously successful Santa Barbara struggle, Edward de Bolt on police mistreatment,  Silva sparring with host Norse, the Biotic Backing Brigade’s pie-ing of Mayor Willie Brown,  and David Silva reviewing his Rotkin debate.

Call-in with comments at 423-4833 which will be mentioned in later broadcasts.

Thursday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Will Continue Flashbacks to 2003 6PM Today


Roxanne Acquistepache and Robert Norse discuss the process by which the Santa Cruz Citizens Police Review Board was quickly strangled and buried, following up on more recent flashbacks to that fateful period.  Roxanne recently died, previously a strong voice for homeless civil rights and fundamental reform in the SCPD.  We also interview Jhond Golder and his ancient struggle with the city officials who twice arrested him as he struggled to get his car back in the fall of 2002.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at freakradio.org.  It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb160204.mp3.