NEW BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDE SHOW TONIGHT 6-8 PM Free Radio Santa Cruz ! Archived…if you missed it

The ever lovable Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, which has been playing “flashback” shows from earlier years, will be returning to the 2015 era tonight at 101.3 FM and with commentary and coverage of segments of last Tuesday’s Shitty Council meeting, street interviews, Keith McHenry on the Blue Box 2 from the hearing last Thursday in defense of street performers…and more!

If you missed the show (because the message is going out so late), it will be archived at shortly after broadcast.

Call in with any comments, carping, or cutting-edge analysis at 831-423-4833.

Robert Norse

Back to Occupy: A Free Radio Look Back at Police Repression and Mayor Lane’s “Response” 9:30 AM Sunday 11-8 at 101.3 FM

The Sunday show will be another Flashback–perhaps the last for awhile, as I’m going to be playing new and more current material next Thursday for the 11-19 6:30 PM show.

Specifically, Sunday’s show tomorrow will run two old shows back to back–the December 8th, 2011 show [] recorded immediately after the police crushing of the San Lorenzo campground and the earlier destruction of the Occupy Octagon.  This will be followed by the January 5, 2012 show []  which featured a live question-and-answer session with then-Mayor Don Lane.

Both shows can be independently downloaded by going to the links above.

Comments can be phoned in to 831-423-4833 and will be broadcast next Thursday (11-19) if technically feasible.

Free Radio Santa Cruz still has no studio–hence the fact we’re broadcasting and playing old shows.  And we’re still offer a sweet 500 bucks to whoever can find us one!   That pays for at least 150 cups of coffee!  Call me if you have any ideas, info, or inspiration!

Bathrobespierre Robert

Flashback Free Radio–Verdict in the “Don’t Sing Downtown Downtown” Verdict and More on Peace Camp 2010

Another follow-up Flashback on Free Radio Santa Cruz Archival 9-30-2015  Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show:     Verdict in the “Can a Heckler Shut Down a Political Song?” case… Sandra Leigh interviews me and Curbhugger Chris on PeaceCamp2010 and more.

Show can be heard anytime at .

Are these messages helpful to you HUFF e-mail readers?   Let me know.


Flashback Show Today at 9:30 AM for Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: Interviews from and About the 2010 Homeless Protest Encampment: PeaceCamp 2010

Streaming today on and broadcasting at 101.3 FM:   PeaceCamp 2010—weeks after being driven from the Courthouse to the Sidewalk Near City Hall, Elisse Cadman and Ed Frey in the Studio, Sgt. “I’m Not Harassing” Harms gives a view from the SCPD, and more !

Archived at if you miss it live.

Still broadcasting archives as we struggle to put together a current show–without a studio!  Contact us at 423-4833 or if you are interested in the $500 reward for finding us a small space where we can set up a studio for a year.

Radio Show Change for Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: Flashback to Earlier Homeless Struggles in Santa Cruz

Due to a defective file for the otherwise interest 8-29-10 show, I have replaced the show with two shorter shows: one from 9-16-10 and the second from 9-23-10.

These can be accessed directly in the HUFF archives at  and .

The first show is an interesting reflection on the Waiting List exception to the Santa Cruz Camping Ordinance–likely passed because Los Angeles and San Diego had dumped their nighttime bans and the ongoing PeaceCamp 2010 protest continued nightly at City Hall.

The second has as lovely co-hosts then-Council candidate Steve Pleich and PeaceCamp 2010 bottom liner Curbhugger Chris Doyon.

Flashbacks Galore on Free Radio: Back to 2005 with Bathrobespierre’s Broadside 6 PM Tonight

Tonight’s Free Radio replay will include clips with the Pirate Radio San Diego raid; Battleweary Bob Patton of the (former) Human Rights Organization, SEIU hiding on the Sleeping Ban Issue; Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on her FRSC expulsion; Attorney Kate Wells on Richard Quigley’s  “Helmet Law” Case;  Steve Argue on SEIU action, and more.  The show can be downloaded at   if you miss the original broadcast.

Flashback Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show from August 1996 On Air Sunday 10-25

Yet another flashback show coming your way on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM (streaming at Sunday October 25 2015. (9:30am-1:00pm)

This one features Santa Cruz Performers Guild activist ” Travelin'” Tom Noddy, Housing Now! in Santa Cruz founder “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster, and me discuss the history and then current status of street performers in 1996 and some of the earlier struggles of the Scott Creek Bluff Vehicle Dwellers.

A second interview has me and “Dragonsheart” Dan Hopkins, who vigiled at Santa Cruz City Hall night after night from March 1996 through October of that year exposing and denouncing the City’s Sleeping Ban on a mainstream radio station.

The sound quality of the shows is iffy but the info is interesting.  Or I hope listeners will find it so.  Let me know by e-mail, folks, if you like these flashbacks.  I’m still making ineffectual efforts to restore current and live shows.  And we still need a studio!  Call me at 831-423-4833 if you’ve got suggestions, ideas, etc.

Free Radio Flashback Today on Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5:45 PM or so: Winter 1998

Yet another back show from the archives–this one with extensive discussion of the high hopes for abolition of the Sleeping Ban in the Winter of 1998 after a “progressive” majority gained power–Councilmembers Beiers, Krohn, Sugar, and Fitzmaurice–who sadly disappointed us days later and throughout their 4 year term.  However activism was at a high pitch and the discussion and phone calls are interesting.   It’s archived at under December 3, 1998 if you miss the show or wish to review the discussion.   If you have comments, call and leave a message at 4123-4833!   Happy listening.

Good news:  I’ve downloaded Audacity and now simply need to secure some equipment and training to return to contemporary interviews and commentary!

Sleeping Ban Debate from 20 Years Ago on Free Radio Today

Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadside archive is a replay of the Sunday show from December 5th.  It features extensive coverage of the Robert Wagner Memorial interview (a homeless man who died of exposure outside), and a further flashback to a debate between then Counclmember Mike Rotkin and Robert Norse on the Sleeping ban from 1994, originally aired on KSCO radio.

The broadcast will begin approximately around 9:30 today (10-18) and runs 4 1/2 hours.
The show can be downloaded and played independently of Free Radio Santa Cruz by going to

I’m getting closer to acquiring the technical expertise to creating new shows–which is hard for us Free Radio broadcasters, because we have no studio.  I was able to download the software, and am now shooting for the hardware and the instructional expertise.

Reminding everyone that any information which leads us to a year’s lease on a studio earns the sharp-eyed informant $500.   E-mail me at if you have any info.

Another Flashback Show on Free Radio Santa Cruz Tonight

Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show is a flashback to Thursday, November 24, 2005 (which can also be downloaded directly: ).  It’s described below.  The 6 PM starting time today (10-15-15) is approximate.  It might start somewhat earlier or later.  If you miss it and want to hear what you’ve missed, check out the download.  More older shows can be found at .

Looking for more current material?  E-mail me at and walk me through some audio editing tutoring!

Thursday, November 24, 2005
Download Show Street tapes (ST): Roughrider Richard Quigley pre-death wake: BE Smith on his federal jail time for medical marijuana, Felons Union; In-Home Care Workers Rep. Tim Ahern critiques Tony Madrigal; holy hempstress Theodora Kerry; Legal Worker Ray Glock Grueneich; Judge Tom Kelly; KSCO Owner Michael Zwerling gets served lawsuit by reporter/attorney Paul Sanford; minister Jerry Henry and others…More street tapes…Jason Pasqual, street tarot reader; ticketing of Brandon the celloist…Phone-In from L.A. listener on homeless and mental illness…Phone-In from Robert on harassment of recyclers.. (Approx 2 hours–sound quality of some interviews varies widely)…

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Tonight Will Flash Back to 2007: Homies for the Homeless Protest


Title: Flashback to 2007 –Homies for the Homeless on Free Radio Santa Cruz
START DATE: Thursday October 08
TIME: 6:00 PM8:00 PM
Location Details:
Broadcasts on 101.3 FM
Streams on around 6 PM–lasting about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
No call-in’s–we have no studio! ($500 Reward if you find us one)

Show archives at

Event Type: Radio Broadcast
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB 14B S.C. CA 95060
Free Radio Santa Cruz (101.3 FM and is still broadcasting and streaming, but since we are homeless (or studio-less), the shows are all previously recorded, and so far I’ve not yet acquired the skills to make new shows.

All is not lost, however, for here’s a show–previously aired on August 16, 2007 about a week-long campout which came to be called “Homies for the Homeless” at City Hall. It began as a one day/one night sleep-out attended by activists from Los Angeles and ended up as a week-long sleepout run by unhoused folks.

Freedom Sleepers are preparing their 14th Tuesday night sleepout for 10-13. The Homies for the Homeless sleepout of 8 years ago took place after weekly protests in front of then-Councilmember Ryan Coonerty’s Bookshop Santa Cruz.

You can also find info on line about Homies for the Homeless at

Sunday August 12th Know Yr Rights, Feed, Film, and Sleep-Out at City Hall” at

“Sir! No Sir! and Sleeping Ban Protest at City Hall” at (numerous comments follow the story)

“Trash Orchestra & “Santa Cruz Sit Ban” Video Tonight at Homeless City Hall Sleep Zone” at

I am still gathering material to broadcast some contemporary if prerecorded shows, and hope to be doing so soon.