All Aboard for the 11 AM Conscience and Action Conclave at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed eventually by the HUFF meeting! Coffee likely! Edibles near certain.


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper; Vibes Guy
  • Old Biz:  1220 River St. Report & 8-15 Protest/Press Conference; 10 AM  Postponement? 
  • Old Biz:  Committee Report on Bathroom Protests
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
  • Any Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal ?
  • Follow-Up on Expenditures & Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Service; CATCH Committee ?                                                                                

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem       
  • RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
  • August 8th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • What’s to be Done With SC Homeless Union Documentation?
  • Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report?
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


Friday August 9 5:30 PM City Manager’s Conference room (knock at side door) Councilmember Glover’s Pre-Council Public Info Session
Saturday August 10   noon-3 PM   Really Free Market   Sub Rosa Cafe


Thomas:   perhaps get on the 1220 Visiting List.

Robert:  ask Eric for Marquez’s phone number—or Phil.

                Contact Keith to ask about Interns

                Mail list of 1220 Infractions and E-mailed Drew request for “fixed/transient” clarity.

                Send out e-mail on Friday date.

Greg, Laura, Phil:  Bathroom Planning

Eli, Laura: Make calls about the homeless Shelter/Resources  list, specifically around Shelter

Everyone:  Camp protest/press conference postponed to the 15th 10 AM

ADDITIONALLY:  Someone needs to examine Louden Nelson documents and the County’s Salvation Army shelter contracts. E-Mail if you haven’t got these documents & want to help.

Any volunteers to go by the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center or phone them and find out if they have a procedure for dismissing homeless vehicular citations?

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams today (8-4-19) at 9:30AM at Mayor Watkins Interview Rejecting Progressive Proposals, LA’s Attack on RV’s, Flashback to June 22, 2003 with Tom Noddy, Mike True, & Joe W…

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Report to the Conscience and Action Direct Action Activists on Salvation Army-Run 1220 River St. Campground’s Many Continuing Restrictions Headed for Protest August 15th
  • Frequent “Song for Today” Breaks off the David Rovics Website”
  • “CatsEye” Coral on the Temper of The Tannery
  •   Food Not Bombs Chatter-as-we-Chewsters including Twinkletoes Trixie on Her Latest Court Carousel, Jennifer Langford on Harm Reduction
  • “Last Laugh” Lion Challenges Bathrobespiere’s Pessimism
  • Reviewing Peter Gelderloos’s How Non-Violence Protects the State
  • Chris Hedges vs. Derrick Jensen on Non-Violence

Flashback to late July, early August 1997 Show (likely 8-3-97)
  • SC City Curfew Discussion passed July 22, 1997

  • Sitting and Leaning Tickets

  • Citizens Committee for the Homeless Update with Beggarbacker Becky Johnson and Tuflove Laura Tucker

  • Direct Action TakeOver of Wherry Housing in San Francisco


  • Support Upcoming Protests on Demanding Decent Bathroom Access  and Alleviating Concentration Camp Conditions and Wasteful Expenditures at the 1220 River St. Camp on August 15th
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the City Council “Away on Vacation” Abdication as Homeless People Face Police Lies and Turn-Aways from Shelter.
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages–Whether you were at Ross Camp or Not: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Additional Needs for Community Samaritans!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action,Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.

  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  & Power Surge Tenants Rights on Facebook
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (8-1-19) at 6 PM at Short Sharp Interviews A-Plenty & Flashback to October 23, 2003—the De Anza Rent Control Sellout

$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ Free Radio Santa Cruz studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  • Lighthouse Linda’s New Conversations Sitdown Right next to the Monday Red Church Meal 
  • Food Not Bombs food tasters speak out: Sonya, Robert W., Felton, Mark, Aaron 1, Julie, & Mark

Flashback to 10-23-03
  • Norse on ancient news updates
  • The De Anza Mobile Home Betryal:  City Council Sells Out Rent Control

11 AM Wednesday July 31, 2019 Conscience and Action followed by HUFF: Coffee, Conversation, and a Touch of Conscience & Huffiness


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper; Vibes Guy
  • Minutes Prep Help
  • Old Business:  1220 River St. Report & 8-8 Protest/Press Conference; 10 AM
  • Old Business:  1st Friday Tabling to Advertise Direct Action on Bathrooms 5 PM…Prep.
  • Kevin’s Response to SCPD National Night Out Tuesday Aug 6  4-6 PM responding to  station tours, live demonstrations, and snacks at 155 Center St
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
  • Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal
  • Follow-Up on Expenditures & Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Service; CATCH Committee Update.
  • California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                           
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Linking Up with ICE Resistance

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
  • August 2nd Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • Police Auditor Contract; Mills GT Article
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


C & A/HUFF Meeting

Alicia, Kevin, Rapha:  Subcommittee on how money is being spent.
Alicia:  August 2 and previous prep tabling downtown for bathroom demo, round up some toilet art, very visible sign

Alicia, Steve, Kevin, Robert, Gloria: Downtown Tabling

Rapha: Sending copies of  1220 River St. Contract to Robert

Robert:  List of demands for August 2nd

Keith, Robert (Keith not at meeting): Perhaps Follow Up on the “Call a Cop for Shelter Transport”, Alicia and Kevin may join

Robert will ask Keith to do a Press Release for August 8th

Phil will contact New Director with Demands.

Robert will e-mail Drew with request for specific addresses on Infraction data, and/or specific definitions of “fixed” versus “transient” residence.

Robert will send Rapha the 12 categories Drew requested.

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams today (7-28-19) at 9:30AM at Mayor Watkins Interview Rejecting Progressive Proposals, LA’s Attack on RV’s, Flashback to June 22, 2003 with Tom Noddy, Mike True, & Joe Williams

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
Flashback to June 22, 2003 Show:
  • Norse’s Round-Up: The Move-Along Law, Pacific Trading Company’s Theft of Planter Sitting Spaces, Anti-Homeless “Permit”Parking,  Benches Disappearance; 

  • Interviews with People Past: Geena, Warren West, Gabe…
  • “Travelin’” Tom Noddy co-hosts on “Exemptions”, Jugglecrime, & other Council-created infractions,
  • “Skidmark” Bob Duran on Performing Perils,
  •  “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster Community Law…

Bonus Mystery Meat Flashback from the Same Summer:

“Justice Now!” Joe Williams, Travelin’ Noddy & “Merrytune” Mike True on Repealing the Downtown Ordinances…

Andrea Tishler-Med Marijuana ID Cards by Supes


  • Support Upcoming Protests on Demanding Decent Bathroom Access at First Friday August 2 and Alleviating Concentration Camp Conditions and Wasteful Expenditures at the 1220 River St. Camp on August 8th
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the City Council “Away on Vacation” Abdication as Homeless People Face Police Lies and Turn-Aways from Shelter.
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages–Whether you were at Ross Camp or Not: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Additional Needs for Community Samaritans!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action,Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.

  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  & Power Surge Tenants Rights on Facebook
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (7-25-19) at 6 PM at Salinas Sidewalk Survivors Head for Court; Restoring Restrooms–the Next Step; Stolen Songs from the Capitol Steps

$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ Free Radio Santa Cruz studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  •   Exposed Police Violence in Palo Alto and Los Gatos: Cash for the Victims, No  Punishment for the Police Perps
  • Crystal and Giggles Tell An All Too Familiar Tale of Torture:  
  • Planning the Next “Give a Shit” Protest–Looking in on an Activist Meeting
  • Wes White on the Salinas Sidewalk Survivors August 1 Courtdate

11 AM Wednesday July 24, 2019 Conscience and Action: Summer Shoutback–Following Up on Various Projects


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Downtown Follow-Up for the “Give a Shit; Open the Shitters” Campaign
  • Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal
  • Follow-Up to Create a Forum on Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Services
  • Follow-Up on Demo to Publicize Unaddressed 1220 River Deficiences and Challenge the Wretched Concentration Campground “New Normal” Model
  • California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                           
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Linking Up with ICE Resistance
  • For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • Public Records Updates:  Infraction Data Crunching; New Delays
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • August 1 Caravan to Provide California Homeless Union Support for Salinas Sherwood Park Survival Campers
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Keith, Alicia, Robert:  Interested in working on  audio recording evening calls for shelter from folks on the street.
Keith, Robert: Planning a forum to debate local effectiveness in providing real services and shelter versus grant grabbing and surveillance stats.
Phil, Alicia, Robert, Greg, Rafe, Others at 1220: A return demonstration to 1220 around issues of free access in and out, access to tents, showers, salaries for “monitors”, potable water, cooling temperatures in tents, etc.
Conscience and Action voted 7-17 to support Nick and Phil’s proposals, though we didn’t discuss them at length.
Rafa:  Talk to Brent about Charging Stations at His Storage Area.
Rafa: Work the Police Data on Infraction Citations.


​Free Radio Santa Cruz will be streaming the entire 21st Annual Homelessness Marathon starting at 7 AM on Wednesday 7-24.  The program goes all day until 9 PM.

This will be on the stream at (NOT on the air, as Free Radio is currently looking for a transmitter location).



The Homelessness Marathon is primarily composed of short, pre-recorded reports and longer live discussions.


     10-11 am

Welcome, then a talk with street newspaper vendors at Spare Change News in Cambridge, Mssachusetts.


11am – noon


The Last Words of  Michael Collins


“Hell Is For Children” – Youth Homelessness.  Host:  Linda Pinkow.  Guests to include:  Carl Howell and Amanda Mallardo from Community Teamwork that works with homeless youth in Lowelle, MA plus youths from their program, Ominque Garner, with Boston Youth Action Board; Jacob Heart from Y2Y, that works with homeless youth in Harvard Square.


12 – 1pm


Homeless Poetry – One                                    


A talk with doctors and the homeless women they treat at a Health Care Without Walls facility  – Host:  Nobody


1-2 p.m.


“Perry & Harley – A Door To Close”


From Shelter to Home – transitioning out of homelessness – Host Marc Stern.  Guests:  John Yazwinski with Father Bill’s Place and two who went from shelter to home.




“Saved By the Library” – produced by Virginia Marshall


A talk with homeless artists at the Common Cathedral Common Arts Program  – Host Nobody


3 – 4pm


Homeless Poetry Two


“The Prison to Poverty Pipeline” – Hosts:  Linda Pinkow & Caitlin Fischer (from Japan).  Guests to include:  Professor Lucius Couloute, Carole Cafferty with the MIT Initiative for Teaching Incarcerated Individuals, and formerly incarcerated citizens Brandon Morris and Lynn Sullivan.


4 – 5pm


“In the Closet – Literally” – produced by Brian Adoff


“Reshaping Our Policies Toward the Homeless” Hosts:  Nobody & Linda Pinkow.  Guests: Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins (the only one of 21 invited candidates, including the incumbent, to accept), Director of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, Cheri Honkala and Pastor Dean Dodd of Church In The Park, Modesto, CA.


5 – 6pm


“Markaya from Oaklna – Jus’ Sayin’” – produced by Lucy Kang


“Now Learn This” – Homeless Students.  Hosts: Caitlin Fischer & Mark Weaver.  Guests:  Bianca van Heydoorn with the Hope Center for College, Community and Justice, Temple University; Kathleen O’Neil, with Bunker Hill Community College and a BHCC student.


6 – 7pm


“The Story of Taisha Sturdevant” – produced by Carol Jackson


A talk with homeless guests at the Paulist Center Supper Club – host Nobody


7 – 8pm




“It’s Easy To Be Homeless When You Lose Your Home – Part One, Fighting Foreclosures,” guest host:


8 – 9pm


“Finding Hidden Hunger in America.” – produced by Catherine Stifter


“It’s Easy To Be Homeless When You Lose Your Home – Part Two, Fighting Evictions” with City Life/Vida Urbana members at Our Savior Lutheran Church


9 – 10pm


Finding Hidden Homeless in India” – produced by Carol Jackson


“We’re Here, We’re Queer, Now Where Can We Sleep?” LGBTQ homelessness.




“Getting Through the Minnesota Winter – produced by James Gullickson


“Ending Homelessness NOW” – Jacqui Pollack, who spent eight years homeless on the streets of Seattle; Rev. Liz Theoharis, co-chair Poor People’s Campaign & Mass. State Rep. Mike Connely.

Hour 14

11pm – midnight


Homeless Poetry Three


“What’s It Gonna Take?” – host – Nobody.  Guests, Paul Boden, Field Director Western Regional Advocacy Project, Morgan Brown

[huffsantacruz] Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream July 21, 2019 at 9:30 AM-3 PM : More Loud Liberation at Louden (London) Nelson Bathrooms; Recall Clashes, Sad Stories on the Sidewalk at FNB; a Flashback to May 29, 2008

CASH FOR YOU!: $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multi-story home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
Today’s Line-Up, the Content of the May 29, 2008 Flashback, and More will hopefully be sent out later today.   In the meantime, listen in and catch the show as it comes!

  • WEDNESDAY JULY 24 7 AM to 9 PM the Annual Homelessness Marathon at!
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the City Council “Away on Vacation” Abdication as Homeless People Face Police Lies and Turn-Aways from Shelter.
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages–Whether you were at Ross Camp or Not: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Additional Needs for Community Samaritans!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.

  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  & Power Surge Tenants Rights on Facebook
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (7-18-19) at 6 PM at Bits & Bites of Bitterness and Bravado from downtown sidewalks; Liberating the London Nelson Lavatories

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:
  • Sidewalkster Meal Munchers Weigh on the Value of Closing City Bathrooms
  • “Angry and Active” Alicia Kuhl Reports on SCPD Surveillance and Pressure
  • Denise Recommends Craig’s List for Free Speech Messages
  • Andy of reviews the shelter situation and Musical Frustration downtown
  • Painting contractor and vandweller Michael C. on bathroom deficiency
  • Liberating the Locked Women’s Bathroom at Londen (Louden) Nelson Center