Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (6-27-19) at 6 PM at Public Safety Committee Tidbits Chaired by Councilmember Drew Glover

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  • Updates for the Uppity
  • Slippery Times with Councilman Glover’s Public Safety Committee and the SCPD

Wednesday June 26, 2019 Conscience and Action at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at or sometime after Noon at 703 Pacific

We chatter and quaff coffee. 
Also likely:  a visit from River St. Campground Director Eric Snickars..


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Likelihood of postponing C & A meeting today considering the concurrent the Homeless Connect meet.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • D.C. and Union Report
  • Prep for Tonight’s Union Update 5-7 PM at RCNV; Weekend Declaration Tabling at FNB; Iran Anti-War Demo Saturday
  • Main Projects: Louden Nelson Bathroom Action & Organizing…RV Protection….Campground Union Organizing
  • City Council Lookback
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination                                                                                           
  • Media Focus on Exorbitant Cost of Pseudo-Shelter Alternatives:  The River St. Concentration Camp & Other
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation—Snickars–Organizing for Rights to Visit, Documentation at Coral St. & Elsewher   Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s…Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line
  • Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports: June
  • Street Spirit Vendor: Angel Mason
  • Santa Cruz (Homeless) Connect Report; Flyering
  • Public Records: Oral Communication History
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report 
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream 6-23-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at : Deconstructing the River St. “Show” Campground; Reports from Activists and Idlers; and much more…

STILL SEEKING A RECIPIENT—REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
Some of What’s On the Current-and-Catchy portionhuff of today’s show:

  • River St. Camp Boss Eric Snickars Fields Hard Questions
  • Conscience & Action in action–a look inside
  • Marching Towards War with Iran; Paralysis & Apathy in Santa Cruz
  • A Scotts Valley sympathizer recounts calling out a business bigot
  • Katzenjammer Keith Reports on D.C., Santa Cruz, and Upcoming Events
  • Gloomy Gusts Ahead: Looking Forward to City Council Tuesday
  • Dawncaller Drew Glover and the Upcoming Council Report
  • Alicia Kuhl’s D.C. Report as She Heads for Fresno Lawyer’s Conference
  • Elder Struggles & Snapshots in Santa Cruz with Ray and Jim
  • Traveler Tim’s Sunny Shelter Report
  • Sundried Tales of Titillation and Trouble from the Food Not Bombs Vats
  • Wes White on Salinas and Washington D.C.

Flashes from the Front  by S.C. Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the City Council Refusal to Restore Bathrooms, Wash Stations, and Safety Zones for the Majority of Homeless Folks
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages–Whether you were at Ross Camp or Not: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Get Ready for Direct Action to Restore and Expand Community Restroom Use
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (6-20-19) at 6 PM at Riding the Rough Road with “Just Let Me Be” Janai & More….

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  • Varied Voices from the Red Church Chow Line
  • Serge on the Lived Experiences of Folks Outside
  • Janai Herod Reports on Sudden Crackdown in RV citations in the Harvey West Area (11 tickets in 72 hours) and much more!

Check out Santa Cruz Connect at the Portuguese Hall (9:30 AM), then Meander Over to Conscience and Action at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at Noon


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Likelihood of postponing C & A meeting today considering the concurrent the Homeless Connect meet.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • City Council Update: 6-25 Meeting with Upcoming Infraction Data; Rental Data Gathering System
  • Phone call options:  D.C. Activists, Glover,                                                                                                                       
  • Media Focus on Exorbitant Cost of Pseudo-Shelter Alternatives:  The River St. Concentration Camp & Other
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation—Snickars–Organizing for Rights to Visit, Documentation at Coral St. & Elsewhere

           Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s…Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…

           Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report

  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line

         Campground Closing—New Mills Enforcement Focus—Seaside Law

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports: June-i
  • Street Spirit Vendor: Angel Mason
  • Santa Cruz (Homeless) Connect Report; Flyering
  • Public Records: Oral Communication History
  • Homeless Union D.C. Alicia/Wes/Keith call
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report 
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream 6-16-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at : Flashback to Part 2 of the Camp Paradise Templeton Interview & the 4-12-01 BB Show

GRAB IT WHILE YOU CAN! —REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
Some of What’s On the Current-and-Catchy portion of today’s show:

  • Theatrical Send-Up and Challenge to the City Council’s Indifference to Basic Issues: a Substitute Council-in-the-Courtyard
  • Activist Alicia Kuhl Updates Us on Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless Matters
  • “Not so Nuts” Nate Kennedy Reviews the City Council Record
  • The 6-11-19 Oral Communications Line-Up at City Council
  • “Whip ‘Em Into Shape” Wes White on his Forthcoming Trip to D.C. to form the National Union of the Homeless
  • Right-winger Ron Radosh Receives a Rare Seeger Song Denouncing Stalin
  • Looking In on the Santa Cruz Indivisible “Impeach Trump” Rally on 6-15
Flashback to Camp Paradise Interview June 6, 2001  (Part 2)
  • Activist Chaim Levin Interviews Camp Paradise Co-Founder Larry Templeton on Becky Johnson’s Club Cruz Community TV Show

Flashback:  April 12, 2001

  • Sleeping Ban Updates
  • “Dead On” David Silva on Mayor Fitzmaurice’s Sleeping Ban Stagnation
  • Dogged Doug McGraff Gets a Report on the Koffee Klatch 3’s Successful Subpoena of Mayor Tim Fitzmaurice
  • In-studio guest Pat Kittle on his ’89 Earthquake Homeless Period, the Homeless Magnet Effect, “Better Deal for the Homeless” in Santa Cruz,
  • Madheart Merlin on Justman Jim Cosner’s Smashing of the Columbus Statue in San Jose;  “Hobo Lee”, Squatter Environmentalist, on Trashed Out Forests
  • Sobering Satirical Songs by Cornerstone Carol Denney throughout
  • Glenn Mowrer, former Chief Public Defender, on his defense of homeless folks in Santa Barbara

Boxing With Bullshit by S.C. Fulltimer Vandweller Julie & Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the Ross Camp Destruction
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Prepare for Another Protest Encampment to Begin at the end of June when Funding for the Token Shelters runs out.
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  & Power Surge Tenants Rights on Facebook
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities such as restoring the access to the Louden Nelson and City Hall bathrooms as well as 24-hour bathrooms city-wide.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (6-13-19) at 6 PM at Educational and Agitational Interviews with Berkeley’s Mike Zint and Santa Cruz’s Brent Adams

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  • First They Came for the Homeless Co-Founder Mike Zint Signs In From Berkeley
  • Shelter Shenangan Updates and Cannabis Contortions from County Bureaucrats & Politicos
  • “Backstory” Brent Adams Breaks Down Shelter Capers of the Last Few Years

Dealing with Denial and Delay: Conscience & Action and HUFF meet tomorrow (6-12) beginning at 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific Next to the Bike Church


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; 
  • City Council Update: Glover’s First Alarm Dissent, 4-3 Rental Data Vote
  • Phone call options:  Prince, Glover,                                                                                                                       
  • Media Mention: Commission Report, Mills New Policy, Lawsuit Appeal
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s
  •        River St. Campground Situation—Snickars, Laubach Letters; Visitation, Posting of Contacts, Barbed Wire Removal; Visiting the Cam Rainroad Tracks Repression—Following Up With Weekend Documentation

       Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s

       Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum

       Infraction Stats Drew Phone Contact

       Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report

  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line

     Campground Closing—New Mills Enforcement Focus—Seaside Law

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Wes White’s Salinas Report; the new Law
  • Public Records; Task Reminder Assistance
  • Upcoming Homeless Union D.C. Poor People’s Event
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report
  • Organizing Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Research
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Sunday’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Stream 6-9-19 9:30 AM-3 PM at : Flashbacks: Larry Templeton of Camp Paradise 6-6-01, Lost Show Segment March 1997

 GATHERING MOSS BUT STILL THERE—REWARD ! :$300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space indoors or outside with access to bathroom, internet, and power.  Free Radio Santa Cruz is also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Today’s show streams at and archives at  
Some of What’s On the show:

  • Shambling Seth Airs Anguish About an Old Incident
  • Bait and Switch:  Salvation Army’s River Street “Barbed Wire” Campground Severely Restricts Visiting Hours
  • Alicia Kuhl Phones Media and Police When Falsely Confronted in a Traffic Incident in a Possible Anti-Homeless Incident
  • Resident Robin Silva updates the First They Came for the Homeless [FTCFTH] activists with the Here-There Camp in Berkeley
  • Resident and Litigant Clark Sullivan Reviews the Recent FTCFTH Civil trial Against the City
  • Tuesday’s Council Agenda: Stamp of Approval on SCPD’s Park & Rec Takeover; Dump and Delay Rent Control Negotiations
  • Democratic Socialists Ignore Call for Response to Anti-Homeless Vigilante Violence: Nutcracker Nick’s Report
  • What Happened to the Main Jail Food Strike for Fair Prices?  Still Looking for Answers.
  • Statewide Anti-Solitary Confinement Activist Willow Has No News on Local Jail Practices
  • Oakland decriminalizes psychedelic herbs including cutting funding and banning local prosecution.
  • Reports of continued harassment (possibly camping) tickets against homeless people with no shelter available
  • Pissing off Katzenjammer Keith and piss on Verve’s bathroom door
  • Anti-narcissism booth tender L.J. Educates Us
Flashback to Camp Paradise Interview June 6, 2001
  • Activist Chaim Levin Interviews Camp Paradise Co-Founder Larry Templeton on Becky Johnson’s Club Cruz Community TV Show

Flashback:  Part of a Lost Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show from early March 1997

  • In the corridors of the Campercrusher Court after the Camp Paradise trial of the 2001 “Camp Ross”
  • Bathrobespierre’s Analysis of the Trial (Guilty of “Camping” in a City with Wholly Inadequate Shelter)
  • Post-Trial Commentary from Larry Templeton, Karen Gillette and others

Boxing With Bullshit by S.C. Fulltimer Vandweller Julie, Baricuda Momma, Silver-Tongued Steve & Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Support Alternative Survival Camps and Squats in the Wake of the Ross Camp Destruction
  • Join the Ross Camp Lawsuit Seeking Damages: Protect Survival Camps Everywhere! Contact Barracuda Mama at 831-431-7766 or Visit the Union of the Homeless table 4-6 PM at the Saturday and Sunday Food Not Bombs Meals at the Main Post Office
  • Prepare for Another Protest Encampment to Begin at the end of June when Funding for the Token Shelters runs out.
  • Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
  • Community and City Council Take Note!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking and Grey Water for Washing, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, a Drainage System Against the Rains, More Space in Additional Spots, Less Cop Crackdowns
  • Support Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action,  and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People,  & Power Surge Tenants Rights on Facebook
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities such as restoring the access to the Louden Nelson and City Hall bathrooms as well as 24-hour bathrooms city-wide.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!

Bathrobespiere’s Broadsides radio show streams tonight (6-6-19) at 6 PM at At the Tracks in the Wake of the Cops, L.A. Courts TskTsk L.A Cops, Kevin Allen’s Sister Speaks Out, Red Church RoundUp

Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure).  We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word.   Help us so we can help you!

Tonight’s show streams at and archives at
On tonight’s show:

  • Interview with Carey Allen, Sister of the Dead Homeless Alcoholic Man that Police Arrested rather than Transport directly to the Hospital?
  • Dreamcatcher, Dreadeye, and Other Locals Update Us from the Red Church