Conscience and Action Meeting Moved to 11 am at the Community Room, El Rio Mobile Home Park Thursday July 5th; next HUFF meeting July 11th at Sub Rosa

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) HAS NO MEETING TOMORROWIt will next meet Wednesday July 11th at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa.  It generally meets every other Wednesday at the same time and place.  Alternate Wednesdays  the group Conscience and Action meets there at 11 AM.

Conscience and Action is the group formed in memory of activist David Silva.  They organized last Thursday’s protest demanding reopening of the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo bathrooms.  In a CHANGE OF NORMAL MEETING PLACE AND TIME, THEY WILL MEET THURSDAY 11  AM AT THE REC HALL OF THE EL RIO MOBILE HOME PARK.  

El Rio Mobile Home Park is located at 2120 N. Pacific   Turn right on entering the park. You can walk from the tower or park in the Lenz art parking and short walk to the Rec hall. Please bring others whom you think might want to be a part of a group that is committed to considering justice and issues of conscience in SC and acting on them. We will be discussing the meeting with City Manager Martin Bernal, and considering our next action. 

Last Friday several activists from the protest met with Bernal.  Phil Posner took these minutes:

Meeting of Conscience and Action group with City Manager, Martin Bernal

6-29-18 3:00 regarding closed bathrooms. Present: Nicholas, Keith, Steve, Robert, Philip, Jean, and Jesse and Gloria who came in late …

Phil thanked him for meeting with us; we introduced ourselves and Phil and Nicholas told him what C&A was about, that we were a newly formed group committed to addressing local issues that raise the conscience of injustice etc and call for action. 

He began by stating that “nobody was opposed to bathrooms and that there are more than there were, though some are closed at night. He said the issues having to do with them being open or closed is not the cost, but because of problems with vandalism. For example he cited San Lorenzo Park, and City Hall bathrooms having feces being spread all over. Similarly at Louden there have been persistent problems with vandalism etc.

Philip spoke of and showed him his statement* that would be posted in bathrooms. He was not impressed, suggested that those who vandalize are not acting rationally, meaning that such statements would have no value. However, he said he would follow up with Parks and Rec. regarding the possibility of reopening San Lorenzo and that he was “not opposed to adding more bathrooms.”  … Spoke passionately about individuals that do (inappropriate) behavior is the result of their anger and helplessness at their situation.  However when Robert later specifically requested Martin open the San Lorenzo and/or Louden Nelson bathrooms, he directly said “no:”  The best he would do, as Robert remembers, is “look at the situation” (including the prospect of opening some more portapotties, though he continued to stress that the two previously locked-during-the-daytime portapotties on Cedar St were now open during the day.

Keith asked him what was the problem with the toilet he paid for and had placed by the Post Office, having gotten the postmaster’s ok? He responded that it just wasn’t possible for anyone to place bathrooms anywhere. 

Robert him asked him, “do you have the power to open bathrooms?” He answered: “Probably.”  He later acknowledged that he had the power to do so, but would not without the consent or consultation with staff members below, notably Carol Scurich.

Philip raised the idea of a task force made up of a few homeless individuals, homeless activists and city representatives, like from his office and or Parks and Rec that would try to find solutions to the problem?

He did not respond positively to the suggestion. He said the City wants to prioritize, my word, shelters as the real solution. 

Posner said to him, “Martin, I don’t think you are listening to us. The issue is suffering that is occurring right now to homeless who have no place to shit or pee.” 

He said he would “look at the possibility of more portapotties.” And made the point that “finances are not the predominant issue, but finding solutions that work.” 

We raised the issue of monitors. He said First Alarm did not want to do it because there have been confrontational situations.

Robert raised the issue of a list of inappropriate incidents? Martin agreed to forward any documents that currently existed around the Louden Nelson bathroom closings (i.e. incidents of vandalism, disruptive behavior, unsafe needle disposal, etc.), but refused to create a list of incidents that lead to the closing of the bathrooms (which, Robert thinks, included San Lorenzo Park).

We concluded by asking him what we could expect from him? He answered by saying that:

He would consider reopening San Lorenzo.

More – ADA accessible – portapotties

Individuals signing (their names when they want) to use the bathroom at Louden Center

and will try to find out if there is a list of incidents that have occurred (that caused the closing of bathrooms)

And at the end added that he would look into the process for permitting private toilets (like Keith’s).. He suggested Keith get a list of neighbors who wanted a portapotty around the post office.

Meeting concluded at 4:05 with our thanks for meeting with us.

Respectfully submitted, Phil Posner and Robert Norse.

* To those who are using this bathroom

As you may know our city makes this facility available to the public even though some bathrooms have been vandalized, or in other ways used inappropriately.

Please respect the right of everyone to use this facility, by abstaining from behavior that may necessitate the city having to close it, thus preventing you and others from having it to use the next time we need it.

Conscience and Action

Food not Bombs

Downtown Bathroom Task Force

The Homeless Depot

Police Chief Mills

7-1-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathroom Balderdash! Thursday’s “Cut the Crap–Open the Crappers!” City Hall Protest; Badinage with “Locked Bathrooms:” Bernal; and Street Talk Downtown

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM 

  • Thursday’s Rage and Revelry at City Hall Demanding Open Bathrooms 
  • Parking the New Library in a 5-Level Parking lot?
  • Voices for Rent Control at City Council
  • Conscience & Action Activists Grill City Manager Martin Bernal (Part 1)
  • Vernacular Voices from Downtown
  • Endless Commentary from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse

This show archives July 2nd or 3rd, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  

Tonight 6-28-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, FLASHBACK to June 22, 1997

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at

  • Jessie Cox on Welfare Rights March from Philadelphia to the UN Denouncing Welfare Destruction
  • Drum Circle Harassment Protest at San Jose City Council–Pat Circle & Other Activists Interviewed.
  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on Protests in S.F. Against the Police Killing of Aaron Williams
  • Steve Lightfoot: “Stephen King Shot John Lennon”
  • “Host”s Harassing the Street Community–Downtown
  • Norse interviews Motorcycle Activist Richard Quigley 
  • Gary Wood of Human Rights Defense Committee of San Jose at S.J. City Council on Police Violence

The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 6/28/2018  Thursday, June 28, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.


HUFF meeting-HUFF stumbles on: Wednesday June 27, 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific: Pissed On, Pissed Off and Preparing to Protest

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 6-27 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, next to the Bike Church. 

Agenda Prospects:

  • Building Links with Neighbor Cities–the Wes White Report on the RV Struggle in Salinas and Points South
  • Reprieve for the Boneyard Barbed Wire 60; Harassment as Usual for the Many Outside: the Camper Crackdown Continues
  • Rent Control Real Estate Roundalay: the City Council Gives the Profiteers A Snack
  • Updating the Santa Cruz Guide: :
  • Echoes from Elsewhere, Compliments of Jezebel Julie S:

                 + Doing the Obvious–What Santa Cruz Won’t:
                     + Satirical Scribblings and Bitter Laughter:

                       +  Oakland Evicts Largest Northgate Encampment:
                       + Mixed-Up Murmurings from Mountain View:

                  + Lawyers Link Up in Orange County:

                       + Right-wing Riptide in Lodi: 
                           + Trapped in Miami:

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF, Conscience and Action, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

Speak Out to Bathroom Boss Bernal–Community to Confront City Manager 1 PM Thursday June 28th City Hall Courtyard

Open the Bathrooms!
Thursday June 28 1:00 PM3:00 PM
City Hall Courtyard  809 Center St.


Louden Nelson bathrooms remained closed to the general public; San Lorenzo Park bathrooms remain closed and locked to everyone.

Portapotties and handwashing stations are no longer available in San Lorenzo Park as they were last fall.

The nighttime-only portapotty on Cedar St. is not disabled accessible.

City Hall bathrooms remain closed to the public except during public meetings, while staff has its own commodious bathrooms closed to the public.

Locust Street garage bathrooms have the exposed peek-a-boo spaces in the stalls that compromise the privacy and dignity of user. Staff and cafe patrons are given keys to the cleaner, more spacious, closed private bathroom nearby owned by the City.

The portapotty rented by Food Not Bombs two weeks ago for use as a 24-hour facility by the Community at the intersection of Front, Pacific, and Mission streets has been removed, apparently on orders of the City and not replaced.

No new Sharps containers have appeared in any bathrooms to deal with the problems of needle disposal.

Parks and Recreation boss Carol Scurich has not revealed any documents specifying the reasons, costs, and private discussions resulting in the closing of the Louden Nelson bathrooms to the general public in spite of promises to do so.

City Manager Martin Bernal is Scurich’s boss and has been invited to answer obvious questions about this public health and safety threat. It impacts the local elderly and disabled as well as tourists and the broader community. It also seemed to be part of a sustained and direct attack on unhoused people, scapegoating them in response to unsubstantiated fears by some pressure groups in the community.


Come to the City Council Courtyard Fountain area at 1 PM Thursday June 28th to speak out on the issue, direct questions at Martin Bernal and other city officials.

Food and refreshments will likely be available as will music.

Be creative in your dress and accessories. Bring TP and other sanitary necessities.

The protest may involve a Downtown Toilet Tour as well, led by HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom’s “Give a Shit” Committee).

Those unable to attend the protest can reach Martin Bernal at mbernal [at] . Carol Scurich is at cscurich [at] . The City Council’s e-mail is citycouncil [at] . Please cc Conscience and Action at rnorse3 [at] if you write.

Conscience and Action was formed as a tribute to long-time Sleeping Ban fighter David Silva who died last spring overseas.

More info at: (City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet)

The City of Santa Cruz confiscated the Food Not Bombs community funded portable toilet on Saturday, June 16. Access to public toilets is a human right. Every person deserves the dignity of relieving themselves in a private sanitary way. (Conscience and Action Speak Out at Parks and Rec)

A speak out and rally was held on Thursday, June 14 at noon protesting the closure by Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department of bathrooms at San Lorenzo Park and Louden Nelson Community Center. The action, attended by 23-30 concerned citizens, began at City Hall and moved to the Park and Rec … (Bathroom Baloney–Expanded Speech to City Council on its anti-homeless restrooms policies)’ (Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force)


Download PDF (519.6kb)

6-24-18 9:30 AM-3 PM In and Around Saturday’s Poor People Campaign Gathering…A Volley of Voices from the “Piss and Poo Prohibited” Poor….Troubled Times at the Tannery…and NO Flashbacks !

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Rumblin’ Richard Says “Stick it to the Supes”
  • Restoration Ernestina’s ICE Update
  • Tales of Hope and Terror from the Santa Cruz Scent-Anal
  • “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White’s Salinas Check-In
  • Tuesday’s Shitty Council Preview
  • Fabulous Phil Posner and Nutcracker Nick Whitehead Announce Thursday the 28th Bathroom Battle with City Manager Martin Bernal
  • Stand-Up Abbi Samuels Calls for a Santa Cruz Copwatch
  • Roadside Roberta Describes Her Shelter Search
  • Macaroni Mel’s Upsetting Update
  • Razor Ray Rags On
  • Katzenjammer Keith’s Kantakerous Komplaints
  • “Corral the Corrupt” Coral on Tannery Times
  • Lots more…too much to list!

This show archives June 24, 2018 at

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  


Schedule Change: “Unlock the Bathrooms” flyering and tabling will start at 2:30 PM today at the Poor People’s Campaign at the Main Post Office

Conscience and Action  activists will be joining the Poor People’s Campaign rally at the main post office today in downtown Santa Cruz. 

This will be at 1 PM (not Noon as previously scheduled) to table, make signs, and distribute flyers. 

We are slated to speak between 2:30 PM and 3 PM when the main gathering begins.

For more details on the campaign  Unlock the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo Park bathrooms, see “Conscience and Action Speak Out at Parks and Rec” at

A speak out and rally was held on Thursday, June 14 at noon protesting the closure by Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department of bathrooms at San Lorenzo Park and Louden Nelson Community Center. The action, attended by 23-30 concerned citizens, began at City Hall and moved to the Park and Rec ..


City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet” at

The City of Santa Cruz confiscated the Food Not Bombs community funded portable toilet on Saturday, June 16. Access to public toilets is a human right. Every person deserves the dignity of relieving themselves in a private sanitary way.

Audio of the 6-14 protest can be found at (1 hour and 9 minutes into the program) and (the first half of the show).

Tonight 6-21-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Parks and Rec Bathroom B.S. Demo Part 2

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at

  • More on the “Open the Bathrooms” Protest last June 14 noon and the upcoming June 28th gathering at City Manager Martin Bernal’s office.
  • Mainstay Mike Rhodes of Fresno reviewed recent years of struggle there.  Mike authored Dispatches from the War Zone and blogs at   In critical (but spunky) condition, his health blog is at .

The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for Latest Show – 6/21/2018  Thursday, June 21, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

Portapotty Politics Up to the Plate Again!

Two follow-up protests and an organizational meeting are happening, according to Conscience and Action, which posted the following on Santa Cruz Indymedia:



For more details, go to the main article “City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet” at

The City of Santa Cruz confiscated the Food Not Bombs community funded portable toilet on Saturday, June 16. Access to public toilets is a human right. Every person deserves the dignity of relieving themselves in a private sanitary way.


Conscience-in-Action, the Coalition of groups and individuals who demanded reopening of the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo Park bathrooms will meet again Weds. at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe (703 Pacific next to the Bike Church). 

On the agenda is a proposed action from Ed Frey demanding documented accountability from politicians local and national. 

Up for discussion is a speak-out on Pacific Avenue, possible while standing on vehicles.  We may also be considering follow-up actions to restore decency, public sanitation, and fair access to toilet facilities for everyone in Santa Cruz. 

Other possibilities HUFFsters may present include Direct Action to Block the New Library-in-a-Parking-Garage proposal.  

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meets again June 27th 11 AM at the Sub Rosa.  HUFF reps will be at tomorrow’s Conscience-in-Action meeting on June 20th.

The 20th Annual Homelessness Marathon, for those who missed it, is archived at  Just scroll down to June 12th, and
you’ll find it.  Unfortunately, the hours from 3-5 p.m., EST didn’t

The Schedule

all times Pacific Daylight Time, add three hours for EST)

Hour 1 – 9 a.m.– 10- a.m. . – Live from the Poor People’s March on Washington. Guest Host, Rev. Bruce Wright.

Hour 2 – 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Paul Boden, field director for the Western Regional Advocacy Project on the “Right To Rest” and “Housekeys Not Handcuffs” movements; Amanda Brown-Hunter, head of an Amarillo homeless camp that is in hiding,

Hour 3* – 11:00 – noon – “Homelessness, Housing and Human Rights in DC” – Guest Host, Parissa Nourouzi

Hour 4 – noon – 1:00 p.m.– TBA

Hour 5* – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. – “Homelessness and the Indigenous Peoples of North America.” Guest Host, Derrick Toledo

Hour 6 – 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Helena Liikanen-Renger, Press Counselor for the Embassy of Finland will discuss how it happens that Finland is housing all of its rough sleepers, while the rest of Europe is in a homelessness crisis.

Hour 7* – 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. – “We Got The Power: Lessons in the Fight Against Poverty for Women and Girls” – Guest Host, Carmen Berkley

Hour 8 – 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Attorney Jason Flores, who is suing Denver on behalf of the homeless. Then journalist and activist Mike Rhodes with an update on homelessness in Fresno.

Hour 9 – 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. – A conversation with Bill Higgins, a former submarine officer who became homeless (right before Trump took office, he told us how happy he was that Ben Carson was to be HUD Secretary, but that’s not what he says today). Then, attorney Judith Berkan, will speak from Puerto Rico on hurricane recovery.

Hour 10* – 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Homeless Faculty and Students in Higher Education. Guest hosts, Corrine Ruff and Shalina Chatlani.

Hour 11 – 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. – Kent Anderson, Chief High Risk Services Officer, Waikiki Health, will report some facts on just how young kids there are when they become homeless and what happens to them. Then a look at homelessness in Portland, ME.

Hour 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – “A DC Street Poet, His Reflections and His Lawsuit.” Then Richard Tripp’s Taxi to Heaven, a memorial for homeless advocates who have died since our last broadcast, Richard Tripp among them.