HUFF moves from Sleep-Out to Talk-In, Meets 8-26 Wednesday Sub Rosa 11 AM

Sleepy HUFFsters:  Survivors of the 7th Freedom Sleepers Event at City Hall tonight and any others interested are invited to staggerover to the Sub Rosa at 11 AM at 703 Pacific Ave.  I have been assured the Cafe will be open for business (unlike last week when we had to have a coffee-less meeting).

On the agenda:  City Council’s Silence on Emergency Shelter…Proposed Actions Targeting Upcoming New City Staff Horrors (RV Crackdown)…Hopeful Federal Signs in the Wind?…and more as long as we can stay awake…

HUFFin’ Down the Road: Sub Rosa 8-19 11 AM

Agenda Likelies:   Cafe HUFF and/or HUFF at the Heavies visit sometime in the next week to P & R Director Dannette Shoemaker to clarify whether a Stay-Away Order is now a mandatory part of every in fraction; the Proposed RV parking ban city-wide at night likely to be on the next City Council agenda; Support for the Freedom Sleepers;  liaison with the ongoing Sacramento struggle to ban harassment of RV resters…and all this over cup after cup of free coffee!

Cautionary Note:  Our membership may be reduced if police choose to use stern measures to abrogate our basic right to peaceful protest near City Hall.  In theory arrests could prevent some members from attending.  In this case, I encourage folks to proceed with those items on the agenda they fancy.

I also encourage folks to visit the Freedom Sleepers Sleep-Out tonight, even if you choose not to stay.  It will be going from 5 PM through 7  AM tomorrow (Wednesday) morning

Update on the Police Crackdown at City Hall Tuesday Night


For the initial story (released earlier today on the HUFF e-mail and at and subsequent comments go to .

by Robert Norse

Wednesday Aug 12th, 2015 11:52 PM

The UCSC documentarian Lauren and Israel Dawson had been videoing the protests with their lighting and cameras on tripods. They had videoed extensively throughout the last four parade/protest/ sleepovers as well as prior Freedom Sleeper (then called “Homeless Lives Matter”) breakfasts at Hiway 1 and River St.

Indybay photographer and writer Alex Darocy also covered and published photos of all the Freedom Sleepers protests except the comparatively placid August 2nd Sleep-In at City Hall. All three reporters were either cited or arrested earlier in the night. Add me to the list since I extensively record police interaction with protesters for broadcast on Free Radio Santa Cruz; I received my second citation and my first-ever Stay-Away-from-City-Hall order (for 24 hours).

Lauren Dawson got a ticket for “being in a park after hours” (MC 13.04.011) as well as a Stay-Away-from-City-Hall order for 24 hours. I had the honor of getting this phony citation several minutes before Lauren. Sgt. Forbus denied my right to be on the access pathway through the City Hall Courtyard and my demand to be allowed free access to the posted agendas along that passageway. Perhaps his primary concern was my audio recording of each ticketing encounter. Perhaps it was my loud denunciations of police shutting down the right to assemble at the seat of government. Police also cited Darocy for the being in the park as he took photos of the event. This is the first time when all four reporters were cited.

Israel Dawson reports when told by cop to get his ID, he started walking towards his backpack, at which point he was seized and handcuffed, charged with “resisting arrest” [PC 148a], held three hours at the jail, and given a misdemeanor charge. His court date in mid-September and could face 6 months or a year in jail.

Police sought to drive protesters out of the park with the eight citations and one arrest. They seemed upset that we simply didn’t disperse, responded with angry questions, and declared an intention to return to the City Hall courtyard in front of the Mayor’s office.

Once most had been pushed to the sidewalk, police then began ticketing people for “blocking the sidewalk” or “lying down on the sidewalk” when they attempted to set up their bedding there—in legal spots. They threatened confiscation of the fruit and vegetables, peanut butter and jelly and other food items. Abbi Samuels of Food Not Bombs responded hotly that they could take the table; Freedom Sleepers would not be driven away.

Another officer ignored Samuel’s attempt to explain to him that the public sidewalk in front of City Hall is not covered by the ban against lying down (not just sleeping). City Council passed that Ban to hostile-ify Pacific Avenue for poor people, street people, youth, and travelers two decades ago (MC 9.50.011).

Demonstrators were very upset with the soft-spoken Israel Dawson’s abduction for “resisting arrest”. In response, some Rabbi Phil Posner and others declared they would immediately return to where they’d been resting or standing and if necessary, go to jail in solidarity with Dawson.

Perhaps this threat challenging their authority prompted police to abruptly leave. It might also have been the appearance of four sheriff’s deputies seen consulting with police. Hours later when Dawson was released, he noted he was not held because of the bed shortage there, so (perhaps the deputies asked the cops not to send more folks into a crammed jail.

Folks did get back to sleep, though in reduced numbers. There were probably at least 10 sleepers on the sidewalk. I slept in my car adjacent to the sleepers. All of this is “illegal” under MC 6.36. which bans all sleeping on public property or in cars after 11 PM.

Police did not return at all in the morning—a break from the practice in prior protests when there was often a second visit (though no citations)

Interestingly, no one got 6.36 (Sleeping, Blanket, and Camping Ban) tickets, perhaps to sidestep the embarrassing reality and legal liability that Santa Cruz has no legal place for homeless people to sleep–all 1000-2000 of ’em and simultaneously a law making sleep outside a crime.

After some discussion in an impromptu General Assembly, the protesters decided to maintain both their right to protest at City Hall (though along the sidewalk at this point) and the right of the homeless to sleep without being declared criminals (perhaps half the protesters were homeless).

We plan to return next Tuesday night in increased numbers and press the community to support restoration of civil rights for the homeless (as well as the basic right to be at City Hall in peaceful petitioning, assembly, and protest at night—denied since 2010 by administrative edict). Join us if you believe in the right to sleep…and the First Amendment.

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HUFF Stumbles On–Sub Rosa 8-12 11 AM

In the aftermath of the latest SleepOut at City Hall (and SpeakOut to City Council), we’ll consider HUFFish next steps to hold particular departments accountable for their latest attacks on the homeless–either with 24 Hour Parking Ban near the Homeless Way Lack of Services Center, the proposed RV parking ban city-wide, the missing 24 hour bathroom (Locust St. remains closed at night), national solidarity with police abuse in Ferguson (Black Lives Still Matter…as do Homeless Lives).

If Sub Rosa is closed, retire to the Cafe Pergolesi–but wait until at least 11:15 p.m. before giving up on Sub Rosa.

Coffee is likely to be there and drinkable as usual.

Sleep-Out #5 to Greet Council on Tuesday August 11th

Title: Freedom Sleepers Outside and Inside City Council
START DATE: Tuesday August 11
TIME: 3:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Location Details:
The event will run from 3 PM on Tuesday to 8 AM on Wednesday. Santa Cruz City Hall Courtyard festivities begin around 3 PM, outside the first City Council meeting of the fall (well, late summer). It’s across from the Main Library and the Civic Auditorium. in the Council courtyard area
Event Type: Protest
The City Council is back after its six weeks of sunny summer vacation. During the Budget hearings, the Council did nothing about the “Homeless Services Center” [HLOSC] Shelter Shutdown and cut-off of all Emergency Servces (meals, laundry, showers, bathrooms).

Nothing is on their Tuesday agenda to lift the Sleeping Ban, modify that law or any of the other anti-homeless laws. Nor is there any provision for opening up walk-in campgrounds or legal places for overnight survival sleeping in cars.

1500-2000 homeless people in Santa Cruz for the general population face $157 citations and harassment for sleeping in parks–but have no legal place to go.

This week, the U.S. Dept. of Justice for the first time filed a supporting Statement of Interest in a long-fought Boise, Idaho case. [See ]

There homeless advocates sued cops and their bosses to end police harassment of sleepers and secure restitution for past injuries and amnesty for past false convictions. The federal government’s intervention is a historic action and one we will urge them to do in Santa Cruz as well in future lawsuits.

Homeless folks are invited to speak out on the green outside City Council and inside at 5 PM during Oral Communications.
The Council only allows 3 minutes, but we intend to restore free speech outside. Bring your soapbox.

Advocates also plan a Press Conference (probably after the City Council’s Oral Communications period at 5 PM). There we’ll update folks on the current situation and announce future plans for actions to educate and activate the community.

There’ll be coffee and soup in the mid-afternoon, a mid-evening snack later, and morning coffee at 7 AM after the sleep-in.

Activists will be gathering information on sleep deprivation cites, medical turnaways, and other discriminatory behavior throughout the afternoon and evening.

Up to now, city law (MC 6.36.055) has required dismissal of all camping tickets for those on the Waiting Lists of the Paul Lee loft and the River St. Shelter. HLOSC Director Jannan Thomas met with Freedom Sleepers today and announced there is no longer a Paul Lee Loft Waiting List.

Further the HLOSC will not be providing walk-in services at all to any homeless folks, except those referred by other agencies. Prior word from the River St. Shelter indicates they only take people with a social worker, a referral, or out of the hospital.

With no waiting list for the Paul Lee Loft and a highly restricted list for the River St. Shelter, sleepers will no longer have the protection of those lists and will have a harder task confronting these cruel “drive the homeless out of town” tickets.

This essentially means the end of all Emergency Services in Santa Cruz–other than those with religious requirements or the limited help provided by Food Not Bombs and other samaritans.

Last Sunday’s Sleep-Out resulted in no citations for the 20-30 people at City Hall during the night in spite of the angry demands of a zealous First Alarm security guard.

Nor did policed ticket activists reading posted agendas outside City Council though they were standing “in a closed area”. Instead they drove them away with threats.

How City officials can allow police to ban people from reading publicly posted city agendas at night is still a mystery to many of us. Particularly since state lazw requires the agendas be publicly available 24-hours-a-day for 72 hours before any public meeting.

Join us in pajamas and bathrobes (teddy bears optional) if you wish to support the Right to Rest.

For die-hards and a third round of coffee, HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) will be meeting at 703 Pacific at the Sub Rosa Cafe (next to the Bike Church).

More info at .

This description reflects my perspective and hopefully that of other activists. Living it is better than reading about it. Come and do your part.

The Federal Government Says Being Homeless Should Not Be A Crime

NOTE BY NORSE:  Tip of the hat to Peggy Lee Kennedy down L.A.-way for passing on this encouraging “Statement of Interest” brief filed by the federal government against a Boise, Idaho Sleeping Ban.

Meanwhile in Santa Cruz, we are preparing our next daytime/nighttime Sleep Protest at City Hall for Tuesday August 11th–when the City Council returns from its restful vacation.   Folks are invited to wear Sleepware and cast a few yawns of wisdom at the Council during the 5 PM Oral Communications period.  More info on the SleepOut (#5 in a continuing series) on  shortly.
Homeless people–even an elderly disabled woman with a service dog–continue to be harassed and ticketed for Sleepcrime when Santa Cruz has no shelter for 95% of its homeless.  Food services at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center continue to be a preserve of those “in programs” with “a pathway to housing”  (whatever that means).
Additionally HUFF was told this week that so-called emergency medical providers like Dominican Hospital, Emeline, and Planned Parenthood turned away a homeless woman recently raped in search of medical examination, advice, and treatment.  Please report difficulties you or homeless friends are having obtaining services–the more specific the information, the better.


HUFF at mid-Summer: Still scheming sleepouts and sipping coffee 11 AM 8-5 Sub Rosa


Bubbling up in the HUFF cauldron this time:   Police High Command Orders and Procedures Around Stay-Away Law; Supporting the Sunday SleepOut?, The Tuesday Day-and-Night Sleep-About at City Hall with the Freedom Sleepers; Dogging Disability Discrimination; The latest Ha-ha from the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center on their Admission Policies…and whatever blowsin the door…

Grab Your Blankets and Join Us–4th SleepOut at City Hall 7 PM 8-2 Main Post Office


Title:  Freedom Sleepers Resume Protest at City Hall
START DATE:  Sunday August 02
TIME:  7:00 PM – 7:00 AM

Chow down at Food Not Bombs 4-6 PM, then gather in front of the Main Post Office for final preparations, followed by a parade to City Hall, a modest meal there, and a night outside City Hall. We encourage the community to join us in a night of peaceful petitioning and protest to end the City-wide Sleeping Ban.
Event Type: Protest
We continue this conscience-raising solidarity with homeless people outside who have no legal place to sleep (1500-2000 of them).

Claudia Brown, speaking for the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center declared recently that the HLOSC will not be serving people who don’t have a funding stream (such as SSI or Section 8 Vouchers)–as a “path to housing”.

Meanwhile police and rangers continue harassment ticketing with additional “stay-away” orders for the “crime” of sleeping after 11 PM outside. City Council’s response has been to increase penalties, add more police, and create more “closed” areas.

For more background on the protest as well as the latest flier, go to “3rd Sleep-in at City Hall” at .

For the saga of that 3rd Sleepout (or part of it anyway), check out “Community Sleep-ins Continue at Santa Cruz City Hall” at

See also “Freedom Sleepers” at .

NOTE: This posting reflects my views specifically, though I believe they are shared by many of the Freedom Sleepers.


Posted by: Robert <


Survival Sleep-Out Round Three: Coming Up This Sunday in Santa Cruz !

Title:3rd Sunday Night Sleep-Out at City Hall

Sunday July 26
TIME:7:00 PM – 7:00 AM
Location Details:
Main Santa Cruz Post Office at Front and Water. To be followed by a march to 809 Center St. at the City Hall Courtyard
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Phil Posner (posted by Norse)
  chatrabbi [at]
Activists from Food Not Bombs, the Camp of Last Resort, HUFF, the Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project and those sleeping outside as well as independent supporters will gather at the main Post Office. We will then take the streets and make our way to City Hall. There we will prepare for a night of peaceful petitioning and protest to end the City-wide Sleeping Ban.

We are asking the City Council, the SCPD, Parks and Rec Rangers and all other enforcement agencies to leave those sleeping outside alone.

All shelter services have waiting lists. There is no shelter for 90
% of the unhoused population.

The Sleeping Ban itself (MC 6.36.010a) makes the act of sleeping after 11 PM on any public (and much private) property a $157 crime for the first offense. Unattended citations can lead to misdemeanors.

So-called “Mosquito” devices have been in place for the last year emitting high pitch sounds to drive away homeless people resting from spots lik the area under the Soquel Ave. bridge.

Hundreds of Stay-Away orders have been given to homeless people who haven’t even been to court for minor infractions–including being in a park after dark and sleeping.

Santa Cruz has more than a hundred acres of parkland, including two reserved for dogs. These parks are all closed to the public at night. Authorities are issuing stay-away orders and tickets for those who fall asleep in the parks or rest in them after dark.

Some sleeping bags and light tarps will be available for uses for those who want to join the protest. There’ll be sandwiches in the mid-evening and a Cafe HUFF breakfast in the morning sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 AM with yummy edibles and hot steaming coffee for the Survival Sleepers and their supporters.

We will also have petitions to circulate and sign to document the needs of those being abused under the current laws and show community support.

We hope city authorities, recognizing the emergency, will allow folks to petition at the seat of government without harassment. Leave in peace those who need to sleep there–especially since City Council offers no alternatives. We invite the community to join us as participants or witnesses.

Folks are also invited to bring their vehicles if they have them. Caution: MC 6.36.010 also makes it “illegal” to sleep after 11 PM at night in your own vehicle.

We are looking forward in the next few weeks to daytime sleepouts in the park and at City Hall as well as other as-yet undisclosed locations around town. During the day, sleeping (and petitioning) in parks and at City Hall is “legal”.

We also hope to schedule events at City Hall itself urging the restoration of constitutional rights for those outside.

What happened last time: “Despite Heavy Police and Security Presence, Campers Make it Through the Night at City Hall” at

Note: This is my own take on the upcoming sleep-out. Others may view it differently. Come and check it out for yourself. –R Norse of HUFF

Added to the calendar on Thursday Jul 23rd, 2015 10:37 PM

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§Two for the Price of One

by Phil Posner (posted by Norse) Thursday Jul 23rd, 2015 10:37 PM


Distribute widely and prepare for future sleep-outs.



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