Freedom Sleeper Dies; Activists Celebrate His Memory with Food and Sleep at Sleep-Out #38

Title: BBQ with the Banbusters: Freedom Sleep-Out #38 Sizzles Into Sight
START DATE: Tuesday March 29
TIME: 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details:
In the supposedly public area outside City Hall near the Center St. sidewalk across from the main library.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408-582-4152
There won’t be another City Council conclave of creepies until April 12th (two weeks from Tuesday). But homeless folks have to sleep every night and continue to receive $158 citations.

To bolster weary spirits and nagging appetites, Freedom Sleepers (mainly Toby, Zav, and Pat) have arranged for a barbeque as dusk falls. Bring some food to cook if you’re able. Troublemaker Toby Nixon claims to be a serviceable chef.

At the same time Paul Seever of the AFC (a faith-based group) is holding a second meeting at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Fireside Room, 420 Melrose, last door to the west of the lower building, near Poplar St., 5:00 to 6:30 PM.

The notables conferring are apparently building on hopes that Councilmember David (“no sleep for the homeless”) Terrazas’s proposed “Homeless Study Task Force” to be proposed April 12 is actually more than smoke, mirror, chatter, and pretense.

City Council stonewallers created an earlier Homeless Issues Task Force, which came up with all kinds of good recommendations–including the most obvious: repeal the Camping Ordinance until there is adequate shelter. Read it and weep at

It seems a little disingenuous to hook up with a “blame the County” initiative from “shift the responsibility” Terrazas when it’s the City that has the most repressive anti-homeless laws (all of which he voted for).

Word from the street is that some churches have expanded their protective reach with meal and sleeping options both downtown and on the Westside. No question these religious worthies are good-hearted–and a number of them spoke in favor Councilmember Lane’s “strike sleep from the camping ban” initiative of March 8.

Other cities like San Jose and Sacramento–under street and legal protest pressure– are seriously considering open air encampments. Salinas activists continue to fight the demolition of the Chinatown encampment (half swept away). Supporter are encouraged to join a nightly protest encampment outside City Hall at 200 Lincoln St.

Salinas officials councilmembers themselves have decriminalized nighttime sleeping (even camping with tents), though they’ve harshened the ban against setting down homeless property.

Christian Sean Bezore, a homeless Freedom Sleeper often present in a wheelchair, who died on March 17, will be memorialized by Freedom Sleepers, Food Not Bombs, HUFF, and others on April 12th. See and for more details.

Activist Abbi Samuels has released a report of her research into Chris’s death, which append to this calendar entry.
The SCPD only allows pick-ups of pilfered property Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12:30 and 2:30 PM. The pick-up’s happen at the back door of the SCPD on Washington St. where Pat will be waiting every other Thursday (call HUFF at 423-4833 if you wish to arrange for her support).

The absurdly short amount of time when property reclamation fro the anti-homeless sweeps is permitted has never been adequately explained but seems yet another kick in the face to homeless folks with the usual “get out” message.

The unannounced closing of the only full-service (sort of) 24-hour bathroom last December has prompted HUFF activists to hit Pacific Avenue with petitions to demand that the City Hall bathrooms be kept open 24-7, See ,

HUFFsters who are still conscious will get together at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific to sip coffee and brood over the night’s events.

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Fighting Back Against Bigotry in Santa Cruz and Salinas: Freedom SleepOut #37 and the Chinatown Resistance

Title: Parallel People Power: Freedom SleepOut #37 at City Hall While Salinas Activists Protest
START DATE: Tuesday March 22
TIME: 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
The City Hall Courtyard grounds, torn up and ribboned off for “replanting” with much of the rest of the area near the City Council chambers roped off to isolate protesters from their elected “representatives”.

That’s until 10 PM or thereabouts when straight-out exclusion from the entire City Hall area to quash protest forces protesters onto that old cold sidewalk in their fight against the Sleeping Ban.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number


FNB activist Keith McHenry says he will be on hand in the afternoon with the Food Not Bombs table to let the Council and Community know that activists have not been driven away by citations, “closed area” announcements, sleeping bans, stay-away orders, security thug bullying, floodlights and other instruments of repression.

Others are urged to bring food, blankets, friends, and photo-capable equipment at night to document police behavior at and around the protest–in anticipation of future legal action.

Santa Cruz Freedom Sleepers and their allies confront City Council in the afternoon (meeting starts at 2:30 PM, Oral Communications at 5 PM, Evening “Study Session”at 7 PM).

Salinas Chinatown Defenders will be rallying at their City
Council (2 PM–the rally, 4 PM–speakout at CityCouncil at 200 Lincoln Ave.).

On Wednesday the 23rd at 7 AM, the Chinatown Resistance will gather at 38 Soledad St. with civil disobedience in the air to stop the massive deportation of 200-300 homeless people at what may be the largest and longest City encampment there.

On the same day in Santa Cruz at 11 AM , HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) will meet 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe to further organize the “Give a Shit” campaign, demanding the City open the City Hall bathrooms at night.

The only 24 hour bathroom in the Soquel Ave. garage was closed in mid-December on the pretext that homeless people were “sheltering themselves” there.

HUFF activists have gathered scores of signatures for a planned march April 6 to the Public Works Department demanding safe and sensible sanitary facilities for the community (both housed and homeless). More info at 423-4833

Recent relevant stories about the Sleeping Ban struggle on indybay:

“Rumblings of Resistance After the Council Crushes Reform?” at

“Business as Usual: SCPD Targets Homeless after City Council Re-Affirms Camping Ban” at

“Shame On the City Council of Santa Cruz for Maintaining the Sleeping Ban!!!” at

Video and audio downloads of the March 8 Council Meeting:
“March 8 challenge to Santa Cruz sleeping ban media archive” at

“City of Santa Cruz debates criminalization of sleeping” at

Ongoing Free Radio Santa Cruz interviews with homeless victims and reports from other cities:




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In the Wake of Bigotry: Freedom SleepOut #36

Title: Speak Out Against the Sleeping Ban
START DATE: Tuesday March 15
TIME: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location Details:
Town Clock–Downtown Santa Cruz
Event Type: Protest
1. Meet up at the town clock at 3 pm, (and bring a sign) for the brief “mike check” style speak out!

2. at 3:45 pm we will move out to march down Pacific Ave.
-we will march down pacific ave to Laurel St.
-we will turn right onto Laurel, and then march over to Center St. and turn right onto Center St. Then march up Center to City Hall.

3. We will meet up at City Hall for a longer speak out and open mike with a “mike check” style speak out for all at about 5

4. Everyone who supports the right to sleep and the decriminalization of the sleeping ban is welcome to join us!

5. We will be in solidarity with the Freedom Sleepers there!

Please bring signs, make signs, everyone make your own sign and bring it!

NOTE FROM NORSE: I received the above e-mail, requesting me to post it with the psuedonym Dogwood. An activist speaking at the Red Church Monday reaffirmed the time and place of the march. I have no further information on it.

Title: Rage Against City Council Bigotry–Freedom SleepOut #36
START DATE: Tuesday March 15
TIME: 5:00 PM – 8:00 AM Wednesday
Location Details:
809 Center St. Outside City Hall and City Council Offices
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 408-582-4152
A week after City Council enraged and disappointed a room full of activists, Freedom Sleepers resume their regular weekly protest and invite the disenfranchised to join them. If supporters hold fast, there will be coffee in the morning.

Homeless folks at the Red Church and on Pacific Avenue Monday night continued to report citations for sleeping, being driven out into the rain, and regular harassment.

Meanwhile “Dogwood”, a homeless activist seeking to generate a more visible and public response, has announced a protest to begin at the Town Clock at 3 PM with a march down Pacific Avenue to City Hall to join the Freedom Sleepers. See “Speak Out Against the Sleeping Ban ” at

“Push Back” Pat Colby has announced she’ll be at the police station Thursday March 17 at 12:30 PM to help folks reclaim their property from the police. At present, police only allow folks to pick up their seized property 12:30 -2:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This restriction severely impacts unhoused people whose survival gear is confiscated–still a grim occurrence here.

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) will be present at the Project Pollinate day-long event on Saturday the 19th at San Lorenzo park between 11 and 1 PM to help organize resistance to the criminalization of the homeless.

HUFF hopes to organize a caravan to Salinas on March 22nd to support the Salinas Union of the Homeless resisting the planned destruction of the Chinatown encampment (see below).
We’ll be signing up people and looking for vehicles.

HUFF will also be assisting people to call the River St. Shelter at 459-6644 to get on the Waiting List, which immunizes those on the list for three days from camping ticket prosecution.

Insider, Silver-Tongued Steve Pleich’s predictions of higher City Council support for the right to sleep proved overly optimistic. He notes that City Councilmember Micah Posner may be introducing a call for City staff to find legal places to park RV’s in town. Several months ago, City Council, under the leadership of Councilmember Richelle Niroyan criminalized homeless RV parking at night.

Sacramento activists, after weeks of protest, seem much closer to forcing its local politicians to legalize if not support encampments. See “Let Sacramento’s homeless have their tent city”–an editorial by the conservative Sacramento Bee at

In addition, Sacramento housing activist Paula Lomazzi notes on her facebook page that the Justice Department is moving to block local and state fines for poor people in actions arising out of the Ferguson struggle:

In Salinas, National Lawyers Guild attorney Anthony Prince has filed a second lawsuit demanding police leave homeless property alone. He has called for making Salinas “the Selma of 2016” recalling the civil rights struggles of the 60’s.

Specifically, he wants folks to stand up to a scheduled police raid on the long-standing homeless encampment in Salinas’s Chinatown on March 23, by having a mass rally on the 22nd and sleepout there. See .

For more information, contact Wes White at 831-296-0042 . See the flier below for additional details.

§Salinas Flier

by Wes White (posted by Norse)

Monday Mar 14th, 2016 11:27 PM

Council Crushes Sleeping Ban Reform: Will the Community Fight Back?


To make and read comments go to .  You can also download the fliers pictured below there (or click on the links below).

Rumblings of Resistance After the Council Crushes Reform?
by Robert Norse ( rnorse3 [at] )
Sunday Mar 13th, 2016 12:54 PM

I distributed the following flyers at the March 8th Council Meeting, pretty much expecting that in spite of reasonable argument, strong presentation, and majority testimony, the City Council majority would easily vote down the proposed ordinance changes. It was a disgusting, discouraging, and enraging yet predictable experience. Here are a few notes.

I made some earlier comments anticipating the Council voter at (“Sleeping Ban at City Council; Freedom Sleepers in 35th SleepOut “).
I analyzed the substance of the Lane proposal and the process by which it was created on a radio show archived at (the March 6, 2016 show). There is also follow analysis in the early part of the March 10 show at .

The entire video of the Council meeting can be found on the City’s website at if you are a glutton for punishment.

I’ve reviewed in detail (probably too much detail) the Council “discussion” prior to its crushing the Lane proposal 5-2 at .

On the positive side, Lane finally adopted the position that homeless people generally, most homeless activists, religious groups, student organizations, numerous social service agencies, and even timid liberals have held for years: sleeping is a need and a right.

Turning sleeping into a crime permanently hurts the poor. It is fiscally stupid. It does not serve the community’s interests. It embitters/divides us. It also deepens the police state, maintaining (and this is nothing new) a pariah underclass, denied the rights everyone else takes for granted. Nice incentive to keep working shit jobs and paying rent, of course. If you’re not a part of the gentry, move out or get busted for sleeping.

Will the community do nothing while unhoused people continue to be treated like dirt to be hosed away? So far–yes. But there are rumblings of mutiny.,

Freedom rider and more recently Freedom Sleeper Phil Posner has called for a real response to the Council’s craziness.

Activist Elisse C. recently sent out an e-mail asking for folks to gather next Tuesday before Freedom SleepOut #36 on 3-15 at 3 PM.

In other cities like Salinas on March 22nd, middle-class activists and unhoused folks are fighting back: .

Silence gives consent. But do the good liberals and the nervous progressives of Santa Cruz want to take the risks of actively opposing Trumpism in Santa Cruz (in Democratic Party garb, of course).

§Proposed Additions to Lane Changes

by Robert Norse Sunday Mar 13th, 2016 12:54 PM

These changes were circulated a week before the meeting, even though Lane excluded me (and other activists) from his meetings. Lane included the addition of “sleeping bags” to diluted language; Posner added the suggestion that sleeping equipment shall not be used as evidence of camping crime. Needless to say, neither passed. Important to clarify, though, what’s needed. Far more, of course.

§Staff Stonewalling at City Council

by Robert Norse Sunday Mar 13th, 2016 12:54 PM

In spite of multiple requests, the SCPD refused to provide access to the citations they gave under the camping ordinance (specifically holding back race and address). The request was made months ago. Councilmember Posner also declined to make a written request for this information though he made the request verbally to the police chief, I was told. So there’s no documentation that the staff is directly frustrating a relevant and timely request for data that bore directly on the
Council debate.

§Wake Up the Community Conscience

by Robert Norse Sunday Mar 13th, 2016 12:54 PM

An early attempt to recognize, even prior to the Council meeting, that Lane’s proposal was likely to fail. The real issue then is a sustained response, building on the abusive City Council response and, hopefully, public outrage from those watching.

§No Rest in the Right-to-Rest Struggle

by Robert Norse Sunday Mar 13th, 2016 12:54 PM

Continue reading

Salinas the Selma of 2016: Activist Attorney Anthony Prince Urges “Stand in Solidarity March 22nd with Chinatown Residents”

Salinas homeless urged to ‘stand their ground’

Chelcey Adami9:06 p.m. PST March 11, 2016  Salinas Californian

With an approaching date set for the city to begin removing homeless property from encampments, Chinatown homeless and homeless advocates urged others Friday to “stand their ground” when the time comes.           The city’s clean-up activities are scheduled to begin on March 23 in the area of Market Way and Bridge Alley, and after that, they will spread to other not-yet-specified areas.
Since the city passed the ordinance allowing the city to remove homeless property, which they say is necessary due to health and safety concerns caused by the growing encampments, a group has protested the move in a federal lawsuit against the city, alleging violations of homeless civil rights and more.
In late February, a judge denied a preliminary injunction filed on behalf of the homeless that would have prevented the city from removing the property.
Anthony Prince, the attorney representing the homeless, said they plan to fight the ruling and also add new defendants to include a number of area homeless service providers who he said have misrepresented how much housing and assistance they could provide homeless who want to leave the encampments. A new judge has been assigned to that case as it continues through mediation. Continue reading

Support Real Changes in the City’s Medieval Sleeping Ban Law on March 8th at City Council

To the City Council: Councilmember Lane’s proposed changes to the Camping Ordinance on the evening agenda of March 8th while finally emphasizing the need and right to sleep, need further expansion.    They should be passed as a first step and expanded upon.

There are several ways to do this.   I propose the following as the most elementary changes.

1.  Eliminate the current sections A and B of 6.36.010 (sleeping and blanket bans), leaving only section 3 .  6.36.010 would then read:

No person shall camp anywhere in the city of Santa Cruz, whether on public or private property, except as hereinafter expressly permitted. “To camp” means to do any of the following:

Setting-up Campsite – Anytime. To establish or maintain outdoors or in, on, or under any structure not intended for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, a semi-permanent or permanent place for cooking or lodging,  or by setting up tent or hammock or by setting up any cooking equipment, with the intent to remain in that location overnight.

[Add the following language to that section] Simple presence of an unrolled sleeping bag or other sleeping equipment shall not constitute evidence of a violation of this section. Nor shall the presence of a protective tent in rainy weather or where the temperature is less than 50 degrees.

2. Remove the words ” other than subsections (a) and (b) of Section 6.36.010″ from 6.36.050 so that it will now read:

Any person who violates any section in this chapter and is cited for such violation, and who within twenty-four hours after receiving such citation again violates the same section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

3.  Add a final section to read:


(a) Any shelter services receiving funding from the City shall agree to report each night whether they have any open shelter space available that night by contacting the law enforcement authorities  to so inform them.  If no space is available,  A person shall not be in violation of this chapter nor shall law enforcement authorities contact or cite any person for “camping”.  

(b) Law enforcement authorities will provide monthly reports indicating how many hours of officer time and estimating the cost of all actions contacts and citations taken under this ordinance during the prior month. Both agencies will also provide a listing of any property seized under the law.

(c) The City Attorney’s office shall make public a listing of all citations issued under this chapter that were forwarded to the courts and not dismissed under 6.36.055.
It is unfortunate that Council member Lane did not seek the advice and involvement of long-time homeless activists who were a part of two lengthy city analyses of the Camping Ordinance some years ago (the Council’s Task Force the Examine the Camping Ordinance) and the Homeless Issues Task Force.   The latter’s report and recommendations were many and too often ignored by subsequent Council’s.  One prime one was to abolish the entire Camping Ordinance. 

See their full report at

A partial story on the part of the HITF report that calls for eliminating the Camping Ordinance is at   .

A second approach to maintaining a regulated camping ban but acknowledging the necessity of sleep was proposed by activists two decades ago.  There were two proposed Initiatives suggesting a different approach to eliminating the Sleeping and Blanket Ban sections of the Camping Ordinance:  The second proposed ballot measure read:
“This initiative, if adopted by the voters, would serve to amend the City Camping Ordinance by limiting the conduct which would constitute a violation of the ordinance.   As amended the ordinance would prohibit “setting up campsites” at any time or establish or maintaining outdoor structures not intended for human occupancy or establishing at any time of the day or night a place for cooking or sleeping by setting up a mattress, tent, hammock, or other camping gear with the intention to remain that location overnight.  However the acts of sleeping or covering up with blankets or sleeping bags or protective coverings would not constitute “camping” and would be prohibited by the ordinance.  In addition the ordinance would allow a person to sleep in an otherwise lawfully parked vehicle with owner permission except as otherwise prohibited.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the ordinance proposed by the initiative would authorize the City Council to regulate or prohibit night time sleeping on public property or in vehicles on public streets in those zoning districts of the City in which residential uses are primarily permitted,in residential areas within industrial zones, and in the City’s Commercial Beach, Oceanfront, and Central Business districts.  Where the City Council elects to regulate or prohibit outdoor sleeping or vehicular sleeping in these districts, police officers would be required to warn sleepers and provide them with 20 minute opportunity to gather up their belongings and leave.
Failure to move in response to such a warning would constitute an infraction.  Outdoor sleeping or vehicular sleeping alone would not constitute grounds for citation, however failure to move upon receiving the requisite warning would constitute gorunds for citation.  The proposed ordinance prohibits the city Council from criminalizing the act of outside or veicular sleeping.”

I encourage the City Council to pass the Lane proposal and accept the need to expand it by one of the several methods proposed above.  I hope the community will not be satisfied with a proposal that still criminalizes sleeping bags at night and ignores the overwhelming shelter deficiency in Santa Cruz.

Robert Norse

Sleeping Ban Reform Discussion at City Hall March 3 -11 AM

Title: Last Minute Meeting on the Camping Ban Reforms
START DATE: Thursday March 03
TIME: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location Details:
City Council Offices at a room booked by Councilmember Micah Posner
Event Type: Meeting
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
The City Council agenda hasn’t been announced for March 8th. After many delays, the word is that there will finally be a proposal on the agenda to modify the Camping Ordinance.

Steve Pleich has advised me that Don Lane’s proposed changes in the Camping Ordinance is to remove the words
“sleeping” but keeping in place the Blanket Ban. The ordinance change may include the right to sleep in one’s own vehicle legally parked.

Proponents of the change suggest that however limited this first step, it does apparently remove a fundamental human rights violation–denying those with no shelter the right to sleep at night. The Department of Justice has aligned itself against Sleeping Bans in the Boise v. Bell case in Idaho. HUD has declared continued criminalizing the homeless may be the basis for withholding funding from bigoted city governments.

Cities like Huntington Beach and Vancouver, WA have already changed their laws or suspended enforcement of their camping bans at night. There has not been a noted huge increase in homeless folks attributable to these changes, according to Pleich’s research.

Lane’s proposal was developed behind closed doors with no input from long-term homeless activists. Many of these activists (Becky Johnson, Laura Tucker, Linda Lemaster) worked extensively with City Council and its appointees to thoroughly research the Camping Ordinance and consider relevant reforms. Lane has declined to include these folks.

In order to include them, Micah Posner has agreed at my urging, to have a last-minute meeting which–finally–is open to all.

Ironically, Posner’s regular meeting with Lane and the select group of activists that Lane has regularly invited will take place at noon. This is immediately after the open meeting which Posner has agreed to at 11 AM. Lane has still not included any of the long-term activists whom he disfavors.

There are real questions as to whether a reactionary City Council will pass even Lane’s barebones proposal. Even so, some activists emphasize, with park curfews, RV parking bans, and permit parking night prohibitions–there will be real questions afterwards: what will be our next step?

What next? is the key issue, I think, to be discussed at this meeting. In addition, Micah will “pass on” our views to his closed meeting with Lane’s select group at noon. And we can certainly bring our views to City Council on March 8th and to the community and the streets in the days that follow in direct actions, if we organize to do so.

I’ll be there.

Performers and Musicians Invited to Freedom SleepOut #34 Tuesday 5 PM March 2nd

Title: Jam with the Freedom Sleepers–34th Week
START DATE: Tuesday March 01
TIME: 5:00 PM5:00 AM
Location Details:
Rebellious music and performers of all sorts have been invited to the Freedom Sleepers Sidewalk Siesta in front of Santa Cruz City Hall at 809 Center St.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408-582-4152
Tuesday night will be the 34th Community Sleep Out with a web page at .

Second-hand accounts suggest lead Freedom Sleeper Troubleshooter Toby Nixon has invited numerous street musicians and performers to join the Sleep-Out.

It begins Tuesday afternoon and runs through a modest coffee breakfast on Wednesday morning. Activists and participants are invited, as ever, to quaff a second (and third) cup of coffee at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 11 AM while discussing other actions fighting homeless discrimination in Santa Cruz.


A proposed revision of the Camping Ordinance, eliminating sleeping as a crime, but maintaining a ban against laying out bedding (i.e. covering up with blankets or in a bag), has aroused skepticism and controversy among activists.

Councilmember Don Lane’s amendments are due to hit City Council on March 8th at the same time Freedom Sleepers celebrate their 35th week outside. Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry has promised to serve food at that event, braving a hostile City Council and city staff.

HUff old-timer Robert Norse has arranged with Councilmember
Posner to air concerns and suggest future actions 11 AM Thursday March 3 at City Hall (Councilmember’s offices).

Norse interviewed Posner for Free Radio last Sunday. It’s archived at .

Steve Pleich has written a defense of the proposed ordinance and general survey of surrounding activism at .

County Supervipers will join the City Council homeless hate gang March 8 in a final reading of a County-wide anti-homeless RV measures:

The City Council passed its own “no RV parking at night law without a permit” (and homeless folks are not permitted to get permits even if Santa Cruz is their long-term home) last fall. Please pass on reports of harassment and ticketing to HUFF at 423-4833.


San Francisco homeless continue to resist bigotry-based sweeps on their only housing–tents and bags. See .

There is no indication that Vancouver, WA, in spite of heavy negative criticism from the Oregonian has stepped back from its decision to allow nighttime camping, given the shelter emergency. (see )


SleepOut #33 Keeping An Eye on Authority Bullying of Homeless Sleepers in Santa Cruz

Title: The Sidewalk is Their Beat: Freedom SleepOut #33
START DATE: Tuesday February 23
TIME: 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details:
Patrolling the grounds and sidewalks of City Hall in defense of the homeless, Freedom Sleepers maintain their night watch. They shine their weekly light on the nightly Sleeping Ban and Closed area laws which criminalize 1000-2000 homeless people in Santa Cruz. The event runs from 5 PM Tuesday to around 9 AM Wednesday.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408 582 4152
Police have recently not cited Freedom Sleepers on the sidewalk in front of City Hall. They apparently prefer not to invite further federal and public scrutiny for the obvious human rights violation of denying the poor the right to sleep.

Homeless folks without tents or other protective clothing prefer to shelter in the eaves of buildings. They are unconstitutionally rousted when they sleep in the hallways at City Hall. They are exposed to wind and rain when sleeping on the sidewalk along with the Freedom Sleepers.

Consequently, far more homeless folks sleep in adjacent areas such as outside the library, the Civic Auditorium, and the Greek Orthodox Church–where they are confronted by First Alarm thugs and SCPD. Freedom Sleepers then respond to such abuses by protest and video–which is then posted on line.

Better nighttime video equipment is needed as are greater numbers.

Though today’s is the last city Council meeting in February, some more credulous activists are looking forward to the next Council conclave on March 8. At that meeting former Mayor Don Lane has promised to bring forward his Sleeping Ban “Reform” which removes “sleeping” from the definition of camping at night.

Activists “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster, chair of the City’s former Homeless Issues Task Force, and “Bathrobespierre” Robert Norse have pointed out that the Lane proposal currently retains the “Blanket Ban” which keeps laying out of bedding after 11 PM a crime. So only sleeping without blankets is permitted?

Other Freedom Sleepers have pointed out that banning tents and protective “camping gear” lays the homeless open to rain and cold.

“Push Back” Pat Colby, a faithful Freedom Sleeper food provider and HUFF leader, goes further and points out that police are using other laws to drive homeless refugees out of town such as the “Closed at Night” law and “no trespass” statutes.

Retiring Parks and Recreation Department Czarina Dannettee Shoemaker has used the “Closed at Night” law to cite hundreds of homeless people in the last year with additional extra-judicial ‘Stay-Away” orders added at the whim of the citing officer. Chief Kevin Vogel’s police department has extensively used the “Closed at Night” law with its $198 fine against Freedom Sleepers for simply being at City Hall at night with their “Ban the Sleeping Ban” signs.

Those who wish to demand a new direction in Parks and Recreation more open to the entire community and particularly the low-income and homeless community can supposedly submit comments through March 4 by completing an on-line survey at .

Some HUFFsters have proposed daytime protest action outside the P & R office and/or shadowing P &R’s “homeless camp removal” squads with video.

Closed since late December, the previously 24-hour Soquel Ave. garage bathroom is reportedly on the chopping block for permanent nighttime closure. A thin staff report on the matter was published on the February 9th City Council agenda.

Public Works’ Records as to the specific “abuses” justifying shutting down the bathroom have not yet been made public, but it appears the primary cause for police calls has been folks using the bathroom as shelter. Given the fact that there’s less than 100 emergency shelter mats at the Armory and 1000-2000 homeless people, can you blame them?

Meanwhile the City continues to lock down its City Council bathrooms at night, even though security guards prowl the area. The traditional “poo and pee” homeless-a-phobic rhetoric has apparently been toned down, but the reality is that without facilities, people will do their business where they must.

The weathered Freedom Sleepers invite donations of blankets and food as well as personal visits, even for short periods of time for those disinclined to sleep out.

Folks can also get together afterwards to discuss the night’s events as well as the next steps at the Sub Rosa café Wednesday 11 AM at 703 Pacific Ave.



This posting was created by Robert Norse and is his sole responsibility.