7-15-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Berkeley’s Amber and Santa Cruz’s Brent Plus Street Scowling and a Long Flashback from April 18, 2010 with HUFF and Travelin’ Tom Noddy on resisting the Street Performer Crackdown

Streams at freakradio.org and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Voices Sunny and Shady from Food Not Bombs Chowdown
  • Battlehardened Brent on Storage, Shelter, and Sleepstruggle
  • Vehicular Voice Amber on the roadweary RV Residents
FLASHBACK FROM April 18, 2010
  • Aftermath of Beggarbacker Becky Johnson’s Sinister Sidewalk Singalong Trial
  • Travelin’ Tom Noddy Chronicles the History of Street Performer Resistance to Official Crackdowns


This show archives in the near future at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833

Pee & Poo Protest: Reopen Essential Bathrooms for the Public and the Poor : Tuesday, July 17 1:30 PM Louden Nelson Center/Laurel Park

While San Lorenzo Park bathrooms have finally been opened after sustained protest, Louden Nelson bathrooms remain closed to the poor unless they can prove to the satisfaction of the staff there that they are “part of a program” there–something that has never been required in the decades long history of the Center.

Alarmed visitors have suggested this results in discriminatory action against poor people, particularly impacting the most needy–those outside without shelter, the disabled, and the elderly.

The closure prompted the local ACLU (never the most forthcoming in opposing anti-homeless measures) to publicly denounce the bathroom and other recently-instituted abusive policies there (like the iron fence, new “unattended property” rules, and roaming “security” guards). And to move its meetings to the Resource Center for Nonviolence.

See “ACLU Statement of Opposition to Anti-Homeless Measures at Louden Nelson Center and Park” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/06/09/18815564.php

Absurdly and abusively, an elderly woman forced to pee outside because denied access prompted six police officers to arrive.

See http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/social-affairs/20180530/louden-nelson-center-another-santa-cruz-public-bathroom-under-lock.

(For those unable to access this article, see the comment following this story for its full text.) Go to https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/07/14/18816456.php?show_comments=1#18816457 .

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) voted to begin tabling at Louden Nelson to maintain the focus on the original focus of Conscience and Action’s first series of protests.

Our goal: to sample public opinion, determine Louden Nelson exclusionary policy in action, gather signatures opposing the closing of the Louden Nelson bathrooms, and alert the community to the situation and possible alternative solutions…

We’ll be tabling at 1:30 PM Tuesday July 17th in back of the Louden Nelson Center (and registering voters as well). Anyone interested can join us.

Recently, after four delays, Parks and Recreation finally forwarded a mass of e-mails, which I’m beginning to go through to determine what the justification (other than prejudice and gentrification) is for closing the bathrooms.

Folks who want to check through these documents on their own can go to https://cityofsantacruz.sharefile.com/share/view/1751d6623671456d

Tonight 7-12-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Victory in San Lorenzo Park: Bathrooms ReOpen, Cornerstone Carol Denney Updates from Berkeley, Red Church Chatterings

Update/Victory:  San Lorenzo Bathrooms open; Louden Nelson bathrooms still closed to the public, but protest tabling planned for Tuesday 1:30 PM July 17 where the park meets the porch.

  • Stake-Out Steve C. notes Costco Cop harassing homeless passing through, and other tales from the Red Church chow line.
  • Berkeley writer and activist Carol Denney updates us on the wanderings of the RV refugees.
  • Pretentious ponderings of Bathrobespierre Robert

The show will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html.   Look for Latest Show – 7/12/2018  Thursday, July 12, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

TODAY: HUFF celebrates Conscience-and-Action San Lorenzo Bathroom Victory, Plots Louden Nelson Bathroom Liberation- Wednesday July 11 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 7-11 11 AM at the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church. 

Agenda Prospects:

                 +++ Bakersfield Snapshot:  https://www.turnto23.com/news/local-news/local-woman-who-helps-homeless-now-facing-homelessness-herself
                   +++ Fighting the Criminal Jacket: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/07/09/18816397.php

                   +++  Tips for San Jose Strugglers:  https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/8xclpr/i_live_in_east_san_jose_ca_and_i_may_be_homeless/
                +++ Making the Hospital Homeless-jackers Pay:  https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/apxla-hospital-to-pay-550k-in-homeless-patient-dumping-case/

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF, Conscience and Action, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

Santa Cruz City Manager Refuses to Reopen Louden Nelson/San Lorenzo Park Bathrooms

Closed as part of a broader campaign targeting unhoused folks outside, the bathrooms at Louden Nelson Center, San Lorenzo Park, and City Hall remained locked and/or closed to the general public. City Manager Martin Bernal ducked an invitation to explain at a gathering a week ago. He then met the next day with Conscience-and-Action [C&A] activists and rejected suggestions to reopen the bathrooms or immediately provide additional accessible portapotties.
Confronted with an earlier protest outside her office three weeks ago, Carol Scurich, interim Director of Parks and Recreation, rejected demands to reopen the Louden Nelson bathrooms. She promised to provide full documentation justifying the closings (vandalism, drug use, “offensive behavior”). Weeks later, she, her underlings, and her superiors had still not provided that documentation.

In response, C & A activists showed up with food, placards, literature, and chants at City Hall at high noon on Thursday, June 28th.

Louden Nelson supervisors have not only closed its bathrooms to anyone not using its “programs” but instituted a detailed set of rules for its premises, which it now terms “a cafe”. These include proper “personal hygiene, attire, and food consumption” and a ban against “leaving personal property unattended”. In addition, uniformed Ranger and 1st Alarm security thugs now patrol the area, and the entire adjacent park is fenced off.

All of this has been done with no public or community process.

On June 29th at an hour long meeting, C & A activists asked Bernal what damage or other problems prompted the closing of six restrooms. Bernal told us he would “look into” the matter, consider opening up more portapotties, a list of reasons why the bathrooms were closed, and several other vague prospects. But he did not mention that he was leaving the next day on a vacation. Meanwhile, City officials delayed any final action on a Public Records Act seeking the chronology of incidents and decisions around the bathroom closures. The request was made over a month ago and has now been delayed three times.

Visitor’s bathrooms at Cafe Gratitude and Pizza My Heart, previously funded by the city and open to the public, are now open only to customers with a discouraging sign on the door prominently displayed. Only Bookshop Santa Cruz, Main Public Library, Metro Transit Center, the Locust and Soquel St. Garages have bathroom access and only during the day for the general public. Two portapotties on Cedar St., and one at Laurel and Front allow for 24 hour use, but are not available to many disabled people. Those using them have complained they are dirty, ill-lit, and frequently locked.

In possible response to recent outrage over the closures, city workers have unlocked the two portapotties previously open only after 10 PM on Cedar St..

The late June “Less Crap, More Crappers” protest drew 15-20 members, sporting signs reading “Right to Pee”, “Open the Damn Bathrooms” “If Not Here, then Where?”, “Toilet Liberator”, “Pay Taxes–Hold Your Pee”, and the brief but succinct “Enough Crap!”

A number of speakers, many of them homeless, described the humiliating and unsanitary conditions created by the closed bathrooms and locked portapotties. Suggestions ranged from applying for the currently vacant permanent Director of Parks and Rec position, to the more radical idea of presenting staff with human waste cleaned up outside the locked facilities to document the extent of the problem.

Much of protest was captured on a video made by visiting Salinas homeless advocate Wes White at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK7GJ44upIs&feature=youtu.be

Louden Nelson bathrooms remained closed to the general public; San Lorenzo Park bathrooms remain closed and locked to everyone. Portapotties and handwashing …

Acting City Administrator/Clerk Bush herself provided sharp focus on the “no bathrooms for the homeless here” policy at City Hall. Several protesters noticed the City Hall Women’s bathroom was open instead of being locked as it had since the Freedom Sleeper protests began in mid-2015.

Pleased to see the City Hall authorities responding uncharacteristically to the obvious needs, I then asked Bush to open Men’s bathroom as well. She archly refused then quickly moved to close the women’s bathroom as well. Though the staff has its own bathrooms inside the building as well, Bush and her worker Anna Brooks added insult to injury. Minutes later they refused to allow a disabled woman access to either the privileged staff bathroom inside the Council offices or the previously public bathroom outside Council chambers. Instead Brooks handed Norse a “helpful” list of open-during-the-day bathrooms blocks away elsewhere in the City. The library’s bathroom across the street was reportedly closed.

When a group of people demanded to know the reasons for this discriminatory behavior (against the homeless, the disabled, and the general public), Bush summoned the police. Four cops headed by Sgt. Mark Eveleth appeared in full uniform and weaponry. Eveleth threatened, coaxed, and herded the group outside with his four “back-up” officers standing behind him. When asked, Eveleth declined to offer any assistance in dealing with stressed bladders or irritated colons, instead stating falsely that the same Bush, who had ordered the Women’s bathroom locked minutes before, “had no key”..

The subsequent meeting with Bathroom Boss Bernal resulted in lots of smooth ducking and weaving, but no commitment to do anything definite other than “look into” providing more of the disabled inaccessible portapotties. Those interested in following the smelly dialogue can review the audio soon on “Latest Shows” under huffsantacruz.org (for July 1 and July 5).

Proposals at a recent meeting of the C&A group included tabling outside the scene of the criminal bathroom closures–the Louden Nelson Center. There HUFF activists hope to poll community members on their reaction to the “no poo for the poor” policy now in force. Tablers would also monitor and document discriminatory access to the bathrooms and provide an opportunity for folks to voice their views in petition and on the radio.

Contact HUFF at 831-423-4833 if you’re interested or e-mail at rnorse3 [at] hotmail.com.

The views expressed in this article are mine and do not necessarily represent those of others in Conscience and Action. However, the group is pretty much united in demanding that the closed bathrooms be reopened.

HUFF has for decades demanded more bathrooms be made available and began its own “Give a Shit” campaign a year ago protesting Bernal’s closure of the City Hall bathrooms in 2015 apparently designed to drive away the Freedom Sleepers and Survival Sleepers who gathered outside.

HUFF meets Wednesday July 11th at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe (703 Pacific) to discuss creative ways of raising a stink. Subsequent meetings: July 25, August 8. CONSCIENCE AND ACTION MEETS July 18 and August 1 at the same place

“Open the Bathrooms!” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/06/26/18816025.php
“City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/06/18/18815755.php
“Conscience and Action Speak Out at Parks and Rec” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/06/14/18815686.php

7-8-18 9:30 AM-3 PM More Bathroom Balderdash! Thursday’s “Cut the Crap–Open the Crappers!” City Hall Protest; Badinage with “Locked Bathrooms:” Bernal; and Street Talk Downtown

Streams at freakradio.org and broadcasts at 101.3 FM

  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on the new Conservator powers against the homeless
  • First They Came for the Homeless activist Mike Zint on Berkeley bourgeois bullying
  • Vehicular Voice Amber on the Berkeley City Council’s Latest Attack on RV Residents
  • “Whip ’em Into Shape” Wes White’s 6-28 Video of the Conscience and Action protest
  • Lots more as well…
  • Swami’s Downtown Report on Cosmo Arrest 5/27 and other police actions
  • “Unreasonable noise” and street performers discussion…
  • “Mad” John Telfair calls in…
  • 6th Sleeping Ticket for Craig Canada…
  • Street performers make a police complaint against a motorcyclist…
  • Reports from Ragin Ron, Eagleeye Ed, Shantyshack Shannan, TickettakerTrey, and Caustic Colin (the last denouncing black mold in the HSC showers)…
  • AIDS sufferer Shane denied service, reports activist Donna Deiss…
  • Infraction window clerks deny public access to Sleeping Ban citation records and call police 5-24
  • Full show also available at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/brb070531.mp3


This show archives in the near future at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  


Tonight 7-5-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, Part 2 of the Bernal Backtalk, Short bits from Food Not Bombs patrons

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at freakradio.org.

  • Part 2 of the Bernal Bull Session with Faithful Phil Posner, Silver-Tongued Steve Pleich, Nutcracker Nick Whitehead, Generous Jean Pirano, “Just Stopped By” Jesse, Bathrobespierre Robert Norse, Glad eyes Gloria Rovay, and Katzenjammer Keith McHenry:  Hear City Manager Martin Bernal duck and weave, but definitively refuse to reopen the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo Bathrooms.

  • The caustic comments of Chito, Diogenes, Ruggedheart Ray,  Dreamcatcher, Mandolin Mark, David Hooper, “Youngster”, Elisse Casby, and a host of others while munching well-regarded Food Not Bombs edibles.

The show will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html.   Look for Latest Show – 7/05/2018  Thursday, July 5, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.

Conscience and Action Meeting Moved to 11 am at the Community Room, El Rio Mobile Home Park Thursday July 5th; next HUFF meeting July 11th at Sub Rosa

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) HAS NO MEETING TOMORROWIt will next meet Wednesday July 11th at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa.  It generally meets every other Wednesday at the same time and place.  Alternate Wednesdays  the group Conscience and Action meets there at 11 AM.

Conscience and Action is the group formed in memory of activist David Silva.  They organized last Thursday’s protest demanding reopening of the Louden Nelson and San Lorenzo bathrooms.  In a CHANGE OF NORMAL MEETING PLACE AND TIME, THEY WILL MEET THURSDAY 11  AM AT THE REC HALL OF THE EL RIO MOBILE HOME PARK.  

El Rio Mobile Home Park is located at 2120 N. Pacific   Turn right on entering the park. You can walk from the tower or park in the Lenz art parking and short walk to the Rec hall. Please bring others whom you think might want to be a part of a group that is committed to considering justice and issues of conscience in SC and acting on them. We will be discussing the meeting with City Manager Martin Bernal, and considering our next action. 

Last Friday several activists from the protest met with Bernal.  Phil Posner took these minutes:

Meeting of Conscience and Action group with City Manager, Martin Bernal

6-29-18 3:00 regarding closed bathrooms. Present: Nicholas, Keith, Steve, Robert, Philip, Jean, and Jesse and Gloria who came in late …

Phil thanked him for meeting with us; we introduced ourselves and Phil and Nicholas told him what C&A was about, that we were a newly formed group committed to addressing local issues that raise the conscience of injustice etc and call for action. 

He began by stating that “nobody was opposed to bathrooms and that there are more than there were, though some are closed at night. He said the issues having to do with them being open or closed is not the cost, but because of problems with vandalism. For example he cited San Lorenzo Park, and City Hall bathrooms having feces being spread all over. Similarly at Louden there have been persistent problems with vandalism etc.

Philip spoke of and showed him his statement* that would be posted in bathrooms. He was not impressed, suggested that those who vandalize are not acting rationally, meaning that such statements would have no value. However, he said he would follow up with Parks and Rec. regarding the possibility of reopening San Lorenzo and that he was “not opposed to adding more bathrooms.”  … Spoke passionately about individuals that do (inappropriate) behavior is the result of their anger and helplessness at their situation.  However when Robert later specifically requested Martin open the San Lorenzo and/or Louden Nelson bathrooms, he directly said “no:”  The best he would do, as Robert remembers, is “look at the situation” (including the prospect of opening some more portapotties, though he continued to stress that the two previously locked-during-the-daytime portapotties on Cedar St were now open during the day.

Keith asked him what was the problem with the toilet he paid for and had placed by the Post Office, having gotten the postmaster’s ok? He responded that it just wasn’t possible for anyone to place bathrooms anywhere. 

Robert him asked him, “do you have the power to open bathrooms?” He answered: “Probably.”  He later acknowledged that he had the power to do so, but would not without the consent or consultation with staff members below, notably Carol Scurich.

Philip raised the idea of a task force made up of a few homeless individuals, homeless activists and city representatives, like from his office and or Parks and Rec that would try to find solutions to the problem?

He did not respond positively to the suggestion. He said the City wants to prioritize, my word, shelters as the real solution. 

Posner said to him, “Martin, I don’t think you are listening to us. The issue is suffering that is occurring right now to homeless who have no place to shit or pee.” 

He said he would “look at the possibility of more portapotties.” And made the point that “finances are not the predominant issue, but finding solutions that work.” 

We raised the issue of monitors. He said First Alarm did not want to do it because there have been confrontational situations.

Robert raised the issue of a list of inappropriate incidents? Martin agreed to forward any documents that currently existed around the Louden Nelson bathroom closings (i.e. incidents of vandalism, disruptive behavior, unsafe needle disposal, etc.), but refused to create a list of incidents that lead to the closing of the bathrooms (which, Robert thinks, included San Lorenzo Park).

We concluded by asking him what we could expect from him? He answered by saying that:

He would consider reopening San Lorenzo.

More – ADA accessible – portapotties

Individuals signing (their names when they want) to use the bathroom at Louden Center

and will try to find out if there is a list of incidents that have occurred (that caused the closing of bathrooms)

And at the end added that he would look into the process for permitting private toilets (like Keith’s).. He suggested Keith get a list of neighbors who wanted a portapotty around the post office.

Meeting concluded at 4:05 with our thanks for meeting with us.

Respectfully submitted, Phil Posner and Robert Norse.

* To those who are using this bathroom

As you may know our city makes this facility available to the public even though some bathrooms have been vandalized, or in other ways used inappropriately.

Please respect the right of everyone to use this facility, by abstaining from behavior that may necessitate the city having to close it, thus preventing you and others from having it to use the next time we need it.

Conscience and Action

Food not Bombs

Downtown Bathroom Task Force

The Homeless Depot

Police Chief Mills

7-1-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathroom Balderdash! Thursday’s “Cut the Crap–Open the Crappers!” City Hall Protest; Badinage with “Locked Bathrooms:” Bernal; and Street Talk Downtown

Streams at freakradio.org and broadcasts at 101.3 FM 

  • Thursday’s Rage and Revelry at City Hall Demanding Open Bathrooms 
  • Parking the New Library in a 5-Level Parking lot?
  • Voices for Rent Control at City Council
  • Conscience & Action Activists Grill City Manager Martin Bernal (Part 1)
  • Vernacular Voices from Downtown
  • Endless Commentary from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse

This show archives July 2nd or 3rd, 2018 at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.  

Tonight 6-28-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM, FLASHBACK to June 22, 1997

Free Radio broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams at freakradio.org.

  • Jessie Cox on Welfare Rights March from Philadelphia to the UN Denouncing Welfare Destruction
  • Drum Circle Harassment Protest at San Jose City Council–Pat Circle & Other Activists Interviewed.
  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on Protests in S.F. Against the Police Killing of Aaron Williams
  • Steve Lightfoot: “Stephen King Shot John Lennon”
  • “Host”s Harassing the Street Community–Downtown
  • Norse interviews Motorcycle Activist Richard Quigley 
  • Gary Wood of Human Rights Defense Committee of San Jose at S.J. City Council on Police Violence

The show archives under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html.   Look for Latest Show – 6/28/2018  Thursday, June 28, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.