Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-17-21 show streams 9:30 AM Lawsuit Loudtalk; Lyrical Eye on COVID-19 & White Supremacy; Free, Russell, and Gaven–Rumbles from the Rebels Flashback to 4-16-17 Michael Meer memorial at Freedom Sleepout #92

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  Reviewing the San Lorenzo Survival Camp’s Brief: Responding to the City Attorney’s Excuses

xxx  Isaac Collins, rap stylist and street singer, on his COVID times
xxx  Kristy on her visit (12-30) with a group of maskless people to a Wednesday Farmer’s Market where they were turned away by the management who called the police.
xxx  HUFFtalk on the Marty Mirabel (“Pirate”) case
xxx  Farflung falderal from the tongue of Free Radio outsider “Free Spirit”
xxx  “Roughroad” Russell on the Coonerty exclusion of Vets from the Vets Hall
xxx  “Grit it Out” Gaven on Surviving Outside as a Vet While the Feds Dither


XXX   Trump the Warmaker with his Syria Bombing and Silence in Santa Cruz Amidst anti-Trump Protest

XXX   Red Church Rumblings:  Longhauler on Laundromat and Lavatory Probs

XXX   Pacific Ave. Ponderings: the Missing Pendulum, Display Device Dictatoring,

XXX   Michael Meers Memorial Ceremony at City Hall–Compliments of the Freedom Sleepers

XXX   The Joe Hill Saga–in Song and Story

XXX   “Silver-Tongued” Steve Pleich Fields Potshots from Bathrobespierre

XXX   “Shit Me Not” Cherie Peterson of the Survival Sleepers at City Hall

XXX   Deconstructing Berkeley’s “Missed the Mark” Mayor Jesse Arreguin on his “Pathway” Project

XXX   “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White Details the Soledad Street (“Chinatown”) Sleeperville to hear the whole 4-16-17 show with all the fat and gristle, go to

Support the San Lorenzo Survival Campers–Check out the Comrade’s Cafe in San Lorenzo Park!  Prepare for the January 20th Decision by Judge Susan van Keulen to support the refugees with your voices and your numbers.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-14-21 show netcast at and archived on our Website. Tonight Unheard Voices at City Council–Unmet Grievances Outside–A Week’s Reprieve at San Lorenzo Park

Archived at

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out

ON THE 1-14 SHOW : 

xxx  Examining the latest arguments before the Federal Magistrate Susan van Keulen

xxx  1-12-21 Voices at Oral Communications Denouncing Bernal’s 12-17 Lorenzo Park Evictions

xxx  1-11-21  Comrades Cafe Caretaker Garrett Stephens on stopthesweepssc & more

xxx  Twitter Cutting Off Trump–Another View:

xxx  1-11-21 Tokin’ Tim Rinker Talks about Trumptimes

xxx  1-11-21  Ross Camp Robert on “Take Back Santa Cruz” Suspicions

xxx  Ron (Rossi) Thompson on the false seizure of his vehicle.

Temporary Restraining Order Extended But City Attorney Office Slimes On..

Federal Magistrate Susan van Keulen granted a last minute motion from City Attorney Condotti delaying any decision and/or hearing on the San Lorenzo Campground until January 20th, allowing both the SC Homeless Union Survival Supporters and “Save the Grass; Screw the Homeless” attorneys to present more evidence and argument to sweep the park. 

For the documents and more commentary, go to:

HUFF at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Courtyard, next to the Bike Church 1-13-21 : Another Possible Victory with the TRO Extension, Brooding on the Bad and Lighting the Way for the Good

Agenda Prospects

            CounterAction by the City–Condotti, Mills, and Bernal Strike Back: Evidence and Arguments in the Supplementary Lawsuit

          New Council Claptrap Gone Old:  Rubberstamping Gentrification and Ignoring the City Manager’s Camp Eviction Edict

​          New Mills Machinations on the Horizon? —Possible Revisit of Camping Ban Crapola on 1-26; 1-19 Special Session 

          A Firm Maybe:  Possible Reports from Lawsuits in Santa Barbara, Oakland, Sacramento, and Marysville

          The Wrong “Criminals” in Kuhl Case Dropped, Pirate’s Morning Appearance,  whazzup with Dreadeye and Hannah?

          Pajaro River Pushback–Monika K’s Morning Makefast Team

NO Injunction Hearing Today:  TRO Extended to January 20th.

Weather better but still in low 60’s so bring your own warmers. 

Usual free hot beverage for participants. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-10-21 show streams 9:30 AM Pajaro Camp Pushback, Right to Shop Without a Mask?, Comrades Cafe Update, Pacific Ave. Melodies Flashback 2-13-11 Pleich and Norse on the Sleeping Ban; McMullan’s Berkeley Report

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  “Mind Over Muscle” Monike Tone of the Pajaro River Community gives background on the history of the 3 encampments there.  (See also subsequent interviews at

xxx  Angry Listener and former Free Radio Santa Cruz broadcaster Mathew Embri Denounces “COVID is a hoax” claim on a prior show.
xxx  Kristy on her visit (12-30) with a group of maskless people to a Wednesday Farmer’s Market where they were turned away by the management who called the police.
xxx  Tabling with HUFF on Pacific Avenue (1-9)xxx  Garrett Stevens–NOMAD, Food Not Bombs, and Comrades Cafe activist–on the latest from San Lorenzo Park in the wake of the Resistance and the Injunction.

xxx  Musical Moments on Pacific Ave
xxx  Anonymous (but infamous) street jeweler weighs in on local SCPD policies around the Park


XXX  “Silver-tongued” Steve Pleich co-hosts an exchange with hunkered down host Bathrobespierre Robert Norse on the impact of the previous year’s PeaceCamp 2010 on Sleeping Ban law and court cases.

XXX   Street-stream:  New Year’s Eve interviews with Skateboarders Chad and Taylor, “Back but Battered” Baltimore, & More

XXX   “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster fights political persecution (“unlawful lodging” for sitting down on the courthouse steps in a peaceful sleeping ban protest) and chats in the courthouse corridors.

XXX   “Dogged Heart” Dan McMullan gives a Berkeley report.

To hear the January 13th Federal Court hearing on the survival of the San Lorenzo Campground go to to find the Zoom meeting.

Stop the Sweeps in Santa Cruz and Watsonville: Tabling Saturday January 9th noon in front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz

Stop the Sweeps in Santa Cruz and Watsonville
Import into your personal calendar
DateSaturday January 09
Time12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Event TypeProtest
Emailrnorse3 [at]
Location Details
On the sidewalk in front of the Bookshop Coonerty aka Bookshop Santa Cruz at 1520 Pacific Ave.

HUFF will be tabling on Saturday noon in support of Community Solidarity and Solutions Supporting the Survival Camps in Watsonville and around Santa Cruz.

The most well-publicized of those has been the San Lorenzo camp, the subject of police harassment, community resistance, and a Temporary Restraining Order. A zoomed hearing resumes next Wednesday in federal court.

Campers along the Pajaro River in south County–both on the Watsonville side of the river and the Monterey County side have been successful resisting destructive bulldozing of their camps in the last week. See

Salinas activists under Santa Cruz Homeless Union President Wes White have mounted pressure with other activist groups there urging the new City Council to abandon the discredited sweep-them-here, sweep-them-there strategies of the past.

Raelyn Butcher and Brian Brown of the Marysville Homeless Union have won hundreds of thousands of dollars in a recent lawsuit, with further hearings scheduled in response to abusive destruction of survival encampments there. See

Last year Sacramento activists secured a TRO against homeless sweeps they are still struggling to have enforced. See

Joe Doherty, Santa Barbara attorney, is working on a lawsuit to stop the unconstitutional uprooting of vehicular residents there.

HUFF also expresses solidarity with the Bookshop Santa Cruz union movement ( &, t

with the Harm Reduction Coalition’s attempt to expand and strengthen Needle Exchange (hear Denise Elrich on Free Radio at 53 minutes into the audio file),

and the City’s vehicularly-housed to resist harassment by Andy Mills squad of volunteers sperarheaded by Deborah Elston, particularly focusing against Santa Cruz Homeless Union President Alicia Kuhl and her family–most recently her partner Erik, arrested and beaten during an epileptic seizure.(93 minutes into the audio file at )..

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-7-21 show netcast at and archived at Pajaro River Residents Fight Back & Cops Smack Down a Disabled Activist

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out

ON THE 1-7 SHOW : 

xxx  1-5-21 Wind-whipped Wes White at the Pajaro River Barricade Against Police Removal

xxx  1-6-21 A Day Later, White Describes Victory at Turning Back the Bulldozers

xxx  Keith McHenry reports the police attack on Alicia’s partner Erik and his injuries

HUFF at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, Injunction Hearing at 2 PM, Clock Protest at 4 PM, Council’s New Camping Ban Caper next Tuesday, and More!

Agenda Prospects
             Priorities for HUFF research to support broader homeless encampments beyond San Lorenzo
          4 PM San Lorenzo Park Solidarity Rally—Town Clock
​          Mills Machinations–Return of the Zombie Camping Ban Amendments at the Next Shitty Council Meeting?
          Reports from Lawsuits in Santa Barbara, Oakland, Sacramento, and Marysville
          Court Case Update: Kuhl Case Dropped, Pirate’s Upcoming, Other Updates for Hannah, Ben, et. al.
          Maskless Rally at the Farmer’s Market–the Homeless View of COVID as Hoax
          Pajaro River Encampment Peril–Sweep and Resistance Reports

Latest Injunction at 2 PM Hearing Zoom Info:  then go to View Scheduling Notes .

Sub Rosa Requires Distancing and Masking.  Any controversy arising from this will be resolved before the meeting begins. HUFF has a non-exclusionary policy.

Weather slated for low 50’s, so cover up.  Usual free hot beverage for participants.  Meeting will be shorter than usual because of 2 PM Zoom Injunction Hearing: 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-3-21 show streams 9:30 AM at and archived at Another San Lorenzo Park special with additional reports from Watsonville and the DSA

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)


Momentary Victory at San Lorenzo Park 

xxx  “All Speed Ahead” Alicia Kuhl on the Temporary Restraining Order laid down December 20th by Federal Magistrate (Check out and click on “View Scheduling Notes” presumably on Wednesday 1-6, day of the hearing)

xxx  Bathrobespierre rails against the FAQ 12-24–an anonymous Response by some City Official to Community Outrage against the police actions destroying tents and seizing property in the park (Go to  for the full nausea-packed experience)

xxx Day after the Police Raid, Day before the TRO 12-29 Interviews with Prism, Frank, Aaron Miller, and others.

xxx “Can’t Keep Me” Keith McHenry talks about his jailing and release on 12-29

xxx  Pajaro Valley perspective–“Walk with the Weary” Wes White and “Agents of Change” activist Nick review the wreckage & renaissance of Pajaro valley poor people displaced in the latest sweep.

xxx  “Legaleyes” Laura Reports on the Last Democratic Socialists of America ZOOM meeting

xxx  Garrett Stevens on the ground at San Lorenzo Park (12-29)

xxx  Contrasting Views on the Park Resistance from Armando and Pan

xxx  Former Santa Cruz Eleven Activists Brent Adams and Becky Johnson Exchange Notes on the San Lorenzo Situation

xxx  1-2 Update in the Park–Chatting with Raymond–rifling through the dumpster wreckage

xxx  1-2 Castiron Cooper and Toughtalking Tony from their still-standing Camp

xxx  1-2 Grapevine Greg B. Visits San Lorenzo from the County Armory Camp

xxx  1-2 Klatching at the Comrade Cafe with Donnie and others cooking chow in the rain

xxx  12-28  Back to the Monday Stand-off: a full hour of Community members holding police at bay on the sidewalk and demanding answers (but getting none)

xxx  12-28 Interviews with Denise Elerick of Harm Reduction Coalition and Sara Ringler

[Huff] Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 12-31-20 show archived at 12-31-20 reviewing Events of Monday the 28th in San Lorenzo Park

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out

ON THE 12-31 SHOW :

Many Moments at 2nd “Move ‘Em Out Monday” at San Lorenzo Park

xxx  Former Clownsil member Micah Posner at the Barricades

xxx  Pensive Pete Shanks Chats with Us

xxx  Pan, aka “Pussy” the Persistent, a Park resident, gives background.

xxx  Barbara of WILPF  Risks Arrest and Infection to Support the Park Defenders

xxx  Nick and the Wes White’s Salinas Union of the Homeless Contingent Make the Journey

xxx  Jailfreed Joshua Rios Praises the Occupation

xxx  Police Create Tumult in the Park

xxx  “Panicfree” Pan & Others Address the Cops Blocking the Dakota Street

xxx  Another Black Victim of White Police: Columbus cop Adam Coy kills Andre Hill, holding a cellphone.

More Park Interviews on Sunday’s show!