Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday February 25, 2024 show S.C. protests against the punishment of Julian Assange, Fox on S.C. psychiatric shenanigans & Keith on upcoming protests +a fuzzy Flashback to Nov. 16, 1995: Open-air shelter defense

The Sunday February 25, 2024 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show includes:

  • “Free Julian Assange” Protest at Ocean & Water (Starbucks) corner with commentary from Greg on his encounters with “the Deep State”; the 2024 progressive activist scene;
  • [Satirist and social critic Dave Lippman songs throughout the show, lifted from the internet]
  • Jillian on Snowden and other more local figures;  Drew on the “Scamdemic”
  • Wes the photojournalist: Salinas Council Vote continuing sweeps of the homeless
  • Keith distributing flyers on “First They Came for the Homeless” and the Cicero Institute/CIA conspiracy to “round ’em up”; mental health malpractice in Santa Cruz;
  • “Fox” on experiences in shrink shops, including TeleCare, Santa Cruz’s own psych holding ward and transmission belt to other “hospitals”
  • Food Not Bombs fellowship with Blue (Lawrence MacGregor) on the ups and downs of apartment life; “R” on tobacco smoking as a health benefit; Keith on organizing for a Tuesday “Fuck Your FEMA Camps” protest at City Council; Dylan on forced psychiatric “treatment” in prison

The November 16, 1995 Flashback includes: 

  • UCSC student Mike working on the history of Homeless resources
  • Louis on stays at the River St. mini-Shelter and Carota’s Jesus, Joseph, and Mary shelter
  • Dianna, the street jeweler, on a successful resolution of a dispute with Georgianna’s Cafe (then next to the Bookshop Coonerty)
  • Colorful accounts from Alex, Gypsy, Cosmo, Kelly, and Bubbles—on subjects ranging from love to rape.
  • Bathrobespierre Robert and Crossroads Chris Brozda on the Open-Air Shelter-destroying Page Smith Community House
  • Billy and Dusty on the San Francisco scene.
  • Further Flashback to January 1, 1994: Sgt. Reedy’s New Year’s Eve riot
  • Skidmark Bob and “Rolling Thunder” Mike Sheridan on cops and campgrounds.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday February 22 2024 show is a Flashback to February 27, 2003 with commentary and comments from Jeffrey Gale, James Cosner, Sophie, C.J. Stock, and others

The Thursday February 22, 2024 show is a flashback to February 27, 2003 and includes: 

  • Co-host Jeffrey Gale gives commentary at various points
  • Cannabis activist and researcher Rosenthal flawed trial?
  • Sophie of UCSC’s Standing United for Peace discusses limited UCSC protest against the Iraqi war & other protests around town
  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson’s chalking trial:
  • Listener Benito from Germany calls in, comparing European situation on marijuana and anti-war reaction
  • Songs from C.J. Stock; Renik, sidewalk solicitor, on recent cop hassles; John Maurer; Wesley and Janet Harrison on bench removal; Gabe and Bathrobespierre exchange puns; John W on Officer Brandt; Tim W accuses Parking Enforcement of possible vandalism; 
  • “City Council Ducks War; Kennedy Ducks Subpoena; Golder Gets Banned” Flyer
  • Gale urges Tax Refusal and Sit-Down Strike against threatened Iraqi War
  • “Justman” James Cosner on Upcoming Speak-Out Against the War.

Argue away those rainyday blues: HUFF meets and mouths off Thursday 2-22-24 at 703 Pacific in the Sub Rose Cafe with coffee and consumables for all–right next to the Bike Church

                                      Top of the Agenda

  ++++  Agenda Adds Street & Court reports Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee Warnings, Sweeps, & Tickets

  ++++  Major choice of focus in the meeting.  Proposed prep or actions.

++++  Possibilities: 5150 Seizures;  Tier 2 RV Investigation; Tent Seizure Accounts; Property Reclaiming Fantasy or Reality? ; Armory/Coral St. & “Warming Shelter” “improvements”; bathroom/portapotty expansion/potable water for survival campsites; street newsletter; poverty pimpery connections & auditing; Local Petitioning against new Criminalize Homeless initiatives

   ++++  Less Likely but More Immediate Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission…Demands?  

                                      Procedures and Other

  ++++   Agenda Additions, Announcements. Passarounds, Hand-Outs

  ++++   Hand-outs if needed: SLV Free Guide, Tier 2 Map,

  ++++   Information gathering and sharing: any focus for action.? 

  ++++   Followed by short briefings on other agenda items, time allowing

  ++++  Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)  Hand-raisin’ rules, Chair rotation

   ++++  PassArounds: Mainstream stories

                                  Announcements & Follow-Ups

   ++++  Showers coming up Monday the 26th 

  ++++   Latest S.C. City Council and Supes meeting reports—if anyone went.

  ++++   Camp Removal Resistance Prep:  Contact Group Expansion

  ++++   UCSC Update  HUFF recruitment flyer

  ++++   Monday Sacramento 

  ++++   Evolving Door protests: update if any

                                   If enough time and desire

 ++++  Possible phone contacts: Wes, Des of Fresno

 ++++  Unverified: new SC Free Guides for San Lorenzo Valley

  ++++  Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance for next protest; contact?

  ++++  Key Legal Case:

  ++++  Placeholder runthrough—study groups:   Rents vs. Profits—S.C. Survey, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing  

                 Additional Stuff

   ++++ Drug Screening Plan has too many questions.


  ++++  Latest Street Sheet stories:    “Survival”, “No on F; F is for Failure”, ” No on E: Endangering Accountability & Privacy:”  

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to  click on date

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday February 18, 2024 show spotlights Salinas activist Wes White, Alicia Kuhl’s critique of Encompass, cops stealing tarps & blankets before a rain and a Flashback to March 6, 2005: Protest critiques and tips

The Sunday February 18, 2024 show includes:

  • David Rovics roars out songs (lifted from you-tube) throughout.
  • “Whip ‘Em Into Shape” Wes White on the outcome of his protest arrest, police exclusion from a public event, and more
  • Bathrobespierre casts a caustic eye on the S.C. City Council’s latest grant to the SCPD for surveillance drones in spite of public opposition
  • Public comment unanimously opposing the drones and near-unanimously ignored by the City Council
  • Local activist Alicia Kuhl on her recent departure from Encompass; homeless legal battles here and elsewhere; 
  • “Take it to the Max” Troy and “Hurricane” Helga on brutal police tarp seizures along Coral St. in the rain

The Flashback to March 6, 2005 includes:

  • Peppertongue” Pat Ring recalls 1996 struggles in and out of court around the City Hall Sleepers Vigil that went on for nearly 7 months
  • UCSC activists at an anti-war forum looking for old lessons in the ongoing struggle against the Iraqi war
  • Ralph Meyberg speaking and organizing pressing for a referendum on the City Council’s Coast Hotel Project
  • Clearview Court survivor Liberty on the implications of the Coast Hotel project for residential coach owners there
  • Fighting back against the Public Comment constriction at City Council—a detailed example.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday February 15, 2024 show is a Flashback to January 9, 2005 including the voices of Roger Etcetera, Joe Williams, Jane Kyser, and many others–with music aplenty from Phil Ochs, Anne Feeney, and more

The February 15, 2024 show is a Flashback to the Sunday January 9, 2005 show.  It includes:

  • Gloomy & gritty morning messages & intro
  • SAFE #48 [Society for Artistic Freedom of Expression, aka, Stop your Awful Foolish Enforcement or some such)– D. Roger Etcetera reporting on Animal and two homeless vets ticketed in the rain for shelter on the edge of a parking garage
  • City Council Update on the meaning of the Nazi salute (“Heil Krohn!”) court case; other “speed and ignore” Council procedures; Coast Hotel prep for fast track
  • Progress of a HUFF-motivated lawsuit against the Sleeping Ban
  • PIRC [Psychiatric Inmates Rights Collective] activist Jane Kysor on dangers of psychiatric drug compulsion for homeless 
  • Peppermint Patty on Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s silence on Iraqi war, and dark origins of psychiatry post-World War One.
  • Disabled in mobility Dan Hemmingway on forced medical treatment from paramedics, on maltreatment at Dominican Hospital
  • Jhond Golder update—banned falsely from all city offices for two years.
  • Bush’s lavish inauguration
  • Peace and Freedom candidate Joe Williams on the November 2004 election & local opposition to the Iraqi war locally
  • Bob Lamonica on American intervention abroad 
  • Music aplenty from the following show

HUFF talks about issues 1:30 PM to 4 PM (come early, we may leave early) February 15 Thursday at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church)

HUFF Agenda Prospects 2-15-24      

  ++++   Additions, Announcements. Passarounds, Hand-Outs

  ++++   Information gathering and sharing: any focus for action.? 

  ++++  Major choice of focus in the meeting.  Proposed prep or actions.

  ++++  Followed by short briefings on other agenda items, time allowing

  ++++  Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)  Hand-raisin’ rules

  ++++  Hand-outs: TBA HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA   

  ++++  Possibilities:  Tier 2 Investigation; Tent Seizure Accounts; Property Reclaiming; Armory/Coral St. improvements; bathroom expansion; potable water; UCSC campus recruitment; street newsletter; poverty services connections; Prop 1 & Local Petitioning  other suggestions?

  ++++  Street reports; As ever…Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee  

  ++++Latest S.C. City Council and Supes meeting reports—if anyone went.

  ++++  Camp Removal Resistance Prep:  Contact Group Expansion

  ++++  UCSC Update  HUFF recruitment flyer

  ++++  Monday Sacramento protest cancelled for rain

  ++++  Evolving Door protests: update if any

   ++++  Last Day to Register to Vote: February 20, 2024

  ++++  Court Reports from anyone so involved

  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission…Demands?  

  ++++  Showers coming up Saturday the 17th through Wednesday the 21st

  ++++  Possible phone contacts: Wes, Des of Fresno

  ++++  Unverified: new SC Free Guides for San Lorenzo Valley

  ++++  Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance for next protest; contact?

  ++++  Key Legal Case:

   ++++ Placeholder runthrough—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing  

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to  click on date

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday February 11, 2024 show has Helga, Kazoo, Woodleaf, Cooper, Drew, and more and a Flashback to January 29, 2017 with Nate Kennedy, Carol Denney, Pat Colby, Dan McMullen & more + Freedom SleepOut #81

The Sunday February 11,2024 show includes:

The Flashback to January 29, 2017 includes:

  • Studio guest: origami cranescrafter Nate Kennedy—suggestions to City Council
  • “Battling Bob Lamonica vs. Bathrobespierre Robert on Councilmember Gone Lame (Don Lane) and his sorry record
  • Jah, prolific street Jeweler, on recent tickets from Park Rangers; “Pushback” Pat Colby on homeless runoff from outside the library, even during open hours.
  • “Still standing” Abbi Samuels and “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry on Food Not Bombs’s recent detente with a critic
  • “Blue: calls for cameras and witnesses for Freedom Sleepout #81
  • “Restless” Richard Lopez on local police state action around the downtown
  • Berkeley’s “Downhome” Dan MacMullan on the future of People’s Park
  • “Cornerstone” Carol Denney savages Berkeley City Council sell-outs
  • “The Sane Progressive” indicts DemParty symp Michael Moore for implicitly endorsing Bush-Obama warcrimes.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday February 8, 2024 show is a Flashback to October 23, 1997 featuring Interviews with “Softheart” David Silva, Eureka’s Father Duff, Cornerstone Carol Denney, and more

The Thursday February 8, 2004 show is a Flashback to October 23, 1997:

  • [songs from Factwino v. Armageddon Man, a S.F. Mime Troupe production throughout]
  • “Dead On” David Silva on the struggle for the anti-Sleeping Ban Initiative
  • “The Thin Blue Line” on Stolen Lives Project in the SF Bay Guardian
  • Skidmark Bob’s Copwatch report, correcting police misinformation on “panhandling” charges
  • Eureka Health Department moving on the South Spit Jetty homeless population
  • Eureka’s Father Eric Duff smuggling in food to the Eureka homeless—interview.
  • Berkeley City Council debate on Pepper Spray as reported by Cornerstone Carol Denney [10-23-97]
  • Bathrobespierre Robert critiques Santa Cruz Citizens Police Review Board & Councilmember Kennedy’s pro-SCPD letter
  • 1991 Flashback: Councilmember Kennedy’s Last Progressive Hurrah—Supporting the Homeless Protest Encampment at the Town Clock
  • Uncle Dennis’s “Earth First” Intro

HUFF cackles and calculates Thursday February 8th at 1:30 PM- 4 PM at the faithful Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific Ave next to the Bike Church Coffee, carrots, and cookies available for all.

HUFF Agenda Prospects 2-8-24

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs , Passarounds

  ++++  Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)  Hand-raisin’ rules

  ++++  Hand-outs: TBA HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA   

  ++++  Street reports; As ever…Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee  

  ++++  Update on Group Encampment Removals: the New Anti-Homeless Focus

  ++++  Proposition 1 and other proposed anti-homeless laws

  ++++  Camp Removal Resistance Prep:  Gathering the Evidence Forms

  ++++  Reports from Tier 1,2,3  Parking  Reggie update:

Reggie on last Sunday’s show (72 minutes into the audio file)

++++   UCSC Update  HUFF Flyering:  HUFF recruitment flyer

  ++++  Calif Homeless Union planning Sacramento protest

  ++++  Evolving Door protests: update

   ++++  Last Day to Register to Vote: February 20, 2024

  ++++  San Mateo: Criminalization disguised as Regulation:

  ++++  Troy’s Lawsuit Project and the Bail Situation: Update

  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission…Demands?

  ++++  Showers coming up Saturday the 17th through Wednesday the 21st

  ++++  Possible phone contacts: Wes,;

  ++++  Jail Hunger Strike (started November 8) Jason Cortez seeks dignity from staff; fair complaint process; affordable commissary & phone; attorney confidentiality

  ++++  SC Free Guides:

  ++++  Possible Car Caravan thru S.C. Saturday 1-5 PM  Meet 1 PM Ross Parking Lot  3-5 PM Picnic at Depot Park.119 Center St.

  ++++  End the War against Gaza and the S.C. Poor Petition for Future Use

  ++++  Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance for next protest; contact follow-up’s.

  ++++ Local Anti-War Action:  Ocean/Water St. Saturday picketing 10 am-noon  ? 

   ++++ Placeholder followup—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing 


After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to  click on date Thursday’ show TBA

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday February 4, 2024 show Rightheart Reggie Meisler on the Planning Commission’s latest dive up the bowels of Shitty Council+ Interviews Aplenty and a Flashback to May 11, 2017: 5-7 Protest with Survival Sleepers

The February 4, 2024 show includes:   

  • The attack on the Martin v. Boise case via Johnson v. Grants Pass at  Various media takes by Invisible People, Vox, Vice, & USA Today.  
  • Songs snatched from David Rovics’ loaded website [throughout the show]
  • [1-31]  “Nutcracker” Nick reporting on the Harvey West Friendship Garden  Encampments
  • [1-28]  Roger Meade on his false imprisonment in S.C. County Jail for 28 days on dropped “attempted murder” charges and other police/judicial obscenities
  • [2-3]  “Right Path” Reggie Meisler on the slippery struggle with the Planning Commission’s latest attack on “oversized” RVs
  • “Rough Nights” Renter on the problems of Landlord malign neglect and the Section 8 labyrinth
  • Merinda on good Armory conditions, and unsafety for homeless women downtown
  • Tips from Charles on negotiating police and courts in Santa Cruz
  • Paul Bernes spreading prayer and food to poor folks; Hurricane Helga blows in with blankets and out with bread. 
  • Dawnseeker Drew on Food Not Bombs on increasing crowds and more volunteers
  • Shawn says “NO on Proposition One”
  • Chitterchatter between Mello Mel and Bathrobespierre Robert

The Flashback show (May 11, 2017) includes: 

  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry and “Stop the Sweeps” Abbi Samuels at City Hall’s “No Penalty for Poverty” Rally with commentary buy Silver-tongued Steve Pleich
  • [5-7-17] Survival Sleeper Updates from the round-the-clock Sleepout at City Hall  from Hans and Claudia
  • [5-9-17] At the Homeless Co-ordinating Committee’s “Don’t Fence Us Out” Rally