Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 7-1-21 show netcasts 6 PM at : Federal Court Abandons the Benchlands: Analysis by Katzenjammer Keith, Homeless Union Prez Alicia, HUFFster Gloria, and Bathrobespierre Robert

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at, to hear this show (July 1, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

xxx Judge Van Keulen Dumps the Homeless in the Waiting Claws of the City: the Text of the Court Order (more commentary at “Judge Dumps Benchlands Survival Camp, Ignores Shelter Emergency”)

xxx “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry on the Decision and Possible Responses

xxx  Bathrobespierre Robert and Glad-Eyes Gloria Swim Through the Swamp of the Decision.

xxx Boardwalk Security Bullies Bounce Tattooed Traveler:

xxx Analysis from Alicia Kuhl on the Court Decision and Possible Activist Response.

xxx Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on Home Depot’s Eviction of RV Residents and Other Outrages from the South

Upcoming SC Homeless Union Camp Meet-Up 5 PM Friday July 2nd at the Benches between Courthouse & Benchland

Legal Papers for the San Lorenzo Park Injunction available at this link for the next 28 days:

The Sunday 6-27-21 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show archived and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM: Rage and Reason from Peggy Lee Kennedy of Venice, Thomas Leavitt on Permit Putrescence, Bellowing from the Benchlands and Haunted Cries from Hells Trail

ON THE 6-27-21 SHOW:  

+++  Terrortaunter Theresa Buccola Challenges Cop Exclusion     

+++  Raging Blues from Venice’s streetside activist Peggy Lee Kennedy

+++  ‘Troublesome’ Thomas Leavitt Squares Off Against the City Attorney’s Renewed Requirements for Free Assembly “Permits”

+++  Minor Adjustments in L.A.’s Bloated Police Budget Hailed as “Achievements” by Anti-Violence Advocates

+++  Danville Deadshot Andrew Hall Finally Faces Reduced Felony
Charges for 3-Year old Murder of Laudemer Arboleda

+++  Food Not Bombs Chatter: Street Performer on Troubling Times, Tokin’ Timothy on the anti-Vax movement locally     

+++  “Chief” Gary Joseph Artarte on the death of his brother; Kevin Leland offers goats and good advice to the City Council

+++  Largely White Juneteenth at London Nelson Park ==Interviews with B.J., Susie Cardell, Laurel, Rashanda, and others.     

+++  In the Wake of the Cal-Trans 6-14 Home Demolition Along Hell’s Trail: Anthony Chavez, Britany, Jonathan, and “Backstory” Brent    

+++  Gregory on Tough Times at the Housing (Funding) Matters Shower Bay
+++  Santa Cruz Community Credit Union activist Ron Pomerantz on the September sell-out of the Downtown Union building.

Flashback:  Audio of the January 3, 2001 Club Cruz show with
Bathrobespierre Robert interviewing HUFF activist Becky Johnson on
Mayor Tim Fitzmaurice’s attack on the Koffee Klatch–a sustained winter lobbying effort to get an emergency City Council meeting opening shelter and/or suspending the Sleeping Ban.

    The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9:30 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows may also be available on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments.  HUFF is also too slowly developing a page at

       We need studio space to restore the phone line.  Send us tips on where to rent studio space.  There’s still a $300 reward if you find us a year’s space.  FRSC also needs a location to set up our antenna again downtown– in a tree, a house, etc.  Call the HUFF line (831-423-4833) if you have any tips. 

Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at HUFF or  You can also comment on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-24-21 show netcasts 6 PM at : Organizing Resistance in the Benchlands: A Noon HUFF Brainstorming session with housed and tent dwellers sharing ideas and outrage

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at, to hear this show (June 24, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .


Listening on a HUFF meeting at the Benchlands in preparation for the June 29th Federal Court hearing

xxx RV Harassment Updates from Motormama Monica

xxx Voices aplenty including Benchlands residents Greg and Greg, Braids and Tai, Gabriel and Goatkeeper Kevin as well as housed HUFFsters Laura and Laura, Joy, Gloria, Robert, Cherie.

xxx  Gloomy news from the last City Council Chatter on Tuesday

xxx “Backstory” Brent Adams on the Latest Sweeps Along Hiway 1 and the Lack of Shelter Space

xxx  Monike Tone of the Pajaro River Chapter of the California Union of the Homeless seeks updates and advice on organization ideas on how to get the resources that Santa Cruz homeless were able to secure briefly during COVID time.

xxx Katzenjammer Keith Describes His Input into the Upcoming Benchlands Federal Court Hearing next Tuesday 6-29 10 AM at   Look for 5:20-cv-09425-SVK – Homeless Union et al v. Bernal et al

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-17-21 show netcasts 6 PM at “Whips to the Wicked” Wes White, Blastfurnace Brent Adams,, Monica Tmartella, Furiously Free, and Katzenjammer Keith McHenry

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at

Alternately, to hear this show (June 17, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

ON THE 6-17 SHOW :
xxx “Worn But Not Weeping” Wes White on the Recent Seaside Sweep of the Robert’s Lake Refugees and another on Salinas’s Chinatown Homeless

xxx “Backstory” Brent Adams on the Latest Sweeps Along Hiway 1 and the Lack of Shelter Space

xxx  “Far Back” Free, former Free Radio Broadcaster calls in remember recently captured Freedom Fighter Chris “Commander X” Doyan aka Curbhugger Chris.

xxx Katzenjammer Keith Tours the Benchlands Survival Camp and Weighs the Upcoming Injunction Status Hearing for the Camp.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived and netcasting 9:30 AM -3:30 PM Sunday 6-13-21 Camping Ban’s Final Passage; Keith McHenry’s Kaustic Update; SC Homeless Union’s Under-the-Bridge Meeting; Flashback to September 16. 2004


+++  Slogging our way through the Santa Cruz City Council’s Final Nail in the Camping Ban Coffin with its 2nd Reading and passage by a 5-2 vote.

 +++   West Side Cares & others Voice Objections Unheard to the Ban.

+++  “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry’s Update on the In’s and Out’s of the In-sters and Out-sters in Santa Cruz     

+++  Cacophonic Symphony:  Voices of the SC Homeless Union at Their Weekly 5 PM Friday meeting under the Footbridge from River St. to San Lorenzo Park

FLASHBACK TO September 16, 2004
+++ Tucson arrested and divested of his property, caught crying while intoxicated.

+++Gregarious Greg, “Jacked Up but Jolly” James Nay, Copwatch Tom,  Merryweather Mike, and Anonymous Alex at the Free Radio-on-the-Street Broadcast Table

+++Skidmark Bob on Knoxville Pirate Radio Shutdown by the FCC

+++ Proposition 63–Helping the Homeless or Enabling “Lock up the Loonies” Strategy of Laura’s Law (that leads to Forced Medication and Easier Forced Incarceration).

+++Mama Shannon on her potential Write-In Candidacy for City Council

+++  Tokin’ Tim Rinker on the Drive to Legalize Marijuana Locally and State-Wide

+++Swingtime Susie & Q.Z. give musical and non-musical updates.

+++  Orlee and Jasmine Jones report the recovery of their children.

The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments.  HUFF  is also too slowly developing a page at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-10-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Monike Tone chimes in from the Pajaro River; Chef Al and Elizabeth Gill from the People’s Park Kitchen in Berkeley…and more.

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at
Alternately, to hear this show (June 10, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

ON THE 6-10 SHOW :
xxx Straight from the Riverbank: Monike on the Bulldozing Bullies and the Shelter-Shafting Sheriffs

xxx Elizabeth of the People’s Park Gives Us a Tour Around the Recently Constructed Kitchen There

xxx Christina and the Roaring Rahula on Kitchen Needs and Capers 

xxx Chef Nick A–History of the Kitchen and His Own Activism

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived and netcasting 9:30 AM -3:30 PM 6-6-21 Interviews with Shitty Council-Watcher Scott Graham, Berkeley musician and writer Carol Denney, and SC Homeless Union organizer Keith McHenry + Flashback to 4-9-06


+++ “Scope it Out” Scott Graham and Bathrobespierre Robert growl and grumble about the upcoming 6-8-21 Santa Cruz City Council meeting with a focus on the 9 AM Closed Session and 11:30 AM Consent Session rejection of Eric Price’s police abuse claim; plus the final rubberstamping of the “Cast ’em Out” Camping Law shortly after 6 PM Tuesday night.

      +++ “Cornerstone” Carol Denney rages succinctly on the reduced housing standards for those outside and sings a tribute to People’s Park     

+++  “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry on organizing the SC Homeless Union in the Benchlands as the 6-29 date of  the possible lifting of the Injunction protecting the survival campers living there draws nearer.

FLASHBACK TO 4-9-06 [Highlights]

+++ Co-Host Thomas Leavitt joins Bathrobespierre for a continuing debate on whether SC Indymedia was censoring right-wing positions of activist Beggarbacker Becky Johnson               

+++ V-Man Vinnie explains Indymedia’s “Hide But Don’t Censor” Policies (since changed)              

+++ Continuing (from prior 2006 shows) the City’s Downtown Commission 3-23 meeting on the Parking Lot Panic [PLP] law–banning being in downtown parking lots and garages 24 hours a day unless picking up or retrieving a vehicle or walking through.

+++ Questioning then Deputy SCPD Chief Kevin Vogel on “crime” in the downtown parking lotsand garages.

+++ Resident “Madhat” Mattison on what she sees as the violent scene downtown, S.F. Mayor’s homeless policy.

+++ In-studio guest Bob Patton with the Human Rights Organization statement on the PLP law.  

+++ Street Interviews: Patrick on Parking Tickets…Bob Guzley on Minimum Wage Petition…Smiley on changing Santa Cruz…Doug McGraff on being harassed by Community Service Officer Pam Bachtel around medical marijuana.

    The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9 AM or shortly thereafter. 

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments.  HUFF is also too slowly developing a page at

Check out Flashback descriptions at .

     FRSC still wants to set up our antenna again downtown– in a tree, a house, etc. 
     We want our call-in line back too for live shows.  Send us tips on where to rent studio space.  There’s still a $300 reward if you find us a year’s space. 

Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or  You can also comment on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-3-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Katzenjammer Keith’s Update on City Bureaucrat Antics; More Voices from the Riverside

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at

Alternately, to hear this show (June 3, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

xxx ‘Katzenjammer’ Keith McHenry on historic hijinks in Orlando, FL and the current Santa Cruz scene

xxx Harsh Assessment of the Santa Cruz Scene from a Benchlands Elder Just Out of Dominican

xxx Backstories from the Benchlands (5-26) with Kelly and Mario, Richard Portillo, Mark S., “Cast in Strength” Kayli Smith.

xxx Jimmy Two Guns, Arianne, and George at the Food Not Bombs Sanctuary

xxx  Roadhero Robert and Kitrell on Surviving Outside in Santa Cruz

xxx  Another Robert–Stripped of His Car and Possessions at Pick-n-Pull

xxx Larry Wilcox, Streetside Anthropologist Sees Violations of the Environmental Quality Act with the Forced Sweeps

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3:30 PM 5-30-21 “No Crap” Crystal in the Benchlands, Bullshit Booster Butler of the Shitty Council, Alekz Landz on Vehicular Struggles, Flashback to 9-6-99…and more!

   The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows  as well as netcast at 9:30 AM or shortly thereafter.  A detailed description will be e-mailed out and posted on line at the HUFF website later today.

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).  Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .  
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom
Facebook page where you can also leave comments.  HUFF is also too slowly developing a page at

Check out Flashback descriptions at .

     FRSC wants to set up our antenna again downtown– in a tree, a house, etc. 
     We want our call-in line back too for live shows.  Send us tips on where to rent studio space.  There’s still a $300 reward if you find us a year’s space. 

Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or  You can also comment on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page.


  • The Brian Quirolo Claim against SCPD’s Officer Ganzel from February 2020 and its Burial by City Staff
  • Alekz Londos on the Harassment of Vehicular Housed Santa Cruzans ( See May 25th past at )
  • Crystal of the SC Homeless Union on the Golflands & Benchlands.
  • Lee “Baron of Bureaucratic Bullshit” Butler at the 5-25 Council meeting with a content-free report as City Mangler Martin Bernal’s Homeless Czar.
  • HUFFish Times (5-27) with Monica, Moon, Merryweather Michael, Glad-Eyes Gloria, Shit-me-Not Cherie, and Bathrobespierre Robert: with a Katzenjammer Keith Update

FLASHBACK to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, September 5, 1999

+++”Tuf Luv” Laura Tucker schemes with Bathrobespierre to turn the do-nothing Homeless Issues Task Force into an Operational Activist Cell.

+++ “Rough but Righteous” Robert and “Live and Learn” Eleanor Press for Lawsuits to Set City Stultifiers Straight

+++ “Double Down” Doug McGraff on Don Lane’s Shrinkage of HITF membership spaces and future HITF member Marilyn Weaver’s comments

+++  “Dead on” David Silva Denounces Don Lane’s Shutdown Letter and Misleading Info on HITF vacancies

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5-27-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Robbie Powelson of Sausalito; Wes White of Salinas; Kelly, Mario, Richard, Mark, & of the Benchlands

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at
Alternately, to hear this show (May 27, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

ON THE 5-27 SHOW :
xxx “Powerheart” Robbie Powelson of the Marin County Homeless Union on Taking the Revolution on the Road with Voter Empowerment

xxx “Words are my Weapon” Wes White Gaining Ground in Salinas, Struggling Still in Seaside
xxx Backstories from the Benchlands (5-26) with Kelly and Mario, Richard Portillo, Mark S., “Cast in Strength” Kayli Smith.