Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides soon to be archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM today 4-18-21 Bellows from the Benchlands; Resisting the Round-Up Spraying at the Blaine St. Apartments

The show will be available on HUFF archives now up and working at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows . 
Many older audio archives are described and currently available at

Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). 

Summaries of Flashbacks from earlier shows are at .

For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page.  Hopes still linger for a page to be added to the HUFF website itself soon.

Want FRSC back on the air not just the net?  We need a spot to setup our antenna again in the downtown area–a tree, a house. 

Want our call-in line restored as well as live shows?  Send us tips on where to rent studio space with a $300 reward for cueing us into a year’s contract. 

Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or


xxx Carrie of Residents Against Round-Up appeals to the Community to join her and the residents of the Riverfront and Case Del Rio apartments at 146-152 Blaine St. tomorrow (Monday 4-19) to stop the toxic spraying.  Protests may continue for the next few days.  For more info contact her at 831-227-7990 or

xxx Castaway Cooper D’Angelo continues her critique of the Court-ordered Benchlands relocation now in progress in San Lorenzo Park with an expulsion order possible as early as April 28th, the day after Federal magistrate Susan van Keulen’s April 27th Injunction status hearing.

xxx 4-12 Interviews: Grokmaster Greg Bengston contrasts the City’s Armory “Managed Campground” with “Camp Freedom” currently in the Park protected by the Injunction, gives a Roaming Rats report, and needle waste in the  Denise Elerick of Harm Reduction Coalition on Chico hostility towards Needle Exchange and Homeless folks. (831)769-4700

xxx  Dreadeye reports 3 tickets in 3 days for survival parking next to San Lorenzo 4-15 Modesto/Turlock arrival Chago with his family newly residents in San Lorenzo 4-16 “Whip the Wicked” Wes White and “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson on the Salinas City Councilfolk’s recent assurances and meetings, plus feared sweeps in the near future.

xxx  Merrymaker Mark Levy in his 2008 rendition of “Say It, Don’t Spray” before the Santa Cruz City Council successfully opposing the LBAM spraying of those  Becky from Modesto, and Street Jeweler Nicole on dealing with destitution. 

xxx Free Radio harassment in Berkeley in Santa Cruz by the FCC

xxx “Peoples Establishment” Protester and Survival Camper in San Diego

xxx Prescott AZ Interview on outside residents reaction to their proposed anti-homeless law.

xxx Heather of Needle Exchange in Santa Cruz

xxx Claire of the Berkeley Police Review Commission

Support the Blaine St. low-income tenants threatened with cancer-producing Round-Up spraying Monday-Wednesday: 
Show Up at 8 AM Monday 4-19 at the two apartment complexes there.           
E-mail FPI Management; 800 Iron Point Road; Fulsom CA 95630 or call 916 357-5300Demand “No Spray, Thanks!” 
Direct your fire at Dennis Treadaway at dennis.treadaway@fpimgt.comJoin the
TentTable at Pacific & Soquel today April 18th at 1 PM for Resisting the threatened return of anti-homeless laws at City Council on May 11th, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction against San Lorenzo Survival Campers.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union  weekly meeting Monday 2 PM April 19th at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meeting  Thursday April 22nd 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private.  Or at least to howl at the darkness.
Conspire for Justice with a community opposed to likely spring sweeps 5 PM Friday April 23rd on the lawn at the Red Church at Cedar and Lincoln.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 4-15-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Aftermath of the Injunctive Benchlands Order & upcoming post-TOLO terrorism

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at but we are having some difficulties with our server.  
Alternately, to hear this show and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on the April 15, 2021 show at .

ON THE 4-15 SHOW :
xxx TentTable Taunts and Dialogue with street artists “Off” and Nicole

xxx Chatting with “Can’t Stop the Music” Curtis

xxx June and Ami, People’s Park residents and supporters up in Berkeley 4-6

xxx  Taking Apart the TOLO Tantrum

xxx  Monday Morning Blues and Bellows from San Lorenzo with Steven Whitman, Cat, Keith, and Cooper

Reving Up the Resistance outside the Red Church 5 PM Friday April 16 at Lincoln & Cedar.  Come on Down!

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides soon to be archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM today 4-11-21 Tearing Apart the Terrible TOLO; Preemptive Protesting Against Anti-Tent Terror Downtown; Flashback to June 11, 2006

   The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows .  Currently that audio portion of the HUFF server is down but should be up again soon.
Many older audio archives are described and currently available at

Detailed written descriptions of the shows are at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). 

For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page.  Hopes still linger for a page to be added to the HUFF website itself soon.

Want FRSC back on the air, in a studio with a call-in line restored?  Send us tips on where to rent studio space and a willing host for our antenna.   Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or$300 Reward still available for finding us a Studio site for a year.

xxx TOLO (Temporary Outdoor Living, i.e. Dying, Ordinance) Tedium and Terrorism: Bathrobespierre Robert and “Scope It Out” Scott Graham dissect the beast–coming up Tuesday at the 5:30 PM SC Shitty Council meeting.  Go to to view zany Zoom instructions.
xxx Scope-ster Scott reviews earlier Santa Cruz homeless history from the 70’s and 80’s and the current Arcada/Eureka scene

xxx  Tent Supporter Troublemakers on Pacific Avenue Tabling and Talking with Lawwatcher Laura, Awl, Vigilante, Tyler and Jael from the Bay Area Party for Socialism and Labor

xxx Troublesome Thomas Leavitt with his The Wake-Up Call show  interviews Berkeley’s disabled activist Dan McMullen and a People’s Park Free Box update

xxx Native American activist co-host Rebecca Horsewoman joins Bathrobepierre Robert

xxx Park policing update

xxx Caller Leila attacks forced drugging

xxx Horsewoman and her vehicles versus the SCPD

xxx Further Fury and Fightback from Dan McMullan

xxx Street Interviews: Juan Santos Pontoja on pre-trial fighting PC 647j state anti-camping law

xxx The Unspeakable Mrs. B. vs. Ranger John Wallace on perennial Park persecution

xxx SC Shitty Council chatter as it changes (in microscopic part) the panhandling law under court pressure in John Maurer “Fuck the Pigs” case

xxx Maurer’s pro bono attorneys Paul Sanford and Don Zimmerman try to speak

Current Ordinance No. 2021-03 amending Chapter 6.36 of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code related to regulations for “temporary outdoor living” in all its grim, gritty, gross, and ungrokable–all 6 attachments and reams of bigoted talking points at, agenda item #37.

Join the
TentTable at Pacific & Soquel today April 11th at 2 PM for Resisting TOLO, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction against San Lorenzo Survival Campers.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union  weekly meeting Monday 2 PM April 12th at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meet  Thursday April 15th 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private.  Or at least to howl at the darkness.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 4-8-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Scattered Bits on the Camping Ban Crapola, People’s Park Interviews, and TentTable Talk

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6:30 PM on the net at .  A bit late–sorry.
Alternately, to hear this show and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Check Out

xxx Scattered and Sour Suspicions on the TOLO (the Camouflaged Camping Ban) from Bathrobespierre and Scope-it-Out Scott.
xxx June and Ami, People’s Park residents and supporters up in Berkeley 4-6
xxx  More TentTabling downtown on Pacific Avenue–Brief Bits from Amy of Mountain View, PaperCrane Nate, & Doubleback Daniel .

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 4-4-21 now archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM Gobs of Gab Deconstructing the Modified Injunction Running off the San Lorenzo Park Survival Campers

The show is now available on HUFF archives.
Archives are at

Detailed written descriptions of the shows at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). 

For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page.  Still hoping to construct a page on the HUFF website soon.

Want FRSC back on the air, in a studio with a call-in line restored?  Send us tips on where to rent studio space and a willing host for our antenna.   Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or

xxx Microanalysis and Megacommentary on 1/4th of the Modified Injunction Hearing of 3-30 last Tuesday with both Union of the Homeless Attorney Anthony Prince and City Attorneys Condotti and Bronson ‘s stuck in the confines of the proposed Condotti “move out” order.  Hear the whole grim thing without interruption at .  Full story and complete Modified Injunction at .
xxx Groans, Gripes, and Grim Stories from the few residents of the San Lorenzo Campground who gathered 3-28, but no plans proposed or accepted.  Continues from the 4-1 Show. 
xxx  A Quick Look at San Lorenzo Park After the Injunction: No Movement So Far
xxx  Fulminating at Food Not Bombs with critical voice Brent Adams on Food Not Bombs, the Injunction, and the usual promotion of “Agreement Encampments”
xxx  More Police Killings as the Media distract with the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis and we ignore local conditions in the S.C. jail and the SCPD.
xxx  4-1 HUFF meeting Awl’s San Lorenzo Resident Report, Lawwatcher Laura’s Planned Sunday TableTenting Protest & a Beleaguered Update from SC Homeless Union’s Keith McHenry
xxx  Whipped and Weary But not Walloped Wes White of the Monterey County Homeless Advocates and Bathrobespierre have an earlier look into the San Lorenzo lawsuit.

Current Ordinance No. 2021-03 amending Chapter 6.36 of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code related to regulations for “temporary outdoor living” (goes into effect April 9) at

Additional Amendments likely to be considered at April 13th meeting to be added to 2021-03,
go to , view agenda item #26 listing those additional amendments.

Join the TentTable at Pacific & Soquel today April 4th at 2 PM for Resistance to TOLO, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union  weekly meeting Monday 2 PM at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meet  Thursday  11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 4-1-21 show netcasts 6 PM at First Thoughts on the San Lorenzo Campground Status Hearing Last Tuesday and the Resistance Meeting at San Lorenzo Last Sunday

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at .
Alternately, to hear this show and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Check Out


xxx Bathrobespierre–Preliminary Thoughts on the Tuesday Hearing

xxx Keith McHenry, Vice-President of the S.C. Homeless Union,–Statement on the Tuesday Status Hearing for the Fate of the San Lorenzo Campsters

xxx TentTabling downtown on Pacific Avenue with Jeopardy Jeffrey, and Ronnie the Feather Lady

xxx  Resistance Coalition meeting 3-28 with Greg, Keith, Dreadeye, Eagle, Jack, Chris, Kevin & Many others–sounding out the ground.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 3-28-21 now archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM San Lorenzo Parksters Under Attack; Further Flashback to the rest of the 8-14-95 Show

The show is now available on HUFF archives.
Archives are at

Detailed written descriptions of the shows at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). 

For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page.  We’re hoping to construct a page on the HUFF website soon.

Questions, Confusion, Comradeship? Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or with updates and analysis.

xxx City Attorney Condotti’s proposed “Move ‘Em to the Benchlands and then…to nowhere” proposal coming up for ratification by federal judge Susan von Kuleun at the 9:30 AM Tuesday 3-30 Hearing at
xxx “Katzenjammer” Keith of the SC Homeless Union Jousts with Bathrobespierre on Condotti’s Proposed Order and Explores Unhoused Survival Struggles Around the City

xxx  Strong Limits on Judge-Imposed Cash Bail:
xxx  LAPD Goon Squads Clear Echo Park Encampment:
xxx  Peggy Lee Kennedy of the Venice Justice Committee on the Echo Park Police Assault
xxx  Cries of Rage & Experience from Cecilia, Dreadeye, Joe, Karen, and other Santa Cruz Homeless Union activists at the first formal meeting in nearly a year.
xxx  3-25 HUFF meeting with Monica Tone’s “More Sweeps” Report from the newest Pajaro River Homeless Union Resistance; Warnings of Upcoming Laura’s Law “Needles on Wheels” Opt-In
xxx  Marysville Homeless Union activist Bryan Brown Phone Exchange & more HUFF stuff.

FLASHBACK to August 14, 1995 (the conclusion, continued from the 3-18-21 show]
xxx Rex of First World Students Union  “Judgment Day” & historical homeless activist “Red Top” Robert Flory on corporate Western culture John Stuart, Free Radio Santa Cruz broadcaster and writer of Madhouse Exit provides animated commentary and information throughout on Santa Cruz’s Mental Illness industry. 
xxx   “Tow TotaliTerrorism”—Abusive Confiscation of Car Law from 8-9-95 SF Weekly
xxx  “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster on local tow impounding abuses
xxx   Fully Informed Jury Association and Jury Nullification in Santa Cruz
xxx   Bathrobespierre on SCPD’s failure to forward complaints to the Citizens Police Review Board
xxx   Somewhat distorted recording of Phil Ochs “Color Town” and Phil Free’s “Masturbate and Smash the State”

To hear the full Flashback go to , click on 1995, then go to August 14,1995, parts 4 and 5).
Current Ordinance No. 2021-03 amending Chapter 6.36 of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code related to regulations for “temporary outdoor living” (goes into effect April 9) at

Additional Amendments likely to be considered at April 9th meeting to be added to 2021-03,
go to , view agenda item #26 listing those additional amendments.

Join the
Food Not Bombs/ Homeless Union/HUFFat San Lorenzo Park today March 28th at 5 PM a community meeting on Resistance to TOLO, police sweeps of encampments, and a likely court “relocation” of the San Lorenzo Park survival campers. 
Tent-a-Thon Sunday set-up’s on Pacific Avenue slated for Sunday 4-4 at noon. Weather permitting, join HUFF Thursday 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private.

Share ideas and strategies with others Supporting the Right to Survive Outside.

Explore strategies of resistance.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 3-25-21 show netcasts 6 PM at Interviews with Gilroy’s Jan of Pit Stop Outreach, Marin County Homeless Union Robbie in Sausalito, Keith McHenry’s update on the San Lorenzo Injunction, & More!

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at .
You can also hear this show any time after 6 PM, go to
Alternately, to hear this show and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Check Out

ON THE 3-25 SHOW :

xxx Jan of Pit Stop Outreach on the “no shelter” sweep of a Gilroy encampment

xxx Robbie P. of Sausalito on the attack against poor folks living on their boats as anchor-outs.

xxx Keith on spreading sweeps of those surviving outside and an update on the upcoming “compromise” for the San Lorenzo Park homeless

xxx Interviews from the TentTable on Pacific Avenue:  David, Ashley, Jeremy, Felix and more

xxx “Time will Tell” Thomas on Less Comfortable Lodgings at the 115 Coral St. Complex

xxx  A Preview of Passion–a Snatch of the 1st SC Homeless Union meeting in a year (more on Sunday’s show)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 3-21-21 now archived at and netcasting 9:30 AM -3 PM Interviews from Santa Barbara, Berkeley, and Gilroy; Flashback to the Santa Cruz Mental Illness Non-Profit Complex Analysis with John Stuart 8-14-95

The show is now available on HUFF archives.
Archives are at

Detailed written descriptions of the shows at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). 

For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page.
Ursula’s Commentaries should also soon be appearing on the HUFF website at

Questions, Confusion, Comradeship? Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or with updates and analysis.

xxx (3-7 Sentinel)  Fresno “I Can’t Breathe” Death of Joseph Perez; Land Seized in 1924 from Willa & Charles Bruce from land they owned in L.A. may be returned to their descendants; Portland cops blame “Defund Police” calls for murders.

xxx Phone Interview with Santa Barbara attorney Joe Dohorty, part of a consortium of attorneys researching an Injunction against the recent Pershing Park sweep there.

xxx  (3-20 Chronicle)  Richmond NIMBY’s Defeat “Safe Parking” Program

xxx  Letter Yes, Lawsuit Perhaps, Ground Resistance Not Yet: Santa Barbara Lawyers and Advocates Present Sharp Note to City Council Bemoaning Their Policies

xxx  Another Empty-of-Justice Santa Cruz City Council Meeting on 3-23

xxx  Food Not Bombs Fondu on the 365th Day of the COVID Survival Station: Merryweather Mike’s Meanderings; Jitterfree Jim A Year in Housing; Savanna the Soupserver’s First Impressions; Ariel Boon, KPFA Reporter, on groundsleeping life in Oakland and Berkeley

xxx  (3-5 Chronicle) Reporter Sara Bell Lynn finally sues for last May’s police rubber bullet attack;  Rioting charges reinstated in 2017 Rundo case against rightist activists; Texas cop Brian Miser charged with two killings 4-year old killings 1 1/2 years after his part revealed; Capital cops request National Guard maintain Martial Law presence in Washington; S.F.’s $61,000/tent/year program going on for 300 since last spring.

xxx  3-18 Gilroy report from “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White; Jan Chargin of Pit Stop Outreach gives background; Resident Mike on Life in the Encampment.

xxx  3-14 Santa Cruz Fulltimer RV Mom-and-Activist Julie Schaul reports on police incident at the Gateway Shopping Center and RV Life in Santa Cruz

xxx  Earlier Update (3-8) from “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry.

FLASHBACK to August 14, 1995 (partial)
xxx  Co-Host “Judgment Day” John Stuart, Free Radio Santa Cruz broadcaster,  of Madhouse Exit provides animated commentary and information throughout on Santa Cruz’s Mental Illness industry.

xxx  “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster on the plight of minors under the Mental Illness system.

xxx  Stuart on What to do when a “mental” Crisis strikes

xxx  “Full-Heart” Phil Free, mall musician, on Cop Harassment downtown for “bad songs”,  the jailing of “Skidmark” Bob Duran, and other updates from that summer.

xxx   Heated exchange between Vinnie “V-Man” Lombardo aka Rex and John Stewart on “mental illness” as a designation and bringing the discussion home to Santa Cruz.

xxx  “Red-top” Robert Flory reports on the Rainbow Gathering

xxx  Flory and Danielle on S.C. Needle Exchange

xxx  Stuart calls in on “Dead-Eye” Dennis, the Psychiatric Mall Walker, as Psychiatric Warehousing: Lemaster calls in to defend Dennis.

To hear the rest of the full Flashback go to , click on 1995, then go to August 14,1995, parts 4 and 5).
Current Ordinance No. 2021-03 amending Chapter 6.36 of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code related to regulations for “temporary outdoor living” (goes into effect April 9) at

Additional Amendments likely to be considered at April 9th meeting to be added to 2021-03,
go to , view agenda item #26 listing those additional amendments.

Join the
Food Not Bombs/ Homeless Union/HUFFdowntown today March 21st at 2 PM on Pacific Ave. and Soquel Ave. in front of New Leaf Market  for a Tent-a-Thon SurpriseWeather permitting, join us for tentalizing tabling and extraordinary adventures in unraveling the distressed psyche of the Santa Cruz City

Share ideas and strategies with others Supporting the Right to Survive Outside
Explore strategies of resistance.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 3-18-21 show netcasts 6 P.M. at Another Victory in Federal Court for the San Lorenzo Survival Campers–But for How Long?

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at .
To hear this show any time after 5:30 PM, go to
Alternately, to hear this show and earlier shows at a time of your convenience, Check Out

ON THE 3-18 SHOW : The unedited Wednesday 3-18 Status Hearing before federal Judge Susan van Kuelen interspersed with cacophonous commentary and melodious music. 
To listen to the hearing without interruption, go to .