Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-11-21 show netcast at 6 PM: Stalemate in Salinas; Voices in the Food-Not-Bombs Sunshine, Updates from LawWatcher Laura and Dreadeye

The show goes out at 6-8 PM on the net at .
However, to hear this show and earlier shows at a time of your convenience, Check Out

IMPORTANT NOTE: Free Radio Santa Cruz’s Studio Computer is still in the Shop.  So you’ll be hearing mostly old Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows if you tune into the net.  

To listen to a show of your choice at a time of your choosing–including the current one–go to and scroll down to the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides section.  There you will find many choices.

ON THE 2-11 SHOW : 

xxx  David Rovics Interviews Berkeley People’s Park Activist Max Ventura. [Full interview at]

xxx  People’s Park Interviews [2-8-21] before and after the 3rd Fencing Barrior Breached

xxx  SC Union Prez Alicia Kuhl’s Latest Update

xxx  Voices from Santa Cruz’s “People’s Park” of the moment–San Lorenzo Survival Suburb

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-7-21 show streams 9:30 AM Interviews with SC Homeless Union’s Alicia Kuhl, Food Not Bomb’s Keith McHenry, Tenant Sanctuary’s Zav Herschfield, People’s Park Activist Carol Denney….Flashback to June 3, 1995

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx “Campdefender” Alicia Kuhl on Supervising Homeless Services in San Jose

xxx “Heartfirst” Zav Hershfield on the latest changes in Tenant “Protections”
xxx  “Cornerstone” Carol Denney on Current and Past Struggles in People’s Park up Berkeley Way
xxx   Killer cop unchecked for past abuses: tale of George Floyd’s killer, Derek Chauvin (
xxx  “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry on Past and Present Adventures with Food Not Bombs
xxx   Reports Galore from the 2-3 HUFF meeting with Thomas, Laura, Gloria, Robert, Cherie, & James

FLASHBACK Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show from June 3, 1995 (partial)
XXX  Richard Edmonson, San Francisco Liberation Radio broadcaster, and author on the early days of Free Radio in S.F. [;;;;  ]
XXX  Tom Reveille, outspoken independent Radio broadcaster, on his history and that of other Free Radio folks nationwide
XXX  Matt, of Food Not Bombs, on the 15th Anniversary Gathering in S.F. and Police Intervention there
XXX  Bathrobespierre on the Struggle to Serve Free Food Freely in Santa Cruz from 1982 to 1995

More details on all this history at the HUFF website’s Street Spirit  archives:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-4-21 show netcast at 6 PM: Stalemate in Salinas; Voices in the Food-Not-Bombs Sunshine, Updates from LawWatcher Laura and Dreadeye

The show goes out at 6-8 PM on the net at . To hear this show and earlier shows at a time of your choosing, Check Out

IMPORTANT NOTE: Free Radio Santa Cruz’s Studio Computer is in the Shop.  So you’ll be hearing mostly old Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows if you tune in to the net.   To listen to a show of your choice at a time of your choosing–including the current one–go to and scroll down to the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides section.  There you will find many choices.

ON THE 2-4 SHOW : 

xxx  “Wind-Whipped” Wes White on the Salinas Struggle–Extended Interview
xxx  Robin the Rightsfinder at the Food Not Bombs Clothes Bin–Very Reasonable Prices
xxx  Guitar Joe on Streetstrumming during the COVID
xxx  Kayla on being poor and living in a Board’nCare Home
xxx  Legaleyes Laura on the move to defund the police and set up a Eugene-style CAHOOTZ program
xxx  “Don’t Shoot!” Dreadeye on Life at San Lorenzo Survival Encampment

Today’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show on Marysville and Watsonville activism and the April 30, 2009 Flashback

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  Garrett Stephens of NOMAD and Food Not Bombs Updates the San Lorenzo Survival Scene

xxx  Willa at the Pajaro River South Defense Outpost Reviews Monterey County’s Struggles

xxx  Nightwatcher Nick of Agents of Change 831 on the Pajaro River Fight

xxx  Elisse, Pajaro River Resident, on the Her History at the River

xxx  Monike T. on the Recent Successful Outcome of the Pajaro Resistance

xxx  Brian Brown and Raelynn Butcher of Marysville on the Struggle with Fire, Attorneys,and Cops

FLASHBACK from April 30, 2009:

XXX  4-17 Street Interviews: Streetsign Sam questions police phototaking

XXX  Berkeley Activist Stephen Pearcy calls in

XXX  Phone Interview with author Kristian Williams (Our Enemies the Police) on the history of policing, policing as class control, anti-homeless implications, alternatives to police violence [ ]… []

XXX  Chatting with “The Unpaid” Bill

XXX  Miguel de Leon (“Lito”) on court-ordered “no sleep”, banned Scope Park ban, sitcrime in an alcove, his own experience of sleeprunning

More details on all this history at the HUFF website’s Street Spirit  archives:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-28-21 show netcast at 6 PM: The Homeless Report from Rainy Weather Robert Aguirre in San Jose; Standing Up to Bullying with the Pajaro River Residents

The show goes out at 6-8 PM on the net at .

To hear this show and earlier shows at a time of your choosing,

Check Out

ON THE 1-28 SHOW : 

xxx  Union of the Homeless Activist “Rainy Weather” Robert Aguirre on San Jose Times
xxx  Background:
xxx  Lambasting Police Harassment “Loudheart” Lee-Ann Sherwood, San Lorenzo Park resident.
xxx  Containing Court Injustice: More from “Rainy Weather” Robert A.
xxx  “Keep it Caring” Kevin Reports on Police Ticketing Spree Next to San Lorenzo Park
xxx  1-25-21 “Mind over Muscle” Monike Tone on Defending the Southside of Pajaro River

Extras:  Video showing Monterey County Homeless Union Activists Confronting Board of Supervisors there around the Pajaro River Eviction Actions:

              Review Judge Susan Van Kuelen’s Order Defending the San Lorenzo Survival Campers:
              Unless attorneys release the court documents by e-mail, it’s costly and difficult to access the full San Lorenzo file.  See In spite of repeated requests, attorney Anthony Prince has yet to release the Declarations and Legal Papers in the case.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-24-21 show streams 9:30 AM Extensive Interviews with Berkeley’s Carol Denney, Pajaro River’s Monike Tone, the Riverside RV Rescue Squad Flashbacks to 1996, 1998 & 2001 CEO Mike Schmidt, Roughrider Richard Quigley & More

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  “Cornerstone” Carol Denney Praises the San Lorenzo Survival Camp Court Victory(Denney’s recent songs can be found at her “chairapillar” you-tube channel
; her website: )

xxx  Micah, Kate, Vee, and Others Discuss and Defend the Riverside RV Dwellers

xxx  Zack–one of the RV supporters–lays out the obviou

xxx  Pajaro River protector Monike Tone Calls for Monday Resistance To Stop the Sweeps

FLASHBACKs from Community TV’s “Club Cruz” Show from 20 years ago and before
XXX   Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce CEO Launches a Quixotic Battle Against the Sleeping Ban (5-2-01)XXX   Roughrider Richard Quigley on the Dangers of the Court’s Atwood Decision (5-2-1) (Quigley’s own shows are downloadable at
XXX   ‘Nutcracker’ Nick Whitehead interviews ‘Sharin” Sherry Conable & Marie Celine Pasquale on the homeless struggle (1996)XXX   ‘Beggarbacker’ Becky Johnson grills “Stand Up” Steve Argue and his attorney “Catnip” Kate Wells on Argue’s police assault and arrest for selling the homeless newspaper Street Spirit  (1998)More details on all this history at the HUFF website’s Street Spirit  archives:
Support the Pajaro River Survival Campers:
Monday 8 AM Contact Monike Tone at 831-707-5562 for details !

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-21-21 show netcast at 6 PM: Two Homeless Victories–San Lorenzo Park and Riverside RVs

The show goes out at 6-8 PM on the net at . To hear this show and earlier shows at a time of your choosing, Check Out

ON THE 1-21 SHOW : 

xxx  California Homeless Union Press Release Announcing the San Lorenzo Survival Camp Victory
xxx  Passing the Time with Parkside Pussy of San Lorenzo Park
xxx  Federal Magistrate Susan van Keulen’s TRO Extension for San Lorenzo Park
xxx  1-18-21 Ruminations and Reflections from Katzenjammer Keith McHenry
xxx  1-21-21 “Mind over Muscle” Micah Posner on the Successful Defense of RV Residents vs. Public Works Pressure

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-17-21 show streams 9:30 AM Lawsuit Loudtalk; Lyrical Eye on COVID-19 & White Supremacy; Free, Russell, and Gaven–Rumbles from the Rebels Flashback to 4-16-17 Michael Meer memorial at Freedom Sleepout #92

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out
Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  Reviewing the San Lorenzo Survival Camp’s Brief: Responding to the City Attorney’s Excuses

xxx  Isaac Collins, rap stylist and street singer, on his COVID times
xxx  Kristy on her visit (12-30) with a group of maskless people to a Wednesday Farmer’s Market where they were turned away by the management who called the police.
xxx  HUFFtalk on the Marty Mirabel (“Pirate”) case
xxx  Farflung falderal from the tongue of Free Radio outsider “Free Spirit”
xxx  “Roughroad” Russell on the Coonerty exclusion of Vets from the Vets Hall
xxx  “Grit it Out” Gaven on Surviving Outside as a Vet While the Feds Dither


XXX   Trump the Warmaker with his Syria Bombing and Silence in Santa Cruz Amidst anti-Trump Protest

XXX   Red Church Rumblings:  Longhauler on Laundromat and Lavatory Probs

XXX   Pacific Ave. Ponderings: the Missing Pendulum, Display Device Dictatoring,

XXX   Michael Meers Memorial Ceremony at City Hall–Compliments of the Freedom Sleepers

XXX   The Joe Hill Saga–in Song and Story

XXX   “Silver-Tongued” Steve Pleich Fields Potshots from Bathrobespierre

XXX   “Shit Me Not” Cherie Peterson of the Survival Sleepers at City Hall

XXX   Deconstructing Berkeley’s “Missed the Mark” Mayor Jesse Arreguin on his “Pathway” Project

XXX   “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White Details the Soledad Street (“Chinatown”) Sleeperville to hear the whole 4-16-17 show with all the fat and gristle, go to

Support the San Lorenzo Survival Campers–Check out the Comrade’s Cafe in San Lorenzo Park!  Prepare for the January 20th Decision by Judge Susan van Keulen to support the refugees with your voices and your numbers.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-14-21 show netcast at and archived on our Website. Tonight Unheard Voices at City Council–Unmet Grievances Outside–A Week’s Reprieve at San Lorenzo Park

Archived at

To hear this show and others at a time of your choosing, Check Out

ON THE 1-14 SHOW : 

xxx  Examining the latest arguments before the Federal Magistrate Susan van Keulen

xxx  1-12-21 Voices at Oral Communications Denouncing Bernal’s 12-17 Lorenzo Park Evictions

xxx  1-11-21  Comrades Cafe Caretaker Garrett Stephens on stopthesweepssc & more

xxx  Twitter Cutting Off Trump–Another View:

xxx  1-11-21 Tokin’ Tim Rinker Talks about Trumptimes

xxx  1-11-21  Ross Camp Robert on “Take Back Santa Cruz” Suspicions

xxx  Ron (Rossi) Thompson on the false seizure of his vehicle.