Unexpected Victory at Coastal Commission Overturning Nighttime RV Ban

The Coastal Commission today found by an 11-1 vote that the City’s midnight to 5 PM RV ban involved a “substantial issue” and so would require a new hearing in the months to come. Unimpressed with Assistant City Manager Scott Collins’s flimsy if not false claims that Santa Cruz provides RV alternatives, is dealing with an RV “crime crisis”, and is only duplicating what other cities have done.FLYER DISTRIBUTED TO THE COMMISSION AT THE HEARING

notes_for_a_coastal_commission_speech__final_flyer.pdf_600_.jpgDownload PDF


City councilfolks and staffers can bullshit themselves, but it’s harder to bullshit the Coastal Commission. In Santa Cruz, staff word is usually holy writ, so they can spin whatever yarns they want with challenge only from the occasional critic that the Council ignores. The Coastal Commission staff initially advised the Santa Cruz Council staff that last year’s proposed 8 PM to 8 AM RV ban would be too sweeping to pass muster once I’d filed an appeal at the recommendation of Councilmember Posner. The Coastal Commission staff, after months of consulting with the Scott Collins City Council staff, agreed to a “compromise” midnight to 5 AM ban, swallowing whole Collins’ specious arguments. The CC staff then recommended upholding the “RV’s Get Out!” law and denying my appeal.

Though they had plenty of time to research, both staffs failed to include the particulars. For instance, the (lack of) availability of RV parking in the City. Or the miniscule number of churches that actually allow an RV to park (where they have to compete with vehicles). In essence, Collins’ failed to come up with specific parking alternatives for unhoused people using RV’s as housing.

He had no specific statistics clarifying what “crimes” required passing such a Draconian city-wide ban. But claimed he had. A few simple questions from the Commission itself exposed the how unsubstantiated these claims were.

We brought up these issues repeatedly before City Council but were ostentatiously ignored. Arrogant politicians in an echo chamber suddenly run up against outside observers who, whatever their political preferences, have to consider real facts. Like denying coastal access to a whole class of people to please NIMBY neighborhoods.

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Sidewalk Struggle Continues: Freedom SleepOut #57 Tonight

Date Tuesday August 09
Time 5:00 PM – 9:00 AM

Location Details Ye Olde City Halle Sidewalke along Center St. across from the main library between Locust and Church
Event Type Protest
Keith McHenry (post written by Norse)
keith [at] foodnotbombs.net

Another round of persistent struggle to restore the Right to Rest for unhoused folks in Santa Cruz with coffee and soup support as well as the likely First Alarm Security wake-up’s and police surveillance.

Wednesday morning 8-10 RV dwellers may watch the final nail in their coffin as far as the right to park at night in Santa Cruz goes. The likely pro-forma hearing will take place at the Hilton Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley 6001 La Madrona Drive to start at 9 AM 8-10. For details, see “Say No to the Nighttime RV Ban at the Coastal Commission Hearing ” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/08/08/18789945.php .

Candidate forums for who’ll be warming City Council seats in November begin Thursday night 8-11 7 – 8.30pm at Peace United 900 High St. WARNING TO THE NEWCOMER: Such forums are usually highly controlled, though this one may be a bit more liberal. Usually more of a place to shmooze after the event than actually get a chance for meaningful public dialogue with the candidates.

Reportedly former Mayor Christopher Krohn has entered the race. While more liberal in rhetoric than most Councilmembers on many issues, he earned notoriety (and cost the City $200,000 in legal fees) for arresting a man at City Council for a silent protest involving a Nazi salute 14 years ago. He also declined to provide the promised independent voice against police abuse, for city council access, and for homeless civil rights.

Wes White, Salinas activist, reports the Flagpole Community is still holding its nightly (!) sleepout’s at Salinas City Hall as they enter their 5th month of nighttime beddown. As in Santa Cruz, the event is largely a homeless one, though White is an untiring (though very tired) activist and organizer. Contact him for information at 831-296-0042 or luckyagentwes [at] yahoo.com . Also check out Monterey County Homeless Advocates on facebook.

Four charged with Storage of Personal Property on City Property (i.e. setting down your backpack and tent while resting during the day) August 24th at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 7 facing misdemeanor penalties. White reports police have hit over 100 campsites stealing 4-5 tons of homeless property since they began attacks on March 23rd.

See Alex Darocy’s vivid coverage and narrative at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/08/02/18789777.php (“Following the Chinatown Homeless Sweeps, A New Tent Community Thrives at Salinas City Hall”). My most recent interview with White is at http://radiolibre.org/brb/brb160807.mp3 (34 minutes into the audio file).

Longtime outspoken Freedom Sleeper activist “Let ‘Em Have It!” Lucero Luna has been arrested multiple times on Pacific Avenue–most recently at the Metro–according to Steve Pleich’s facebook page. At one point she was being held on $5000 bail for what jail authorities would only identify as “Municipal Code” violations.

Artists Joff Jones and Alex Skelton have purchased a vehicle and were displaying their artwork on Pacific Avenue posted there and so not subject to the “Vanish the Vendors” law limiting folks to the performance pens or “blue/brass boxes” along the sidewalk. Arrested five times since last year for displaying their paintings, the two face trial 1:30 PM August 30 Dept. 10 on two counts under the new laws in the basement of the County Building. More details at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/25/18789452.php

Long time resident and volunteer Andy Carcello reported being evicted on August 1 from the Paul Lee loft in spite of a severe medical condition. On August 2nd he reports “[I was] laying outside the iron gates of SCHS; an ambulance was called for me; and I was immediately transported to Dominican Hospitals Emergency Room. I was dying from congestive heart failure, severe stenosis in two of my heart valves, and pneumonia. ” He reportedly went into heart surgery yesterday.

More info on the Freedom Sleepers is frequently available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/freedomsleepers/ . Donations of food, blankets, sleeping bags, and energy are always welcome.

This calendar event description was written by Robert Norse, who is alone responsible for its content.

Freedom SleepOuts Continue as City Council Election Circus Begins

Night #56 on the Sidewalk; Another Demand for Justice

Date Tuesday August 02
5:00 PM Tuesday to 9 AM Wednesday
Location Details Create a Sidewalk City Adjacent to Santa Cruz City Hall
Event Type
Keith McHenry
Email keith [at] foodnotbombs.net

As City Council Candidate chatter begins in August, Freedom Sleepers invite the Council candidates to join them on the sidewalk and publicly speak out against the anti-homeless 11 PM – 8:30 AM.

To check in on the latest contenders for 4 City Council seats in November, go to http://www.cityofsantacruz.com/departments/city-clerk/elections-2382 and then scroll down to List of Prospective 2016 Candidates.

Current declared candidates include J.M. Brown, Steven Pleich, Nathanael A. Kennedy, Drew “Dru” S. Glover, Martine Watkins, Mayor Cynthia Mathews, Steve Schnaar, James (Jim) P. Davis, Robert Singleton, and Sandra (Sandy) L. Brown. You can find links to their websites (those who have them) there. None of the candidates is clearly highlighting human rights restoration for the poor. Only Steve Pleich has actually spent nights with the Freedom Sleepers.

As with the national elections, the local elections are taking place within a corrupt money-heavy staff-powerful environment. Organizing around issues rather than candidates may be a much better idea.

Also ripe for removal–the laws that shut down parks at night and send out Rangers with ticket books and stay-away orders to harass the unhoused who seek refuge there.

As social services shut down all around Santa Cruz and the City welcomes tourist, Freedom Sleepers offer a sidewalk sanctuary and protest focus on Tuesday nights. You may be illegal, but at least you’re illegal in company.

With RV removal on the City Homeless-Removal Squad’s Agenda, community members are invited to remember that The Coastal Commission will hear an appeal of the city-wide nighttime parking ban, on Wednesday, August 10 at 9 AM at the Hilton Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley at 6001 La Madrona Drive.

For more from RV activists themselves, check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/rvparkingrights/

To speak about these issued on Free Radio Santa Cruz, call in Sunday 9:30 AM to 2 PM and Tuesdays 6-8 PM at 831-427-3772.

For updates and history on a variety of homeless issues, go to http://www.huffsantacruz.org .

To follow current and recent Freedom Sleeper activity, compliments of Steve Pleich, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/freedomsleepers/

This notice and the attached flier are by Robert Norse–who is solely responsible for its content.

Here Comes Freedom Sleep-Out #55 !

Freedom Sleep #55 To Follow Pacific Avenue Protests
Date Tuesday July 26
Time 5:00 PM – 9:00 AM
Location Details Using the public City Hall Courtyard until police drive the public out at 10 PM when sleepers will bunk down on the sidewalk.
Event Type Protest
Keith McHenry (posted by Norse)
Email keith@foodnotbombs.net
Phone 575-770-3377 

Freedom Sleepers will again claim sidewalk sleeping space in front of City Hall Tuesday night. The activists will defy the Mathews’ Council’s anti-homeless 11 PM- 8:30 AM Sleeping Ban still being used throughout the City to harass, cite, and “move along” unhoused people in the dead of night.

Food Not Bombs may be providing food support and Jumbogumbo Joe Schultz coffee and soup.

Alex Darocy’s vivid photographic and narrative coverage of the last several sleepouts can be found at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/25/18789435.php (“Tuesday is Still the Night to Sleep at Santa Cruz City Hall”). Darocy provides regular coverage of the sleep-out’s, which can be seen through searching for “Darocy” on the indybay.org/santacruz website.

Outspoken activist Lucero Luna was twice arrested last week for a dramatic, theatrical, and vocal protest on Pacific Avenue exposing and castigating the treatment of homeless people as trash in Santa Cruz. See “Houseless activist protests sleeping ban, public space restrictions in Santa Cruz” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/24/18789390.php . Luna reports repeated harassment in the van she lives in and has frequently urged fight-back marches downtown.

Santa Cruz City Council accepted misleading anecdotal testimony last fall without any specific statistics around complaints of dumping, view-blocking, the presence of “suspicious” vandwellers, and other more hysterical claims (meth labs on wheels).

They passed two ordinances banning RV parking from 8 PM to 8 AM, denying homeless people the right to get permits, and empowering the city engineer to begin eliminating ‘oversized” parking spaces and criminalizing vehicles that use more than one space.

The Coastal Commission will hear activist Robert Norse’s appeal on the more limited midnight to 5 PM RV ban, intended mainly–testimony from neighborhood NIMBY’s made clear at the time–to drive away homeless folks. The commission will meet Wednesday, August 10 at 9 AM at the Hilton Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley at 6001 La Madrona Drive.

Jones and Skelton have been arrested repeatedly for displaying their art work outside the small and sparce “exempt zones”, designated by small brass discs and blue dots on the Pacific Avenue sidewalk.

The two were unexpectedly acquitted last year by police powerpuffer Kim Baskett, Commissioner of Dept. 10. Now the two face four new charges of violating MC SC 5.81(A)-1 (displaying art outside the blue box and/or not moving every hour). Two of these charges go to trial at 1:30 PM in the basement of the County Building, adjacent to the courthouse on August 30th.

This will be the first challenge to the City’s recent “Vanish the Vendors” law. This ban on handicraft creation, display, and sale along Pacific Avenue and side streets reiterates and reinforces the reduction of art/performance/tabling space which went into high great in 2013, created the “blue boxes” in 2014, and then cut their number down by half in 2016. Commissioner Basket will hear the case without a jury. The two artists don’t have a court appointed lawyer and haven’t mentioned that any local legal eagle has volunteered to help.

More info on the Freedom Sleepers is frequently available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/freedomsleepers/ . Donations of food, blankets, sleeping bags, and energy are always welcome.

This calendar event description was written by Robert Norse, who is alone responsible for its content.




Santa Cruz Homeless Activists Hit the Sidewalks; Monterey Activists Act to Support Black Lives Matter !


Houseless activist protests sleeping ban, public space restrictions in Santa Cruz


Houseless activist Lucero Luna shares her experience in Santa Cruz city jail and protests against laws criminalizing poor and houseless people within the city.

Tuesday is Still the Night to Sleep at Santa Cruz City Hall


After celebrating their one-year anniversary on July 5, the Freedom Sleepers returned to Santa Cruz City Hall for their 53rd community sleepout on July 12, as well as their 54th sleepout on July 19. [Top photo: A Freedom Sleeper lies next to a protest sign that reads, “Embrace Your Moral Compass Because We Upon This Earth Are One,” at the 53rd community sleepout held on July 12.]
Black Lives Matter – Say Their Names!


original image (638×936)

Rare L.A. Victory for Direct Action Protester !


NOTES BY NORSE:   Hats off to long-time Venice advocate David Busch, who’s been fighting city attacks on the local homeless community for decades.  See “The Right to Discriminate” at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/StreetSpiritSantaCruz/2002-4-the-right-to-discriminate-001.jpg , http://www.huffsantacruz.org/StreetSpiritSantaCruz/2002-4-the-right-to-discriminate-002.jpg , & http://www.huffsantacruz.org/StreetSpiritSantaCruz/2002-4-the-right-to-discriminate-003.jpg .


Santa Cruz’s bigot-pleasing Good Times  has recently covered its typical smear campaign against the outside poor with environmental concern protective cover.  See “Saving Lighthouse Field” at http://goodtimes.sc/cover-stories/saving-lighthouse-field/
Santa Cruz’s Parks and Recreation Department and the SCPO have long proclaimed its right to dumpster and destroy homeless survival gear and has lately been doing that, according to participants in the 54-week long Tuesday night Freedom SleepOut’s at City Hall.   Retrieval of homeless property (in those instances where it is saved rather than trashed) can only be done during a two hour period (12:30 – 2:30 PM) on Tuesdays and Thursdays in spite of bloated police budget.


Parks and Rec thugs-in-white now regularly “patrol” the Downtown Area in white shirts (no white hoods yet)in search of performers, vendors, and activists who are sitting outside the scattered blue and brass boxes (Performance Pens) being used to constrict, coral, and discourage non-commercial activity on Pacific Avenue, the Wharf, and elsewhere. SCPD’s Officer Hoppe has reportedly been jailing impoverished homeless panhandler for peacefully holding up a “help me” sign on the median at Ocean and Water streets.

Undefeated visual artists Alex Skelton and Joff Jones face hundreds of dollars in fines in court next month after five in-custody arrests for displaying their paintings on Pacific Avenue “outside the boxes”.  Meanwhile fascist-friend City art critics have driven away handicraft artists on Pacific with new laws banning creation, display, or sale of any artwork or perfomance that may have “a functional use” such as jewelry, t-shirts, massage, crystals, etc.  Laws banning RV’s from parking late at night anywhere in the city await likely Coastal Commission approval–with homeless people explicitly denied the right to purchase permits.

Continue reading

Anti-Police Abuse Demos Nationally, Freedom Sleepout #54 Locally

Date Tuesday July 19

Time 5:00 PM – 8:00 AM

Location Details At the usual center of “get out of town” enforcement against the poor and homeless–Santa Cruz City Hall at 809 Center St. between Locust and Church.

Event Type Protest

Organizer/AuthorKeith McHenryEmailkeith [at] foodnotbombs.net

Phone 575-770-3377


Another night of providing (relatively) safe space for unhoused folks on the sidewalk against the City’s 11 PM to 8:30 AM Sleeping Ban.

Another night of showcasing the City’s hostility to basic services to the poor (closed restrooms at night, security guards snitching on sleepers to police, police rousting people at night but giving them nowhere legal to sleep).

Another night of calling on the community to stand up to the torture of Sleep Deprivation in Santa Cruz and explode the “most progressive City” myth.

Another night of solidarity against police and vigilante abuse city-wide to those in poor, whether outside or in vehicles.

Another night of providing a brief community space for those who gather around the food and drink (sparsely) provided by Food Not Bombs and JumboGumbo Joe Schultz.

Another night of solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters and local protests like Curtis Reliford’s local “Follow Your Heart” demonstrations.

For homeless updates and reports on last week’s SleepOut, go to http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html and click on the links under Lost Show 7/17/2016 .

Interested folks might also consider signing the petition and considering Direct Action support for UCSC campers at https://www.change.org/p/ucsc-administration-support-the-camper-park .

Bring video, friends, blankets, and high spirits.

This notice prepared by Robert Norse and reflects his perspective (and likely those of others!)

In the wake of police murders nationally, Freedom SleepOut #53

Going Into Year 2 with the Freedom Sleepers

Date Tuesday July 12
Time 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM
Location Details
On the edge of City Hall, where city police, rangers, and security guards have driven the homeless protesters–along the Center St. sidewalk across from the Main Library
Event Type Protest
Organizer/Author Keith McHenry
Email keith [at] foodnotbombs.net
Phone 575-770–3377
In the wake of escalating repression downtown, Freedom Sleepers will be gathering tonight for SleepOut #53. Police continue to harass and cite homeless people under MC 6.36 (the nighttime outside and vehicular Sleeping Ban).RESISTANCE DOWNTOWN
Artists Joff Jones and Alex Skelton were arrested for the 5th time downtown last Wednesday for displaying their artwork “outside the brass/blue boxes”. (See “City directed police shutdown of artists and PUBLIC ALERT on Pacific Ave” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/10/18788862.php ). In a bold move, they reappeared several days later defiantly repeating their assertion of First Amendment rights (and subsequently wheeling about enlarged copies of the First Amendment in colonial garb).LOCAL REACTION TO POLICE KILLINGS
Nationally, the police murders of Alton Sterling, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile, in Falcon Heights, Minnesota have already prompted a local Sunday protest (unfortunately not specifying local police discrimination and lack of transparency).

Another Community Meeting around the issue is scheduled for Friday, July 15 6-8 PM at 703 Pacific. HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) have repeatedly raised local issues and hope that more “mainstream” activists, such as Pleich, Schnaar, and Glover–all running for City Council, will actually get specific in criticism. See “”Homeless People Matter” Protest Gets Honks, Volunteers, at Cop Corner” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/22/18765911.php . Specific concerns (that needed to be updated) are itemized at https://www.indybay.org/uploads/2014/12/03/grand_jury_protest_updated.pdf . .

Since City Council is on vacation while their police and the expanded Parks and Recreation Downtown Rangers do their dirty work, so there’s no Council meeting. Snakey staffers like Julie Hende and Scott Collins under the dark tutorship of City Manager Martin Bernal are continuing their oppressive work. Protests can still be registered (hopefully en masse) at staff offices. Possible targets: the forthcoming nighttime RV ban, the on-going Stay Away Order scandal, the stepped up bullying downtown, and the gentrification/sterilization of the City Hall Courtyard area.

Meanwhile activists Phil Posner and Steve Pleich are trying to coax a San Jose attorney to join the campaign to end the Sleeping Ban through legal action. Previous efforts to pursue sleep deprivation in Small Claims Court, enlist the help of the National Law Center for Homelessness and Poverty, and sue for the loss of homeless property seem to have fallen by the wayside.

Last week, library officials arrived in the morning after the 52nd Sleep-Out to demand removal of the makeshift commode, activists had moved (under pressure from the police) from the City Hall side of the street to the side of the library. Both the library and City Hall have closed and locked their bathrooms at night in spite of appeals from the Freedom Sleepers. Library supervisor Lee then called police who rapidly arrived, ignoring activists concerns that an enclosed and accountable commode was certainly preferable to folks shitting and pissing at random. To no avail. Tonight’s protesters will have to find their own accommodations.

For a review of last week’s Anniversary SleepOut go to “Freedom Sleepers Anniversary: One Year of Protesting the Sleeping Ban at City Hall” at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/09/18788832.php

Food and drink will be limited tonight, but likely present. Folks are invited to join the protest even if for a brief time to provide heart and hope to those who face the heavy hand of the city’s gentrification program nightly.

This description of tonight’s event is the product of Robert Norse and represents his views and understanding of the protest and other recent events.

52nd Freedom SleepOut to Celebrate a Year of Protest at Santa Cruz City Hall

1st Anniversary Freedom Sleeper Celebration and Look Back

Date Tuesday July 05
Time 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM
Location Details
City Hall Grounds and Sidewalk at 809 Center St. Event to last through the night until 9 AM or thereabouts (the 4 a.m. cutoff time above is incorrect).
Event Type Protest
Organizer/Author Keith McHenry (posted by Norse)
Email keith [at] foodnotbombs.net
Phone 575-770–3377
Veterans, newcomers, sympathizers, and supporters are called to come together to look back on a year’s weekly protests at City Hall demanding the end of the Santa Cruz City Sleeping Ban and related laws.Slated for the celebration are a gathering, a march, a speak-out, a memorial, and (if possible) an outdoor video. Plus the ever popular sidewalk slumber party where homeless folks get one night a week of cement pillow sleeping with some housed folks there ready to confront vigilantes, security thugs, and over-eager cops.

Food Not Bombs and Gumbojumbo Joe Schultz will be providing food, coffee, and who knows what else. Bring blankets, sleeping bags, signs, high spirits, and friends !

RV dwellers celebrating the delay of the midnight to 5 PM city-wide parking ban in the wake of an appeal are also invited. As are vendors, performers, and other brave activists fighting the latest attack on public space on Pacific Avenue. New city policies criminalize handicraft art, severely limit First Amendment space, and beef up harassment by assigning “stay away order”-happy Parks and Rec rangers to do patrols downtown.

A review of Freedom SleepOut’s ##50 and 51 (this will be #52) can be found at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/02/18788486.php (“Summer for the Freedom Sleepers”).

TO LEAVE COMMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFO GO TO https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/07/04/18788562.php


by Robert Norse   Monday Jul 4th, 2016 5:57 PM

Events are likely to start closer to 6 PM on the 5th.

There will be the classic Food Not Bombs DIY street shower available for those seeking relief from the summer heat. Also a DIY commode, since the city refuses to open any 24-hour bathrooms city-wide and is keeping the City Council Courtyard bathrooms locked shut.

Entertainment will be decided by those present, chosen from a variety of options–classic comedy (I heard Blazing Saddles and Life of Brian mentioned) as well as Freedom Sleeper documentaries.

A proposed parade and march through town will depend on numbers, weather, and mood of the multitude.

Folks may be called to vote on a List of Demands to Authorities and Goals for the Freedom Sleepers and allied groups.

Come and celebrate! Bring nighttime apparel plus blankets, bags, and teddy bears!


Silver 50th Week Coming Up for the Freedom Sleepers Tonight


#50–Freedom Sleepers Keep the Faith
Date Tuesday June 21
Time 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details
On or near the Center of the City Government Beast at Santa Cruz City Hall 809 Center St. on the brick area and sidewalk along Center St. between Church and Locust Streets
Event Type Protest
Organizer/Author Keith McHenry
Email keith [at] foodnotbombs.net
Phone 575-770-3377
A successful Tuesday Sleep-Out last week indicated growing support. Freedom Sleep-Out #49 was mainly staffed by unhoused folks seeking shelter, community, and a respite from the threat of Sleeping Ban tickets. See “As Attendance Swells at Community Sleepouts, Freedom Sleepers Plan One-Year Anniversary” at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/06/16/18787633.php .

In Santa Cruz, sleeping outside, in a vehicle, or in any non-residential structure, is a $150+ infraction crime (MC 6.36.010a). Three such “crimes” unpaid in six months can mean a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to a year in jail. Additionally a new condition can be imposed making each and every future infraction of any kind (being in a park after dark, smoking in a non-smoking area, sitting within 14′ of a building, bench, telephone, crosswalk, etc. on Pacific Ave) for the next six months automatic misdemeanors.

Sleeping on the sidewalk at the protest, in spite of its visibility and the many people doing it each Tuesday night, has generally not resulted in Sleeping citations. The overwhelming majority of tickets were for “being in a closed area” (MC 13.04.011)–the administratively closed area of the City Hall grounds at night to deter protests.

As a frequent Freedom Sleeper, Monterey Max spoke on behalf of homeless civil rights at a Salinas Sleep-In Press Conference Monday. Salinas activists under the leadership of Wes White have been sleeping out night in front of Salinas City Hall, where nighttime sleeping and camping is not a crime, but setting down one’s survival gear during the day in public places is. He may be at the Sleep-Out tonight in Santa Cruz. See “City of Salinas: Shelter is a Human Right! ” at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/06/13/18787482.php

‘Bathrobespierre’ Robert Norse faces a no-jury trial for two counts of being on the City Hall courtyard grounds “after hours”. See “Freedom Sleeper Case Demands Police Release Video Records ” at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/06/16/18787630.php .

Judge Paul Marigonda, jocularly known in some quarters as Judge Marigouge-ah, upheld City Attorney Gallogly’s peculiar argument. Gallogly argued that any video made by police was either destroyed immediately after (a violation of the law, but ignored by the Judge) or that the videoing itself was not actually done but really a “bluff” to keep the protesters on their best behavior.

Some watchers noted that Marigonda and Gallogly spent many minutes privately conferring, and wondered if that kind of secret discussion might not be improper. The judge dismissed the numerous photos of Sgt. Forbus and other officers apparently videoing and/or photopgraphing (See http://www.indybay.org/uploads/2015/08/20/sleep-out-22-santa-cruz-police-sgt-david-forbus-city-hall.jpg ). He refused to delay the trial, setting it for 10 AM June 24 in Department 1.

A bright spot in Marigonda’s SCPD-rubberstamping Hearing was the presence of at least seven Freedom Sleeper supporters in the courtroom.

Next Friday’s trial will be heard by retired judge Sam Steven, whose record is reportedly less hostile to activists than Marigonda’s.

Of particular interest to the defense is the coincidental appearance of a new glass case displaying City Council agendas, on the sidewalk just outside the City Council courtyard. This sudden appearance of a new location for posted agendas followed the ticketing and arrest of Freedom Sleepers week after week. Many of them told police they were in the courtyard and claimed the right to gain access to the agendas–which was repeatedly denied.

Called to account will be City Administrator/Clerk Bren Lehr, who presided over the creation of the new display case in the fall of 2015, according to e-mails. Another subpoenaed witness is Sgt. David Forbus, who may be able to explain the disappearing video tape and photographs—which were supposed to be preserved. Apparently the “losing” of such key evidence is a not a unique occurrence—as a key defendant in the PeaceCamp 2010 trial noted the same thing happened to him [See “At the PC2010 trial a sheriff testified, under oath, that their arrest video was ‘lost’.” at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/06/16/18787630.php?show_comments=1#18787668.

The outcome may also affect the citations and arrests of other Freedom Sleepers, almost all of whom have either paid $198 fines, gone to trial (and generally been found guilty), or let their tickets go to collection. There is the prospect of a broader federal lawsuit for false arrest damages if a “not guilty” comes out of this case. Since the state Brown [Open Meetings] Act requires access to the agenda display at night, it appears the police were violating state law and improperly blocking Freedom Sleepers from exercising their right to view the agendas.

The trial is slated to start at 10 AM, but may start later due to judicial delays, questionable out-of-sight conferences with the judge and a bloated docket of drug war and poverty-crime cases.

On the horizon is the one-year anniversary of the Freedom Sleepers with a special event scheduled for July 5th. On that Tuesday, the 52nd Sleep-Out, activists plan a gathering, a march, a memorial for those who have died in the last year, and a possible film showing. To be followed by the usual night on the sidewalk contesting the City’s Sleeping Ban.

To follow the history of the Freedom Sleep-Out’s go to http://www.indybay.org/santacruz and click on the Calendar button at the top of the page, then scroll back through earlier weeks to read the Tuesday announcements.

This announcement composed and is the responsibility of Robert Norse.