Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday June 1. 2023 show is a Flashback to December 23, 1999 with interviews aplenty including Mary Kourie, 82-year old evictee , Robert Steffan (the pink dressin’ slow-walkin bag-guy), and more

The June 1, 2023 show is a Flashback to December 23, 1999.  It includes:

  • [some sound distortion in the music; turn down the sound and skip forward]
  • Elderly homeless Mary Kourie on Mayor Sugar’s “not on the agenda” reaction to the homeless crisis
  • Co-Host K.C. the Bubble Lady joins Bathrobespierre in reviewing the scene in Wichita, KS and Santa Cruz
  • Ernie, the piano man, arrested & jailed for non-payment of a Sleeping Ban ticket
  • Lighthouse Linda on Judge Danner’s justice on Sleeping Ban tickets.
  • Buttery worker and writer Chris Larsen reports on his Holland sleep-on-the-road trip
  • Inglewood homeless man James Brown beaten to death (Akron Journal story)
  • Robert Steffan, the “Pink Umbrella” man, who sat on a bench in a garbage bag outside Bunny’s shoes—his story.
  • Copwatch Bob Duran on Officer Bluebully Brandt breaking up anti-Capitalist carolers outside
  • (distorted) Speech to City Council about Robert Steffan.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5-28-23 show netcasts & archives at 9:30 AM featuring many Deportation Interviews at the hill-side of Hiway 9 and a 12-1-2011 Flashback with the 75 River St. bank occupier Cracker

 The 5-28-2023 includes:            

++++                      ++++ [5-25] Shawn Fraser on ousted from Benchlands into revolving door Coral St.;  Jessie McLaine on losing 4 cars in 4 months           

++++ [5-22] Steve Conover’s happier follow-up report on Michele’s entrance into the Armory           

++++ [5-21]  Bubbah, “Nobody”, and Paul on the Encampment meeting and other Pogonip survival reflections          

++++ [5-21]  Michael and Anna—out of hope as another sweep looms
++++ [5-21]  Zack, Dregs coffeehouse worker’s view from the counter         ++++ [5-22]  Alonzo, Ramido, Jose, and Meagan: on the day the Spanish-speaking Pogonipster camp was roped off           

++++ [5-27]  Jake on the Scotts Valley scene; Kazoo in flight from the Pogonip sweep; Drew’s Food not Bombs update; Dreadeye—still struggling with a friend’s vehicular cites           

++++ [5-27]  Johnny—artist, chef, fisherman—while sketching at Dreg’s.

The Flashback to 12-1-2011 features:          

++++ Cracker, in-studio guest throughout, describes his ledge-perch in Occupy San Jose        

++++ FRSC DJ Embryo reports from Occupy L.A. defends the vacant bank occupation in Santa Cruz, transcending the private property law

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday May 25 2023 show is a Flashback to February 23, 2012 one of the first shows to air after false indictments of the Santa Cruz Eleven for conspiracy and trespass in the 75 River St. bank Occupy event

The May 25, 2023 show is a Flashback to February 23, 2012 and includes: 

  • Richard D. Martin, former Security guard, denounces misuse of money at Monica Martinez’s Homeless [Lack of] Services Center  & mistreatment at the Armory shelter at 115 Coral St.
  • Free Radio Santa Cruz [FRSC] frenemy broadcasters Bathrobespierre Robert Norse banters with technical mainstay Uncle Dennis Davie
  • Interviews with sidewalk musicians and street scalawags including Angela Flynn and Saxy Peter, the controversial saxophonista
  • Three-way phone exchange with Steve Pleich from the Occupy Santa Cruz General Assembly and FRSC musician Embryo from LA on the false sanctity of “private property” around the 75 River St. occupation suddenly being prosecuted as multiple felonies
  • [2-19]  One man attempts to restart the Occupy in front of the courts.
  • [2-18]  Casey Livingood describes the Gary Johnson “Sleeping is Not a Crime” protest on a bench outside the courts

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5-21-23 show netcasts & archives at 9:30 AM featuring Santa Cruz Cares v. NIMBY neighbors against the OVO+ Deportation Interviews at Hiway 9 and an 11-20-2011 Flashback with Occupy Santa Cruz at its high point

The May 21, 2023 show includes:  

  • Delaware and Shaeffer 5-20 street meeting of De Anza neighbors, anti-RV activists, and Santa Cruz Cares speakers debating next steps with Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO) now enforceable law in Santa Cruz, banning nighttime parking of all vehicles 20′ or over midnight to 5 a.m. citywide (much of conversation hard to hear due to wind factor) & Bathrobespierre Robert’s commentary (much more audible)
  • Darius M. gives a brief report on the Louden Nelson meeting with Mayor Keeley, Evan Morrison, and some of the public on homelessness with no mention of the Camping ordinances.
  • “Step-Up” Steve Conover’s emergency phone calls on behalf of his partner Michele, then sleeping on the sidewalk in front of Coral St.
  • [5-11] Interviews with Shorty, Hungry Hobo, & other evictees at the soon-to-be-demolished Sycamore Grove campsites. [hard to hear]
  • [5-15] Follow up interviews with Shorty, HH, and others.
  • Robert Woodleaf  vs. Hurricane Helga on “homeless clutter”
  • 6 Cops, a CSO, and a Canine Cop to “encourage” folks to move on, with Jeremy Leonard tight-lipped about specific vacancies.
  • More assorted interviews from the refugees:  Brandon, William Carpenter

The November 20th, 2011 Flashback includes:

  • [11-9] Prunedale resident, Monterey radio broadcaster, and Occupy Santa Cruz supporter Denica de Foy on Occupy Santa Cruz (OSC) horizontal “leadership” and Move On‘s  & local Union’s conservative co-opting.
  • [11-9] Dennis OCC portapotty/bathroom shutdown by City authorities
  • Bathrobespierre’s account of repressive response at City Council; Dennis’s attempt to get mellow meetings with Sheriff Wowak
  • “Scope it Out” Scott Graham on the De Sal controversy
  • [11-10]  Structures & RVs at or near OSC, then removed by deputies; 11-19 OSC report from Mike, with protest 30 out of 40 days
  • Reports from outside Santa Cruz
  • Attorney Ed Frey on legal challenges against OSC.
  • Criticism of Union lack of support for OSC; “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster and “Soothsinger” Coral Brune on Disruption at OSC meetings

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday May 18 2023 show is a Flashback to March 17, 2000 which includes many voices from the sidewalk Spring Campaign to End the Sleeping Ban

The May 18 2023 show, a Flashback from March 17, 2000, includes:

  • [obscure Phil Ochs songs throughout]
  • Interviews at the Pacific Ave. Table to end the Sleeping Ban uniting renters, tourists, and outside sleepers: Rent-strapped 7-year Broker’s Assistant; Former Sentinel employee Tammy Blake on recent beatings of homeless; Vandwellers Mike and Jim—from landlord to hotel to friend’s house to van; Low-profile car-dweller, David Donald (aka “Whatever”) under-the-bridge sleeper; Sabrina on police hassles.
  • Update on Sleeping Ban Initiative, David Silva’s fast crusade against the Ban, planned protests at City Council, massive boycott/CD downtown.
  • Single young woman on frequent police pressure; FRSC’s “Janitor” also a Post office report from passing worker; James on threats in his van. 
  • Paddy Long on rent doublings; gone-by-done places needed. 
  • “Sit in the rain” orders to Spring Mobilization to End the Sleeping Ban at Del Mar overhang.
  • David L.–poem on war against all.
  • Traveler Fouche; former Beach Flats resident against hard drugs; clean-up squatter Craig Fletcher ticketed, handcuffed, evicted.
  • [3-9] Anthony Perez, Chris Murkley, vanster, surfer, and worker—”get out of town” signs on his vehicle.
  • David from Stockton, Santa Barbara, and here; David 2, privileged street local, on police tolerance of anti-homeless violence.
  • Melissa is upset on indifference towards Camping Ban.
  • Jerry Henry, street preacher, on jailing for standing at a bus stop, taking dog & car.
  • Bathrobespierre & Scope-it-Out Scott on the last big City Council meeting—Dolphin Lee acquisition votes in Closed Session and Redevelopment Agency.
  • Visiting Presidential candidate (2000) Ralph Nader ducks a Sleeping Ban question—in spite of the state Green Party position opposing it.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5-14-23 show netcasts & arcjhives features Reggie Meisler on the Coastal Commission’s bad OVO decision plus a 12-22-2011 Flashback contrasting two Cities–Fresno & Santa Cruz after Occupy Wall Street

The May 14. 2023 Show includes:

  • [More David Rovics musical history songs from May at website throughout]
  • An hour-long interview with Santa Cruz Cares activist Reggie Meisler on his experience at the May Coastal Commission hearing that upheld the repressive Oversized Vehicle Ordinance [OVO] and its implications and likely future.
  • Police close the Hiway 9 area to Free Radio Santa Cruz media with threats while driving away the destitute from the area near San Lorenzo river: Interviews with Officer Lima, J.P. Freeman, Jose, & John S., friends arrive to help folks move
  • Shelter information requests rejected by social workers Jeremy Leonard and Monica
  • Reviewing the Hiway 9 campsite demolition with Eagle, Robert Woodleaf, and Kazoo at the Food Not Bombs meal
  • Castaway Keith reports on $1000 tickets to Food Not Bombs in Houston, TX for serving outside the public library, City Council’s diversion of $250,000 for campsite removal; 

The December 22, 2011 Flashback features:

  • Critique of Mayor Don Lane’s sorrowful comments about the homeless while remaining silent on the destruction of scores of tents in the San Lorenzo homeless encampment adjacent to the Occupy Santa Cruz movement.
  • Bill Simon of Fresno, Spokesman for the John Steinbeck Homeless Advocacy Committee, speaking to a crowd of activists and sympathizers with the Faith community at a Press Conference in front of City Hall denouncing police destruction of homeless campsites. See ( Faith Groups Speak Out About the Homeless Issue)  affecting 200-500 homeless folks displaced. 
  • Bathrobespierre Robert contrasts Fresno events with recent similar anti-homeless actions in Santa Cruz.
  • George of Occupy Santa Cruz, video-poster on the protests downtown involving Tent Monsters, the Hamburgler, and massive police following.
  • Mayor Don Lane’s ostensibly pro-homeless speech, which Bathrobespierre Robert and Beggarbacker Becky Johnson, City Council watcher since 1995 contrast Lane’s words with his actions.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday May 11 2023 show is a Flashback to May 19, 2011 which features Paul Bernadino, San Francisco anti-fascist researcher concerned with suppressed history

Today’s show is a Flashback to May 19, 2011 including:

  • Activist and archivist Paul Bernadino as both main guest and co-host
  • P.B. on the Assassination of San Francisco gay activist/supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978;  CIA Involvement in the mass murders in Jonestown the same year
  • P.B. on Alternate History of the Fall of the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001; P.B. on Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity in San Francisco denying homeless access to toilets
  • P.B. on Memorial to street Samaritan Pat Carey
  • Discussion of the Orlando, Florida anti-homeless meals law and arrest of Food Not Bombs activists there
  • Memories of martial law during the Rodney King protests in San Francisco May 1992
  • Keith McHenry calls in from Orlando, reporting on grass roots church support for the “illegal” meals
  • Drum Circle Dave on the Wednesday Percussion on the Levee
  • Joe Pace & Bathrobespierre Robert on the Sunday “Slutwalk” “don’t assault women because they’re scantily dressed”
  • Lighthouse Linda on Bathrobespierre’s Slutty comments; Paul the Slut weighs in
  • Officer Forbes and two officers threatening sitters next to Ronee Currie’s Food Line [Sunday 5-15]

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 5-7-23 show features Peggy Lee Kennedy on the OVO fight and Gaea on the Capitola Mobile Home Struggle plus a November 13, 2011 Flashback to the early powerful days of the Occupy Santa Cruz movement

The May 7, 2023 Show includes:

  • Venice activist Peggy Lee Kennedy on the upcoming Coastal Commission hearing on Santa Cruz’s nasty OVO (Oversized Vehicle Ordinance)
  • Guardian Gaea on the struggle of her Capitola Mobile Home Park fighting exorbitant rent raises
  • Standfast Steve Conover on his struggle to retain communication with his beloved Michelle
  • Troubleshooter Troy on suspicious official behavior around a recent hit-and-slip-away auto incident
  • Description (quiet audio) of the following Flashback

The November 13, 2011 Flashback includes:

  • A debate on the dangers of Smart Meters between Bob Lamonica and Josh Hart
  • Occupy Santa Cruz Resistance to the Sheriff’s Department’s Removal of Tents with Lamonica, Kelly, Ayla, and Abbie Brown commenting
  • More audio on tent removal resistance and debate at the Courthouse from Journeyman Carpenter Caleb, Becky Johnson, 
  • Casey Livinggood & Michael on Sheriff’s blocking public support/witnessing of the Tent Removal
  • Denica DeLafoy, Monterey County broadcaster and supporter calling en route
  • Occupy Tucson, Trent, Atlanta, & Others Wall Street solidarity demonstrations throughout the nation

To hear the complete uncut flashback as well as prior and following FRSC shows, go to

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday May 4, 2023 show is a Flashback to August 18, 2011

The May 4, 2023 show is a Flashback to August 18, 2011

  • Kent and Leslie, Berkeley visitors, observers of the appeal of the Sinister Sidewalk Singsong conviction of Bathrobespierre Robert and Blindbear R. Facer discuss it in the hallway afterwards.
  • Battling Bob Lamonica on his recent call for the ACLU to oppose local harassment under the Move-Along law, the City Council repressive local laws, ticketing Wes Modes for the New Years parade, and other issues. 
  • Slippery Steve Pleich notes full ACLU board to look at Smart meters, downtown panhandling ordinance, a settlement in the Norse v. Santa Cruz “Heil Krohn!” lawsuit & other issues.  Pleich ducks questions about Homeless [Lack of] Services Center boss Monica Martinez honesty regarding the Sleeping Ban and shelter availability. 
  • Lighthouse Linda Lemaster, Beggarbacker Becky Johnson, Pleich, Gary Johnson, and Coral Brune join the courthouse hallway discussion.
  • [7-21-11] Tracy Pellet, flutist, on more hostile street performing environment
  • Smart meter opponents on Trader Jo’s banning solicitors, petitioners, and leafleteers on the whole parking lot.
  • Father Joel Miller on fund shortage for Red Church meals and his Cynthia Matthews-initiated trial for “offensive language”.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday April 30 2023 show is a Flashback to April 25, 2002 featuring Attorney-Activist Catnip Kate Wells, Vehicular resident Kathy, and further flashbacks to September 1996

The April 30, 2023 Show includes:

  • [Selections throughout from Charlie King and Karen Brandow’s On the Journey album]
  • Cooper D’Angelo’s recent adventures bounced about from sidewalk to jail
  • Town Clock memorial for Joe Pace, joyful Food Not Bombs [FNB] worker: Father Joel Miller, Keith McHenry, Eagle, Drew, Joe’s brother Nick, Michael (Joe’s neighbor). Cooper, Lyrical I (Isaac Collins), Lion, Kathleen, Elise, Dreadeye, Moon, a WAMM compatriot, Kat, & others.
  • Lion’s additional experiences with Joe Pace and the police.
  • Ex-fire commisioner attacking Doty and other homeless people with bear spray?–S.F. Chronicle stories
  • Interview with Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on the fate of the Lapis Road refugees and scandalous doings pharmaceutical and political.
  • [4-29] Christina, year long FNB volunteer on freedom-snatching globalist dividers; Joe on limits of low income housing;  Seamore Slab joins in
  • Mutual Aid from spokesperson on its emergency supplies to folks outside, aka Romsey Pastensia
  • Roughhouse Raconteur Robert “the Hero” Woodlief on the Armory and the Overlook; Eagle on the Food Overflow; Suzanne on Coral St. deficiencies
  • Lawwatcher Laura on the Mental Health Advisory Committee’s latest plenty-of-nothing at the 4-27 HUFF meeting; further slices from the HUFFmeet with “Trekin’ On” Troy, “Kindred Heart” Kevin, & others
  • Katzenjammer Keith’s Prospects of Escalating Peril for the Poor interview

The April 25, 2002 Flashback includes:

  • Hank Milstein announcing May Day Festival and Picnic with music, poetry, and political chat
  • Bathrobespierre on Councilmember Scott Kennedy’s checkered political agenda and the Doug Rand Memorial (Town Clock) Peace Park
  • Ed Howes, homeless brother of infamous police Officer Jim Howes, reads Paul Franklin’s letter defending Food Not Bombs against the Metro S.C.’s Nuz columnist
  • Catnip Kate Wells, activist attorney, on the Norse v. Krohn  “Heil Krohn!” mock-Nazi salute lawsuit; calls for a funded City Attorney rather than the Barisone-Condotti firm;
  • Becky Johnson calls for audience declarations regarding City Council procedural abuses against the public as the “Heil Krohn!” lawsuit moves forward.
  • Councilmember Reilly’s January 1999 letter denouncing the Sleeping Ban contrasted with her in-power homeless powers since joining the City Council
  • Kathy Greygo, Homes on Wheels member, held in jail with Officers Seiley and Headley arresting her for sleeping warrants, while parked in the “forbidden” Harvey West area,  also taking her dogs, 
  • Flashback within this flashback:  Back to Mayor Rotkin’s Regime:    +++ Sept 11, 1996  Mark Bryan Watson presents Dominican hospital document from Aug 22nd confirming his fractured wrist, broken in jail by two deputies.  +++ Sept 11, 1996  Mama Tama,%20Pregnancy%20&%20Homelessness.jpg  +++ Sept 11, 1996  Confrontation with Sgt. Andy Crain threatening to seize food at homeless protest at City Hall under Rotkin’s Injunction
  • April 2002 Cosmic Chris reports merchant/police crackdown on Pacific Avenue musicians