Berkeley Speakers May Join Freedom Sleepers for SleepOut #26 in Santa Cruz Tuesday Night


Title: Braving the Downpour: Freedom SleepOut #26 Seeks Shelter
START DATE: 1/5/2016
TIME: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM
Location Details:
Next to the City Council chambers at 809 Center St. and under the eaves of the nearby offices
Event Type: No type given
Contact Name Toby Nixon (posted by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408-582-4152
Homeless Advocacy and Action Coalition activist Toby Nixon will continue the weekly Freedom SleepOut’s in front of Santa Cruz City Hall. He has invited Berkeley activists to join the protest this Tuesday.

Berkeley’s City Council recently passed anti-homeless laws (see “Letter to Berkeley: You Are Being Scammed by Your City Council.” at

In response community supporters of the unhoused (both those living outside and those sleeping indoors) formed Liberty City outside Berkeley’s City Hall for two weeks until driven away by armed police. (See Carol Denney’s satirical treatment of the fencing off of the area on p. 1 of the January issue of the Pepper Spray Times at ).

Berkeley activists familiar with this controversy have agreed to speak on the issue of Urban Shield–a police-bolstering program that they say is being used to terrorize homeless folks in Berkeley. The event is scheduled for 6 PM in front of the City Hall chambers.

With rains slated throughout the week, Toby has put out a call for tents, tarps, blankets, cups, and bowls as well as other forms of support (food, hot drinks, video/audio,).

Folks will be sheltering themselves under the eaves of the City Hall buildings. At 10 PM, when that activity becomes “illegal”, protest participants will decide where to go to stay dry and warm.

Mayor Cynthia Mathews declined to support opening empty public buildings, even simple warming centers staffed by volunteers. Other nearby cities such as San Jose have not only opened warming centers, but are discussing supporting actual encampments in the face of predicted harsh El Nino winter weather.

Mathews earned notoriety in 2009 for her costly attacks on Calvary Episcopal pastor Joel Miller for his once-a-week meal program at the Red Church. The Monday evening meal–which Miller still provides–happens across from property Mathews owns between the Nickelodeon and Jack’s Hamburgers on Lincoln St.

Her campaign to defrock Pastor Miller cost him tens of thousands of dollars, but was ultimately turned back. See “Cynthia Mathews–Scrooge for the Season” at

She has been a leading voice in pushing anti-homeless actions ranging from Move-Along laws, Permit-Only parking, support for the anti-homeless Sleeping Ban, police-initiated Stay-Away orders, and the latest “no parking for homeless RV’s” law passed this fall.

Councilmember Don Lane’s proposed removal of some sections of the Sleeping Ban from the Camping Ordinance are slated to be unveiled Monday January 4th, according to privileged insiders who were graced with an audience last week.

These reportedly include excluding sleeping at night on public property, under a structure, or under a blanket–unless you’re in your car when it may remain “illegal”.

Lane’s initial discussion of this issue began in October at . He has made no further public pronouncements since.

“Homeless Activists Maintain Protests, Continue to Sleep at Santa Cruz City Hall” at
“Cold Sidewalk & Warm Spirits: Freedom SleepOut #25” at
“Driving Out the Mosquitoes: Making Homelessness Illegal” at
“Council Member Cynthia Chase Refuses Dialogue on Homeless Voting Record” at

Toby Nixon’s Homeless Advocacy and Action Coalition facebook page is at .

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HUFF still slurpin’ coffee Wednesday morning 12-30 11 AM at ye olde Sub Rosa Cafe

On the HUFF horizon:  DIY New Year’s Eve parade and promenade Friday evening; reinvigorating demands for SCPD reform in Santa Cruz in the wake of mainstream media reports of police/prosecution/mayoral murder and cover-up in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Minneapolis, Chicago, Ohio, and Missouri; Warming Center Whiplash: Alternatives to Hypothermia when no Program is in Place; Report from Freedom SleepOut #25…and, of course, more than you want and less than you hoped for…

Conscience Against the Cold–Freedom SleepOut #25 in Santa Cruz

Title: Cold Sidewalk & Warm Spirits: Freedom SleepOut #25
START DATE: Tuesday December 29
TIME: 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM
Location Details:
On that cold hard sidewalk in front of City Hall across from the Main Library and whereever else nearby that people can shield themselves from the cold winds of night (temperatures expected to drop to 35 degrees),
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408 582 4152
Continuing an unbroken chain of protest sleep-out’s against Santa Cruz’s “cruel and unusual punishment law” for being poor, visible, and asleep: MC 6.36.010a.

The Sleeping Ban which bans sleeping on any public property, in any structure that’s not a residence, in any vehicle on public property within Santa Cruz City limits.

The $158 fine is usually unpaid by homeless people, who are almost the only ones who get cited. Unpaid citations result in an additional $300 Failure to Pay fine, which is then sent to “Collections” and can impact driver’s license, child support, credit, and other necessities.

Hundreds of such tickets have been written this year. Though in response to the weekly Freedom Sleeper protests, police seem to be using other ordinances to accomplish the same expulsion of the poor objective.

Free Radio Santa Cruz talkshow host John Malkin will be doing a guest hosting KZSC (88.1 FM) Wednesday night on John Sandidge’s Talkabout show where the 7-7:45 PM topic will be the Sleeping Ban. Call-in at 831-459-4036.

Freedom Sleepers will have a preprotest public meeting on the sidewalk outside City Hall at 809 Center St. (On Center between Church and Walnut) at 4 PM before the Tuesday protest. Alternate strategies involving flooding the offices of abusive City departments may be the focus of daytime demos.

Former mayor Don Lane will reportedly be announcing language to amend the Sleeping Ban on January 4th. Preliminary reports suggest that amnesty, reparations, and the right to sleep in one’s legally parked vehicle will not be a part of the reform.

Contact Councilmembers to demand changes:
420-5023: David Terrazas
420-5022: Don Lane
420-5024: Pamela Comstock
420-5025: Richelle Niroyan
420-5026: Cynthia Chase
420-5027: Mayor Cynthia Mathews
420-5028: Micah Posner

Each of the Gang of 7 can be contacted by e-mail; first letter of their name, full last name, followed by (e.g. dterrazas [at] )

The whole City Council can be reached at citycouncil [at] .

In an earlier (2010) move to crush homeless protest, the City “closed” City Hall grounds after 10 PM. Police repeatedly gave unconstitutional citations for this “offense” in the last six months, which some of us are challenging in court.

City bosses have recently apparently acknowledged that excluding people from the posted agendas outside the City Council chambers is a violation of the Brown Act. This Public Meetings law requires that agendas be accessible 24 hours per day for a period of 72-hours before each meeting. A new display has been constructed on the sidewalk across from the Civic Auditorium which is accessible 24 hours a day.

City Manager Martin Bernal was advised of this fact back in August, but responded with klieg lights, parking bans and increased First Alarm Security thuggery. See “Silence from the City Manager on the Eve of the 11th Freedom Sleepers Protest” at

He and the City Council as well as City Attorney Anthony Condotti violated the law again on December 15th by holding a closed dinner with all 7 Council members and their friends which we protested. See “Freedom Sleepers Confront City Council at el Palomar” at

Bring your own warm clothing. Donations of food, clothing, tents, blankets, and sleeping bags are welcome. Even brief visits can cheer the hearts of the Freedom Sleepers–who are now almost entirely unhoused–the earlier housed activists having retreated indoors for the winter.

Toby Nixon will be livestreaming some of the event. More info about his Homeless Advocacy and Action Coalition (HAAC) at .

If you have video, cameras, or audio devices–they can be useful for keeping the armed and uniformed Sleepbusters aware they are being watched.

Brent Adams’ Warming Center Project will be open the night of the protest. See .

This posting was written by Robert Norse. I encourage any additions or corrections.

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D.C. Attorney Tristia Bauman of National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty on Free Radio today 6:30 PM 12-24


Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, the twice-weekly homeless civil rights show will be playing the first half of a phone interview with NLCHP Senior attorney Tristia Bauman on the national (and local) fight to restore civil rights to folks outside.

Part one of the interview is scheduled for 6:30 PM, part two for 10 AM on Sunday 12-27.

Also on the show:  a report from the Homeless Memorial Reading of the Names of the Dead, reactions to the Santa Cruz Scent-Anal’s smearjob on the Freedom Sleepers protests, and some audio from Freedom SleepOut #24 last Tuesday 12-22.

Tune into 101.3 FM or   Or hear the archive later at .

Phone in to leave comments and/or questions that will be broadcast and/or answered later at 831-423-4833.   Or e-mail Robert Norse at .

Square Dealing Against Sentinel Smearing: Freedom SleepOut #24 Tuesday December 22nd

Title: El Nino vs. Freedom Sleepers: the 24th Week
START DATE: Tuesday December 22
TIME: 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM
Location Details:
Under rainy skies on the sidewalk and area surrounding City Hall (or possibly in the shelter of some empty buildings nearby. 809 Center St. on Center between Church and Locust.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon
Email Address tobynixon [at]
As rain drives homeless folks into “illegal” sleeping spots and City Council rests snugly in its warm beds “on vacation”, there is neither shelter nor warming center for 90% of the unhoused community outside. Freedom Sleepers, though reduced in numbers, continue their vigils outside the palaces of the powerful–with the grounds closed at night and patrolled by “security guards”.
A Homeless Memorial for the Dead will make its annual appearance behind locked “security gates” at 115 Coral St. at 10:30 AM in the morning. This show ritual seems designed to benefit the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center rather than address the real causes of death creating new victims each year–compliments of the City’s anti-homeless laws.

Forced to sleep unsafely, scattered, and hidden from police and security thugs, unhoused folks die on average 20 years younger than those indoors. Some believe the best way to remember the dead is to fight like hell for the living against the laws that threaten their health and safety.

Freedom Sleepers and their supporters will be meeting in the Red Church (Calvary Episcopal) at Cedar and Lincoln Tuesday December 22nd at 5:30 PM to propose new actions designed to dramatize and exposes the cruelty of Santa Cruz’s anti-poor laws (such as the “No RV Parking at Night” ordinance due to hit the books on January 8th).

Around 2 PM Food Not Bombs activists including “Blue Box Bad Boy” Keith McHenry (See have announced plans to return to City Hall.

They will serve a hot meal at City Hall in response to the latest spate of falsehoods against the Freedom Sleepers by City Council staff and Sentinel scumslingers.

Folks are invited to chow down in anticipation of a cold if not a wet night and present grievances directly to City Council offices and homeless-hostile staffers–open until 5 PM.

Activist Toby Nixon will again lead the largely unhoused Freedom Sleeper Winter Soldiers in a continued protest against the City’s “go to sleep, go to jail” laws, which begins around dark.

He notes clear skies are predicted for Tuesday night and predicts that food & coffee will only be available if at all before 11:30 PM and after 5:30 AM to facilitate sleeping. Breakfast and clean-up will be done by 8 AM (if any food is actually donated).

Toby says his role is to sleep there, film what happens, and try to be helpful, but can’t be responsible for people’s stuff or serving meals. He has had some experience with encampments and is happy to try and be helpful if he can.

His main point is to encourage people to help establish a place to sleep and even brief visits to the area as well as donations of food, clothing, and protective gear can be helpful.

A video playlist of documentary work on Freedom Sleepers by Toby and others is at .

Sunday’s Santa Cruz Urinal (more commonly known as the Santa Cruz Sentinel) featured a slanted attack piece on the Freedom Sleepers at It hauls out all the old inflammatory falsehoods (poo poo, drug dealing, rowdy behavior, scary appearance) without any documentation.

A Community TV Forum on the Freedom Sleepers features Homeless Legal Assistance Project founder Steve Pleich, Senior Law Center on Homeless and Poverty Attorney Tricia Baumann, Local Free Radio Broadcaster Robert Norse, and San Jose Homeless Activist Robert Aguirre and can be seen at .

A strong editorial from Street Spirit editor Terry Messman responding to former Mayor Don Lane’s is on line at .

Robert Norse’s response is at

Keith McHenry will be defending the rights of those outside and responding to the Sunday Sentinel smearjob. He will also describe his own upcoming Blue Box trials in an hour-long KPFA live broadcast at . More info at .





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Video Chatter and Activist Action

NOTES FROM NORSE:  The Community TV show below followed a 2 hour shmooze-and-chatter Forum in downtown Santa Cruz featuring Robert Aguirre, survivor and organizer of the San Jose homeless Jungle, Keith McHenry Food Not Bombs activist and Blue Box Sidewalk Artist, as well as visiting attorney Tristia Baumann of the National Law Center for Homelessness and Poverty.

This Sunday I’ll be playing for FRSC, some of the Freedom Sleepers forum that preceded the tv time.  Lots of gabble, but some of it interesting.  Unfortunately no activism plans for specific actions during the coldest “holiday” season of the year at either the Forum or the Talking Heads tv-show.     Audio of the show will air at 101.3 FM and shortly after 9:30 AM on 12-20.  It’ll archive soon after at

We didn’t have it together to access  homeless folks to present to Baumann  to join in a lawsuit against the City’s Sleeping Ban–which Beauman’s organization is reportedly interested in doing.  But if you know of anyone living outside who’d like to participate in a long overdue lawsuit against the City, contact Steve Pleich at 831-466-6078.

Local Attorney Jonathan Gettleman–otherwise not terribly helpful in defense of Freedom Sleepers recently–has written a great attack on the City’s “No RV Parking Anywhere At Night” law which goes into effect on 1-8-16.  He’s told me he’s looking for RV dwellers who’d like to be plaintiffs in his lawsuit against the ordinance.  If you or someone you know lives in an RV, call  him at 831-427-2658 .

Meanwhile some of us have been supporting and other actually attending the ongoing Freedom SleepOut’s at the sidewalk outside City Hall every Tuesday night.  Number #23 happened last night with San Jose Freestreamer Toby Nixon leading the charge.   Number #24 will be coming up on December 22nd.  Toby asks for blankets, tarps, visits, food, and other support.   For info and support, contact him at 408-582-4152.

HUFF meets today at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe downtown to find more ways of pushing back the Black Tide of Bigotry threatening to freeze out the poor this winter.  If you can’t make or can’t tolerate the meetings and want to do more than read grim reports, contact me by e-mail at or call in at 831-423-4833.

Homeless Depot/Camp of Last Resort Activist Phil Posner hears rumors that former Mayor Don Lane may actually hitch up his pants and put abolition of the Sleeping and Blanket Bans on an agenda sometime a month or two down the road.  Support Phil’s hope-ish efforts at .

To contact the clowns on the Santa Cruz City Council, leave them a strong message to support Lane’s rumored action and other actions ending criminalization of the homeless contact the whole Council at 831-420-5020 or get on their cases individually:

420-5023:  David Terrazas   420-5022:  Don Lane    420-5024: Pamela Comstock    420-5025:  Richelle Niroyan     420-5026:  Cynthia Chase

420-5027:  Mayor Cynthia Mathews   420-5028: Micah Posner


Warming Center organizer and homeless video journalist Brent Adams claims he has organized the places and spaces, but doesn’t have the necessary number of volunteers.  See if you’d like to support his “baby steps” program further at .

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs continues to brave withering and weathering each Saturday and Sunday providing food to dozens of hungry folks outside in a public area where poverty is visible.  They are desperately short of cooks and food preparers.  Offer help or get information at .

Freedom Sleepers are hoping to gather next Tuesday at the Red Church (LIncoln and Cedar) at 5:30 PM before Freedom SleepOut #24 to plot and plan.   Join the conspiracy.      If you see Jesus or Mayor Mathews on the on the road, invite them as well.

Tip of the hat to Ken Knobler and the crew down at CTV as well as to Silver-Haired Steve Pleich for getting the show together.  Now how about a regular weekly show updated the frosty situation for homeless folks this winter?

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HUFF meets again at Sub Rosa 11 AM 12-16 703 Pacific Indoors!


HUFF’s been guaranteed an indoor space thanks to the kindness of Penske tomorrow morning.   Up for chatter and possibly action:  More effective documention of police escalation against homeless folks; property and sleeping ban plaintiff search at the homeless meals; sit-down with new Homeless (Lack of) Services Center boss Phil Kramer; organizing against the RV law and supporting the proposed lawsuit against it; defending existing encampments–prospect or pipedream?; allied parallel expeditions assisting Freedom Sleepouts and opening up new daytime protest;  and whatever you fancy!    Liquid consumables available without cost.

Slumber Bunnies Back on the Sidewalk for SleepOut #23


Title: Some Freedom Sleepers Braving the Cold for SleepOut #23
START DATE: Tuesday December 15
TIME: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM
Location Details:
The courtyard and sidewalk adjacent to the “No Trespassing” Mudpit that once was the City Hall lawn area. 809 Center St. across from the Main library. Protest will last until morning.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar St. P.O. Box 14B, Santa Cruz, 95060
Following a Sunday Freedom Sleepers Forum with Robert Aguirre of San Jose, Tristia Beauman of the National Law Center, and Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs–and a Community TV broadcast, some Freedom Sleepers will continue the weekly vigil in front of City Hall.

Folks need to make their way through the cold to the few open bathrooms and should not expect much in the way of food and drink (though there may be some).

Audio from last week’s Freedom Sleepout 22 is available at (2 hours and 30 minutes into the file).

Alex does his usual excellent video coverage of #22 at .
Zav has documented the earlier confrontation at the annual City Council feast which sought to exclude the homeless and the public at the Palomar at .

My audio of the event is 48 minutes into the audio file, but is hard to hear.


See for Steve Pleich’s posting announcing Sleep-Out #23.

Some Freedom Sleepers will be gathering at 4 PM prior to the Sleep-Out at City Hall to discuss next steps and new tactics.

Toby Nixon of HAAC and other determined souls may be taking over the sleep-out’s beginning on December 22nd. Contact Toby to support his effort at 408-582-4152.

The current issue of Street Spirit newspaper has a critical review of former Mayor Don Lane’s “compassionate letter” at .

Most of Lane’s original letter:

My own response to Lane is at

Freedom Sleepers Tail the City Council to Xmas Dinner, then Curl Up on the Sidewalk for 22nd Tuesday SleepOut


Title: Council Wines and Dines; Freedom Sleepers Chart City Hall & Pacific Ave. Protests
START DATE: Tuesday December 08
TIME: 6:00 PM -9 AM (approximately)
Location Details:
The event will start at 6 PM at 1336 Pacific in front of the Palomar Hotel & Restaurant and then continue on the Sidewalk in front of City Hall at 809 Center St. across from the Main Library throughout the night .
Event Type: Protest
Freedom SleepOut #22 will begin with Sidewalk Coffee and Snacks on Pacific Avenue where the City Council will have their annual public meal. They then return to City Council at 7 PM to crown their new Mayor (Cynthia Mathews), give speeches, and go home to their beds for the Xmas vacation.

Under the state “Open Meetings” Brown Act, the Council’s chowdown at the Palomar where all the Council is gathering is required to be open to the public. Freedom Sleeper activists will be on the sidewalk to invite the public to sign petitions and volunteer lists as well as speak to the Councilmembers informally on survival issues for those outside.

The “Feed the Fat; Freeze the Poor” event will follow likely passage of a final reading of two harsh anti-homeless laws attacking those whose housing is an RV.

The two laws criminalize RV parking in Santa Cruz from 8 PM to 8 AM (Item #20) and empower the traffic engineer to eliminate all larger-than-car-sized parking spots throughout the City (Item #17).

Away on vacation until its return January 12th after this meeting, City Council has refused to authorize opening of public buildings during the winter, nor to join a county task force regarding safety for unhoused women recommended by its own Commission for the Prevention of Violence to Women.

Offers to place the City’s anti-homeless Sleeping Ban on the agenda made this summer by Councilmember Posner and (inferentially) Mayor Lane have not been carried out. Sleeping at night after 11 PM on any public property or in your vehicle remains a $159 crime as does being in any park at ngiht.

“Liberty City” is the 20 day homeless protest outside Berkeley’s Old City Hall demanding restoration of civil rights for its unhoused community. It suffered three arrests on December 4th. Its 50 participants reportedly retained their tents and withdrew anticipating a return this week perhaps as a local Nativity scene.

The night-by-night protest served as a model showing unhoused folks could peacefully run a protest camp (and by extension a longer-term survival encampment).


Free Radio interviews with Berkeley activists Michael Lee and Carol Denney are at

On December 13th 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM, Freedom Sleepers will present Tristia Beauman, Senior Attorney for the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty [NLCHP], homeless San Jose “Jungle” survivor Robert Aguirre, and Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry.

They will discuss strategies for fighting laws and police practices that seize homeless property and steal homeless sleep. The NLCHP is reportedly considering supporting lawsuits in California challenging Sleeping Bans which the Department of Justice has declared are “cruel and unusual punishment.”


Background: “How Silicon Valley Created America’s Largest Homeless Camp ”

Light snacks and coffee will be available at various times throughout the night. We encourage donations of food and clothing.

There will be no portapotty on the site, nor have the Mayor and City Manager agreed to open the bathrooms at City Hall. But there is a 24-hour bathroom at the Soquel Avenue garage across from New Leaf Market naar Pacific Avenue.

We encourage those harassed by the police or security guards before, during, or after the protest to file a verbal report at 423-4833.

At last report, police had still not returned survival gear and personal medicine taken from Enrique Oriarti or Michael Knox at two previous events.

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HUFF Definitely Back at Sub Rosa Tomorrow (Wednesday December 2) 11 AM. Coffee guaranteed!!


HUFFsters:  No more trekking around to mingle with seclusive students sipping bourgeois beverages at the Pergolesi–at least this week!  Back at the usual Sub Rosa Cafe surrounded by lots of literature and agreeable reasonably priced (free) drinks.

Likely to find agenda discussion:  Next  week’s Shitty Council Final Vote (12-8) on the “Homeless RV’s Get Lost” law coming up for a final reading;  the latest update on the frost-bitten Freedom Sleepers movement and its next move; Berkeley Battle In Progress–a weeklong campout culminates in today’s City Council meeting up there; fighting back against police property seizures–schemes and strategies; plus lots of stuff that hasn’t made print yet…

Today (Dec 1) there will be a special 5:30 PM “New tactics, new energy?!” meeting to protect the rights of houseless people at the Supply Room of the Red Church.  Want more Freedom SleepOuts and like actions?  Join the meeting!    And come to Freedom Sleep-Out at City Hall tonight thereafter.