Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday November 19, 2023 show highlights a recent interview with Drew Glover, Flashback to 5-16-99 on sit-in’s against Kosovo war, S.C. trollbeating, and more + full 2022 interview with Foundring, banned on you-tube

The November 19, 2023 show includes:  

  • [11-6-23] Interview with former Santa Cruz City Councilman and activist Drew Glover on his struggle with a reactionary staff and Council majority.
  • [11-12-23] Danny Cooper describing life in the Janus program, the 1220 River outdoor shelter, and on the Santa Cruz streets
  • [11-15-23] Ryan Dieball on street life—losing and reclaiming his bicycle, observing police driving friends out into the rain, and more
  • [11-18-23] Helga reporting on proposed eviction of Cooper D’Angelo’s camp threatened for November 27th.

The Flashback to May 16, 1999 includes: 

  • Puck reports on police ignoring sidewalk camping for the Star Wars theater line
  • “Dead On” David Silva’s push for Immediate Safety Zones given the recent brutal attacks on homeless folks
  • Beach Flats resident Phil Baer on Mayor Beiers plan to bulldoze housing for the Dolphin-Lee project
  • Rev. John L. Phillips from the Metropolitan Community Church speaking out against the bombing of Kosovo
  • C.J. Stock’s account of the “trollbuster” beating of Joe Barker
  • Willow Symonds on the occupation of Sam Farr’s office against the Kosovo war featuring testimony from Phil Baer, Steve Argue, Jim Cosner, and others.

Special 2 ½ hour Interview: Dissident Mama scrutinizes Kylan de Gatelli (aka Foundring), Santa Cruz jazz pianist and satirical singer, banned from you-tube for “misinformation” on COVID and savage criticism of political officials (at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 16, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 9, 1999 with focus on the homeless Lou Rice fast against bad conditions at Homeless (Lack of) Services Center, the Kosovo war, the Dolphin-Lee demolition and more

The November 16, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 9, 1999.  It includes: 

  • On the 24th Day of homeless client Lou Rice’s fast demanding better conditions at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center m [HLOSC], callers support assisting transporting leftover UCSC to the HLOSC hungry, supporting Rice’s fast in other ways, and providing fasting advice. 
  • Local resident Norma Tasker and others speak at the Town Hall Meeting of the Beach Area Working Group on Mayor Beiers’ pet proposed Dolphin-Lee project
  • 7 points of Lou Rice’s hunger strike begun April 15th
  • Call for downtown demos against the Sleeping Ban
  • Bob Lamonica denounces former D.A. Art Danner’s corruption
  • News stories: D.A. Won’t Charge Cops in River Side Killing (SF Examiner 5-8-99); Depleted Uranium Poses Toxic Threats to Soliders & Civilians
  • Linda Lemaster on changes allow good samaritan giveaways by groceries and restaurants
  • Bathrobespierre caws at the CPRB [Civilian Police Review Board] and its cover for cops
  • Justman Jim Costner on the anniversary of the 1982 Philadelphia cop massacre of the MOVE collective.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday November 12, 2023 show features a partial Interview with Foundring, the satirical anti-censorship pianist Flashback to 2-24-10–Analysis of the Subversive Sidewalk Singers chatter with Curbhugger Chris

The Sunday, November 12, 2023 show includes:

The February 24, 2010 Flashback contains:

  • Flashback within a Flashback to October 22, 1988–Anti-Sleeping Ban activist Charles Grey interview
  • Curbhugger Chris Doyen on street life and his positive view of the “Hospitality” hosts and critical view of the SCPD’s Officer Winston
  • A critic of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center calls foul of food filching by staff 
  • Article on Boulder, CO changes in Sleeping Ban law 
  • Jeremy Casmir, arrested, released after violent detention:
  • Some beats and bleats from Drum Circle Dave
  • Reviewing Q & A from Mayor Riot Act Rotkin on the Subversive Sidewalk Singing Bust and the Metro Cop Crackdown
  • The Obama Wars:  “The 7 Paragraphs That Shook US/Uk Ties” and “Obama Takes a Blue Principle for the Bill of Rights”
  • Mark Merin and SHOC (Sacramento Homelessness Organizing Committee) struggle for Safe Ground for Sleepers there.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 9, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 21 2010 featuring boisterous banter and bashful battle between Bathrobespierre Robert and co-Host Silver-tongued Steve Pleich

The November 9, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 21, 2010 including:

  • Steve Pleich (rhymes with “h”) co-hosts.
  • Brief History of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center  (currently known as Funding Matters  or more commonly Housing Matters).
  • Pleich’s report on Santa Cruz Neighbors forum at the police station
  • Battleweary”  Bob Patton on struggle to reopen the Vet’s Hall
  • “Drum Circle” Dave on the Pretend-empkin Bathroom on Soquel
  • Ray on labyrinth requirements for Proposition 36 paperwork; Officer “Fat Ticket Book” Forbus misusing the “Move Along” law?
  • Santa Barbara: the 100,000 homes movement; ACLU’s abandoned anti-camping ban lawsuit
  • John Valley and attorney Misloff successfully defeat 647e anti-lodging prosecution
  • Systemized attack on the PC2010—a review; the new SCPD Chief Vogel’s checkered background
  • Fresno’s latest assault on the homeless; San Francisco Sit/Lie Ban—a conservative merchant critic

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday NOVEMBER 5, 2023 show features Anti-War Protest in Portland, OR & Santa Cruz CA; Reports from the FNB Free Zone from Kazoo, R. Woodleaf, & Cooper; Flashback to 8-1-10–PeaceCamp Dialogue with the Deputies & more

The November 5, 2023 show includes:

The Flashback to August 1, 2010 includes (roughly):

  • Curbhugger Chris Doyen & Beggarbacker Becky Johnson review warnings from Lt. Plagerman  last night at PeaceCamp 2010.
  • Razor Ray and Lighthouse Linda on legal strategies
  • Deputies confront PC2010 protest founder attorney and sleepcriminal Ed Frey
  • [throughout ] numerous pieces from the Capitol Steps satirical musical group
  • Observers Malcolm McGowan and Marge Thornhill inspired to stay the night at PC2010
  •  [8-1] Follow-Up report from Curbhugger on PC2010 goings on
  • Daniel Ellsberg’s Wikileaks Wish List and other reports from foreign war zones
  • Interviews from Ronee Curry’s Chess, Beans, & Burritos table with a UCSC sexual abuse researcher
  • Oral Communications at a Recent City Council meeting
  • Ronee brings the Drum Circle to PC2010
  • Pacific Ave. & PC2010sters on July 29th.–Z Moon, Pizzalover, and Terrorist #7

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 2, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 25, 2010 featuring the earlier days of the PeaceCamp2010 protest at the County Building featuring Curbhugger Chris Doyen (later known as Commander X)

The November 2, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 25, 2010. 

It includes:

  • Troublesome Thomas Leavitt and Bathrobespierre Robert Norse reviewing Motormouth (Mayor) Mike Rotkin and the last City Council antics including the Rental Inspection Ordinance
  • [7-13] Earlier Curbhugger Chris at PeaceCamp2010 (33 sleepers last night) 
  • [7-25] 45 Sleepers last night—update from Curbhugger.
  • [7-12] Curbhugger’s report of being excluded from the Courthouse corridors after he pursued guards who stole the PC2010 flag with a camera
  • Kathy Bugker from Nashville Homeless Power Project in Tennessee calls in, 4-time homeless woman.
  • Spilly Chilly, aka Sandra Leigh, Community TV host, on corporate shake-up there.
  • Brief Robert Whitaker, psychiatric researcher, on you-tube and R.C. & Leigh, psychiatric survivors. 
  • Curbhugger and Beggerbacker Becky Johnson discuss the Flag seizure and Courthouse exclusion further.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday October 29, 2023 show features the complete Investigator radio play, a bit of Pac Ave life, and a lengthy Flashback to August 8, 2010 in the midst of PeaceCamp2010 protests

The contemporary segment of the Sunday October 29, 2023 includes:

  • The Investigator, a radio play from Canada satirizing Joseph McCarthy and his “anti-communist” investigations of the early 1950s
  • [songs by Ryan Harvey at various intervals throughout]
  • “If I Had a Rocket Launcher” two versions—one by Ryan Harvey and the original by Bruce Cockburn
  • The ancient struggle of Westside De Anza Mobile Home Park residents for Rent Control and their okaying City persecution of Oversized “Homes on Wheels”–an exchange between Bathrobespierre Robert and Battling Bob Lemonica
  • A call-in to Russell in Dominican Hospital, recovering from a stroke
  • A Preacher on Pacific and Dancing Tom
  • Malaki—gathering petition signatures to legalize healing psychedelics
  • Towntalk from Thomas
  • Jawboning with Jackie
  • Intro to the following Flashback

The Flashback to August 8, 2010 includes:

  • PeaceCamp2010 supporter and witness reports night of 8-7 arrests and citations in front of the County Building
  • Night of 8-6 – 8-7: audio of PC2010 consternation over 647e Unlawful Lodging citations for peaceful protests
  • Nina Millican, UCSC student,  and Gillian Greensite, former UCSC rape Counselor, and the dissolving of Greensite’s 30-year rape prevention program
  • Curbhugger Chris Doyen—out of jail—reports on prior night’s raid by phone; arrestee Christine’s account. 
  • Greensite on Rape Stats regarding homeless, SCPD blocking Council from considering 2006 CCPVAW report through staffer Kathy Agnon; SCPD PRster Zack Friend declines to answer key questions; caller Free encourages counselors to advise homeless folks;
  • In-studio guest Lighthouse Linda Lemaster from PC2010 on latest “protest during business hours only” directive
  • 8-7 Audio of PC2010; PeaceCamper Collette Connolly’s account; Chris Doyon on jail conditions. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday October 26, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 25, 2006 featuring a defeat for the homeless and broader community in the Parking Lot Panic law and a victory in getting Measure K on the ballot

The show is a Flashback to May 25, 2006 and includes:

  • A street Vet weighs in late against the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
  • Intro and current [2006] events by Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Part 1 of the anti-McCarthyite satire from the 1950s The Investigator (full play at  or 25 minutes into the October 29, 2023 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 
  • Andrew Tishler, Compassion Flower Inn Medical Marijuana Rest Resort for Upscale Medicators on the successful signature gathering for local City’s Measure K after City Council refused to put it on the ballot.  (It passed and was later crippled by the City Attorney).
  • Ian, Arizona caller and previous Santa Cruz resident, calls in from Bisbee, AZ, supporting Cafe Anarchista there
  • [5-5] Vaness and Chris on hackeysacking crime and punishment at Laurel and Pacific Ave.
  • [5-7] Evagulos Alexandors urges boycott of Saturn Cafe, details Lulu Carpenter’s kick out psychiatrically-labeled customers
  • David and Monty at a rally for immigrant rights

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday October 22, 2023 show features Cease-Fire and Freedom for Gaza Protest Rally 10-20, Interviews & lengthy Flashback to October 9, 2016 with Berkeley’s “First They Came for the Homeless-Poor Tour 2016-2017” and much more!

The Sunday October 22, 2023 show includes:

  • [throughout the show] Musical history in song and chant from David Rovics: &
  • [10-20]  Town Clock protest against the Israeli bombing of Gaza—Nadia leads chants.
  • Anonymous carpenter shares views on the dimensions of local protest
  • Letter from homeless rights activist Reggie Meisler after the first Stakeholder’s meeting mandated by the Coastal Commission on the Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO)
  • [10-21] Drew and Stayla/Sierra—Hard times on the concrete street; Miguel angry police waking
  • Nathan Hammel—Standing up for your rights against nighttime cop harassment
  • Davenport Scott & Yancy
  • Catch-me-Not Cooper on Ruftimes Russell’s latest medical condition
  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry’s lengthy report on Israeli and Santa Cruz authorities treating folks like “Human Animals”

The Flashback to October 9, 2016 includes:

  • [occasional harsh but happy songs from  Ryan Hardy] 
  • Oct 7th Raid on Berkeley homeless at Fairview and Adeleine in front of the Berkeley Food and Housing Project prompts “Where are We Supposed to Go?” chalked on the Shattuck sidewalk in front of Downtown Association
  • “Dogged” Dan McMullan, disabled but undismayed Berkeley activist on “First They Came for the Homeless Poor Tour 2016-2017” with commentary from Mike Lee & Mike Zint
  • Jose Castenada talks to homeless activists after a bad anti-homeless Salinas City Council vote
  • Conversations with the Flagpole Community & Daytime Tent Storage Serviceman Wes White setting up camp for the night at City Hall
  • News Briefs: The case of Ramena, Iranian instrumentalist, falsely ticketed on Pacific Ave. in Santa Cruz; Brent Adams “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” videos
  • Santa Cruz City Council candidates on the Sleeping Ban: Steve Pleich and Nate Kennedy
  • California Cannabis Advocates Alliance—defeat of County Supervisors attempt to toxically restrict cultivation with a Citizen Initiative; Proposition 64–Limited Recreational Legalization of Marijuana
  • Phone interview with “Homeless Mayors” Raelyn Butcher and Bryan Brown from Marysville for 300 people outside
  • William Burns, disabled El Centro resident for three years, 5 times assaulted by another resident with no protection from landlord, police, or courts.
  • Mama Shannon on successful resistance and court battle against repeated ticket harassment by both City and County attorneys
  • Red Church Interviews: Nancy Eaton, Steve Conover, Pat Colby, Bob Rees, Joe Blow, Michael, Devon Pearce, Joey, Scott Galloway.
  • At Freedom Sleeper #64 at City Hall: David Silva’s 3rd Tuesday reports on City Council’s shifty suppression of Freedom Sleepers at Oral Communications; Lawrence MacGregor (“Blue”) on a recent assault where he was airlifted to Stanford;
  • Salinas editor/publisher of Voices from the Street, Van Gresham, and Monterey County Homeless Advocates activist Wes White history of anti-homeless ordinances.
  • Partial audio of the KCET video:  Vandwelling in Santa Barbara— 2004 the Safe Parking program
  • 10-2  Anonymous accounts of Paul Lee loft problems at Homeless (Lack of) Services Program
  • Interview with alternative candidate Nate Kennedy for City Council
  • Fresno’s Mike Rhodes: How I Became a Homeless Advocate in 2002 in his first book Dispatches from the War Zone

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday October 19, 2023 show is a Flashback to a mid-May 1998 show featuring discussion of the newly formed Homeless Services Center; tenant rights update from Donna Deiss and Marco Marokee…and more

The Thursday October 19 show is a Flashback to selections from the mid-May 1998 shows from mid-May ’98 shows particularly 5-21-98 and 5-24-98. It includes:

  • Bathrobespierre Robert’s Intro and Update
  • “Dead on” David Silva on Last Minute Push for the 2nd Sleeping Ban Repeal Initiative
  • [5-4-98] Housing California ’98 Conference: Alicia Augden of Marina Permanent Housing gives a Salinas Report
  • Portland, OR Campaign for Legal Places to Sleep
  • Judge Bryer Enjoins 6 Medical Marijuana User; Judge Cahill overrules SF’s Cannabis Club’s Prop 215 Rights:   “Pot Club to Fight Closure Ruling” (SF Examiner)
  • “Battling” Bob Lamonica on the temporary resignation of Homeless Community Resource Center as it merged with Citizens Commitee for the Homeless to form the Homeless Services Center: Bathrobespierre’s Critical View
  • Donna Deiss and Marco Marokee of the Tenants Rights Union of Santa Cruz check court records, warn tenants of evictions, and advise them; Riverview Apartment fence controversy.