Three Fight-Back’s Against the Proposed Palo Alto Ban on Vehicle Homes

NOTE FROM NORSE:   While activists and social service providers (even the poverty pimps) gather to oppose the latest NIMBY attack on homeless-in-vehicles in Palo Alto, in Santa Cruz the corrupt and abusive law enforcement/towing company Combine continues to methodically destroy homeless Continue reading

Arizona ACLU Fights Back; Santa Cruz ACLU Snores On…

NOTES BY NORSE:  The Santa Cruz ACLU, presented a year ago, with concerns about the criminalization of the homeless has taken made no public statements nor forwarded any requests to the northern California ACLU in search of legal assistance.  Continue reading

Attorneys in L.A. Win Victory; Santa Cruz ACLU Silent on Anti-Homeless Abuses

NOTES BY NORSE:   The “Official Story”, the Santa Cruz politician-and-police position, is that Parks and Rec and other agencies don’t destroy homeless property but hold it as required by state law (and the 4th & Continue reading

Ciampi Calls for Ammiano to Oppose the Palo Alto Vehicle-Home Ban [5 Attachments]

[Attachment(s)from Robert Norse included below]

NOTE FROM NORSE:  Tony Ciampi is a long-time fighter for homeless rights in Palo Alto.    Rarely I’ve persuaded him to come on the air to discuss this struggle.   I’m not clear where the struggle is at right now, Continue reading