Louden Nelson bathrooms remained closed to the general public; San Lorenzo Park bathrooms remain closed and locked to everyone.
Portapotties and handwashing stations are no longer available in San Lorenzo Park as they were last fall.
The nighttime-only portapotty on Cedar St. is not disabled accessible.
City Hall bathrooms remain closed to the public except during public meetings, while staff has its own commodious bathrooms closed to the public.
Locust Street garage bathrooms have the exposed peek-a-boo spaces in the stalls that compromise the privacy and dignity of user. Staff and cafe patrons are given keys to the cleaner, more spacious, closed private bathroom nearby owned by the City.
The portapotty rented by Food Not Bombs two weeks ago for use as a 24-hour facility by the Community at the intersection of Front, Pacific, and Mission streets has been removed, apparently on orders of the City and not replaced.
No new Sharps containers have appeared in any bathrooms to deal with the problems of needle disposal.
Parks and Recreation boss Carol Scurich has not revealed any documents specifying the reasons, costs, and private discussions resulting in the closing of the Louden Nelson bathrooms to the general public in spite of promises to do so.
City Manager Martin Bernal is Scurich’s boss and has been invited to answer obvious questions about this public health and safety threat. It impacts the local elderly and disabled as well as tourists and the broader community. It also seemed to be part of a sustained and direct attack on unhoused people, scapegoating them in response to unsubstantiated fears by some pressure groups in the community.
Come to the City Council Courtyard Fountain area at 1 PM Thursday June 28th to speak out on the issue, direct questions at Martin Bernal and other city officials.
Food and refreshments will likely be available as will music.
Be creative in your dress and accessories. Bring TP and other sanitary necessities.
The protest may involve a Downtown Toilet Tour as well, led by HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom’s “Give a Shit” Committee).
Those unable to attend the protest can reach Martin Bernal at mbernal [at] . Carol Scurich is at cscurich [at] . The City Council’s e-mail is citycouncil [at] . Please cc Conscience and Action at rnorse3 [at] if you write.
Conscience and Action was formed as a tribute to long-time Sleeping Ban fighter David Silva who died last spring overseas.
More info at: (City of Santa Cruz Confiscates Food Not Bombs Portable Toilet)
The City of Santa Cruz confiscated the Food Not Bombs community funded portable toilet on Saturday, June 16. Access to public toilets is a human right. Every person deserves the dignity of relieving themselves in a private sanitary way.
| (Conscience and Action Speak Out at Parks and Rec)
A speak out and rally was held on Thursday, June 14 at noon protesting the closure by Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department of bathrooms at San Lorenzo Park and Louden Nelson Community Center. The action, attended by 23-30 concerned citizens, began at City Hall and moved to the Park and Rec …
| (Bathroom Baloney–Expanded Speech to City Council on its anti-homeless restrooms policies)’ (Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force)