As the weather warms up, will HUFF pressure on anti-homeless institutions? Come and see: 10:45 a.m. Thursday June 29th Sub Rosa Cafe & Courtyard 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

HUFF Agenda 6-29-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates:  

  ++++  Shitty Council Report from 6-27 

  ++++  Martin v. Boise Update:       


  ++++  Shitty Council funds one-year programs for some of those outside. 

  ++++  Previous Report:    

  ++++  RV Get-Together: Reggie Meisler Report & Request 

  ++++  Mayor grilling–Update 

  ++++  Sarah Leonard & Reconciliation & Examination in the QZ Expulsion Case

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants aftermath    

  ++++  Phone Check-in with Fresno activist Desiree Martinez   

  ++++  Julie Schaul’s P & R Targeted Harassment Update 

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:               , ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   

  ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:    

  ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs.     

  ++++  Various stories of interest:     TBA  

  WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday June 25, 2023 show which includes a challenging interview with Becky Johnson, some Town Clock dialogues, & Part 2 of the Rovics bio…plus a Flashback to March 19, 1998-with eye-witness on the Button St shooting

The Sunday, June 25, 2023 show includes:

The March 19, 1998 Flashback has: 

First impressions of the Button St. shooting from on-the-scene interviews.

Faith, Adrianna, and Laura gave their thoughts: criticism of trigger-happy police and implications if CPS stepped in.

“Dead On” David Silva comments and “Beggarbacker” Becky’s pieced-together narrative.

Witness reports police removed Lori Andrus the Mom and her baby; Silva’s “ear-witness” account.

Becky’s subsequent Street Spirit story in the May 1998 issue:

Anonymous neighbor’s account of the shooting.

Silva on the failure to make the ballot for saving the Pelton St. Homeless Garden & struggle for ballot support for Sleeping Ban Initiative.

Alley, Button St. resident and neighbor of the Andrus family, on police conduct and its risk to 100 children living nearby.

Salinas City Council bans nighttime peaceful sparechanging in ordinance modeled on a Santa Cruz law.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday June 22, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 4, 2017-which includes an interview with Food-for-All Maestro Keith McHenry + a further Flashback to 6-8, 2019–in-studio dialogue with Ed Frey, Linda Lemaster, & Chris Doyon

The June 22, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 4 2017 which includes:        

+++   [2017] Phone interview with the crackdown on Keith McHenry’s tabling at City Hall during Council meetings.

+++    [7-17-2010] Flashback within the flashback to 2010:  Bathrobespierre fields a panel of in-studio guests around the PeaceCamp 2010 [PC2010] event that began two weeks before with a PC2010 founder and attorney Ed Frey, PC2010 media mogul Curbhugger Chris Doyen, and long-time housing advocate “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster.
+++      The PC2010 panel discusses the lack of bathrooms for rich and poor downtown.
+++   Free-wheeling FRSC broadcaster exchanges phone quips and queries with the panel.
+++     Curbhugger Chris challenges Mayor “Riot Act” Rotkin to deal with hate crimes & the Sleeping Ban, reports on the overwhelming needs and determination of PC2010 protesters.      

+++    Bathrobespierre and Company discuss upcoming anti-homeless measures at City Council (“Old Myths, New Laws: Poor-Bashing in The Depression.  3 More Strikes Against the Homeless.   City Council Crams Cartload of Crud on Afternoon Agenda”)( PeaceCamp2010 Marches to City Hall)

Another HUFF Huddle on 6-22 at the Sub Rosa Cafe (perhaps the Courtyard) at 10:45 a.m. until about 1 p.m. with coffee, carrots, and cookies all interested in human rights restoration in Santa Cruz at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

HUFF Prospects 6-22-23   

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs         

  ++++  Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates: Where are the Hiway 9 refugees?  Tickets?  Move-alongs?     

  ++++  Martin v. Boise Update:       

  ++++  Shitty Council Meeting 6-28; overview of last one 

  ++++  San Diego Ordinance and Opposition: Comparison w/Santa Cruz Update    

  ++++  Funding Matters’s ribbon-cutting of Casa Azul 7-unit, $2.24 million project at 801 River St.  2-4 PM today. 

  ++++  Missing medical and service provider opposition in Santa Cruz to anti-homeless sweeps   

  ++++  Recent flyer updates post-Hiway 9 sweeps—input?   

  ++++  Additional HUFF Input for Mayor grilling? 

  ++++  MHCAN Report on QZ…. Report from the MH retreat?  

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants struggle:  A positive outcome.    

  ++++  Phone Check-in with Fresno activist Desiree Martinez   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)    

  ++++  Gilroy, CA Banning the Use of Certain Public Rights-of-Way as Sleeping or Living Accommodations     [31m into audio]

 ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:                , ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   

  ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:    

  ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs.      

WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?    

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078   


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want  

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-18-23 show archives at 9:30 AM and streams somewhat later featuring interviews with Food Not Bombs patrons Helema, Mel, Cat, and Keith; David Rovics bio, and more street Flashbacks from March 1994

The June 18, 2023 show includes:      

+++  [6-17] FNB meal interviews: Helema Hamm on portapotty paucity and other perils for unhoused women      

+++  Musemaster Mel Nunez calls for restoration of Red Church Mondays and remembers Dan Ellsberg—died two days ago.
+++   Clearskies Cat, Free Guide worker, on the Tier 3 Oversized Vehicle program (all filled up!) at the Armory             

+++   Staccato Sammy challenging the activist narrative             

+++   “Call ’em Out” Claire with flyers and bullhorn leads pickets demanding freedom for Maya and Sebastian, court-napped children       maya.and.sebatian on Instagram.                 

 +++    “Jumbalaya” Joy and “Ready to Roll” Reggie present a Santa Cruz Cares plea for Oversized Vehicles to Westsiders: › watch?v=HinlTmLlk5g              +++    Musical biography of David Rovics early years on All My Days at    +++    Flashback Fury to March 1994 in front of the Bookshop Coonerty (aka Bookshop Santa Cruz) featuring Jerry, Steve Sullivan, Stephen Bender, and a Raging Neal Coonerty as well as Jerry and Gary on the Phoenix Project (city-mandated Phoenix, AZ encampment)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday June 15, 2023 show is a Flashback to March and April of 1994–with Keith McHenry, right-wing hate on Darrell Alan Gault’s KSCO show, bogus liberal Mayor Scott Kennedy, and a panel of Decriminalize Poverty Activists

The June 15, 2023 show is a collection of 1994 Flashbacks which includes:

  • [March 1, 94]  Keith McHenry, Kathren Marsh, Greg Price, Janice, Robert Norse on the many pretexts used to deny Food Not Bombs Health and Park permits as well as Bathrobespierre’s Food Trial conviction earlier in the year.
  • [March ’94]  News clips of the protests against Neal Cooerty’s sitting and sparechanging bans
  • [March ’94]  Darrell Alan Gault (“Dag”) and guests denounce & debate protests against Coonerty’s anti-homeless laws
  • [April -94]   Some of KSCO’s “Saturday Special” with then-Mayor Scott Kennedy defending the anti-panhandling law and more. 

Beat the Heat, Cuddle Against the Cold at the 6-15 Thursday 10:45 AM HUFF Meeting at Sub Rosa Cafe and/or Courtyard at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

HUFF Prospects 6-15-23  

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs        

  ++++  Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates  

  ++++  Martin v. Boise Update:      

  ++++  Shitty Council Update on OVO and Budget   Preview Analysis at (2 hrs. 7 minutes into audio file)

  ++++ City on a Hill Press article and interview:  Article:  Interview: (approx. 40 minutes into the audio file)  

  ++++  San Diego Ordinance and Opposition: Comparison w/Santa Cruz Update

  ++++  San Diego opposition:  

  ++++  The Phony Potemkin Village “Funding Matters” Tour—Laura’s Report 

  ++++  Missing medical and service provider opposition in Santa Cruz to anti-homeless sweeps  

  ++++  Recent flyer updates post-Hiway 9 sweeps—input?  

  ++++  Mayor’s Invite for FRSC Interview: More HUFF Input  

  ++++  MHCAN Report; MH Advisory Committee Meet Today 3-5 PM 

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants struggle:  Final Vote 

  ++++  Phone Check-in with Keith McHenry  

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)   

  ++++  Possible Other Encampment Reports from around the state    

  ++++  Portland cracks down:  

  ++++  Gilroy, CA Banning the Use of Certain Public Rights-of-Way as Sleeping or Living Accommodations [31m into audio]  

  ++++ HUFF Indybay Story archive library:  

  ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives   

  ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:   

  ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs.     

WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?   

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078  


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want   

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6-11-23 show netcasts & archives at 9:30 AM featuring interviews with Berkeley’s Chess Corner Jessie, Scope it Out Scott and Rough Road Reggie on the Shitty Council, Quiver–Street Sheet editor + 6-24-15 Flashback

The 6-11-23 Show includes:

  • Wes White and various homeless activists confront the Salinas City Council and the Monterey County Board of Supervisors:  Salinas/Monterey County CA Homeless Union Express Needs to the Jurisdictions, Look to Pass SB 567 
  • Jesse Challenge from Berkeley’s Chess Corner, Part 2:  Downing Trees in People’s Park Doomed Equitable Housing There
  • Reggie Meisler on the modified Oversized Vehicle Ordinance coming up at Shitty Council 6-13
  • Quiver Watts, San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness editor of the homeless publication Street Sheet,  on the S.F. struggle
  • Scope-It-Out Scott Graham mucks the mud of the upcoming Shitty Council meeting

The Flashback to 5-24-2015 includes: 
Lucero Luna, fiery local and traveling activist, translates some of the show into Spanish as co-host and commentator

Bathrobespierre on Vending and “Free Speech Zones” downtown

Doc Mike on the first 24-hour forbidden-to-park-except-by-permit on the streets near the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center [HLOSC]

D.J. Merlin on Salinas leading into a discussion of police body cameras pro-and-con”

Push-em-back” Pat calls cop higher-up’s to deter beat cop bullshit

Courney Hanson opposing solitary confinement for juveniles

Georgia Murphy on sheriff racial discrimination [Nov 2, trespass ticket for sitting at the bus stop]

Mayor Don Lane (“Gone Lame”) questioned about the Public Work’s 24-hour homeless parking ban near the HLOSC

Doc Mike Grills City Manager Martin Bernal”Friend to the Famished” Phil Posner confronts Parks & Rec Boss Danette Shoemaker on a trial camp in the parks & open bathrooms

Making Contact: Dehumanization Throughout Time to Justify Slavery and Ethnic Cleansing

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday June 8. 2023 show interviews Kazoo, once of Hiway 9, Lawseeker Laura, and other Pogonip refugees plus an update from downsouth from Calvin Moss & Peggy Lee Kennedy…and more

The June 8, 2023 show includes:             

+++      [throughout the show] selections from Peggy Seeger’s vinyl Familiar Faces      

+++   [6-5] Hijacking homes for Hiway 9 survival refugees: Kazoo on conditions in the Funding Matters “Paul Lee Loft” where he’s staying after the demolition of his home and property a week or more ago.
      +++   [6-5] Lawseeker Laura urges Kazoo and Derek to sue for loss of property, demand replacement of worker Jeremy Leonard whose actions allegedly facilitated the destruction of their property.
             +++      [6-5] Refugee, musician, and disabled activist Sonny Lopez on police evictions removing camper property as “debris”, losing his instruments, ID, and other vital items.
      +++   [6-4] Calvin Moss, homeless advocate and researcher, in Joshua Tree and Los Angeles on sweeps in Palm Springs, Banning & NomadLand.
             +++      [6-4] Peggy Lee Kennedy, Moss’s colleague and Venice Justice Committee activist, on L.A. City Council corruption and bigotry.             +++      [6-7] Jesse, sidewalk chess club organizer on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, on pressure against Chess Corner and other gentrification ghoulery there.

HUFF huddles again today Thursday (6-8-23) at the usual den: Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church Coffee & Consumables Usually Available

HUFF Prospects 6-8-23 (+ bring your own)     

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Runthrough & Hand-Outs       

  ++++  Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates     

  ++++  San Diego Ordinance and Opposition: Comparison w/Santa Cruz 


Julie Schaul on San Diego opposing bad law. 

  ++++  San Diego opposition: 

  ++++  Missing medical and service provider opposition in Santa Cruz to anti-homeless sweeps 

  ++++  Recent flyer updates on Hiway 9 sweeps—input? 

  ++++  Final Coastal Commission Hearing for “stakeholders” June 7th  

  ++++  HIWAY 9  #2  SWEPT & DEADLINE FOR #3 MON 9 PM 6-5th  

  ++++  Upcoming Santa Cruz Shitty Council Meeting Tuesday 6-13 P & R 

  ++++  Mayor’s Invite for FRSC Interview: More HUFF Input 

  ++++  Reports: “Affordable” Housing Meetings; MHCAN; MH Advisory 

  ++++  Capitola RV tenants struggle:  today’s vote on the final ordinance & possible phone update.     

  ++++  Phone Check-in with Keith McHenry & Hiway 9ster refugees

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, and 5150ish powers)  

  ++++  Possible Other Encampment Reports from around the state   

  ++++   Portland cracks down: 

++++  Gilroy, CA Banning the Use of Certain Public Rights-of-Way as Sleeping or Living Accommodations     [31m into audio] 


  ++++ HUFF archive library: 

  ++++ HUFF streetshit sheet archives  

  ++++ HUFF Street Spirit article archives:  

  ++++ Media Contacts:  Serf City Times; Indy Bay; City on a Hill Press; Street Spirit changes

  ++++ Soupstock & other reports

  ++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs.    

WANT TO CONTACT Uncertain “Service Providers” ?  

“Free” Guide Contact:  Katayun Salehi (she/her)  217-778-7764     Steve Pleich  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project  831-466-6078 


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want