Sunday 12-31-17 9:30 AM-2:30+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM & Interviews with Mike Boyd, the Xmas Gobblers, Keith McHenry and the FoodNotBombsters + Flashback to 4-25-13

Current updates also include Police Chief Andy Mills Reply to Critics on the Left, Mike Boyd’s Continuing Fight Against the Medical Marijuana Tax, the shrinking Xmas Community meal, & Voices from Food not Bombs Corner.


The 4-25-13 Flashback Show features Cody at the Visible Sleepers Protest, Commander X, Santa Cruz Eleven Update, 70-year old Barbara Feldthouse tackled by the SCPD, Norse on the Cowell Beach Curfew, bits from the 4-24 Homelessness Forum, Marat/Sade Part 2, Brent Adams on Officer Vasquez’s brutal takedown of Richard Hardy…and more.

The show also streams at .

Archives later this week at the the Lost Shows Site at with the full Flashback show at

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the the San Lorenzo Park Campground.   Join Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs locally through Facebook.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.

Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

Call 423-4833 to volunteer for or learn more about civil rights work on homeless civil rights issues.

April 1,1999 Flashback on Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM and today December 28 at 6 PM

Flashback to April 1, 1999–JayJay on Expulsion from Armory Winter Shelter & Homeless Day Center; Mark on Violence Against the Homeless; Local Green Party Dances Around Local Civil Liberties Violations; Caustic Commentary by Beggarbacker Becky and Bathrobespierre Robert; Draahgee Ursovich on NATO Bombing of Serbia.

If you missed the show or want to rehear it, go to and scroll down to April 1, 1999.

Show can also be accessed tomorrow at

HUFFsters Check In Tomorrow (12-27 Wednesday) at 11 AM ; Sub Rosa Likely Closed. Probably move to Yan Flower or Bagelry

HUFFsters will have a huddle and check-in tomorrow(Wednesday morning), beginning in front of the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific Ave. and decide on a meeting place. 

On the informal agenda is the San Lorenzo Campground, winter seizure of homeless property, establishing communication with other encampments in other cities, the Loomis Road Residents (in Vehicles) Association), the proposed City gravel campground at 1220 River St., and more….


Sunday 12-24-17 9:30 AM-2:30+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM & Interviews with San Lorenzo Campers, Berkeley’s Mike Zint, & More Flashback to 1-23-01

Current updates also include Dreamcatcher’s Dilemma, Wisps of Wisdom from Jocular Jeffrey, and Other Voices.

The 1-23-03 Flashback Show features in-depth interview with ‘Nuf Said Nancy McCradie of Santa Barbara’s Homes on Wheels, the City Council’s burial of the Citizen’s Police Review Board, AND MORE. 

The show also streams at .

Archives later this week at the Latest Shows site (, go to the Lost Shows Site at and look there late today or tomorrow for the December 24th show.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the the San Lorenzo Park Campground.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Network to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers when the January opening of the mini-Camp on River St. may provide a pretext for dispersing the campers and reinstituting the Sleeping Ban.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.

Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

Call 423-4833 to volunteer for or learn more about civil rights work on homeless civil rights issues.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM and today December 21 at 6 PM

Flashback to October 3 2001–Farmer’s Market Citation for Petitioning in Support of the Drum Circle; Interview with PavementPounder Anthony Prince, Berkeley Attorney on the resumption of the Poor People’s Campaign

If you missed the show or want to rehear it, tomorrow go to Lost shows at

NO HUFF MEETING This Wednesday Next meeting WEDNESDAY 12-27-17 at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe

HUFF now has meetings every other week at the same time and place, but can be contacted whenever at 831-423-HUFF.
There are no City Council meetings (for those interested in such things) until the second Tuesday in January.

The Annual “Homeless Memorial” will be held as usual at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center at 115 Coral St. at 10 AM on Wednesday 12-20-17.   The general public (even the general homeless!) are actually allowed in past the security guard kiosk, the gates, and presumably without ID cards.   Just don’t try to get a meal there (showers are OK, not sure how about how much bureaucratic tape is required to use the bathroom).

So far no new storage program has been started (or even proposed) by the City after it withdrew its support for Brent Adams program, due to open on December 1st.  Funding and land was abruptly withdrawn, reportedly because of Adams occasional candor around the insufficiency of current overfunded and servicelight programs.

San Lorenzo Campground continues as a survival campground, though shrunken in size with the eviction/deportation/dispersal date apparently delayed.

HUFF is seeking volunteers to help cull through infraction citations for the last six months from the ranges and cops to check on whether Chief Mills’ officers have stopped enforcement of the Sleeping Ban at night on public property.    Volunteers step forward to help–and call 831-423-4833.

Please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, downtown, the neighborhoods, and the parks  where numerous nightly encampments have grown.  If you live there, consider establishing contact with HUFF at 831-423-4833 on a regular basis to provide updates for the radio show Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides (Sundays 9:30 AM- 2:30 PM, Thursdays 6-8 PM at 101.3 FM and  Fences are going up in Star of the Sea and Laurel St. parks, without significant input or approval from the Laurel St. community, anyway.


The Sleeping Ban City Council’s current toleration of San Lorenzo survival activity should not be mistaken for fair and equal treatment of unhoused people in public spaces generally.  The restrictive laws include Stay-Away’s, single vehicle parking, overnight (and in some areas 24-hour) parking bans, new fences around parks at night, abusive enforcement of Downtown Ordinances on Pacific as well as heavy and selective enforcement of the “no smoking” ordinances.

The real reason limited camper toleration is here is police enforcement is an impossibility.   Both in terms of economics and real-life-consequences, the plan to drive homeless folks out of sight and out of town just doesn’t work.  As services are cut back or require “a path to housing” (vouchers, checks), folks appear on the streets, next to buildings, etc.  Tickets in the Pogonip, along the tracks, and in the parks has caused a migration to residential neighborhoods—causing a flurry of quacking and cawing by enraged bourgeois residents.   Police Chief Andy Mills, ever sensitive to the concerns of Downtown merchants and NIMBY residents, has triaged police services by the San Lorenzo campground coup.

The San Diego ACLU (local ACLU take note!) has failed a lawsuit against anti-homeless deportation policies down there.  See .


You can also help fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks; contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).  Also report any frivolous citations (sitting, smoking in a distant and vacant area, so-called “trespass” on public property, and, of course, camping as well as the ever-popular “open container” citations).


If meetings aren’t your thing, but you  wish to work on Public Records, Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833


Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.

Or go on line to the Facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.   FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to the “coaxed removal” of the homeless encampment there.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.  The idea is to quickly gather in numbers if city authorities attempt to shut down the meal.

Brent Adams continues to post regularly on his facebook page “Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz” as well.

Sunday 12-17-17 9:30 AM-2:00+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM & Lapis Road Updates from Wes White, Turbo, and Becky Johnson; the Brent Adams San Lorenzo Report; Flashback to 8-5-99

The 8-5-99 Flashback Show features in-depth interview with Brayton Thompkins, Renegade Refugee from The Santa Cruz Sentinel, and other tidbits…

The show also streams at .

Archives later this week at the Latest Shows site (, go to the Lost Shows Site at and look there late today or tomorrow for the December 17th show.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the the San Lorenzo Park Campground.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Network to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers when the January opening of the mini-Camp on River St. may provide a pretext for dispersing the campers and reinstituting the Sleeping Ban.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.

Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

Call 423-4833 to volunteer for or learn more about civil rights work on homeless civil rights issues.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM and today December 14 at 6 PM

Fresno Activist Mike Rhodes zeroes in on the latest Camping Ban passed by Fresno politicians several months ago and used by police to move along and punish homeless folks with the phony pretext of shelter.

If you missed the show or want to rehear it, tomorrow go to Lost shows at


HUFF chatters on: Join the small but mighty civil rights monitors TODAY WEDNESDAY 12-13-17 at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe…

HUFFsters will be scrutinizing the latest City Council crapola, sharing updates on the San Lorenzo Campground, the Stupes vs. Shitty Council War of Words, Mental Health Madness, the Lapis Road Longriders, and other winter woes.   
Monterey County activists are still fighting for the rights of RV dwellers on Lapis Road.  Becky Johnson is slated to truck on up from Seaside to report the latest.

Berkeley activist Cornerstone Carol Denney fights what she describes as a phony politically-motivated retrial for “assault and battery”.

San Lorenzo Campground continues as a survival campground, though shrunken in size and more rigidly patrolled with the eviction/deportation/dispersal date apparently delayed.

HUFF will be filing updated Public Records Act requests to see if there’s been a slackening or intensification of citations from July through November.  Volunteers step forward to help–and call 831-423-4833.

Please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown.  If you live there, consider establishing contact with HUFF at 831-423-4833 on a regular basis to provide updates for the radio show Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides (Sundays 9:30 AM- 2:30 PM, Thursdays 6-8 PM at 101.3 FM and  And also note the harassment actions against homeless in downtown, residential, and business areas where ticketing apparently has continued and possibly intensified.


The Sleeping Ban City Council’s current toleration of San Lorenzo survival activity should not be mistaken for fair and equal treatment of unhoused people in public spaces generally.  The restrictive laws include Stay-Away’s, single vehicle parking, overnight (and in some areas 24-hour) parking bans, new fences around parks at night, abusive enforcement of Downtown Ordinances on Pacific as well as heavy and selective enforcement of the “no smoking” ordinances.

The real reason limited camper toleration is here is police enforcement is an impossibility.   Both in terms of economics and real-life-consequences, the plan to drive homeless folks out of sight and out of town just doesn’t work.  As services are cut back or require “a path to housing” (vouchers, checks), folks appear on the streets, next to buildings, etc.  Tickets in the Pogonip, along the tracks, and in the parks has caused a migration to residential neighborhoods—causing a flurry of quacking and cawing by enraged bourgeois residents.   Police Chief Andy Mills, ever sensitive to the concerns of Downtown merchants and NIMBY residents, has triaged police services by the San Lorenzo campground coup.

The San Diego ACLU (local ACLU take note!) has failed a lawsuit against anti-homeless deportation policies down there.  See .

Inadequate Winter Shelter started in mid-November at the Salvation Army with some minor improvements in intake from last year.   Hopefully the opening of this mini-programs won’t be the pretext for driving folks away from San Lorenzo.  Contact allies of the homeless such as Food Not Bombs to oppose a likely winter sweep.  Brent Adams storage program, due to open December 1st, has been torpedoed by bureaucrats, according to his report.

The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of the abusive Stay-Away process for the last 9 months. Help HUFF document this wretched record to uncover the obvious pattern of enforcement which largely impacts houseless people.  We’ll be hoping to look into some of the records after the HUFF meeting.

You can also help fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks; contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).  Also report any frivolous citations (sitting, smoking in a distant and vacant area, so-called “trespass” on public property, and, of course, camping as well as the ever-popular “open container” cirations).


If meetings aren’t your thing, but you  wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833


Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.

Or go on line to the Facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.   FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to the “coaxed removal” of the homeless encampment there.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.  The idea is to quickly gather in numbers if city authorities attempt to shut down the meal.

Sunday 12-10-17 9:30 AM-2:00+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM— Tenant Rights Stall at City Council, Brent Adams Storage Program, Berkeley Reprisals, and more!

Additionally:  Sleep Tight Tenant Struggle from Rhonda,  Muffled Voices Seeking Rent Control and Rent Freeze at City Council, Zesty Berkeley Analysis from Mike Zint “First They Came for the Homeless” Encampment Activist, City Manager Martin Bernal Supports the Campground, and more plus more songs from David Rovics…

The show also streams at .

May archive later today at   if it doesn’t… 

To hear shows not captured at the Latest Shows site (, go to the Lost Shows Site at and look there late today or tomorrow for the December 10th show.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the the San Lorenzo Park Campground.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Network to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers when the rest of the token Winter Shelter opens in mid-month. This may provide a pretext for dispersing the campers.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.

Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

Call 423-4833 to volunteer for or learn more about civil rights work on homeless civil rights issues.