Let there be HUfF! Tomorrow Wednesday 5-17 11 AM-12:30 PM at the Sub Rosa Cafe

On the Agenda:   City Manager Martin Bernal’s Latest Sign Posting Survival Sleeper Smashdown…Report Back from the Mayor Chase Meeting…Upcoming May 23rd Protest Plans (Sleeping Bags in City Council?)…the Marysville and Salinas Reports…Further Support for the Survival Sleepers at City Hall…plus whatever walks in the door…

Mini-HUFF Touchdown Today at 11 AM, Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific Wednesday 5-10-17

HUFF taskmaster Bathrobespierre Robert Norse will be warming a chair at the Sub Rosa from 11 to 11:30, and perhaps longer if folks show.  Up for analysis, discussion, and possible action: Shfiting the Focus from City Council to the City Staff in the Survival Sleepers/Freedom Sleepers struggle, the positive outcome of the May 9 March and Sleep-Out #96; HUFF’s Vacation Plans; Monday’s Meeting with the Mayor–Creative Options; and some coffee quaffing–if you come before the Robe departs.   If you missed the meeting, or came late, call at 423-4833 for an update!

As the weather and the repression heats up, stay cool with the HUFFsters 11 AM 5-3 Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church

Update yourself on the Santa Cruz Anti-Homeless Laws, Making a Public Records Act Request, Schemes for Daytime Pressure Against the Sleeping Ban Bureaucrats at City Hall, Updates on the S.C. Tenant Rights Struggle, Plans for the May 9 SleepOut at City Hall and the Confrontation with City Council on Tuesday Night…plus other neat stuff. 

Freedom Sleeper Maxwell Green has a Pre-Trial Tomorrow at 10 AM in Dept. 2.  He is charged with interfering with an officer and may be pressed to accept a stay-away order and fine or go to trial with the risk of 30 days in jail and a fine.  Max is a long-time supporter and sleeper who is also a worker with the Monterey Union of the Homeless.   Supporters are encouraged to attend his court hearing in solidarity.

Standing Up for the Survival Sleepers: HUFF chatters early: 10:30 AM to 1 PM Subrosa Cafe Today Wednesday 4-26-17

HUFFsters will discuss the growing Survival Encampment at City Hall, the upcoming Community Control of Police Forum this Weekend, and Prep for the May 9th “No Penalty for Poverty” March on City Hall.  Also on the horizon:  Combating New Anti-Homeless Ranger Rousts, Surveillance on the Levee, and the latest SCPD attack on Survival Tents on the Sidewalk.   Coffee for the curious, the cranky, and the concerned alike. 

For those who want to help challenge landlord greed, check out 1612 Mission St. at noon today, when the Santa Cruz Tenants Organizing Committee [SCTOC] will be protesting and holding an auction after the landlord there advertised a room at one price, then threw applicants into a bidding war.  Suggested bids: Soul-crushing student Debt, Three People sleeping in My Living Room, etc.   The SCTOC meets again next Monday 6 PM 501 Mission St. 

In the Wake of Growing Nightly Protest at City Hall, HUFF meets 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe Wednesday August 19th at 703 Pacific

HUFF Agenda Prospects:   Recruiting Survival Sleeper Monitors at Upcoming Events,  A Strategy for the Last City Council Meeting in April, Prep for the May 1st and May 9th Protests, Nightly Survival Sleeping Prospects–Expanding the Survival Sanctuary Support Network,  PhoneBank Outreach to Allied Organizations, Update on the Handicraft Ban Downtown…and cups of coffee to numb the frustration.

HUFFster Huddle 11 AM Sub Rosa Wednesday April 12–Winter Shelter Dump and Freedom Sleeper Surge–What are the Next Steps?

HUFF Agenda Prospects:   Wednesday 5:30 PM meeting with Freedom Sleeper Old-Timers at Rio Mobile Home Park–What’s Next?…Winds of War–Resuscitating the Vigil Against Two Wars–the Homeless at Home and the Homeless Abroad…Another Jolly City Council Meeting Ahead?…Freedom Sleeper Max Green In Court: 10 AM 4-11–a Report (Join the Freedom Sleepers to Support Max)…and whatever goes down with the free coffee…

HUFF Resolutions for City Council Action

HUFF voted today to support a number of resolutions.

  1. In light of the critical emergency shelter situation, HUFF supports homeless people seeking shelter at the Natural Bridges State Park picnic area.
  2. Since the Winter Shelter Program is due to end Friday April 7th leaving 110 people out on the streets with no bus service to areas where homeless people keep their belongings (including their survival gear), we urge the City Manager to make city resources for shelter services available for the weekend until bus service resumes on Monday.
  3. In the absence of any responsible City action ameliorating the crisis, we encourage people to join those at City Hall during the night for safety and during the day for community to seek the repeal of the sleeping ban and the establishment of safe places to sleep.

HUFF convenes without ceremony 11 AM Wednesday 4-5-17 at the Sub Rosa Cafe as ever

HUFF Agenda Stuff:  Getting records on Post Office Hankey Pankey in the War Against the Food Not Bombs feedings; using Public Records to Make City Council come clean; Anti-War Horizons: Reviving the Vigil Against Two Wars; Valet Homeless Storage Services on Pacific–a Frolic into the Future; Searching for the Missing Pendulum Downtown; Facing the Flood of Folks Emerging from the Winter Shelter Program In a City With a Sleeping Ban; Those Rumors About New Laws against Sleeping on the City Hall Sidewalk–Creative Fiction or Disturbed Delusion?…and whatever else goes down with the Free Coffee.