HUFF huddles for its weekly chatter-and-chat tomorrow morning

HUFF assembles in dwindling numbers at the Sub Rosa Cafe (703 Pacific) 11 AM Wednesday 8-17-16

On the agenda:   the RV Ban issue–in the City and in the County.  County sherriffs have announced they’ve begun enforcing the “no RV parking overnight in the County without a permit–which can only be obtained in connection with a county resident near their house.  This is apparently oblivious to the Coastal Commission’s clear rejection of the current Niroyan “RV’s get out!” city RV Ban law at the August 10th hearing.  We’ll be looking at ways to fight the County ban.  Also we’ll discuss creative ways of raising real issues during the fall elections “outside the box”, a possible coalition of renters, workers, students, unhoused folks, elders, and ageing activists around the issue of rent control and restoration of civil rights for those forced outside.    Be there and drink the coffee before it gets cold!  

HUFF meets at noon at the Cafe Pergolesi rather than the Sub Rosa Wednesday 8-10

HUFF testimony against the anti-RV law is slated for the  Coastal Commission meeting at 9 AM at the Scotts Valley Hilton at 3001 La Madrona Dr. on Wednesday morning.  The item may last until noon or may come up earlier.

As soon as the meeting is over, surviving HUFF members will meet at the Cafe Pergolesi since the Sub Rosa is closed for the morning.

On the agenda:  Next steps in the struggle to restore rights for RV’s; Council Capers–HUFF strategy in the election campaign at the election forums; collateral support for Freedom Sleeper issues;  and whatever you bring…


HUFF sips coffee and broods on the sad scene tomorrow Wednesday 8-3-16 11 AM

HUFFsters will be toasting each other with the usual free coffee. 

Among the issues up for action:

Last Stand for RV Parking at Night at the Coastal Commission 8-10, After Freedom Sleeping, what next?, Storming the Council Candidate Forums,  Homeless Lives Matter!–examining the Campaign Zero planks of Black Lives Matter! and applying them to Santa Cruz; come prepared to table downtown in soldarity with the vanishing vendors…and more!


HUFF has another outdoors Koffee Klatch 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe Courtyard Wednesday July 27



HUFF remnants will be patching together plans and pondering afternoon protests at the usual time and place (though we’ll be outside in the Courtyard).  Likely for discussion:  Solidarity with Black Lives Matter from an unhoused perspective; a strategy for preempting the usual City Council psuedo-election race; supporting Lucero and other activists engaged in direct protest or civil disobedience downtown…and more with or without coffee, your choice!


HUFF Floats On: 7-20 11 AM Sub Rosa: Meet, Mingle, and Masticate

Further discussion of police abuses locally (See “Race and Class Bias in the SCPD–What’s the real Story?” at ).   How to use the election campaign to raise real issues and take real action.  Direct action to stop social service surrender to the Take Back Santa Cruz mentality.   Avenues for supporting righteous resistance to the Performance Pens downtown.   And, as always more!

You bring the issues; we got the coffee.


HUFFmeet 7-13 11 AM Sub Rosa: Addressing Police Abuse in Santa Cruz

In the wake of the well-publicized police murders nationally,  I’m encouraging HUFF to turn its attention to police abuses locally and follow up on our 2014 campaign.  (See “Race and Class Bias in the SCPD–What’s the real Story?” at )

Perhaps we can propose local actions at the Project Pollinate Friday 7 PM meeting at 703 Pacific 7-15.

Bring your issues; we supply the coffee tomorrow.

HUFF to stagger in from 1st Anniversary Freedom Sleep-Out 11 AM 7-6 As Usual

In the aftermath of the latest Freedom SleepOut at City Hall, (#52 making a year of Tuesdays there),
HUFF will stagger and struggle to its usual rendezvous point with coffee and cookies as bait.

Some possible chattering points:  Demands from the Freedom SleepOut the night before;
Supporting Vendors, Performers and Homeless Downtown in the wake of the Vanish the Vendors crackdown;
Jailtime Blues–recent behind-bars abuses;
Wrenching the upcoming City Council race;
and more, depending on who shows with how much energy…

HUFF Huddle at 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe Today

Agenda Prospects:  Letters to the Coastal Commission to Stop the RV Ban…City Council Reportback Freedom Prep for 1st Anniversary on July 5th, A report-back from the Friday Norse Trial…Successful Struggle Against S.C. to Free a Drug War Prisoner…Joff/Alex Artists Arrest on Monday..and whatever you bring, along with the usual cutrate coffee.

HUFF at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM Today

Agenda Suggestions for HUFF (bring your own!):  Freedom SleepOut #50 Report from the Sidewalk, June 24 10 AM Judge Trial of two Freedom Sleeper citations–using the fabled agenda/pathway/govt. center defenses (See”#50–Freedom Sleepers Keep the Faith ” at );  Supporting the L.A. Activists Against the Proposed Vehicular Sleeping Ban; and whatever else goes with coffee!