Gasp along with HUFF still choking from 5-24 Council Meeting, Sub Rosa Wednesday 5-25 11 AM

HUFF barely survived going mad gasping the bad air of bigotry in yesterday’s City Council meeting.  The Council ignored all critical public testimony from those who braved the toxic situation there.  Also coming up: mobilizing for educational outreach and protest in support of the vendors association,  report from Project Connect, Taking the Unhoused Civil Rights Struggle to the Staff, MHCAN report….and, as ever…more… with coffee and stuff!

HUFF pokes out its sleepy head 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe Wednesday

HUFF will be holding Open House for Vendors, Performers, Tablers, Homeless Folks, and Community Members impacted under the upcoming Vanish the Vendors law coming up on 5-24-16. Other topics likely to surface: Updates from Salinas, Eureka, and other struggles against the Homeless Bans.  Upcoming Freedom Sleeper preliminary (demurrer) hearing on Friday at 8:15 AM for Robert Norse.  And coffee and snacks! 

HUFF to fume at the Vanish the Vendors Law, plot new schemes 11 AM Wednesday the 11th

HUFF will be meeting as usual at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific at 11 AM.  On the agenda:  Which Way for the Freedom Sleepers?   Support for Joff and Alex, the oft-arrested Street Artists.   Reviewing the Wreckage after the Tuesday City Council Meeting.   Plans for the Upcoming Project Homeless Connect.   And more!   Plus the usual coffee, munchies, and chatter.

If you can’t come, but want to get involved, call 831-423-4833.

HUFF meets with Councilmember Posner: 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific Wednesday May 4th

HUFFsters emerging from the 10 AM Freedom Sleepers Meet-and-Murmur get together at the Sub Rosa Cafe will be presenting its thoughts to Councilmember Micah Posner at 11 AM.   Also on the agenda:  The “Give a Shit” campaign with a HUFF focus on the absence of 24-hour bathrooms in Santa Cruz; updates from Salinas, Sacramento, and Eureka,  strategy for organizing against the upcoming Vanish the Vendors law  due back at City Council May 10th, solidarity with Alex and Joff–artists rearrested on Sunday  and more!

Come early at 10 AM to work on Freedom SleepOut #44 with Toby Nixon. 

HUFFing In Stormy Weather: 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific Wednesday April 27th


HUFFsters shaking off sleep from Freedom SleepOut #42 will be looking into the anti-homeless Bathroom Lockdown, the ongoing Salinas City Hall SleepOut nightly at their City Hall against the “set down your bag during the day and lose it” law, the soon-to-surface Vanish the Vendors law coming back to City Council, the new front of resistance opened up by artists Alex and Joff on Pacific Avenue, as well as whatever we can cram in that doesn’t get in the way of some concrete action.  

Come early at 10 AM to work on Freedom SleepOut #43 with Toby Nixon.


HUFF meets 11 AM Wednesday 4-20 at the Sub Rosa; Freedom Sleepers an Hour Earlier at the same spot

Freedom Sleeper Sidewalk Snoozer Toby Nixon says 10 AM is meeting time for those who want to scheme for next week’s Freedom SleepOut.

HUFF will roll out its agenda as soon after 11 as it can seat the restless coffee sippers.   Prospects: Bathroom Bullshit–How Can “Vandalism” Close Down the Soquel Garage Bathroom Day and Night for Three Weeks? …   Vanishing Vendors–Strategy for the next Council “Crap on the Street Folks” Session and Beyond…  Questions for Commisar Collins–the Man Behind the Vanishing Vendors Law…  and more.

HUFF does its Wednesday Stuff 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific; Come Early to Scheme with Freedom Sleepers at 10 AM

Possible elements on the HUFF agenda:  “Give a shit!” Follow-up on the campaign to open up the Council bathrooms 24 hours; Marijuana cultivation restrictions coming back to the Supes from the C-4 Committee–relevant to the poor?;  homeless property in police lock-up–monitoring the madness;  Amy Goodman at the Rio Theater–another voice against homeless persecution in Santa Cruz?;  the Keith McHenry arrest and the April 12 Council Lookback; Organizing Against the New “Vanish the Vendors” Law;  plus coffee and questionable edibles.

Three Wednesday Events: Around the April 6th HUFF Meeting at Sub Rosa 11 AM


10:30 AM   Freedom Sleepers meet at Sub Rosa to plan Freedom Sleep-Out #40

11 AM  Regular HUFF meeting:  Final Prep for 3 PM Give a Shit rally at one of one of the two 24-hour parking garage bathrooms downtown (Locust St. and Soquel  Ave), supposedly ordered open at night.  Only one was opened (the Soquel Ave. bathroom) and that closed in December after worker complaints to police of unhoused people “sheltering” there.  Also on the agenda: Memorial for Wheelchair Chris Bezore at City Hall during Freedom Sleep-Out #40 on April 12; the City Council’s Upcoming “No Sleep Allowed, But We’ll Talk You into Insensibility” with a proposed Homeless Task Force also on the Tuesday April 12th Council agenda.   Free Coffee and Unrestrained Verbal Hijinx

3 or 3:30 PM  From Locust St. or Soquel Ave. bathrooms, a march to the Public Works Dept. to present petitions urging the City Hall bathrooms be opened 24-hours a day. There is currently one port-a-potty open for 24 hours at Front and Laurel Streets.