HUFF Warms Hearts and Chairs 11 AM Sub Rosa Wednesday 3-30

On the agenda:   Post-meeting tabling for the “Give a Shit” campaign to open the City Hall Bathrooms at Night,  the Latest from the Salinas Struggle to Save the Chinatown Encampment,  Wheelchair Chris Memorial on the Horizon for next Tuesday; Food and Sleep Reports from Freedom SleepOut #38; Public Be Damned!–Exclusion at the City Funded “Visitor’s Bathroom” at Bookshop Coonerty…and more!

Coffee and other questionables will also be available.

All Hail to HUFF–Meets Today at Sub Rosa at 11 AM

Coming up for discussion and action:  Solidarity with the new Freedom Campers at Salinas City Hall, which began tonight; Salinas’s Jose Castenada–a Councilmember worth noting; Give A Shit!–Organizing and Marching to Open Up the City Hall Bathrooms,  Freedom SleepOut #37 Update, and more…  All between free cups of coffee, spats, snarls, and smiles.

Minutes of the last HUFF meeting (3-9-16)


Minutes of the last HUFF meeting (3-9-16)

These are notes (below)taken by HUFF and Freedom Sleeper activist Zav.  

I’m passing this on to HUFFsters near and far to get an inside look at the kind of interchange that goes on at our weekly HUFFmeets.

I also encourage HUFFsters to listen to the twice-weekly Free Radio show I put together which largely deals with homeless topics  (9:30 AM – 1:30 PM approximately Sundays; 6-8 PM Sundays  101.3 FM, streams at .

If you miss a show, you can generally find it on the archives at .    Most recent shows are at the top of the list.
Last Sunday’s show, not broadcast or retrieved on the standard archives because of power problems can be found at; then click on the link under Lost Show – 3/6/2016 Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 1 – and Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 2 .

Happy reading and listening.


                         Notes on HUFF 9 march 2016

Dreamcatcher gave Robert 4 tickets he got – 2 camping, 2 trespass

community event for art:

could speak to Coral, lives at Tannery into art scene could happen in daytime to be more welcoming, better weather people don’t have to stay overnight houseless people interacting w housed build community among folks present weather is a major issue should absolutely not pressure people into doing anything they want to do, open event a lot of houseless peple are scared to get involved better to let folks just be involved and wander if they want to cops and security make folks nervous Project Pollinate event week from Saturday! Could meet artists there.

Tickets helping people in court w tickets is a possibility how do we engage with these tickets effectively? Houseless community not reaching out to activists, we need to regain trust river street shelter list means people can get out of tickets perhaps we can ask houseless people to let us know when they call shelter? Handout of shelter list was good says Brian are people being “not prosecuted” when they’re on the list? Robert has found no information about these people protest in front of city attorney’s office? Perhaps we should just keep handing out flyers until we actually hear that someone has been prosecuted when on the list flyer should include information saying, please contact huff let org know that you contacted

[David and Zav will go this Sunday, meet at 3:30pm w phones for folks to call river st shelter, bring sign up sheets and flyers for shelter number]

[John Colby will send public record request to city attorney for information around tickets forwarded for prosecution] -can this be a revved up into a campaign?

-Response from city attorney could be met by requests for letters/emails to city attorney, letters to the editor (good times, sentinel, CHP) don’t want to use time finding misdeeds on part of the city attorney around river st shelter list until we know that’s actually going on[zav will ask robert for contact information around alex calvo at court for this info] should be systematic escalation to protest.

Property recovery

Pat will be at PD every other Thursday from 12:30 to 2:30, starting a week from 10 march will help people with getting property back from police department good way to get trust in community

Food Not Bombs

trying to retrieve equipment that’s been out at other kitchens need a ~5 gallon pot needs to drop off 20gal/week compost [Zav will ask housemates] ← contact w fnb need another kitchen need to fill the hot water urn on Sunday council meeting last night 8 march Jessica York article in Sentinel large crowd of supporters, lots of people spoke how do we organize the obviously large number of supporters? James  Weller sent out a huge email to supporters, can we use that email list? Some people might support a ballot initiative to repeal the sleeping ban, HUFF should support organize AFC? They are perhaps interested in service provision, not activism. They attend Brent’s warming center stuff ACLU came out to support, historic United Way came out 24hr bathroom

Orthodox Church reps that spoke at city council talked about pee on walls city worker Pat had contact w over closed 24hr bathrooms indicated people seeking shelter was the major problem, not vandalism (only one major incident) could have a port-o-potty running 24hrs[David will take petition to Orthodox church services, ask for assistance/endorsement, Zav send petition to him] can we go to businesses downtown?

Could go business to business? Would the downtown business association support the petition? Comstock supported the original 24hr bathroom recycling issues-pat spoke w/ gov official? About documentation that  Costco is the only recycling place in Santa Cruz

-berkeley activist will write an article in street spirit about recycling issue

-denies money to the houseless people, specifically politically motivated to target them (?)

-outreach to churches? Get them to pay the nickel per bottle, they look great and houseless look like they’re doing work

-houseless cleaning up the environment

-recycling not just a houseless issue, other poor folks, people on fixed income

-stores that don’t take recycling are supposed to pay $100/month fine

[pat will send zav information about recycling laws]



HUFF’s Last Meet Before the 3-8 City Council Meeting Discussing the Sleeping Ban 11 AM Wed 3-2-16

 HUFFsters slog down to the Sub Rosa as ever in the aftermath of Freedom SleepOut #34 to sketch out different issues:  I’d hope that more firmly documenting the status of goon squad activity against the homeless over the last few months is on the agenda, particularly with the Sleeping Ban coming up on the agenda for the first time in 5 years as an actual item–or so former Mayor Don Lane promises.   

Will HUFFsters decide to press forward on the continued cutback on recycling and RV’s? 
Will they have something special planned for Freedom Sleepout #35 and the Sleeping Ban Reform Council meeting happening that night?  
What kind of planning is needed for the weeks ahead, and for Thursday’s 11 AM meeting at City Hall including Councilmember Posner?  
Come and find out.    Have some warm coffee in prep for the wet nights ahead.

HUFF continues on Robert’s Temporary Absence

HUFF will continue through out Robert’s Temporary Absence due to Medical needs. While he will be missed, we are going to be meeting at the same Bat Time and same Bat place.
> Join us at Subrosa (across from Saturn & Walgreen’s parking lot on Pacific)
> 11:00 am – 1:00pm Free Coffee to all attendees.
> Possible Agenda Items will be current updates on Freedom Sleepers, Keith and Abbi’s trial and tribulations with SC city, SCPD and county DA court appearance, Monday’s Koffee Klatch and other homeless, disabled and poor people’s civil rights issues.
> The rest of the agenda will go with flow and vibes of the attendees.
> Pat Colby

HUFF will puff tomorrow as usual, Sub Rosa, 11 AM come rain or shine.


I’ll be making the HUFF meet tomorrow (1-20) with a review of the Homeless Names of the Dead from the last decade, a look-in at the Eureka situation, a HUFF take on the proposed partial elimination of the survival sleeping ban, the latest iteration of the Homeless Bill of Rights…and more…plus coffee and clamor, as well as the latest from the restless Freedom Sleepers, fresh from their Sleep #28 !

New Year, Old Story: HUFF meets to document and challenge the usual anti-homeless harassment 11 AM 1-13 Sub Rosa

Huddling together after another mid-night rain at Freedom SleepOut #27, harried HUFFsters will huddle together sipping Sub Rosa Coffee and….


  • reviewing City Council’s latest,
  • continue prep for exposing First Alarm thuggery,
  • reviewing former Mayor Lane’s latest Sleeping Ban reform proposal (at the same time as he votes to make parking “oversized” RV’s a crime),
  • considering HUFF support for a proposed expansion of the Warming Center program at the Red Church,
  • checking the latest responses from the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center,
  • seeking out new allies
  • among whatever else floats by!



HUFF still slurpin’ coffee Wednesday morning 12-30 11 AM at ye olde Sub Rosa Cafe

On the HUFF horizon:  DIY New Year’s Eve parade and promenade Friday evening; reinvigorating demands for SCPD reform in Santa Cruz in the wake of mainstream media reports of police/prosecution/mayoral murder and cover-up in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Minneapolis, Chicago, Ohio, and Missouri; Warming Center Whiplash: Alternatives to Hypothermia when no Program is in Place; Report from Freedom SleepOut #25…and, of course, more than you want and less than you hoped for…