The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (April 14). It will archive at
The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (April 14). It will archive at
Possible elements on the HUFF agenda: “Give a shit!” Follow-up on the campaign to open up the Council bathrooms 24 hours; Marijuana cultivation restrictions coming back to the Supes from the C-4 Committee–relevant to the poor?; homeless property in police lock-up–monitoring the madness; Amy Goodman at the Rio Theater–another voice against homeless persecution in Santa Cruz?; the Keith McHenry arrest and the April 12 Council Lookback; Organizing Against the New “Vanish the Vendors” Law; plus coffee and questionable edibles.
Title: | Wheelchair Chris Memorial, Council’s “Vanish the Vendors” Law, and Freedom Sleep-Out #40 |
START DATE: | Tuesday April 12 |
TIME: | 12:00 PM – 12:00 PM |
Location Details: | |
Creepy Ole City Hall and Its Surrounding Grounds and Sidewalks and at times in the cold chambers of the Council Meeting area as well. |
Event Type: | Protest |
Contact Name | Zav |
Email Address | zhershfield [at] |
Phone Number | |
Address | |
CITY COUNCIL WITH NO VANISH THE VENDORS LAW High-visibility Homeless Highlander Keith McHenry says he’ll be setting up a literature and petitioning table at City Hall at noon.Item #22 on the Afternoon Agenda–coming up sometime between 3:30 and 4:30 (perhaps) is the “Vanish the Vendors” Law. It severely restricts tabling and performance space for all non-commercial purposes downtown. It reduces the number of spaces from the 63 promised by staff when Councilwoman Comstock’s original “sweep away the homeless clutter” law was passed in 2013. Now the staff report suggests 25 will be the limit allowed. The law bans dogs at tables. It BANS ALL VENDING AND OTHER SERVICES (such as massaging, hair wrapping, fortune telling, etc.). Not only selling, but distribution for donation, or display. Staff report, proposed law, current law, and correspondence–go to http://scsire.cityofsantacruz. EXEMPTIONS BUT FOR FOOD NOT BOMBS ? Instead of specifying where one can set up tables (“display devices”), it leaves this decision to future action by City Council. For the past two years, staff made the decisions behind closed doors, without public input, showing a, rigid and gentrified aesthetic hostile to street culture. Depending on where the backroom big boys decide to set up the “exempt” zones, Food Not Bombs sidewalk meals COULD BE CURTAILED OR SIMPLY BANNED. Staff bureaucrats will decide where the 25 exempt zones will be located. Heading this group is Assistant to the Assistant City Manager Scott Collins, who refused to retract “Freedom Sleepers leave a mess” false claims months ago, and then took Keith to court for publicly denouncing him. E-mail citycouncil [at] with your reaction to this latest “Roust the Riffraff” law. And then start thinking of ways to resist it, since the outcome is likely a done deal. Why address profound income inequality, no rent control and renter protection, and the most elementary survival rights for those without shelter? Instead weeks after the Winter Armory Shelter has closed with 100 of 1000–2000 houseless on the street, City Council will be further researching “Tiny Homes” instead of designating emergency campgrounds as nearby San Jose’s City Council has moved to do. CHRIS BEZORE MEMORIAL Further background: SLEEP-OUT TO SPEND A 40TH NIGHT Troublemaker Toby–on survival vacation will be available Wednesday morning for input and outburst at the Sub Rosa Cafe (703 Pacific) at 10 AM where he will scheme with others on the future of the Freedom Sleepers. The regular HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meeting willl begin at 11 AM. Free coffee for those with the stomach for it |
Tonight’s show is all about Fall 1988 and alternate media KZSC’s coverage of the struggle to overthrow the Sleeping Ban. Interviews with Charles Grey, Ray Glock-Greuneich, Jane Imler, Robert Norse, and Brian Koepke.
The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (April 7). It will archive at
3 or 3:30 PM From Locust St. or Soquel Ave. bathrooms, a march to the Public Works Dept. to present petitions urging the City Hall bathrooms be opened 24-hours a day. There is currently one port-a-potty open for 24 hours at Front and Laurel Streets.
Title: | Chow Down in the Afternoon; Bed Down at Night at Freedom SleepOut #39 |
START DATE: | Tuesday April 05 |
TIME: | 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM |
Location Details: | |
In and Around Santa Cruz City Hall at 809 Center St. and on the sidewalk across from the main library | |
Event Type: | Protest |
Contact Name | Toby Nixon (posted by Norse) |
Email Address | tobynixon [at] |
Phone Number | 408-582-4152 |
Address | |
ON THE MENU The 39th weekly sidewalk sleepout in front of City Hall also includes a cook-out. Food Not Bombs will be serving vegies and other vegan yumyum’s from beneath its pavilion, waving to passing pedestrians, council members and staff during the late afternoon. Troublemaker Toby Nixon, the “no leaders” leader of the Triple A Freedom Sleepers will likely have some carnivore-pleasing items to sizzle on his portable stove. Jumbogumbo Joe Schultz is rumored to be providing coffee and additional edibles. MORE EXTENSIVE BENZORE MEMORIAL APRIL 12 WHY SHOW UP AT ALL? EARLIER REPORTS AND RELATED CAMPAIGNS Earlier reports on the Freedom Sleeper Sleep-Out’s and related subjects can be found by going to The Give a Shit campaign to demand opening of the Public Bathrooms at City Hall at night will be further discussed and prepped at the Wednesday HUFF meeting at Sub Rosa 11 AM Wednesday April 6th. Freedom Sleepers will scheme for next week’s adventures at 10;30 AM at the Sub Rosa on April 6th. |
Tonight’s show follows up on anti-homeless, anti-Muslim discrimination in Santa Cruz at a local motel, clips from a 1988 City Council candidate forum, Troublemaker Toby Nixon from Freedom SleepOut #38…and more.
The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (March 31). It will archive at