Freedom Sleeper Get Together 8 PM Tuesday June 14 at City Hall? Council Preview

Hi Everyone:

Zav believes it would be good for Freedom Sleepers to firm up any plans for the July 5 Memorial Demo and clarifying what needs to be done and who can do it.  He suggests we meet at 8 PM in front of City Hall at the Freedom Sleeper site on Tuesday night.

Zav has also asked HUFF members (and anyone interested) to be particularly aware of the Budget approval that follows the Consent Agenda (Item #22) probably at 2:45 or 3 PM, which concerns money for public bathrooms (if any).   HUFF is encouraging the City to open the City Hall bathrooms 24-hours a day (the “Give a Shit” campaign).  Unfortunately the documents giving budget specifics and when items are coming up are not on line at the moment.

Also up for possible discussion at the 8 PM meeting (if that’s what we decide) is support for the June 17 Motions Hearing on my two “in the park after 10 PM” citations (10 AM Dept. 1).  The issue here is to get the police video and audio released prior to trial.  And use the occasion to publicize the City’s continuing harassment of Freedom Sleepers (and, of course, the unhoused community).

There is a chance that the well-documented City staff’s movement of agendas to the sidewalk in December may nullify my tickets (and perhaps those of all other Freedom Sleepers) and show that the arrests were false.   My court (not jury) trial before Judge Marigonda is currently slated for June 24 at 10 AM but may be postponed–if the Discovery Motion is granted.

I’d also add that on the June 14 Consent Agenda at 2:30 PM earlier that day are item #5, expanding triple fine zones for the holidays from the downtown area to include the entire city for July 4, Halloween, and New Year’s.  Plus expanding the time affected to 48 hours before and 48 hours after the holiday itself.  Pretty serious expansion of police power for harassment (and fund-raising) for minor offenses.

Item #6 kicks down $100,000 for graffiti abatement; item #8 $50,000 for a trash container up at the golf course; item #10 authorizes the City’s whole financial packet without any examination of investments in war profiteering or companies boycotted by the BDS movement (to boycott Israel unless it leaves the Occupied territories); item #11 $36,000 for new police helmets at $350+ a helmet. 

If anyone wants to talk on these Consent Agenda items, I encourage you to send an e-mail to a Council member (,,, etc.) asking them  to pull the item from the agenda for separate discussion and vote.   Or call them at 420-5020 and leave them a message.

The Resolution specifying the number and location of the blue cages, or “exempt zones” (as the blue bracketed areas on Pacific Avenue are called) is NOT on the agenda as anticipated.  However the law banning jewelry and other “Commercial” sales and uses, tightening the “move every hour” law, and enacting further restrictions on using the blue cages goes into effect on June 23 or 24th.

Freedom SleepOut #49, City Council Capers, & More!

Freedom SleepOut #49 Will Follow Council’s Doling Out More Cash for Cops;

by Robert Norse (rnorse3 [at]
Sunday Jun 12th, 2016 12:32 PM

Bad news for those worried about expanded police power, throwing cash at the cops, and other issues on the Consent Agenda Tuesday afternoon at City Council. Following that, Freedom Sleepers will continue the determined campaign to end the 11 PM-8:30 AM Sleeping Ban and establish a “free from citation” space on the sidewalk. Additionally a few notes on the upcoming demands that police cough up their video of past harassment on March 17 10 AM in Dept. 1.

There is more bad news at the afternoon’s City Council agenda: Rubberstamping of the Budget and Police Pork on the Consent Agenda.

The 2:30 PM has item #5, expanding triple fine zones for the holidays from the downtown area to include the entire city for July 4, Halloween, and New Year’s. Plus expanding the time affected to 48 hours before and 48 hours after the holiday itself. Pretty serious expansion of police power for harassment (and fund-raising) for minor offenses.

Item #6 kicks down $100,000 for grafitti abatement; item #8 $50,000 for a trash container up at the golf course; item #10 authorizes the City’s whole financial packet without any examination of investments in war profiteering or companies boycotted by the BDS movement (to boycott Israel unless it leaves the Occupied territories); item #11 $36,000 for new police helmets at $350+ a helmet.

Item #12 includes two demands for damages because of police abuse, but City Administrator/Clerk Bren Lehr has removed from the agenda packet the original written claims of the victims, so the public doesn’t know what’s happened or how to contact them. Even though these are Public Records and should be available 72-hours before the meeting. Lehr has them. She simply won’t post them. At my demand some months ago, she did initially post the original claims with contact information removed. When I demanded she include that information, she pulled the claims entirely. She was forced to provide them as Public Records to me as an individual but not for the public generally through the agenda packet.

If anyone wants to talk on these Consent Agenda items, I encourage you to send an e-mail to a Council member (mposner [at], dlane [at], cchase [at], etc.) asking them to pull the item from the agenda for separate discussion and vote. Or call them at 420-5020 and leave them a message.

Otherwise you need to talk real fast during the 2 minutes that Mayor “Two Minute” Mathews allows. Sum up your views on any and all 18 Consent Agenda items during that two minutes. Folks who have serious issues to raise on more than one item and need at least 2 minutes per item to present them, should contact a Council member in advance with suitable gestures of respect, gifts, and campaign contributions. Since all this is now “at the discretion” of the Council. Constitutional Attorney (now Cannabis-hostile Supervisor) Ryan Coonerty removed the public’s right to individually address items back in 2007 or so–unless a Council member pulls the item.

The Resolution specifying the number and location of the blue cages, or “exempt zones” (as the blue bracketed areas on Pacific Avenue are called) is NOT on the agenda as anticipated. However the law banning jewelry and other “Commercial” sales and uses, tightening the “move every hour” law, and enacting further restrictions on using the blue cages goes into effect on June 23 or 24th.
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Sunday Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: former MHCAN client “Righteous Rantster” Reynaldo, former Cannabis C-4 Member “Nip of News” Nick Balaich,, and “Worldweary” Willie Underbaggage Speak Out

Plus Lots of Street Interviews and “Doubleduty” Doug Loisel (Methadone Clinic Manager and Youth Counselor) on the Medical Murder of Krista Deluca in Santa Cruz City Jail last year.   And still more for more than 4 1/2 hours!

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 9:30 AM -2 PM (June 12).  It will archive at

Thursday’s Bathrobes Show 6-8 PM features Snappy Commentary and Still More Street Interviews

A pastiche of vendors, a passel of poor folks, and my analysis and argument.   That’s pretty much it.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (June 2nd).  It will archive at

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#48: Freedom Sleepers Again at City Hall Tuesday Night; Documentary the Next Day at Del Mar Theater

Long-Awaited Freedom Sleeper Mini-Documentary Will Follow SleepOut #48
Date Tuesday June 07
Time 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details
On the sidewalk outside City Hall at 809 Center St. across from the Main Library downtown

The protest runs from Tuesday afternoon through mid-morning Wednesday.

Event Type Protest
Contact Name Keith McHenry (article written by Norse)
Email Address keith [at]
Phone Number 575-770–3377

An expanded response last week at Freedom SleepOut #47 numbered 20-29 sleepers on the sidewalks defying the City’s anti-homeless 11 PM – 8:30 AM Sleeping Ban. No tickets were given there–though elsewhere and on other nights police continue to ticket and harass the unhoused community. MC 6.36.010 makes criminals out of anyone sleeping in their vehicles on any public property or “laying out bedding” after 11 PM (“the Blanket Ban”).

Repeated failures to pay the $159 citation can lead to increased fines and a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to 6 months in jail and $1000 fine. Missing court can also lead to a conviction that makes every subsequent minor violation for the next six months a misdemeanor. Santa Cruz is apparently unique in creating this law.

The Homeless (Lack of) Services Center has no emergency shelter available, long waiting lists for “path to housing” shelters, and a prison-like unwelcoming atmosphere for day services–that no longer include meals for those “not in the program”. Not to mention an ID card requirement, a fenced off “campus”, and roaming “security” guards. The Metro bus service is reportedly considering massive cutbacks impacting poor people to protect its “reserve” fund.

A toxic mythology holds that the homeless are “burdensome, dangerous, shiftless, disabled, and/or drug-addicted”. This kind of hysterical nonsense is spread by Take Back Santa Cruz, the Santa Cruz Neighbors, the Downtown Association, & apparently the staff of Santa Cruz City Council.

MHCAN, a previously liberal peer-oriented mental health group, reports severe pressure from hostile neighbors, police, and county authorities. In apprehensive response MHCAN has limited people served and advised people not to “loiter” nearby with an upsurge of 3-month exclusions reportedly raising the level of anxiety there.

The Red Church at Lincoln and Cedar no longer allows Monday evening meal participants to socialize on the grass outside, take their food outdoors, or even eat unless they get a special ticket. The AFC, a small group of churches, that puts up 20 people a night on a rotating basis, reportedly will evict you if you spend more than one Tuesday night a month with the Freedom Sleepers.

The SocDoc Thesis Film Festival on Wednesday June 8th 6 PM will include a screening of a Freedom Sleeper documentary by Israel Dawson. Dawson and his partner Lauren. They took hundreds of hours of video in spite of police harassment, ticketing, and arrests in the first few months of the local civil rights struggle at City Hall. to achieve basic human rights for the homeless ( ).

On Monday Freedom Sleeper Robert Norse filed a demand with the City Attorney for release of all the video around the two tickets he received last year. The pleadings, drawn up by Steve Pleich and Kate Wells, claim he and other Freedom Sleepers were not guilty of violating MC 13.04.011, the “closed area” law used against the group.

Norse argues that the City Hall courtyard area where the Freedom Sleepers slept is inherently a zone where the right to peacefully assemble for a redress of grievances cannot be banned at night. Further the law itself states that being on a pathway through the area–which Norse and numerous other Freedom Sleepers were–explicitly exempts them from the law. Finally the City Council agendas were situated in the middle of the “closed” area and state law guarantees the public’s right to 24-hour access to the agendas for a 72 hour period.

Police and city attorney have refused so far to hand over any video and photos police took of Norse. These would confirm that he was on the path, that he was trying to access the agendas, and that he advised police the Freedom Sleepers were at City Hall to peacefully protest City Council’s Sleeping Ban law. All lawful constitutionally protected activity.

The City could face a federal civil lawsuit for false arrest. Perhaps a number of such lawsuits.
Norse’s hearing on his Motion to Compel the video evidence comes up Friday June 17 10 AM in Dept. 1. His trial is scheduled for a week later at the same time, but may be postponed.

Meanwhile Dolan, Joey, Blue, and other long-time outdoor activists who’ve been mainstays of past sleep-outs are likely to be on hand with Keith and Abby of Food Not Bombs, and Zav of HUFF. They invite you to join them to enjoy some summer sidewalk sleeping tonight. Long-time civil rights supporter “Jumbogumbo” Joe Schultz will be providing coffee and perhaps soup.

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) activists will meet Wednesday June 8th at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe and 703 Pacific to consider future protest actions.
For more event information:

For more event information:





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Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Resumes Recent Interview Broadcasting–Lots of Voices Raging!

Red Church Clients Sound Off! Street Interviews galore!  More,”Vanish the Vendors” doubletalk from Shitty Council.  Police cam policies up North.  And still more for nearly 4 1/2 hours!

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 9:30 AM -2 PM (June 5).  It will archive at


Thursday’s Bathrobes Show 6-8 PM features Street Interviews and Other Updates

Canvasing the Sunday Food Not Bombs line for news and views; belated partial accountability for two brutal Alameda County sheriffs; Wes White’s Salinas City Hall Sleep-In Report…and other stuff as well.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (June 2nd).  It will archive at

Go to   for older shows–as well as the latest show.  To see some of them described go to
For the really old shows go to

Another Tuesday Night, Another Sleep-Out (#47!)

Protest Slumber Time at City Hall Grounds…Again…with Freedom SleepOut #47
Date Tuesday May 31
Time 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details
Around ye olde Santa Cruz City Hall, with slumber to be likely pushed to the sidewalk, though sleepers may choose to spead out to different (all legally forbidden) locations.
Event Type Protest
Contact Name Keith McHenry
Email Address keith [at]
Phone Number 575-770–3377
Warmer days, but still cold nights for those outside and without basic human rights. One of these is the right to sleep legally without fear of police harassment not anywhere and everywhere–but somewhere. This is the aim of the Freedom Sleepers. With no shelter available,

We’re hoping that those fed up with the current system, on the right and left, will support the right of poor people to be free of this kind of state abuse. Many hundreds, perhaps thousands, attended a Bernie Sanders rally today. We call upon those same folks to support a restoration of civil rights locally.

Folks sleeping outside should also consider giving a call to the River St. Shelter at 459-6644 to put their name on the waiting list, with a renewal call every three days. Being on the waiting list supposedly means all 6.36 (camping, blanket, and sleeping tickets) will be automatically dismissed by the City Attorney.

Last week, City Council expanded the anti-homeless laws there to include many traditional vendors of handicrafts and jewelry, as well as banning face painting, oil painting, beading, sewing, and many other innocent and unobstructive behaviors on Pacific Avenue completely in a very restrictive interpretation of the 1st Amendment.

The suffocation of street culture on Pacific Avenue and surrounding streets downtown impacts unhoused and poor people. Many vendors there live in their vehicles. Peaceful sparechangers will now have to compete for space with guitarists, tablers, and others. Having a human or cat companion is illegal, as well.

The number of “exempt” zones (the areas demarked with blue brackets on the sidewalk) have been reduced, the requirements tightened, and the highly unpopular “move every hour” law made more severe. No warnings are required before the giving of $250 citations after 61 minutes, even if you agree to move along.

Craft artists like Featherlady continue to vow resistance to the new ordinances when they go into effect around June 24th. Shindig, Sam, James and other craftfolk continue to display and sell their wares. On Sunday previously jailed painters Alex and Joff were still displaying their work outside the exempt zones (also called blue boxes) and being ignored by police (who previously gathered in groups of more than 70 to arrest them a month ago).

Vendors, performers, and supporters can join SAFE (Sidewalks Are For Everyone) by contacting HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) at 831-423-4844 or e-mailing rnorse3 [at]

All are invited to drop by the Freedom Sleepers from 5 PM Tuesday to 9 AM Wednesday. Or check out the HUFF meeting at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific Ave.

More information on the Council’s “Vanish the Vendors” law:
“Mathews Council Crushes Handicraft Vendors; Freedom SleepOut #46 Soldiers On”

Robert Norse wrote up this event description.