Action Against Police Abuse in San Francisco; Slumber in Santa Cruz…and the Rest of the Rant on the “Vanish the Vendors: Law Coming up at City Council 5-24

SFPD:  Direct Action and the Police Murder of a Third Man Got the Resignation of Police Chief Greg Suhr; SCPD: Continuing Stonewalling on Public Records; Yet More Rant & Review Covering Last Council Meeting’s Passage of the “Vanish the Vendors” Law, Coming Up Again for a Final Reading shortly after 2:30 PM Tuesday May 24th in City Council Chambers. 

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM (May 22).  It will archive at

Thursday’s Bathrobes Show 6-8 PM features Continued Raging Against the Vanish the Vendors Law

 Caustic Criticism of the Upcoming Final Vote on the “Vanish the Vendors” Law at next Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
An update from Wes White on the Salinas Sleep-Out.   More bits and pieces.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (May 19th).  It will archive at to   for older shows–as well as the latest show.  To see some of them described go to
For the really old shows go to

HUFF pokes out its sleepy head 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe Wednesday

HUFF will be holding Open House for Vendors, Performers, Tablers, Homeless Folks, and Community Members impacted under the upcoming Vanish the Vendors law coming up on 5-24-16. Other topics likely to surface: Updates from Salinas, Eureka, and other struggles against the Homeless Bans.  Upcoming Freedom Sleeper preliminary (demurrer) hearing on Friday at 8:15 AM for Robert Norse.  And coffee and snacks! 

In the Streets and In the Courts: Freedom SleepOut #45 Persistent Protesters


Growing Numbers At Freedom SleepOut #45? Challenge of Police Citations tin Court 5-20
Date Tuesday May 17
Time 5:00 PM – 5:00 AM
Location Details
Around City Hall at 809 Center St. on the bricks and sidewalk of along the Center St. corridor
Event Type Protest
Contact Name Keith McHenry
Email Address
Phone Number 575-770-3377
With last week’s expanded numbers (See “Freedom Sleepers Continue to Sleep at Santa Cruz City Hall” at the weekly challenge to the City’s unconstitutional 11 PM to 8:30 AM Sleeping Ban against the homeless approaches its eleventh month. City Council has taken no action to establish any emergency shelter, establish safe sleeping zones, or decriminalize the 1000-2000 homeless people sleeping outside.Local Food Not Bombs workers have added regular afternoon vegan food (with a few side providers supplying more meaty sustenance). Last week’s police contacts there included some harassment, but no tickets.SEALING OFF THE CENTER OF GOVERNMENT
The center of City government, traditionally a constitutionally protected area for peaceful protest 24-hours a day, remained a “forbidden zone” after 10 PM at night with police and security guards patrolling the area and driving homeless people from under the eaves of the buildings where they go for protection from rain and wind. The once spacious grassy lawns have been roped off and replaced with cement and ornamental flowers.

Two citations from last year, one from the first night of the SleepOut on July 4-5 last year will come to court 8:30 AM on Friday May 20th in a preliminary attempt to have them dismissed before arraignment and trial in a demurrer hearing. Robert “Bathrobespierre” Norse was a regular in the early nights of the Sleep-Out. He often wears a bathrobe at protests and in court to dramatize and satirize the City’s attack on the right of the poor to sleep at night. Conviction at trial before a judge typically results in $198 fines.

Almost all citations against the Freedom Sleepers–of which there have been at least a dozen–were issued as violations of MC 13.04.011. This law bans being in “closed area”, which are designated behind closed doors and without public input by the head of the Parks and Recreation [P & R] department.

In 2010 the P & R boss, in private consultation with the police chief and other city bigwigs created made the entire City Hall courtyard and grounds a “No Go” closed zone. The point was to drive away an earlier protest called PeaceCamp 2010, similarly protest the treatment of the unhoused. See “Bad Law Rises Up to Bite the Homeless Again–Parks Boss Steals More Public Space” at .

The Friday 5-20 hearing will challenge MC 13.04.011 on three grounds: that peaceful protest at City Hall at night is constitutionally protected, that MC 13.04.011 itself provides the right to be on a path directly through the area, and that the state’s Public Records (“Brown”) Act requires 24-hour access to City agendas during the period Norse and the other protesters were there. The agendas, then posted only inside the “forbidden” zone, have now been moved to the sidewalk in a belated City move to “fix” the problem and shore up its position in court.

Norse is looking for a lawyer, but will likely speak for himself. The City has refused to drop the charges and declined to provide full audio and video of the police actions. It has already lost one case at trial (though it’s won others) when activist Zav Herschfield argued the posted “do not enter after 10 PM” signs were not visible from the sidewalk.

Homeless Legal Persons Assistance founder and Freedom Sleeper supporter Steve Pleich has assisted Norse in preparing the case.

If Norse loses the demurrer hearing, he’ll likely continue the struggle with a second demurrer hearing, an arraignment, a pre-trial conference, and finally a trial before the judge (juries are not allowed in infraction cases).

Sunday on Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides: a Blow-by-Blow Breakdown of the Vanish the Vendors Law; Snips from Freedom Sleepout #44, Selections from Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, and More !

More than you ever wanted to hear in a moment-by-moment deconstruction of  Assistant City Mangler Scott Collins often misleading description of the unanimously passed Vanish the Vendors law at the May 10, 2016 City Council.   Keith McHenry and Steve Pleich on Freedom SleepOut #44 and the City’s “Steal the Sidewalks” gambit.   Pause with the Pathos of Steinbeck’s story, reminding us that yesterday is today

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM (May 15).  It will archive at

Free Radio Show Tonight Has “Vanish the Vendors” Ordinance Discussion and Sacramento Attorney Mark Merin: 6 -8 PM

 Interviews with folks in line for a meal at the Red Church speak out on various issues; I interject some preliminary commentary on Tuesday‘s unanimous City Council vote approving harsher restrictions downtown that ban jewelry, hairwrapping, painting a picture, and other traditional Pacific Avenue sidewalk activities.  Sacramento activist and attorney Mark Merin discusses the aftermath of the 3 month long homeless protest there and his move to establish a permitted homeless encampment.

No historical flashbacks this time, but go to   for older shows–as well as the latest show.  To see some of them described go to

For the really old shows go to

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (May 5th).  It will archive at

HUFF to fume at the Vanish the Vendors Law, plot new schemes 11 AM Wednesday the 11th

HUFF will be meeting as usual at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific at 11 AM.  On the agenda:  Which Way for the Freedom Sleepers?   Support for Joff and Alex, the oft-arrested Street Artists.   Reviewing the Wreckage after the Tuesday City Council Meeting.   Plans for the Upcoming Project Homeless Connect.   And more!   Plus the usual coffee, munchies, and chatter.

If you can’t come, but want to get involved, call 831-423-4833.



“Vanish the Vendors” Viciousness at City Council Followed by Freedom SleepOut #44
Date Tuesday May 10
Time 3:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location Details
The afternoon City Council meeting begins at 2:15 PM with the “Vanish the Vendors” law Item #14 on the Council Agenda. Food Not Bombs activists will be serving food in the late afternoon. Freedom Sleepers will hit the sidewalk and bricks across from the main library in front of the City Hall in the evening and night.
Event Type Protest
Contact Name Toby Nixon (post by Norse)
Email Address tobynixon [at]
Phone Number 408-582-4152
Freedom Sleepers will continue to defy the City’s 11 PM to 8:30 AM ban on the act of sleeping on all public and most private property in Santa Cruz by lining the sidewalk and City Hall grounds with sleepers on Tuesday night (5-10). Coffee and the occasional morsel to munch will likely be on hand.

The weekly organizational meeting of the Freedom Sleepers will hold their usual review and reorganizational meeting at 10 AM Wednesday at 10 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe to be followed at 11 AM by the HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) meet. Both are open to all.

Food Not Bombs is slated to be feeding and organizing during the afternoon and early evening.

Santa Cruz’s 1000-2000 unhoused residents continues ot face the threat and reality of harassment and citation for simply falling asleep after 11 PM. Survival “camping” is a $159 crime 24 hours a day (do it twice in 24 hours and face a year in jail and $1000 fine). Santa Cruz has zero walk-in shelter and full waiting lists for the token shelters that exist (for less than 5% of the homeless).

In March, Council crushed a minimum proposal to strike “sleeping” and “covering up with blankets” from the law, while maintaiining a “no trespassing” ban on most public property around the City. No City Council member has followed up on proposals to establish Safe Sleeping Areas for the vulnerable homeless nor on Safe Parking Areas for those whose “affordable housing” is a vehicle.

The proposed law, created behind closed doors by city staffers Julie Hende and Scott Collins and City Attorney Tony Condotti, includes a radical restriction on display for sale or donation, and sale of all kinds of items.

“Commercial Vending” is “to sell, offer for sale, expose or display for sale, solicit offers to purchase, or to barter food, goods, merchandise, or services in any area from a stand, table, pushcart, motor vehicle, bicycle, or by a person with or without the use of any other device, or to require someone to pay a fee or to set, negotiate, or establish a fee before providing food, goods, merchandise, or services, even if characterized by the vendor as a donation. [This]…includes the practice of providing, free of charge, an item which may not be vended, in exchange for the purchaser purchasing an item which may be vended as a condition for receiving the free item.

Exempted from the law are “Traditional expressive speech and petitioning activities, and the distribution of the following expressive items: newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, bumper stickers, patches, and/or buttons.” Also “items, which have been created, written or composed by the vendor or performer: books, audio, video, or other recordings of their performances, paintings, photographs, & prints.” Additionally “any other item that is inherently communicative and is of nominal value or utility apart from its communication. Although an item may have some expressive purpose, it will be deemed to have more than nominal utility apart from its communication if it has a common and dominant non-expressive purpose.”

The City Attorney insisted that the law did not distinguish between what is art and what is not. Instead the hall monitors of Pacific Avenue will use the above definition to determine if an item is First Amendment protected or not.

Banned as “items that have more than nominal utility apart from their communication” “include but are not limited to… food, housewares, appliances, articles of clothing, hats, scarves, sunglasses, auto parts, oils, incense, perfume, crystals, rocks, geodes, lotions, candles, jewelry, jewelry holders, toys, stuffed animals, glass and metal pipes, and any vaping device.”

“Allowed” Performances are “playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, acting, pantomiming, puppeteering, juggling, reciting, engaging in magic, creating visual art in its entirety, presenting or enacting a play, work of music, physical or mental feat, or other constitutionally protected entertainment or form of expression.”

Banned Performances include “(a) The application of substances to others’ bodies, including but not limited to, paints, dyes, and inks; (b) The provision of personal services such as massage or hair weaving, cutting, or styling; (c) the completion or other partial creation of visual art; (d) the creation of visual art which is mass produced or produced with limited variation; or (e) the creation of handcrafts, such as weaving, carving, stitching, sewing, lacing, and beading objects such as jewelry, pottery, silver work, leather goods, and trinkets.”

These bans are in effect “on the streets or sidewalks of Pacific Avenue; and on the streets or sidewalks of the side streets, alleys, and surface parking lots one block in either direction from Pacific Avenue, between Laurel and Water Streets.”

The area in which no tabling is allowed except in select “exempt” zones will be chosen behind closed doors, largely by merchant pressure by Hende and Collins. That forbidden area extends from Laurel to Mission along Pacific Avenue and one block in either direction along the side streets. The forbidden zone apparently includes the twice-weekly Food Not Bombs set-up near the main Post Office. Although the new “Vanish the Vendors” law does not explicitly ban simply giving away free items such as food, another section of the ordinance prohibits the use of “display devices” (i.e. tables) except in the limited (less than 30) “exempt” zones which Hende and Collins choose to designate.

In addition the “Move Along Every Hour” law now requires what the current law does not–that folks time themselves. Anyone using a table, open guitar case, or any thing “capable of holding tangible things” placed on the sidewalk must move every hour without being asked to do so by a cop, security thug, or “host”. The current law requires a warning that one’s hour is up and then a “refusal” to move for the $200-300 ticket to be given. The new law just requires that you be there for 61 minutes to be slammed with a citation.

Two artists–Joff Jones and Alex Skelton–were taken away in handcuffs twice within two weeks for setting up their art displays outside the sacred “blue boxes”. They had also declined to move every hour. Defying the massive police presence in their second arrest, the two have returned to Pacific Avenue to continue to assert their rights. See “Santa Cruz Artists Dare to Display Art “Outside of a Blue Box”” at

Meanwhile in Sacramento, activists who staged a 3-month round-the-clock protest had all charges dropped against them. See “City of Sacramento Won’t Put Unlawful Camping Ordinance on Trial, Dismisses Criminal Charges Against City Hall Protest Organizers on Eve of Trials” at .

And a delayed Freedom Sleepers case will be returning to Court 8:30 AM on May 20th as Robert Norse demurs to two “trespass at the City Hall courtyard” arrests, claiming they were unconstitutional.

For more info on the Freedom Sleepers and the “Vanish the Vendors” law, check out for the last 43 Tuesday events.

Continue reading

Sunday’s Long Show Covers 3rd Artist Bust Downtown, Tom Noddy on Tuesday’s “Vanish the Vendors” Law, the Eureka Homeless Deportations, and More–9:30 AM 5-8 101.1 FM!

“Cornerstone” Carol Denney’s account of the crushing of Berkeley’s “First They Came from the Homeless” Protest.”

“Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry’s Call to Resist the “Vanish the Vendors” Law at Santa Cruz City Council on Tuesday right before Freedom SleepOut #44

A lengthy back-n-forth between “Travelin'” Tom Noddy and “Bathrobespierre” Robert Norse on Tuesday’s  “Performance Pens” law.

Eureka Attorney Shelly Mack updates the legal struggle in the wake of thr expulsion of hundreds of homeless from the Pelco Marsh May 1st .

Plus Alex Skelton and Joff Jones Account of their 3rd Arrest for Straying Outside the Blue Boxes Last Sunday at

Drink lots of coffee or bring several pillows.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 9:30 AM – 2:45 PM (May 8).  It will archive at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides hops back to 2014 to warn against the “Box in the Artists” Blue Boxes Downtown 6-8 PM on 101.3 FM and

 Flashback to November 6, 2014.  The show has my discussion of the “Dots for Dodos” as I call the Performance Pens, or “Blue Boxes”  set up on Pacific Avenue to restrict performers, vendors, tablers, and others with a “display device” then proposed by Council Public Space Abolitionists Don Lane and Pamela Comstock.  With a “Vanish the Vendors” ordinance coming up at City Council on May 10th–the discussion is particularly relevant.

There are also plenty of street interviews along with commentary from “Catch-Her-If-You-Can” Katie.   
None of the times mentioned for meetings and other events are current, of course.

The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at at 6-8 PM (May 5th).  It will archive at