Councilmember Posner Calls for 24-Hour Bathroom Support at Council today


by Robert Norse
Tuesday Jun 9th, 2015 1:56 PM

On May 26, City Council voted, at Councilmember Comstock’s initiative, to direct staff to investigate if not add 24-hour bathroom access. See “City Council Unanimously Votes on Two 24-hour Bathrooms” at Recently activists, led by Brent Adams, have focused on the lack of adequate cleaning of the “Posner portapotty” at Laurel and Front Streets, and enlisted some community members to do the job, Parks and Rec has declined to do.
Today the final budget comes up for discussion and vote at 7 PM. Councilmember Micah Posner, apparently anxious that staff opposition will kill the proposal, has asked the community to come and support. I forward his e-mail and my response.

Posner’s E-Mail:

Dear Activists,

As you know the City Staff are very concerned about Council’s direction to keep some bathrooms open all night. Their concerns are totally legitimate. After all staff are the ones who will have to supervise the proposed program.

The City Council, led by Pamela Comstock, has, so far, courageously, directed the staff to find some way to keep bathrooms open at night.

If people want to support this direction, you should be supportive. Bring flowers, appreciations and constructive suggestions. This is not a time for a negative protest, not even a polite negative protest. The Council can use your SUPPORT. This is completely different from the BEARCAT thing where you were being ignored and it needs a completely different

AND, the idea of ramping this up into bringing excrement to the Council is completely counterproductive, in addition to being totally rude.

There is no better way to ruin the chances of the City opening bathrooms up at night than to bring shit to a Council that is being supportive of these efforts. I am totally shocked that activists who I respect came up with this idea. To be honest it makes me not want to share information with some of you.

My request: completely change the Facebook Event to encourage people to SUPPORT a City Council that wants to open bathrooms. Meet people at 6:45 and explain why being positive and supportive is the best way for them to get bathrooms open at night.

Thank you hearing me,
Micah Posner


A City that declines to provide elementary sanitation services at night should not have to be wooed with flowers and candy.

The problem seems to be that the Staff (who Micah praises as usual) wants to reverse the will of the Council as expressed on May 26—the reason he’s asked homeless people (and housed folks) to come to the meeting.

And since the staff is usually the tail that wags the Council dog, as one activist put it, there’s not a lot of reason to be terribly optimistic.

I think everyone should present their concerns as they feel them.

No one I know of is planning to bring buckets of shit–though the current closed bathroom policy results in just that happening all over the City, of course—in spite of Brent and Micah’s well-intentioned incremental efforts.

I suggest people speak about the issue forthrightly and clearly and be prepared for the usual Council-follows-staff lockstep.

If that doesn’t happen—if the opening up the bathrooms is kept in the budget, well then, flowers to the Council!

If the Council caves, then obviously further steps have to be taken to focus attention on the issue.

Folks should be aware, of course, that this whole issue is a smaller part of the much larger proposed shutdown of emergency services at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center—which is now a locked, gated, patrolled area that requires ID to use.

This all seems part of the broader attempt to “unwelcome” homeless people to Santa Cruz and it is this broader issue that we all need to unite to fight. Or fight it separately in our own ways.

Meanwhile kudos to Brent and others focusing attention on the essential sanitation issue. And to the Council, if–for once–they do the decent thing.

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HUFF does it’s thing Wednesday June 10th 11 AM at Sub Rosa (or Cafe Pergo if Rosa Closed)

HUFF will go through its usual shit (hopefully with more bathrooms on the way) at the usual place (Sub Rosa), but we haven’t secured clear indication that they’ll be open.  If not, come to the Cafe Pergolesi.

On the HUFF agenda:  City Council budget aftermath and County budget upcoming…The Encampment Proposal of FNB/Camp of Last Resort/& Other Activists…New police records on contracts they have…In Search of Cell Phones, Our Own Media, and Streetwatch!…with coffee and crunchables!

Stand Up to the Services Shutdown! Brunch Monday 6-8 Outside 115 Coral St.

Title: Resist the Refugee Makers ! Protest Brunch Outside 115 Coral St.
START DATE: Monday June 08
TIME: 10:00 AM11:30 AM
Location Details:
Near the entrance to the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center at 115 Coral St., near Hiway 1 and Hiway 9 (River St.).
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-4232-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB14B Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Potluck Brunch & Resistance Roundtable

The Homeless (Lack of) Services Center [HLOSC] has lost less than 1/5th of their budget due to state-directed federal budget cuts.

It could tighten its belt and mobilize the community.

Instead the HLOSC has chosen to abruptly close down its meals, showers, mail, bathroom,laundry, the Paul Lee Loft, the Page Smith Community House, and the Resuscitation Center.

This will happen at the end of June. According to a long-time worker there, these cuts and closures will still happen even if the funding is restored or volunteers agree to take on the tasks there.

One hundred or more disabled, sick, and vulnerable clients will be dumped out on the streets to join the 1500-2000 there in the City. Volunteers there believe this could be a death sentence for some. Others will face the revived Sleeping Ban with its $157 nightly fines.,

This apparently is a part of the HLOSC’s decision to jettison emergency services. It’s part of yet another heavy-on-PR short-on-funding program plans focusing on (the image but not the substance) “long-term housing”.

The federal government abandoned its commitment to housing under Reagan over 30 years ago and currently has no plans to fund the massive housing needed. Too busy with more foreign wars, police gear, and bankster bolstering perhaps.

There is no indication in City and County budget hearings, that either are willing to shift money (say from the City’s bloated $25 million police budget). The HLOSC has so far declined several requests to release its budget for public inspection.

Emergency services must be restored–hopefully under client-run and community-transparent control.

Come Together to Support Community Restoration and Expansion of the Basic Services That Bureaucrats, Bigots, & Buckgrabbers are Cutting Off July 1st

Food Not Bombs activists will be supplying and serving food.

Bring food, friends, cameras, and conscience!

More info on a four-way discussion on Free Radio Santa Cruz between Stephen Nelson, Andy Carcello, Mike O’Grady, and Doug Loisel at

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HUFF Meeting 6-3 to Follow Survival Services Shutdown Meeting 11 AM 703 Pacific Sub Rosa


Activists from Food Not Bombs, HUFF, the Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project, Sanctuary Village, as well as former workers & clients of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center met yesterday.

They called for an Emergency Preparations to provide survival alternatives the July 1st Shutdown of Services–ending Meal, Mail, Shower, and Laundry Services.

This meeting is a follow-up to the Sunday meeting to firm up plans for a significant and sustained response to the shutdown of services to the general unhoused population here.

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom)–which normally meets at the Sub Rosa during this time will be joining this meeting and hold its regular meeting afterwards.

If the Sub Rosa is closed, we’ll meet at the Cafe Perglesi.

For further info go to..

Shelter Emergency Meeting 6:30 PM Sunday 5-31 outside the Main Post Office


Food Not Bombs, HUFF, and others are concerned with the projected shutdown of all general services at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center [HLOSC] on July 1st.  We will be having a rally and meeting on Sunday, May 31st at  6:30 PM  at the usual Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs feeding spot.

The following thoughts represent my personal perspective, though I believe many of my ideas are shared by others.

The SCPD and Parks and Recreation Department spend an unhealthy amount of time and money arresting and citing homeless people for survival behavior.  These two “public safety” gangs together account for more than 40% of the budget, while social services gets less than 1/10th of that sum.  City Council could shift $500,000 of the SCPD’s $30 million fiscal year budget to cover holes in the HLOSC budget which are prompting the shutdown of meals, mail, showers. and the very limited shelter the HLOSC provides.

However, City Council has been through two days of near-final budget hearings this week and done nothing about this crisis, rubberstamping the usual bags of bucks for cops and rangers (and the city’s golf course).  The final budget will be passed on June 9th.

A City Council restoration of funding won’t happen without massive Baltimore-style civil disobedience and protest.  As indicated by their behavior in the Bearcat protests, Council is likely to refuse meaningful reform.   Accordingly community members need to create immediate emergency action to support those thrown out into the arms of “law enforcement” authorities.  An immediate Occupation-style gathering is the most obvious alternative.

City Council has created laws criminalizing survival behaviors like sleeping at night, setting up a tent against the elements, being in a park after dark, and smoking in an area where no one else is complaining.  They were created  at the  instigation of the SCPD and the Parks and Recreation Department..   They are part of a broader gentrification/homeless dispersal campaign that seeks to make Santa Cruz a hostile place for those without money.  Harassment, citation, and arrest of innocent homeless people has expanded significantly in the last few years with concurrent theft of homeless survival possessions.  These facts deepen the significance of the closure of the broader HLOSC programs.

Huge amounts of money are being spent expanding jail facilities, bloating the police force, and backing stepped-up harassment of homeless folks with no legal place to sleep.  These funds and priorities will not be redirected unless city authorities face a cost for their continuing Homeless Removal campaign.

HUFF activists have been properly critical of HLOSC’s management.   It has created prison-like conditions there with ID cards, a prison-yard gate, security thugs, “no impact” zones around the center, refusal to restore storage lockers, undisclosed and unresolved racial discrimination issues and the recent support for a 24-hour ban on homeless parking on nearby streets.  HLOSC personnel,recently threatened to arrest peaceful petitioners on the ground adjoining the public Coral Street sidewalk organizing against the 24-hour ban (which is now due to start within the next few months). HUFF has not been happy with HLOSC boss Jannan Thomas–who continues drawing her salary as the services HLOSC is supposed to provide are cut off from larger number of homeless people.  Her “management” will be reduced to the “creaming” programs that serve only a relative few.

Nonetheless the restoration of food, mail, and limited shelter services is a basic need, whatever HUFF’s criticisms.  These funds need to be replaced–though managed more directly, transparently, and productively by the clients themselves or,their representatives. The shutting of the Paul Lee Loft on July 1st will escalate the “Sleeping Ban War”.  Under MC 6.36.055 camping tickets will be dismissed–only if they’re on the waiting list (or the less accessible River St. Shelter waiting list.   If there’s no Loft program, unless the HLOSC uses creative tactics, there will be no Waiting List.  And no dismissal of citations.  And further attacks on the homeless for the “crime” of sleeping.

So, as City Council sits still and does nothing in the face of these cuts (done under the phony pretext of creating “Housing First” while starving emergency services), the activist community must reclaim public buildings and public spaces unused at night to restore the survival shelter that is being ripped away.


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HUFF chugs on: Probably at Sub Rosa 11 AM 5-27

I’m told Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific will be open and serving coffee to thirsty HUFFsters tomorrow morning.

ON MY AGENDA:   Threatened closing of meals and shelter at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center through loss of state money, announced by Director Jannan Thomas at City Council tonight…Behind-the-Scenes Backstab–the 24 Hour Parking Ban Moves Forward…Cell Phone Protection for Those Outside?–Updates and Prospects…Police Mayhem Murderers Go Free in Cleveland–Police Reform in Santa Cruz…and whatever the tide washes in…

HUFF on the move tomorrow–check the Sub Rosa First 11 AM

HUFF, normally a fan of 703 Pacific Ave.–the Sub Rosa Cafe–may be out of luck tomorrow.  The usual staff person–Matt-won’t be around, and I’m not sure he’s found a replacement.  If the place is closed, we’ll move to The Bagelry on Cedar between Laurel and Maple.  Join Us!

Up and coming:    Prep for Food Not Bombs 35th Anniversary this weekend as well as the Saturday Solitary Confinement protest by Sin Barras…new developments in the “Drive the Homeless Away with 24-Hour Parking Bans”scheme by Public Works; a Step Forward in the Sleeping Deprivation Small Claims Lawsuit Drive, and more, of course.

What’s up with the SCPD?


What’s up with the SCPD?

by Becky Johnson

May 16, 2015

Santa Cruz, CA.  — As communities across the country fight against
police oppression
and brutality, we galvanize in our resolve to reform police departments
so that they
are the servants of the people, protecting us from harm, and under the
control of
the City Manager and the City Council.

Why is this necessary?

Because when we entrust certain individuals to carry lethal force, with
the power
to detain, cite, arrest, and later testify in court against us, we must be
sure they are
following a code of conduct that is consistent with fair and ethical

Different police departments go astray in different ways. In Ferguson, the
Black majority
of the population were singled out for massive ticketing to fill the
City’s coffers.

In Oakland, a thuggish mentality won out that was so corrupt
financially, a State
Auditor had to take over control of the administration.

In San Jose, Ca., police have an inordinately high rate of shooting
mental ill people.
Call a cop. Execute your family member.

But what’s up with the SCPD?

First, we have an unusually high rate of arrests per officer. It’s 11.1
arrests per officer
per year. By comparison, Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco, with,
larger criminal populations, the average is 4 arrests per officer per year.

We have 99 sworn police officers and a total of 135 paid employees.
This in a City with a population of 62,000 with a ratio of one officer
per 697 residents.

But wait! That population figure includes UCSC which also has its own
police department.

While crime rates are dropping, in some cases precipitously, our jails
are still
overflowing and our courts are jammed.  In fact, the Board of
Supervisors recently
approved a $25 million jail EXPANSION in already, the most incarcerated
state in the union.

So who is getting detained, cited, arrested, convicted, and jailed?

According to Vice-Chief Steve Clark, 42% of arrests are of homeless people.
32% of the citations written are to homeless people, virtually none for violent crimes.
In fact, the three most-cited crimes in Santa Cruz do not have an
actual victim complaining.

The crime wave in Santa Cruz requiring such a large police force is mostly for BEING in a park after hours, camping, or for smoking.

This means either sleeping at night, using a blanket, or for setting up a campsite.

A “campsite” can be a car. It can be a piece of cardboard set down on wet grass in a park.

Lay a blanket on the ground & have a picnic? Not in Santa Cruz!  That’s a crime!
72% of adult homeless people smoke.
(Most soldiers in foxholes smoked too). The City has made it illegal to smoke or vape in over 2000 acres of public land composed of parks, green belts & recreational trails.
There are people sitting in Santa Cruz County Jail today for smoking a cigarette about which no individual complained.
The budget for the police department is $24,663,471, or 32% of the
general fund, and is by far the biggest
budget item.
We have more paid officers than any other City in the Bay Area. The next closest City is Palo Alto, with 85 sworn officers, but double the population of Santa Cruz.

The safest way to curb police power is to reign in their budgets.

–Becky Johnson

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Stop the 24-Hour Ban on Homeless Parking: Contact the Commission!

E-Mail or Phone the Transportation and Public Works Commission
[TPWC] members: 

Philip Boutelle (831) 515-1364
Brooke Crumpton* (vice-chair) (831) 535-2572 (H)
Peggy Dolgenos 822 (831) 429-8555 (H) (831) 459-6301 x239
Erich Ryan Friedrich 461-5985 (H)
Dale Hendsbee** (chair) (831) 234-4103 (H) 426-3186 (B)
Donald E. Roland 421-9507 (H) (831) 206-5115
J.D. Sotelo 458-9491 (H)
      (a) to deny and denounce the plan to deny parking spaces to disabled and homeless vehicles, as well as the public generally [this is the 24-hour Parking Ban proposed on Coral, Fern, and Limekiln Streets];
      (b) to reexamine night-time parking bans–which are currently clearly directed against homeless individuals whose only housing is their vehicle which are present in other parts of the City;  
      (c) to research safe parking spaces for vulnerable homeless families whose protection from abuse and weather is their vehicle;
     (d)  to report publicly & regularly to the Public any requests for Permit Parking areas that restrict parking–particularly at night–& do so when those requests appear, not after facilitating them with police & staff help;
     (e)  to require full police reports on any anecdotal “crime” or “nuisance” problems in the area so the public can see the real as distinguished from the claimed problems there.

Please cc if you have sent any complaints or concerns to any of these folks.  Or send me a copy if you’ve already sent out a concern.  The issue is still hanging in the balance so your opinion may count.

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HUFF Meeting Tomorrow

HUFF meets tomorrow 11 AM at ye olde Sub Rosa Cafe.
We’ll be updating on anything learned at the Project Homeless Connect. (google “Project Homeless Connect” for more info)
There’s the Campaign to Protect Public Parking Places Near 115 Coral St.-
(Marlin Granlund of the Parking Permit Bureau is still stonewalling on who can contest his “Dump the Homeless from Harvey West” 24-Hour Ban on Parking near 115 and the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center).
And the upcoming Speak-Out Saturday-
HUFF will be throwing a speak out (and perhaps a shriek out) Saturday May 16 at the Food Not Bombs meal near the Main Post Office downtown. The day before the National Postal Union will be having a rally in the same place (time uncertain).

NORSE NOTES:  I have little confidence that the state Legislature will pass this bill, but here’s a chance to get in an e-mail or phone call before a 1:30 PM deadline tomorrow.    I’ve asked Councilmember Micah Posner to author a Right2Rest local bill, which he said he’d happily do if someone else would support it.  Otherwise, no go.

AB718 says:
The legislative body of a city, county, or city and county shall not prohibit, or otherwise subject to civil or criminal penalties, the act of sleeping or resting in a lawfully parked motor vehicle.

Please call or send an email asap.  The hearing is Wed May 13 at 1:30.  So a call or email even the morning of May 13 may is still worth it.
Just email or call (or both!) and say Assemblymember Gordon – please support AB718 to allow people to rest or sleep in a legally parked car.

Capitol Office:Sacramento …Tel: (916) 319-2024

District Office:Los Altos …Tel: (650) 691-2121


(an “email Rich Gordon” form pops up).

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