New Police Powers Laws to get Final Approval Tuesday in Santa Cruz

Title: Round Two–The New Anti-Homeless Laws Return for a Final Reading
START DATE: Tuesday June 11
TIME: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location Details:
City Council Chambers 809 Center St.
Event Type: Protest
The anti-homeless “no loitering on the median” law is item #16 on the Afternoon Agenda for Tuesday 6-11 at 3 PM (likely to come up slightly later). This will be the second and final Continue reading

Judge to Rule on Motion for New Trial Friday in False Arrest by Two Mayors Case

NOTE BY NORSE:  The Santa Cruz City Council’s slow but steady cutback of public comment time, public accessibility, and public accountability is something I’ve recently written about (and filed a formal Brown Act complaint against–see Mayor Cuts Off Comment in Consent Agenda Crackdown; Continue reading

Spreading Fear and Encouraging Hatred Among the Youth in Santa Cruz


The following Sentinel article is another example of the spreading misdirected “Public Safety” mythology being pushed by right-wing groups.The homeless and drug “crime” problem builds on the fantasy that there is some new major Public Safety threat.  It’s actually that Continue reading

Mayor “Hackin'” Hillary Decrees New Gag Rule at Santa Cruz City Council

Mayor Cuts Off Comment in Consent Agenda Crackdown; Brown Act Complaint Rejected
by Robert Norse ( rnorse3 [at] )
Saturday Jun 1st, 2013 10:49 PM

At Tuesday’s afternoon City Council meeting (5-28), Mayor Bryant adopted a new repressive procedure which seemed to be made up on the spot to silence Continue reading

Mayor’s Stacked and Packed “Public Safety Task Force” meets

START DATE: Wednesday May 29
TIME: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location Details:
Tony Hill Room of the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium at Church and Center Streets.
Event Type: Meeting
Contact Name Scott Collins (posted by Norse)
Email Address scollins [at]
Phone Number 831-420-5030
Address 809 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA
The Public Hysteria Citizen Task Farce (more officially known as the Public Safety Citizen Task Force) meets every other Wednesday, starting May 29.2013 through November, from 6:00 pm – 9:00 .The draft minutes of the last Continue reading

For the poor, affordable housing may be a vehicle.

NOTE BY NORSE:  I don’t think it requires a great deal of “research” to establish the obvious value–both to individuals trying to survive and to the broader community of vehicular residency (in the absence of truly affordable housing for poor people).   When I hear the word “research” on homeless Continue reading

Monterey Crowd Defends Homeless Rights; Council Backtracks Slightly (CORRECTED)


I reported on a Monterey City Council meeting that turned back 1 of 3 anti-homeless measures being proposed for study several days ago.  There were several significant typos in the story (“11 AM” should have read Continue reading