Sunday 11-12 9:30 AM-2:30+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM—City Council Preview for 11-14, Brent Adams on the San Lorenzo Campground, FLASHBACKS to 12-18-14 –John Malkin– SCPD’s “Bearcat” Coup, 11-1 HUFF cont., 1989 Trial

The show also streams at .

Updates: A Grim Look at the Upcoming City Council meeting & Other Updates,

FLASHBACKS:   John Malkin reviews the SCPD and the (then) recent BEARCAT controversy; “Catch Her if you Can” Katy on the Homeless Reading of the Dead at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center, and Robert Aguirre on the Demolition and Deportation of the San Jose “Jungle”….Part 2 of the recent HUFF Meeting   and the first segment of the Mega Sleep In Trial of activists, students, and unhoused folks on April 14, 1989 with defender Ray Grueneich squaring off against city persecutor John Barisone.

Archives later today at   if you missed the show as it was playing.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now relocated to San Lorenzo Park.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Netowork to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers when the token Winter Shelter opens in mid-month.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.   Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.


6 PM tonight 11-9-17 on 101.3 FM, streams at Doings at San Lorenzo Park

Interviews from the street and from the park.

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  For more direct information on the folks sleeping at night in San Lorenzo Park, talk with them directly there.

Google “Santa Cruz Tenants” to make contact with local tenants rights group.

Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.

HUFF NOT MEETING WEDNESDAY (11-8) NEXT MEETING 11-15 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe to see if authorities are keeping their promises on campground support

Wednesday, November 15th is the next meeting date for HUFF at the Sub Rosa Cafe.

We’ll likely continue on a bi-weekly schedule with long-distance laps from Monterey County activists fighting for the rights of RV dwellers on Lapis Road.

Under observation in the days ahead are conditions at the San Lorenzo Campground.  Latest updates are at .   We have another week to look over SCPD and P & R records detailing the current use of Stay-Away’s and may also be getting updates from Berkeley, Sacramento, Salinas, and Fresno.

Please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown. And also note the harassment actions against homeless in downtown, residential, and business areas where ticketing apparently has continued and possibly intensified.


It seems the “clear ’em out of the downtown by containing them in San Lorenzo Park” policy is continuing–which has a sort of resignation to sanity quality to it.   Promises and predictions by Chief Andy Mills, at least as far as a tolerated camping area, are so far being kept.  However, this toleration should not be mistaken for fair and equal treatment of unhoused people in public spaces.  The restrictive laws that have produced Stay-Away’s, single vehicle parking, overnight parking bans, abusive enforcement of Downtown Ordinances on Pacific stay in place.  Inadequate Winter Shelter comes rolling down the pike starting in mid-November and expanding somewhat in December.

The real reason limited camper toleration is here is police enforcement is an impossibility.   Both in terms of economics and real-life-consequences, the plan to drive homeless folks out of sight and out of town just doesn’t work.  More and more folks face the rental rampage of landlord profiteering and the City’s endless gentrification (boondoggles for Airbnb and developers).  As services are cut back or require “a path to housing” (vouchers, checks), folks appear on the streets, next to buildings, etc.  As they are ticketed in the Pogonip, along the tracks, and downtown, they migrate to residential neighborhoods—causing a flurry of quacking and cawing by enraged bourgeois residents.

The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of the abusive Stay-Away process for the last 9 months as has Parks and Recreation–after much prompting.   Help HUFF document this wretched record to uncover the obvious pattern of enforcement which largely impacts houseless people.  We’ll be hoping to look into some of the records after the HUFF meeting. 


You can also help fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks; contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).


If meetings aren’t your thing, but you  wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833


Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.

Or go on line to the Facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.   FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to the “coaxed removal” of the homeless encampment there.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.  The idea is to quickly gather in numbers if city authorities attempt to shut down the meal.


Impending Uprooting on San Lorenzo Campground?

Eviction Notice Posted for Santa Cruz Benchlands Hooverville
by Free Speech Matters   Sunday Nov 5th, 2017 11:40 AM

After being rousted from downtown Santa Cruz and given San Lorenzo Park, homeless people are being told to move again.

The Hooverville-type camp on the benchlands in San Lorenzo Park now faces eviction. A notice was posted closing the park for “maintenance” on Thursday 9 November 2017.

Homeless people began occuping the benchlands after the Santa Cruz police vowed to “clean-up the downtown area”. When asked were they could go, the police told the homeless that they could go to San Lorenzo Park. Police Chief Andrew Mills declared, From the Clock Tower to Laurel Street, from Front to Center Streets, SCPD will spend the resources needed to ensure order. “

Now the City Parks Department says it is time to move along.

§Hooverville-type Camp Santa Cruz Park Benchlands

by Free Speech Matters Sunday Nov 5th, 2017 11:40 AM

Homeless people moved here after being rousted from downtown

Gorillas in the Mist: Are the Goonsquads Coming?

by Robert Norse  Monday Nov 6th, 2017 4:18 AM

The danger that this is an eviction and not a one-day relocation for “park maintenance” is real.

It’s not really clear what kind of “maintenance” is required here. I’ve never heard of the park being closed totally to the public (other than the usual privatized-for-a-day financial scams) for this purpose.

I suppose it could be a genuine “clean up” operation since San Lorenzo hasn’t seen so massive a continuous occupation since the Occupy movement of Fall 2011.

However there’s been no reassurance (whatever weight that would really have) from Police Chief Andy Mills and Parks Czar Mauro Garcia–much less from the City Council–that the “maintenance” will be followed by restoration of the campground tolerance (and portapotty/washing station/trash pickup support).

So this could be a dress rehersal for an evict-and-deport operation timed to operate with the opening of (as usual very limited) Winter Shelter program on November 15th.

This also comes at a time when Berkeley’s successful “Sanctuary Village” style encampment “Here…There” (earlier known as First they Came for the Homeless) was driven off last Saturday by BART goon squads after a peaceful period of ten months there with community support.

See “No Justice. Just Law. A Tale of Homelessness and Eviction.” at, “Homeless Eviction Farewell Party to South Berkeley ” at

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges at HERE/THERE, beg in the streets or steal loaves of bread. Tomorrow morning …

See also–Carol-Denney,

On the upside, note the unusual order by the federal judge Alsop.

While denying the camp’s call for a stay of execution, he also demands of Berkeley and the campers that by late November they come up with “a practical plan for shelter for its homeless during the coming winter…. Do not simply recite the programs the City purports to offer, for they are admittedly insufficient. Submit a plan that will shelter substantially all of Berkeley’s homeless. ..Be specific. Name soccer fields and open spaces [that could be converted].. to tent cities.”

This is a rare call for information from an otherwise-hostile Federal judge (he denied the campers attempt to stop the BART demolition of the camp).


In Berkeley the Here…There camp had a history of being stalked and attacked by police agencies over a dozen times.

The cat-and-mouse game between Berkeley and a homeless activist group continued early on Wednesday when city officials rousted about 25 people from their tents and …

City authorities finally realized–as Portland authorities did with the Dignity Camp that became Dignity Village in 2002–that they weren’t going to destroy the integrity and determination of the camp. So for ten months, they stopped the police raids, even yielding under pressure to allow a nearby portapotty to be set up.

Now displaced camp residents have already set up camp again at City Hall. See . The determination not to end the protest-and-survive camp has been renewed with community support.

First they came for the homeless. 4,194 likes · 430 talking about this. Action campaign for human rights.

In Santa Cruz, the same support kept the Freedom Sleepers going for 2 years until City Manager Martin Bernal unilaterally declared new “laws” banning constitutional protest there after dark.

Food Not Bombs, newly strengthened with volunteers, has brought food to the Freedom Sleeper encampment every Tuesday. Some activists there have discussed solidarity with the campers when the police come to remove the survival campers on (or before) November 9th.

Weekend warriors can e-mail Mills at amills [at] and Garcia at mgarcia [at] Not to mention citycouncil [at] .

Of course, the more direct course is to go down to San Lorenzo Park and offer support and solidarity to the campers themselves.

Or contact Food not Bombs at the Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs facebook page. You can also reach HUFF at 831-423-4833.

Sunday November 5 9:30 AM-2:30+ PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM—All new material on Berkeley’s Encampment Struggle, the Sleep Tight Tenant Fight, and the San Lorenzo Campground

The show also streams at .

Updates:  Sleep Tight Tenants and Activists Fight Back!   Cornerstone Carol Denney reports on Berkeley’s Here and There Encampment Relocation    Interviews A-Plenty from Downtown and San Lorenzo Park   Inside a HUFF Meeting   and more….

Archives later today at   if you missed the show as it was playing.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now relocated to San Lorenzo Park.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Netowork to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers when the token Winter Shelter opens in mid-month.

Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.   Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.


6 PM tonight 11-2-17 on 101.3 FM, streams at Cannabis Activist Pat Malo and Tenants Rights Worker Cynthia Berger Speak Out

The audio of the Sleep Tight Protest protesting unfair evictions and fair relocation funding for the tenants of 127 Ocean St. will be broadcast (hopefully) on Sunday at 10 AM as part of the 9:30 AM2 PM show.

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  For more direct information on the folks sleeping at night in San Lorenzo Park, talk with them directly there.

Google “Santa Cruz Tenants” to make contact with local tenants rights group.

Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.

HUFF MEETING WEDNESDAY (11-1) 11 AM 11-1-17 at the Sub Rosa Cafe in Post-Halloween Huddle–Creepy Crawly Caffeine Will be Provided

We’re back at the usual Sub Rosa Cafe 11 AM meeting Wednesday November 1st.   HUFF will likely continue on a bi-weekly schedule with though that will be decided by those attending.   This decision was made to accommodate Monterey County activists currently fighting the Lapis Road Residential Vehicle Homeowner Struggle who have to come a longer distance.

Topics coming up will be activist Phil Posner’s survey of the San Lorenzo (de facto) Campground taken two weeks ago; solidarity between renters and houseless folks and the latest renter protection protest at the Sleep Tight apartments; adjourning to look over SCPD and P & R records detailing the current use of Stay-Away’s; updates from the federal court decision Tuesday allowing BART to deport homeless from the Here and There (formerly First They Came for the Homeless) encampment, from Sacramento’s trial against the City’s Camping Ban, and more….

Also up for discussion, HUFF’s position regarding SCPD Chief Mills supposed “liberal” “no nighttime camping busts” policy as contrasted with continuing harassment of the unhoused downtown for trivial offenses.  The latest Sentinel Jessica York media spin is at while SCPD Chief Mills has alarmed some RV dwellers and survival sleepers-in-cars with his apparent plan to “assign five police lieutenants to individual neighborhoods to focus on each area’s looming issues, such as recreational vehicles parked for extended times in Westside neighborhoods.” (See )

Please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown. And also note the harassment actions against homeless in downtown, residential, and business areas where ticketing apparently has continued and possibly intensified.

The supposed “liberal” Mills policy means little if police and rangers are ticketing sleepers for “other crimes” on public property such as being in a park after dark, smoking, blocking the sidewalk, lodging, trespass, etc.

We have few if any reports of police and ranger use of the newly expanded Stay-Away law.  Its selective enforcement powers  are described at (“Stacked Deck Stay-Away Law Expansion Promises More Pain for Poor Outside“)   The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of this abusive process for the last 9 months as has Parks and Recreation–after much prompting.   Help HUFF document this wretched recordto uncover the obvious pattern of enforcement which largely impacts houseless people.  We’ll be hoping to look into some of the records after the HUFF meeting.

You can also help fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).

If meetings aren’t your thing, but you  wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.

Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.

Or go on line to the facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.   FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to the “coaxed removal” of the homeless encampment there.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.  The idea is to quickly gather in numbers if city authorities attempt to shut down the meal.


Sunday October 29, 2017 9:30 AM-2:30 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM–a Flashback-Free Show Packed with Interviews and Updates from Berkeley, Marina, and Santa Cruz

The show also streams at

Updates:  the latest Encompass management interference and censorship at MHCAN with the apparent complicity of its Board of Directors; Wildfire of the Lapis Road Home Residents Tries to Talk Sense to a Self-Deluding Deputy; Berkeley Poor Tour Activist Mike Zint Fires Away at the Latest Attack on the Self-Supporting Berkeley Encampment Here…There (formerly First they Came for the Homeless); Brent Adams on S.C. Police Chief Andy Mills “Tolerance for Now at San Lorenzo Park” Policy; Community Homeless Voices from the Post Office Sidewalk; Mama Shannon Blasts Perjury-Prone Rangers; and more!

Apologies for the faulty archiving of last Sunday’s Flashback-Heavy show at  .   Go instead to the Lost Shows archive at where the 10-22 show should be archived in the next few days.

That show includes never before played from 1988 featuring the voices of many Sleeping Ban fighterincluding Jane Imler, Linda Edwards, Rocky Stone, Ray Grueneich and Brian Koepke. 

Specifically:  (1) the 7-12-88 City Council crushing of its own Human Relations Task Force resolution to humanize the Sleeping Ban.

                       (2) KZSC 10-16-88 Interview of City Council candidate and Homeless Elder “Calamity” Jane Imler, “Bubbah” Brian Koepke, and Lighthouse Linda Lemaster

                       (3) KZSC 11-11-88 Discussion of the Court and Street struggle to restore Human Rights in Santa Cruz featuring Bathrobespierre Robert, “Grinning” Ray Grueniech, Greatheart Charles Gray, and others.

                       (4)  Oral Communication Homeless Protests from the last three City Council meetings of 1988

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now dispersed to San Lorenzo Park and under frequent bigot scrutiny and attack there.   Join Food Not Bombs locally.  Sign up for the Emergency Response Network to defend Food Not Bombs as well as the San Lorenzo Sleepers. 


Leave your comments and questions at the same number.   Still a $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.


Later in the day after the show has aired, the Sunday 10-1 show archives in part at

Upcoming:  Rent Control Protest Outside City Council 4:30-6:30 PM Tuesday October 24

6 PM tonight 10-26-17 on 101.3 FM, streams at Updates and Impressions of the unofficial San Lorenzo Park Safe zone and a Roundtable Discussion of Emergency Court Action Defending the First They Came for the Homeless Berkeley Encampment

The 10-24-17 Flashpoints Show replayed during the 2nd hour is at .   More on the Community Resistance to BART’s attack on the Here and There (formerly First They Came for the Homeless/Poor Tour) Berkeley encampment at .

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  For more direct information on the folks sleeping at night in San Lorenzo Park, talk with them directly there.

Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.

More HUFF Hibernation… NO MEETING TODAY (10-25) Next regularly scheduled meeting 11 AM 11-1-17 Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe

The usual Sub Rosa Cafe 11 AM meeting today (Wednesday October 24) is cancelled..   HUFF has gone onto a bi-weekly schedule with the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday November 1st. at 703 Pacific.   This decision was made to accommodate Monterey County activists currently fighting the Lapis Road Residential Vehicle Homeowner Struggle who have to come a longer distance as well as acknowledge the dwindling number of local HUFFsters attending weekly.

On KZSC’s Talkabout show Wednesday 10-25  7:45 PM , Bathrobespierre Robert talks about the latest SCPD gambit with Chief Mill’s “no tickets 9 PM to 6 AM unless there is a complaint by someone in control of that property or some other crime or nuisance behavior is taking place.”

Updates tomorrow Thursday 10-26 6:30 PM at 101.3 FM (also on the 6-8 PM Bathrobepierre’s Broadsides show regarding the Poor Tour/First They Came for the Homeless encampment in Berkeley, and Tuesday doings around the Rent Control organizing, the visit of Bandelero Bob Aronson (S.C. Police “Auditor”), and the “no protests, please!”  S.C. Coalition on Homelessness–if we can get ’em.

If anyone went to the Tuesday gatherings, please contact me at 423-4833 for updates.  Personal health problems, unseasonable heat, and transportation problems kept me away.

See SCPD Chief Mills and mainstream media statements are available at and

Also please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown.

The supposed “liberal” Mills policy means little if police and rangers are ticketing sleepers for “other crimes” on public property such as being in a park after dark, smoking, blocking the sidewalk, lodging, trespass, etc.

We have few if any reports of police and ranger use of the newly expanded Stay-Away law.  Its selective enforcement powers  are described at (“Stacked Deck Stay-Away Law Expansion Promises More Pain for Poor Outside“)   The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of this abusive process for the last 9 months as has Parks and Recreation–after much prompting.   Help HUFF document this wretched recordto uncover the obvious pattern of enforcement which largely impacts houseless people.

You can also help fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).

If meetings aren’t your thing, but you  wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.

Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.

Or go on line to the facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.   FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to the “coaxed removal” of the homeless encampment there.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.  The idea is to quickly gather in numbers if city authorities attempt to shut down the meal.