City Bicycle Distribution Issue to be Decided Next Tuesday, Jan 14

To: “Steve (!) Shnarr” <>

Steve:  Your position is significantly weakened by omitting any mention of the repeated attempts you and others made to clarify why the SCPD stopped the bike distribution and under pressure from whom.  You omit mentioning that your attempts to get clear and transparent response from then-Mayor Hillary Bryant or from Assistant City Manager Tina Shull were dodged, ignored, or dismissed.   You seem to be trying (again) to “smooth things over”, “avoid antagonizing the SCPD”, and “maintaining good relations with the city staff”, but hasn’t the sweet talk approach showed how ineffective it is?   Power senses weakness and has only contempt for it.

The community and Council need to be publicly confronted with the rather bald questions: why were the distributions stopped?  why have they been held up for nearly two years?  why aren’t the responsible people held accountable?  And, most obviously, without any phony dicking around, why isn’t the original process simply restored?  Instead  we have MIcah’s face-saving (and futile) Request for Proposals nonsense–which, so far, as gone nowhere.

Folks assembled in mass half a year ago already made a plea for return of the bikes.   Half a year later–are we any closer?  Just another Council meeting.  Folks who could have had bikes–those poor folks who are the target of the City Council’s ordinance changes last year and their notorious Task Force on Public Safety (or more accurately the Task Farce Transmitting Public Hysteria).

It is my understanding that these bikes are being auctioned off in Sacramento (if they’re not dumped into a landfill)–does that confirm your information?

Please provide straight talk and straight questions to the community and Council.  You may find such candor, if followed up by other direct actions may embarrass the SCPD stonewallers into relenting and actually forestall such abuses in the future.

Robert Norse

> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 13:23:07 -0800
> From:
> To: various
> Subject: City Bicycle Distribution Issue to be Decided Next Tuesday, Jan 14
> Dear friends,
> Next Tuesday, January 14th the Santa Cruz City Council will decide
> whether or not to reinstate the long-standing program of distributing
> unclaimed bicycles to youth in need. Please let the Council Members
> know you think this is a valuable program! You can let them know in
> person at the meeting, or email them at
> Currently we don’t know if this item
> will be discussed at the 3pm afternoon or 7pm evening session, but
> we’ll post details as they are available:
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Background:
> Every year the City ends up with hundreds of bikes which are not
> claimed and must be dealt with somehow. Because the bikes are
> generally of moderate to low quality and many are in disrepair, they
> offer little cash value to the City through auctioning. Therefore in
> 1996 the City began distributing them to youth in need, turning these
> old bikes into a valuable community resource. The distributions were
> open to any qualified nonprofit or government agency, and got out many
> hundreds of bikes to youth who otherwise might not have had the
> opportunity to own a bicycle.
> Although a valuable program, participation varied over the years and
> sometimes the administration felt like a drain to the SCPD, which in
> 2008 stopped distributions and began sending bikes instead to the
> landfill. At that point the nonprofit repair shop the Bike Church
> approached the City, offering to handle most of the administration of
> the program. For the next four years, the Bike Church held 16
> distributions, getting out 415 bikes through a variety of nonprofits,
> while salvaging tons of usable material from the scraps that no one
> else was able to make use of.
> In early 2012, the City ended this important program without any
> notification to the Bike Church or other participating groups. Bikes
> were delivered instead to a for-profit business that sold many bikes
> which previously would have gone free to youth, and which did not
> invite the former nonprofit participants to take any of the bicycles.
> The five groups that had matched up the most bikes to youth prior to
> this change—Barrios Unidos, Green Ways to School, Project Bike Trip,
> Watsonville Bike Shack, and Western Service Workers Association—all
> wrote letters to the City praising the former program and the Bike
> Church’s management of it, and asking that it be reinstated. However
> no changes were made at that time.
> The following summer in August 2013, acknowledging that the municipal
> code does not allow distributions through a for-profit business, the
> City suspended distributions entirely. City Manager Bernal stated at
> that time the intention to invite proposals from nonprofits to partner
> with the City in renewing the program. However due to
> behind-the-scenes pressure by some Council Members this plan was never
> moved forward, with bikes now being auctioned off for as far as we
> know the first time since 1996.
> Fortunately, the City Council will have the opportunity to vote on
> this matter next week, and we hope they will listen to the
> overwhelming community support for giving the bikes to youth instead
> of auctioning them off.

Attorney Resumes Attack on Sleeping Ban Noon Today at Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz

PeaceCamp2010 co-founder and stalwart Ed Frey (pronounced “Fry”) is the only local attorney to have been arrested, then trial and then served a six-month house arrest sentence for solidarity with homeless people here defending the right to sleep.

He continues his persistent and relentless appeal of the absurd and bizarre conviction of “Ground Zero” Gary Johnson.

Judge “Grim Gavel” John Gallagher sentenced Gary to two years in jail for sleeping outside the County Building on a bench with a sign denouncing the (Homeless) Sleeping Ban.

This happened in the closing days of the Occupy Santa Cruz movement in the winter of 2011-2012–though as an independent action. In his appeal of a blocked appeal, Ed raises technical but substantive legal issues which impact all appeals and will be presenting a memo today to lawyers who have been largely indifferent to the issue locally.  (The local ACLU has repeatedly refused to issue any statement on MC 6.36.010a or on the state’s harsh and selectively enforced “no lodging” law PC 647e.)

More at:

Japanese Homeless Go to Fukushima

NOTE BY NORSE:  In this story, the scandal is homelessness as a jobs-and-housing crisis that allows for the exploitation of workers.  Contrast Santa Cruz where local bigots inveigh against the homeless as lazy, crazy, druggies, or exploiters.   And in the last year, thanks to Take-Over-Santa-Cruz infiltration and lobbying, the Task Farce Stimulating Public Hysteria (or Task Force on “Public Safety” as it calls itself), the homeless are being rebranded as criminals for survival behavior that would be perfectly legal inside a house (sleeping, sitting, drinking alcohol).

On Pacific Avenue,Mayor Rattlesnake Robinson’s Raiders have begun to strike. SCPD’s CSO Barnett has already driven away Kate the scarfmakker and jewelerymakers David and Crystal with harassment and threats of ticketing.  Struggling to squeeze themselves within the new Sidewalk Constriction Ordinances passed to discourage and thin out street performers, they were nonetheless confronted in hostile manner by Barnett and his yellow-jacketed Hostle-patility Patrol minions.  The ticket fine would have been in the hundreds of dollars.  Driving crafts people to panhandling, Barnett is apparently presenting a foretaste of Rattlesnake’s New Year’s gift to struggling poor people.  They have discovered old laws that, they say, prohibit selling or displaying for donation crafts more than 5 times in a six month period under the previously unused ordinance MC 5.04.080(11) which otherwise requires a “peddler” to pay $72 a day for a license.  Display for donation has not been criminalized…up to now.It’s ironic that a decade ago when an earlier group of City Council homeless-ophobes, confronted with increasing complaints about police abuse and selective enforcement (and hearings by the City’s then-active Citizens Police Review Board)–passed laws expanding forbidden-to-sit zones to cover 95% of the sidewalk for sitters and panhandlers.  Street performers and vendors tried to separate themselves from the “riffraff” and were only banned from 75% of the sidewalk.  But the wheel spins, and having come for the homeless and the beggers, the authorities went after street performers and artists last fall…and now vendors.  Solidarity with the riff-raff is not such a bad idea, after all.

In Santa Cruz some liberals are proposing that homeless “prove their worth” by doing shit work (similar to what folks on welfare are required to do in terms of seeking non-existent jobs).  What’s needed, of course, is broader solidarity between workers, renters, homeless people, and unemployed folks.  Otherwise they slice folks off, one group at a time.

Special report – Japan’s homeless recruited for murky Fukushima clean-up

By Mari Saito and Antoni Slodkowski

SENDAI, Japan Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:04am IST

(Reuters) – Seiji Sasa hits the train station in this northern Japanese city before dawn most mornings to prowl for homeless men.

He isn’t a social worker. He’s a recruiter. The men in Sendai Station are potential laborers that Sasa can dispatch to contractors in Japan’s nuclear disaster zone for a bounty of $100 a head.

“This is how labor recruiters like me come in every day,” Sasa says, as he strides past men sleeping on cardboard and clutching at their coats against the early winter cold.

It’s also how Japan finds people willing to accept minimum wage for one of the most undesirable jobs in the industrialized world: working on the $35 billion, taxpayer-funded effort to clean up radioactive fallout across an area of northern Japan larger than Hong Kong.

Almost three years ago, a massive earthquake and tsunami leveled villages across Japan’s northeast coast and set off multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Today, the most ambitious radiation clean-up ever attempted is running behind schedule. The effort is being dogged by both a lack of oversight and a shortage of workers, according to a Reuters analysis of contracts and interviews with dozens of those involved.

In January, October and November, Japanese gangsters were arrested on charges of infiltrating construction giant Obayashi Corp’s(1802.T) network of decontamination subcontractors and illegally sending workers to the government-funded project.

In the October case, homeless men were rounded up at Sendai’s train station by Sasa, then put to work clearing radioactive soil and debris in Fukushima City for less than minimum wage, according to police and accounts of those involved. The men reported up through a chain of three other companies to Obayashi, Japan’s second-largest construction company.

Obayashi, which is one of more than 20 major contractors involved in government-funded radiation removal projects, has not been accused of any wrongdoing. But the spate of arrests has shown that members of Japan’s three largest criminal syndicates – Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai and Inagawa-kai – had set up black-market recruiting agencies under Obayashi.

“We are taking it very seriously that these incidents keep happening one after another,” said Junichi Ichikawa, a spokesman for Obayashi. He said the company tightened its scrutiny of its lower-tier subcontractors in order to shut out gangsters, known as the yakuza. “There were elements of what we had been doing that did not go far enough.”


Part of the problem in monitoring taxpayer money in Fukushima is the sheer number of companies involved in decontamination, extending from the

major contractors at the top to tiny subcontractors many layers below them. The total number has not been announced. But in the 10 most contaminated towns and a highway that runs north past the gates of the wrecked plant in Fukushima, Reuters found 733 companies were performing work for the Ministry of Environment, according to partial contract terms released by the ministry in August under Japan’s information disclosure law.

Reuters found 56 subcontractors listed on environment ministry contracts worth a total of $2.5 billion in the most radiated areas of Fukushima that would have been barred from traditional public works because they had not been vetted by the construction ministry.

The 2011 law that regulates decontamination put control under the environment ministry, the largest spending program ever managed by the 10-year-old agency. The same law also effectively loosened controls on bidders, making it possible for firms to win radiation removal contracts without the basic disclosure and certification required for participating in public works such as road construction.

Reuters also found five firms working for the Ministry of Environment that could not be identified. They had no construction ministry registration, no listed phone number or website, and Reuters could not find a basic corporate registration disclosing ownership. There was also no record of the firms in the database of Japan’s largest credit research firm, Teikoku Databank.

“As a general matter, in cases like this, we would have to start by looking at whether a company like this is real,” said Shigenobu Abe, a researcher at Teikoku Databank. “After that, it would be necessary to look at whether this is an active company and at the background of its executive and directors.”

Responsibility for monitoring the hiring, safety records and suitability of hundreds of small firms involved in Fukushima’s decontamination rests with the top contractors, including Kajima Corp(1812.T), Taisei Corp(1801.T) and Shimizu Corp(1803.T), officials said.

“In reality, major contractors manage each work site,” said Hide Motonaga, deputy director of the radiation clean-up division of the environment ministry.

But, as a practical matter, many of the construction companies involved in the clean-up say it is impossible to monitor what is happening on the ground because of the multiple layers of contracts for each job that keep the top contractors removed from those doing the work.

“If you started looking at every single person, the project wouldn’t move forward. You wouldn’t get a tenth of the people you need,” said Yukio Suganuma, president of Aisogo Service, a construction company that was hired in 2012 to clean up radioactive fallout from streets in the town of Tamura.

The sprawl of small firms working in Fukushima is an unintended consequence of Japan’s legacy of tight labor-market regulations combined with the aging population’s deepening shortage of workers. Japan’s construction companies cannot afford to keep a large payroll and dispatching temporary workers to construction sites is prohibited. As a result, smaller firms step into the gap, promising workers in exchange for a cut of their wages.

Below these official subcontractors, a shadowy network of gangsters and illegal brokers who hire homeless men has also become active in Fukushima. Ministry of Environment contracts in the most radioactive areas of Fukushima prefecture are particularly lucrative because the government pays an additional $100 in hazard allowance per day for each worker.

Takayoshi Igarashi, a lawyer and professor at Hosei University, said the initial rush to find companies for decontamination was understandable in the immediate aftermath of the disaster when the priority was emergency response. But he said the government now needs to tighten its scrutiny to prevent a range of abuses, including bid rigging.

“There are many unknown entities getting involved in decontamination projects,” said Igarashi, a former advisor to ex-Prime Minister Naoto Kan. “There needs to be a thorough check on what companies are working on what, and when. I think it’s probably completely lawless if the top

contractors are not thoroughly checking.”

The Ministry of Environment announced on Thursday that work on the most contaminated sites would take two to three years longer than the original March 2014 deadline. That means many of the more than 60,000 who lived in the area before the disaster will remain unable to return home until six years after the disaster.

Earlier this month, Abe, who pledged his government would “take full responsibility for the rebirth of Fukushima” boosted the budget for decontamination to $35 billion, including funds to create a facility to store radioactive soil and other waste near the wrecked nuclear plant.
To read this story in a PDF, click

Web of contractors
Recruiting the homeless
Skimming wages


Japan has always had a gray market of day labor centered in Tokyo and Osaka. A small army of day laborers was employed to build the stadiums and parks for the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. But over the past year, Sendai, the biggest city in the disaster zone, has emerged as a hiring hub for homeless men. Many work clearing rubble left behind by the 2011 tsunami and cleaning up radioactive hotspots by removing topsoil, cutting grass and scrubbing down houses around the destroyed nuclear plant, workers and city officials say.

Seiji Sasa, 67, a broad-shouldered former wrestling promoter, was photographed by undercover police recruiting homeless men at the Sendai train station to work in the nuclear cleanup. The workers were then handed off through a chain of companies reporting up to Obayashi, as part of a $1.4 million contract to decontaminate roads in Fukushima, police say.

“I don’t ask questions; that’s not my job,” Sasa said in an interview with Reuters. “I just find people and send them to work. I send them and get money in exchange. That’s it. I don’t get involved in what happens after that.”

Only a third of the money allocated for wages by Obayashi’s top contractor made it to the workers Sasa had found. The rest was skimmed by middlemen, police say. After deductions for food and lodging, that left workers with an hourly rate of about $6, just below the minimum wage equal to about $6.50 per hour in Fukushima, according to wage data provided by police. Some of the homeless men ended up in debt after fees for food and housing were deducted, police say.

Sasa was arrested in November and released without being charged. Police were after his client, Mitsunori Nishimura, a local Inagawa-kai gangster. Nishimura housed workers in cramped dorms on the edge of Sendai and skimmed an estimated $10,000 of public funding intended for their wages each month, police say.

Nishimura, who could not be reached for comment, was arrested and paid a $2,500 fine. Nishimura is widely known in Sendai. Seiryu Home, a shelter funded by the city, had sent other homeless men to work for him on recovery jobs after the 2011 disaster.

“He seemed like such a nice guy,” said Yota Iozawa, a shelter manager. “It was bad luck. I can’t investigate everything about every company.”
In the incident that prompted his arrest, Nishimura placed his workers with Shinei Clean, a company with about 15 employees based on a winding farm road south of Sendai. Police turned up there to arrest Shinei’s president, Toshiaki Osada, after a search of his office, according to Tatsuya Shoji, who is both Osada’s nephew and a company manager. Shinei had sent dump trucks to sort debris from the disaster. “Everyone is involved in sending workers,” said Shoji. “I guess we just happened to get caught this time.”

Osada, who could not be reached for comment, was fined about $5,000. Shinei was also fined about $5,000.


The trail from Shinei led police to a slightly larger neighboring company with about 30 employees, Fujisai Couken. Fujisai says it was under pressure from a larger contractor, Raito Kogyo, to provide workers for Fukushima. Kenichi Sayama, Fujisai’s general manger, said his company only made about $10 per day per worker it outsourced. When the job appeared to be going too slowly, Fujisai asked Shinei for more help and they turned to Nishimura.
A Fujisai manager, Fuminori Hayashi, was arrested and paid a $5,000 fine, police said. Fujisai also paid a $5,000 fine.

“If you don’t get involved (with gangs), you’re not going to get enough workers,” said Sayama, Fujisai’s general manager. “The construction industry is 90 percent run by gangs.”

Raito Kogyo(1926.T), a top-tier subcontractor to Obayashi, has about 300 workers in decontamination projects around Fukushima and owns subsidiaries in both Japan and the United States. Raito agreed that the project faced a shortage of workers but said it had been deceived. Raito said it was unaware of a shadow contractor under Fujisai tied to organized crime.

“We can only check on lower-tier subcontractors if they are honest with us,” said Tomoyuki Yamane, head of marketing for Raito. Raito and Obayashi were not accused of any wrongdoing and were not penalized.

Other firms receiving government contracts in the decontamination zone have hired homeless men from Sasa, including Shuto Kogyo, a firm based in Himeji, western Japan.

“He sends people in, but they don’t stick around for long,” said Fujiko Kaneda, 70, who runs Shuto with her son, Seiki Shuto. “He gathers people in front of the station and sends them to our dorm.”

Kaneda invested about $600,000 to cash in on the reconstruction boom. Shuto converted an abandoned roadhouse north of Sendai into a dorm to house workers on reconstruction jobs such as clearing tsunami debris. The company also won two contracts awarded by the Ministry of Environment to clean up two of the most heavily contaminated townships.

Kaneda had been arrested in 2009 along with her son, Seiki, for charging illegally high interest rates on loans to pensioners. Kaneda signed an admission of guilt for police, a document she says she did not understand, and paid a fine of $8,000. Seiki was given a sentence of two years prison time suspended for four years and paid a $20,000 fine, according to police. Seiki declined to comment.


In Fukushima, Shuto has faced at least two claims with local labor regulators over unpaid wages, according to Kaneda. In a separate case, a 55-year-old homeless man reported being paid the equivalent of $10 for a full month of work at Shuto. The worker’s paystub, reviewed by Reuters, showed charges for food, accommodation and laundry were docked from his monthly pay equivalent to about $1,500, leaving him with $10 at the end of the August.

The man turned up broke and homeless at Sendai Station in October after working for Shuto, but disappeared soon afterwards, according to Yasuhiro Aoki, a Baptist pastor and homeless advocate.

Kaneda confirmed the man had worked for her but said she treats her workers fairly. She said Shuto Kogyo pays workers at least $80 for a day’s work while docking the equivalent of $35 for food. Many of her workers end up borrowing from her to make ends meet, she said. One of them had owed her $20,000 before beginning work in Fukushima, she says. The balance has come down recently, but then he borrowed another $2,000 for the year-end


“He will never be able to pay me back,” she said.

The problem of workers running themselves into debt is widespread. “Many homeless people are just put into dormitories, and the fees for lodging and food are automatically docked from their wages,” said Aoki, the pastor. “Then at the end of the month, they’re left with no pay at all.”
Shizuya Nishiyama, 57, says he briefly worked for Shuto clearing rubble. He now sleeps on a cardboard box in Sendai Station. He says he left after a dispute over wages, one of several he has had with construction firms, including two handling decontamination jobs.

Nishiyama’s first employer in Sendai offered him $90 a day for his first job clearing tsunami debris. But he was made to pay as much as $50 a day for food and lodging. He also was not paid on the days he was unable to work. On those days, though, he would still be charged for room and board. He decided he was better off living on the street than going into debt.

“We’re an easy target for recruiters,” Nishiyama said. “We turn up here with all our bags, wheeling them around and we’re easy to spot. They say to us, are you looking for work? Are you hungry? And if we haven’t eaten, they offer to find us a job.”

(Reporting by Mari Saito and Antoni Slodkowski, additional reporting by Elena Johansson, Michio Kohno, Yoko Matsudaira, Fumika Inoue, Ruairidh Villar, Sophie Knight; writing by Kevin Krolicki; editing by Bill Tarrant)

In the Heart of the Mean Season: Chris Nunez op-ed Dec 28 2013

NOTE TO READER: Chris Nunez is right-on in his questioning of the connection between high property crime rates, violent crime rates, and homelessness. The Public Safety Task Force heard that these crimes are committed by the “sons and daughters of the residents” and not by homeless people in any statistical way. Instead, homeless people are characterized as “criminals” when they break a series of laws passed, apparently, just for them. These include laws which outlaw the act of sleeping at night, the use of a blanket, sitting on a sidewalk, asking for food after dark, BEING in a public parking lot or garage longer than 15 minutes, or sitting on a park bench longer than 1 hour. When a homeless person gets a $162 citation for sleeping when they couldn’t afford a $75 a night motel room, they are further criminalized for not paying the fine. Our jails are full of homeless people with little effect on public safety. This is truly a Mean Town in a Mean Season. —Becky Johnson of HUFF

Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom
309 Cedar St. PMB 14B
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060
(831) 423-HUFF

Chris Nunez : In the heart of the mean season

By Chris Nunez

Special to the Sentinel

Posted:   12/28/2013 03:37:45 PM PST

Chris Nunez

It’s the “mean season” — and just in time for the cold and gloom of winter, a killing winter.
Responses to the recent Sentinel article about homelessness reinforce what has been shaping up for the better part of a year now. But what was not said shapes this communal discussion as much as what was stated in this article and the comments that followed.
At one of the Public Safety Task Force meetings, the director of the Santa Cruz Homeless Services Center pointed out that all across the country 80 percent of the homeless population is made up of locals who actually had a residence in the very cities in which they are now homeless — they are our neighbors!
But readers of this newspaper article or of the comments would never know it. The homeless have become nameless and faceless and expendable — responsible for their own poverty. Yet the very fact that homelessness is spread all across the nation should make it abundantly clear that there is something larger at work here — there is a systemic problem beyond the control of those caught in the untenable position of being without shelter, without an address — perhaps employed but still without shelter, others without jobs or prospects.
There is a seeming connection being made between high property crime and violent crime and the high rate of homelessness. Correlation does not necessarily mean “causation” but there is also a strange and implied “guilt by association.” Is it accurate to equate property crime with violent crime, or is this playing fast and loose with unrelated facts? What is this kind of logic that throws a community into a panic?
These are straw man arguments, smears and slurs that allow no opportunity for response from the nameless individuals or group(s) being attacked. And the arguments impute ugly characteristics to these individuals and group(s) — laziness and arguments about the supposedly undeserving poor — knowing nothing about any of the nameless individuals being attacked.
Some in the community seem to think that bringing back the chain-gang type of penalty with hard labor is the way to handle what is essentially a problem of homelessness. This is where the failure to distinguish between those who break the law and those who are merely without shelter makes for bad logic and poor decisions about the community’s options. To equate all homeless with criminals and criminal behavior does not make sense. We’ve never had chain gangs in California that I’m aware of, so I must wonder where such ideas come from.
There is an assumption that “spending piles of money on services” alone will end homelessness and frustration that it hasn’t. Jobs are needed by the homeless, the underemployed and unemployed. And the “job makers” of this nation have failed or refused to invest in creating jobs — yet it’s the jobless who are blamed for the situation. One of the realities is that over the past 35 years while the economy has been sliding down distancing the difference between the working middle class and the top 1 percent, that those candidates for election or re-election have used “get-tough-on-crime” campaigns to garner votes. Candidates of both parties do this — the Bushes and Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden did this — and it worked — that’s why they do it. Fear is truly our enemy, but fear also paralyzes and panics individuals and communities. Fear makes groups susceptible to “moral panic,” the fear of the unknown or of the vaguely suspicious because “they are different from us.” It’s the mean season, and we have ceased to be good neighbors and there are consequences for that — we have ceased to be the commonwealth our founders intended us to be — are we destroying the dream of a democratic nation?
“Each man for himself” is not something our founders would have said.
Chris Nunez of Santa Cruz has a master’s degree in theology from the University of San Francisco, and is a fellow in the graduate program in pastoral ministry at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University.

San Jose Encampments in a Super-Rich Community

NOTES BY NORSE:  The winter (summer, spring, and fall) destruction of survival encampments has become a growth industry in Santa Cruz under Mayors Bryant and Robinson–with persistent, arbitrary, and destructive raids on the privacy, property, and well-being of those outside with no shelter.

         The pretexts are age-old:  environmental protection (but not the human environment), public health (but let’s not build any 24 hour bathrooms), drug “crimes” (how’s the prohibition war going for you?), and, the latest and most trumpeted but least substantial–“public safety” (gee, Martha, all those police calls and tickets for sleeping, sitting, and being in a park after dark–they’re willfully violating laws that our police department advised the  City Council to make!…and creating…a crime wave!).
The growing number of homeless people are a symptom of housing, jobs, war priority, and bankster fraud, it’s become easier and more profitable to discover or attribute flaws, faults, and failings in homeless people themselves to explain away rent profiteering, job flight overseas, and a bloated corrupt and overpriced  health care system.    But let’s just call them drunks, addicts, crazies, and lazies.  Sort of what’s always been done when you wish to dismiss legitimate basic survival demands and sub-humanize folks.
The city can’t even see its way clear to two decent mass meals for homeless people per year (Thanksgiving and Xmas).  Food Not Bombs has stepped in to feed on the sidewalk near the main post office today.   Nor has there been any official provision for warming centers as the temperatures drop.

  Hard Times USA

The Jungle: Thousands of Homeless People Live in Shantytowns at the Epicenter of High-Tech, Super-Rich Silicon Valley

Residents of Silicon Valley’s largest homeless encampment illustrate the widening divide between the nation’s haves and have-nots.
Photo Credit: Evelyn Nieves
December 15, 2013  |

By mid-morning on Thursday, the sun was shining hard enough to dry wet blankets and the residents of the Jungle began surfacing, letting each other know they were still alive.
Six straight nights of freezing temperatures had tested their tenacity, not to mention their tarps and tents. It was so cold that the raccoons that raid the trash bins every night disappeared, a first. Ditto the crows, squirrels and feral cats. Life in the Jungle, 75 wooded acres off Interstate 101 in San Jose that comprises Silicon Valley’s largest homeless encampment, came to a standstill.

Click to enlarge.
Photo: The entrance to the Jungle. 

With the hard ground thawing, the Jungle looked as if spring had sprung. People strolled the dirt paths, rode their bikes and walked their dogs. Everyone in the Jungle—200 men and women, give or take—looked ready to celebrate surviving the earliest, coldest cold snap on record.
“We were lucky,” said Troy Feid, a former carpenter, squinting into the bright sky. “Not everyone was.”

Click to enlarge.

Photo: Troy Feid, a former carpenter who suffers from depression, has lived in the Jungle on and off for six years. He ended up homeless after he lost his job when he went to jail for nearly a year for owning a motorcycle he didn’t know was stolen. Now he lives in an elaborate encampment he built out of scrounged wood and plastic with his cat, Baby.

Four homeless men in Silicon Valley did not make it through the season’s first bout of sub-freezing temperatures. Over the last two weeks, three of them froze to death on the streets of San Jose, not far from the Jungle.
That people live and die on the streets of Silicon Valley is no news to the poor, of course. With more than 6,500 tech companies in all, Santa Clara County is home to the biggest stars in the tech universe, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, eBay and Apple. But the land of high-tech milk and honey is also a prime example of the widening divide between the nation’s haves and have-nots.
For all its stock-option millionaires, the San Jose/Santa Clara County region (pop. 1.8 million) also has the nation’s fifth largest population of homeless (after New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and San Diego), according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The main culprits? Budget cuts that have frayed the safety net and sky-high housing costs. These days, a three-bedroom, one-bath starter home in San Jose, the county seat and one of its most affordable cities, costs a cool million. Rents for a two-bedroom apartment go from $2,000 to $5,000 a month, and those on the low-end are scarce.
While homelessness remains off the radar of the Silicon Valley titans, it keeps getting worse, up 20 percent in two years. More than 7,600 people sleep on the streets every night. Dozens of encampments dot the landscape, and thousands of people live in temporary quarters—shelters, motels, friends’ homes. Several private and public organizations in Santa Clara County are dedicated to helping the unhoused receive medical care, supplies and assistance in finding shelter. But funds and available units to move homeless people into permanent housing are meager.
For now, emergency shelters remain the only immediate option for those on the streets. But shelters prohibit pets and loads of possessions. Most people in the Jungle have both.

Click to enlarge.
 Photo: The Jungle is a place of many signs. Signs mark people‘s territories, give instructions as to where to put trash for pickup (the city picks up trash placed in trash bags it provides Jungle residents), welcome visitors, or more often, warn them away.

In fact, calling the Jungle an encampment hardly describes it. A shantytown of tents and shacks made from doors, tarps and whatever else people could find, the Jungle sits on county land along Coyote Creek just below street level from Story Road, a commercial hub anchored by a Walmart.

“I rode my bike to the hospital,” she said. “The doctors told me I was very lucky.”

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Photo: Yolanda Gutierrez, 39, recently suffered a stroke. She rode her bicycle to the hospital, where doctors told her she was lucky to be alive. She has lived in the Jungle for about a year and is trying to get out.

“Lucky” is a word residents of the Jungle seem to use a lot. Jose, a 46-year-old handyman, has asked for his last name not to be used because it “might embarrass his family.” He said he considers himself lucky for the encampment he shares with his 90-pound pitbull puppy, Rocky, and a bunch of chickens that tend to wander through the Jungle. Always poor, he said, he chose to move to the Jungle after quarreling with a roommate. Like so many others here, he has designed a space that feels more permanent than not. A cactus garden adorns the front of his camp, and he has created different rooms out of found objects. Even Rocky has his own house, with his own twin-sized mattress.
“He eats better than I do,” Jose said, adding kibble to Rocky’s bowl.

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Photo: Jose is teaching himself how to play a keyboard.

Residents of the Jungle have no shortage of food. Church groups from all over San Jose come on Sundays. A month ago, a handful of co-workers from a local LED light company began showing up on Tuesdays with food and supplies. Last Tuesday, they brought a U-Haul truck full of sleeping bags they bought after collecting donations from friends and others who heard about their treks to the Jungle. Individuals show up to give out food and blankets as well.

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Photo: Birdman and his Blue Amazon, Natasha. Birdman, a San Jose native, spiraled into homelessness after spending five years in prison for trying to build a homemade gun. He has lived in the Jungle for three years.

The Jungle has its own volunteers, who collect donations—mostly food—from local businesses and dole them out. City and county officials say the Jungle has had its share of crime, including a murder last year. Fights break out. But the Jungle has peacekeepers, too; self-appointed mediators who broker truces, or if deemed necessary, ask troublemakers to leave.
“Most people are okay,” said Troy Feid, who regularly allows his neighbors to use a camp shower he has hooked up in the elaborate camp he shares with his cat, Baby. Feid, who suffers from depression, manages a smile when he gives a tour of his home, a warren of tidy rooms. “I’ve got plans for this place,” he said. “I just hope we last the winter here.”
Winter remains weeks away. But for a little while, the weather will be kind enough.
Photos by Evelyn Nieves.


Free Holiday Meal on Christmas Day, 2 p.m. Post Office


  • Free Vegan Meal Christmas Day!!!
    Wednesday, December 25, 2013
    Starting at 2:00 PM in front of the Downtown Post Office
    850 Front Street, Santa Cruz, California
    In celebration of this season of peace Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs invites the community to join them for a free vegan dinner, live music and pleasant conversations outside the Downtown Post Office. The public is welcome to help cook on Christmas morning starting at 9:00 AM at the Front Street Kitchen, 504A Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. The Front Street Kitchen is donating their facilities and equipment insuring that the holiday meal will be a huge success.
    Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry will participate in the Santa Cruz celebration. He reports that many Food Not Bombs groups will be sharing vegan meals on Christmas this year responding to the increased need across the United States because of new cuts in food stamps and the extreme reduction of access to food during the holiday season.
    Sponsored by
    Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs