Morsels from Yesterday’s FNB Meal then a full FLASHBACK TO March 31, 2002; Show Airs 101.3 FM & Sunday morning 9:30 AM 8-20-17

The Introduction features Food Not Bombs interviews, an update on the Lapis Road Monterey County RV resistance, the Keith McHenry Guilty Verdict and Sentencing, and more.

This Sunday’s show March 31, 2002 Flashback reviews
         +++ City Council aftermath of its arrest of Bathrobespierre Robert for making a silent mock Nazi salute protesting the shutdown of Oral Communications by then-Mayor Christopher Krohn.
         +++ Hot words and extensive discussion of the protest at “Yuppie Planter”, the public area in front of New Leaf Market stolen by the City to drive away youth and hippie gatherings

Another historic flashback features the audio of Club Cruz #1 in 1996 discussing the “moderate” response to the Kennedy-Rotkin shutdown of the Coral St. Open Air Shelter–a program by Sherry Conable and Barbara Riverwomon to fund emergency shelter through the state parks as well as writer Celine-Marie Pasquale’s thoughts on the early anti-homeless laws.

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now dispersed to the Post Office and points along Pacific Avenue  and support Food Not Bombs locally and those whose only resting place is an illegal piece of sidewalk.

Leave your comments and questions at the same number.   $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

The complete original version of the March 31, 2002 flashback can be found at

by scrolling down to the March 31, 2002 links.


Later in the day after the show has aired, the Sunday 8-20 show also streams at  

Interviews with Community Activists Scott Graham, Linda Lemaster, Laura Tucker, Cherie Sheree, Becky Johnson, and Wes White on Emergency RV Resistance Down South 6 PM tonight 8-17-17 on 101.3 FM

Emergency call to support RV dwellers in north Monterey County whose vehicles are being towed awake two weeks before the supposed deadline; “Scope It Out” Scott Graham on the real history of the Cafe Pergolesi and why it’s being forced to close.

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  Or directly to the Main Post Office, or where ever the struggle is raging.

Freedom SleepOut #110 reportedly received soup and coffee–but no report on sleepers

Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.

HUFF Extended Vacation Continues–NO 11 AM Meeting Tomorrow: at Sub Rosa Cafe–Contact by Phone or E-Mail if You Have Reports or Want to Volunteer

The local War Against the Poor shows no signs of letting up:

+++ restrictive library regulations (check out that fine print as you enter the downtown branch),  Let us know how library staff and “Security Thugs” are treating you.

+++ formalizing the crackdown on MHCAN at a Public Hearing to “revoke and replace” their special unit permit according to Board of Director mouthpiece Steve Pleich.  He and his Board, after many months of hush-hush secrecy and “don’t rock the boat” tactics are calling for public letters and calls to the Planning Department in advance of their September 7th hearing.  Attention: Mike Ferry, City of Santa Cruz, Dept. of Planning and Community Development, 809 Center St., Room 206, S.C. 95060  or e-mail at Let us know of any new police or vigilante actions against MHCAN or their clients, as well as any internal “crackdown” regs within MHCAN itself.

+++ supporting Food Not Bombs and others who continue to support the Freedom Sleeper Tuesday Night protest at City Hall (there again for the 110th time, with food and frolic, though not necessarily any overnight sleepers).  Contact them if you wish to support their lawsuit against Santa Cruz’s anti-homeless laws (575-770-3377), to volunteer for FNB meal prep or protest support, or to provide information about ongoing harassment at San Lorenzo Park and elsewhere.   Today is the 29th anniversary of Keith McHenry’s first arrest which he writes about at and .     FNB chapters continue to be under attack in Whittier, CA and elsewhere.

+++ keeping informed on the struggles in other cities.  FNB  successfully served food ignoring arrest threats at St. James Park in San Jose last Sunday.  In Marina, RV dwellers are organizing with support from Monterey County Homeless Union activists Becky Johnson and Wes Modes.  See story at  For updated accounts from real people impacted  by the crackdown, check out

If you wish to work on Public Records, or any of these other tasks, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.  Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  

Salt Lake City’s “Solution” to the Homeless in Doubt; Santa Cruz’s “Solution” Looks Worse and Worse

NOTES FROM NORSE:  It’s hard to tell how seriously we should take Salt Lake City mayor Ben McAdams’s descent into the homeless scene.  For me the proof is in the actions–the use of the powers public officials have as well as the statements they make.  What subsequent actions will McAdams take?  


Salt Lake City a few years ago developed a media reputation for “curing homelessness”  (See,,  ).


But this has been more recently disputed (See



For Santa Cruz scene, authorities have a strange “cure”:  To turn the issue upside down.  The problem isn’t a steeply rising cost of living, housing for the rich, and discriminatory laws and enforcement policies against those outside.  It’s the presence of the visible poor, particularly those trying to publicly protest at City Hall or provide client-run services outside the Post Office.

City Council members take no action to restore shelter and food services in the near term.  They empower their City Mangler, that is, City Manager Martin Bernal,  in his campaign to wall off and/or drive away homeless sleeping people.  A recent closed door “Performance Evaluation”  apparently found no problem with Bumcrush Bernal’s year-long record of harassment and public space removal around City Hall.  
Instead of providing resources for unhoused folks outside who struggle nightly such as portapotties, garbage pick-up’s, and other basic needs, the Chase’s City Council sends out Rangers to steal homeless property, issue stay-away orders, and provide bogus “obstructing the sidewalk” citations.

Charlottesville may have its flashy Unite the Right torchlight parades and lethal looneys crashing into protesters; but Santa Cruz has institutionalized Hate against its poor, in discreetly dressed “Progressive”, “moderate”, or “smart solution” garb.    The “poverty crime’ tickets just keep on a coming; and the phony “beautification” campaign rolls on.

Continue reading

Updates from Keith McHenry at Court and in the Field then a full FLASHBACK TO July 21, 2013; Show Airs 101.3 FM & Sunday morning 9:30 AM 8-6-17

Reports from the corridors outside Courtroom 4 awaiting Keith McHenry’s “Obstructing the Pathway”  Show- Trial, an update on Gathering Plaintiffs for a Lawsuit to restore Constitutional Rights in Santa Cruz, as well as zips and zingers from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse.

This Sunday’s show July 231, 2013 Flashback features
…Raven on Homeless (Lack of) Services Center abuses; Hutch on exclusion at SC Diner, Trader Jo’s, and SC Motel
…NAACP rally denouncing Zimmerman verdict in the murder of Tryvon Martin
       ...Wolf accuses SCPD Officers Ahlers and Winston of three assaults
      …Moose critiques Cafe Pergolesi
      …In-studio interview with Ed Davidson on City Council’s Consent Agenda manipulation
…”Scope it Out” Scott vs. “Educate ’em” Ed on the Broadway-Bromer Bikepath
…and more….

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now dispersed to the Post Office and points along Pacific Avenue  and support Food Not Bombs locally and those whose only resting place is an illegal piece of sidewalk.
Leave your comments and questions at the same number.   $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.The complete version of the July 21, 2003 flashback can be found at

Later in the day after the show has aired, the Sunday 8-6 show also streams at www.freakradio.organd archives at

Interviews with Community Activist Jim Weller on Local Police Agencies & ICE, Becky Johnson’s Marina Report on RV Resistance Down South 6 PM tonight 8-10-17 on 101.3 FM

Weller and Johnson interviewed as well as your favorite talker–Bathrobespierre Robert throwing opinions at you.   Tune in and check it out!

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  Or directly to the Main Post Office, or where ever the struggle is raging.

Freedom SleepOut #109 reportedly received soup and coffee–but lacked sleepers.

Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.


HUFF in Reorganizational Recess– 11 AM Meeting Tomorrow: at Sub Rosa Cafe Depends on Who Shows Up

Hot-to-trot HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) may be largely taking a break tomorrow for Rest and Recuperation. Numbers if any are likely to be small and spotty.

Some activists may be showing up there for to exchange information, but a number are disabled by various medical and transportation problems, so it’s catch-as-catch can.   Realistically, there is no guarantee of coffee or company, but some may be showing to report on today’s Shitty Council meeting and Freedom Sleeper Daytime Protest outside the Chambers.

If you wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses, Monitor the new Library Rules, and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.  Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377

Updates from Wes White and Keith McHenry & a hefty FLASHBACK TO February 23, 1996 featuring Marijuana Activist PebblesTrippet; Show Airs 101.3 FM & Sunday morning 9:30 AM 8-6-17

This Sunday’s show features

       …a look back at the Hiroshima mass murders in 1945
…Copwatch/Skidmark Bob on Shameless Sheriffs in the Beachflats and other Cop Misadventures
       ...Courage in Court from Marijuana Activist Pebbles Trippet
      …A Lookback at the River St. Refugees from Dragonsheart Dan Hopkins and Shannon
      …FNB Co-Founder “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry on the 1996 San Francisco Food Not Bombs Struggle
…A Direct Report from Iber City, Florida’s Free Radio
…and more…
Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now dispersed to the Post Office and points along Pacific Avenue  and support Food Not Bombs locally and those whose only resting place is an illegal piece of sidewalk.

Leave your comments and questions at the same number.   $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

The complete version of the December 6, 2009 flashbacks can be found at &


Later in the day after the show has aired, the Sunday 8-6 show also streams at www.freakradio.organd archives at

Flashback Free Show With Recent Interviews on Free Radio tonight for Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides6 PM tonight 8-3-17 on 101.3 FM

Reports from Wanderlust Wes White, Twilight Tyler the Soupster, and others plus a barrage of instructive babble from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse.

Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.

The show streams on and archives at

For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  Or directly to the Main Post Office, or where ever the struggle is raging.

Freedom SleepOut #108 reportedly received soup and coffee–but lacked sleepers.

Volunteer to support the Outside Survivors at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.

Sunday’s Settle-In Show: Activeheart Abbi on Trial and Error in the Last Days of the Freedom Sleepers FLASHBACK TO December 6, 2009 featuring Penny Jurnberg of Needle Exchange at 101.3 FM Sunday morning 9:30 AM 7-30-17

12-6-09  Lost Show:  …..Tusseling with Chris of Western Service Workers Assn… Penny Jurnberg of Needle Exchange…Becky Johnson on Chip of the DTA’s attempted removal of HUFF from the Downtown Association Xmas parade.

This Sunday’s show features
…FNB Activist “Activeheart” Abbi Samuels on her phony court trial for “obstructing the sidewalk” at the Freedom SleepOut’s.
…the wisdom and foolishness of Drum Circle Dave
…Tusseling with Tight-lipped Chris of Western Service Workers Assn
…Penny Jurnberg fighting back as the City squeezes out Needle Exchange
…Becky Johnson blows the Whistle on former Artist and current pin-up boy for the Downtown Association–“Chip”
,,,and more….

A video version of Activist Abbi Samuels’ Analysis of her “Obstructing the Sidewalk” Trial:

Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer different kinds of support for the Survival Sleepers now dispersed to the Post Office and points along Pacific Avenue  and support Food Not Bombs locally and those whose only resting place is an illegal piece of sidewalk.

Leave your comments and questions at the same number.   $500 reward for any info leading to Free Radio’s finding a 10′ X 10′  studio space for Free Radio Santa Cruz to rent in Santa Cruz.

The complete version of the December 6, 2009 flashbacks can be found at .

Later in the day after the show has aired, the Sunday 7-23 show also streams at www.freakradio.organd archives at