HUFF meets Today Wednesday May 2nd 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 5-2-18 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, next to the Bike Church.

Agenda Prospects:

  • Anti-Homeless Sentinel Fearmongering  in the recent Town Clock assault.
  • Rent Control/Just Eviction: Final Week of Signature Gathering
  • Follow-up on Local Response to Aggressive Wars
  • Boneyard Campground Documents and Last Council Chitterchat
Stories & Websites of interest: 

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

HUFF meets as Santa Cruz Ignores the Two Wars (Against Syria and the Poor in Santa Cruz) Tomorrow. Wednesday April 18, 2018. 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 4-18-18 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, next to the Bike Church.

Agenda Prospects:

  • Aftermath of the End of Winter Shelter last weekend
  • Rent Control/Just Eviction: Renter Updates Statewide and the Local Struggle
  • Breaking the Silence as Aggressive Wars (and U.S. bombs on Syria) Mount
  • Homeless Reports on Police/Ranger “Out Into the Rain With You” Incidents
  • Public Records Delays–and Assessments of What We Have
  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

HUFFing at the Police-Free Sub Rosa: Tomorrow. Wednesday April 4, 2018. Meeting half an hour early at 10:30 AM

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 4-4-18 10:30 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place.

Agenda Prospects:

  • River St. Campground Updates and Info Gathering– Camp Boss Susie O’Hara has released a few documents, but many are being delayed for two weeks.
  • Rent Control/Just Eviction Protection updates.
  • Rights of those living in tents or outside: Bill of Rights for the Houseless Outside Here
  • Police violence and the Stephon Carter situation, translated in to Santa Cruz terms.
  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

Reminder to HUFFsters: NO HUFF MEET TODAY: Try Again Next Wednesday!

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 4-4-18 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, assuming it’s open.  HUFF Central will be putting out a reminder next week for all you sleepyheads.

Meanwhile, brood on these ponderables:

  • Landlord resurgence against and City Council indifference to the Rent Freeze and Just Eviction Laws passed in February (evidenced by yesterday’s Shitty Council meeting).
  • Continued criminalization of the majority of homeless folks outside using the “closed area” laws and the infamous police-initiated “Stay Away” orders
  • Activist apathy to the ongoing wars abroad, gun control (but not for the police and the military) being the latest “hot issue”.
Stories of interest:  

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

This e-mail is the opinion of HUFF and does not necessarily represent the views of Food Not Bombs or the Warming Center.

Rainy Day Location!: HUFF meets at 11 AM 3-21-18 Wednesday at the Bagelry 320 Cedar St. (near Cedar and Maple)

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 3-21-18 at The Bagelry (320 Cedar St.).  

Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, will be closed, and the rainy weather makes meeting outside difficult.

On the agenda:

  • Reviewing Chief Andy Mills new “Community Policing” program, reviewed Tuesday night 3-20 7 PM at the City Council at City Hall.  The 184 page report–which makes little or no mention of the massive anti-homeless expenditures–is available along with other documents at
  • Latest reports on folks lodging at the River St. (barbed wire Boneyard “no walk-in’s”) campground with possible tabling to gather concerns, complaints, and compliments
  • Review of SCPD stats of citations and arrests for the last month 
  • Fencing around Laurel St. Park and other anti-homeless activities
  • Updates from Venice, Monterey County, Manteca, Marysville, Santa Ana, and elsewhere
Stories of interest:  

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either as in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.


This e-mail is the opinion of HUFF and does not necessarily represent the views of Food Not Bombs or the Warming Center.

Special Meeting Today HUFF meets at 11 AM 3-14-18 Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe (next to the Bike Church on Pacific Ave.)

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] which has been meeting every other Wednesday, will hold a special meeting today to consider recent Sleeping Ban developments in Santa Cruz as well as ruminate on a memorial/protest for HUFF activist David Silva–who died overseas a few days ago of pneumonia.

The meeting will meet if necessary on the sidewalk outside the Sub Rosa (hopefully inside) because of uncertainty about the schedule

On the agenda:   Reviewing City Manager Bernal’s “Big Tent” report last night at City Council, the treatment of folks outside since the dispersal of the San Lorenzo Campground, conditions at the River St. “Boneyard” campground, reviewing police citations and arrests for February now available, reports of RV and carcamper harassment/seizure, and more…

Stories of interest:  

Despite the City of Santa Cruz opening in new homeless encampment, homeless men and women have spread out to other sites in the city

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either as in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

This e-mail is the opinion of HUFF and does not necessarily represent the views of Food Not Bombs or the Warming Center.

HUFF meets early: 10:30 AM 3-7-18 Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe (next to the Bike Church on Pacific Ave.)

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will begin its meeting half an hour early if necessary on the sidewalk outside the Sub Rosa (hopefully inside), but definitely moving indoors by 11 AM.

On the agenda:   Reviewing the phony PACT expenditures “cleaning up the downtown”, spotlighting Chief Mills’s busts of refugees from the San Lorenzo Campground after its closing last Wednesday, the psuedo-census of the SCPD grilling “homeless-looking” folks around the downtown in the days that followed, strategies for advising those outside to resist blueshirt and greenshirt bullying, a hard look at the new Boneyard barbedwire River St. campground, and more…all, with coffee.

  •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either as in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.

This e-mail is the opinion of HUFF and does not necessarily represent the views of Food Not Bombs or the Warming Center.

HUFF in the Wilds: Special meeting 10:15 AM Wednesday 2-28-18 at San Lorenzo Benchlands Look for the Protest Signs

We will be moving from our usual Sub Rosa location next to the Bike Church to the San Lorenzo Benchlands as the City forces campers to leave.


    •   Help document the mass deportation to nowhere with audio and camera
    •   Assist, if you wish, in helping move homeless gear
    •   Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs,  HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
    •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either as in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
    •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future


  • More Reports from Santa Ana Riverbed Encampment,
  • Communicating with Other Encampments to the North and South
  • Stories from the Street Around Us


NO HUFF TODAY! Next HUFF meet is Wednesday February 21- 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe

Since we’re meeting bi-weekly now, there’s no meeting today.

But in the wake of the surprising victory with Council passing an emergency rent freeze and a just eviction protection law last night, check out
Mountain View chatterings:

Mountain View Forum explores ongoing issue of vehicle dwellers.

Campers and RVs in Mountain View

Victories on the horizon in southern California:

An  older story suggesting the value of state passage of local Homeless Bill of Rights laws:

On the down side, the Terrazas City Council unanimously passed a February 28th eviction date for the San Lorenzo Campground.  The mass eviction is being sanitized with sweet talk about the River Street Camp, the renamed “boneyard” at 1220 River St.– a much smaller area surrounded with barbed wire which bars walk-in’s and will oust people during the day.

First They Came for the Homeless activist Mike Zint suggests core campers stay together and try the Berkeley solution (See First They Came for the Homeless facebook page).  Organize or get pulverized.

More discussion of this on my Thursday Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show 6-8 PM at 101.3 FM and  For archived shows, go to and click on “Lost Shows”.

You can also contact HUFF central by phone for assignments, reports, and updates at 831-423-4833.   We need help reviewing the SCPD’s Citation record to see how accurate Chief Mills’ “No Sleeping Ban Citations at Night on Public Property” policy aligns with SCPD practice over the last 2-3 months.

For outside updates, check out Facebook pages for Santa CruzFood Not Bombs and Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz.      Interesting stuff.

To check earlier Public Records Act requests archived several years ago by Avanti-ista Avian, go to .

A tip of the hat to RV activist Julie Ann for forwarding me most of the stories mentioned above.  Her continuing work can be found on Facebook at RV Fulltimers.

Sunny Weather for HUFF meet is Wednesday February 7 -11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe

Likely Prospects for the HUFF agenda:

  • the rumored Rent Stabilization Ordinance perhaps on the February 13th City Council Agenda;
  • Cannabis Crackdown–the Board of Stupes rejects the “more liberal” draft environmental report
  • federal judge in Orange County demands authorities justify homeless sweeps or face ‘criminalization of the homeless” charges
  • supporting Venice homeless activists appealing a Bad Beach Curfew law
  • Updates from Lapis/Monty roads, the Poor People’s Campaign in Sacramento, Marysville, and Berkeley’s First They Came for the Homeless
  • News from the San Lorenzo campground and the San Jose homeless sweeps
  • leftover kitty cookies, almonds, raisins, and kettlecorn