Touch Down and Check In with HUFF 11 AM 3-22 at the ever-ready Sub Rosa Cafe

Topics to chew on while downing tea or coffee include: the now daily sleep-out at City Hall, Peering at the Latest Public Records Info (or lack thereof) on the ICE/DHS correspondence with “the dog ate the e-mails” Police Chief Kevin Vogel, A Response to the Selective Enforcement Antics of Rangers and Cops on Pacific Avenue in the “Performance Pens”, and more !

Checking in with HUFF: 11 AM Sub Rosa 3-15 As usual

Following up on Freedom SleepOut #88 and the latest City Clownsel meeting where police-compliant Council members passed a toothless Sanctuary Ordinance that doesn’t provide real protection for undocumented aliens and certainly not local homeless refugees…HUFFsters may be preparing for a Meeting Tonight 7 PM at the SCPD “Community Room” to look over replacements for Chief Vogel who’s retiring in June, gearing up to meet with Council member Sandy Brown this Friday to get some answers to questions raised for her and Council member Krohn, prepping for a City-supported  “Homeless Info” get-together Saturday morning, SCPD’s latest attack on the Freedom Sleepers–refusing to return stolen survival gear; and more !    We got the coffee, you bring the courage !

HUFF may pour over Public Records at 11 AM tomorrow Sub Rosa Cafe Wednesday 3-8-17

Having received copies of all claim forms received by the City in the last year, HUFF will scour the records for signs of fishy police and bureaucratic bumbusting as well as consider complaints about shitty shower facilities for those outside and rumors of police overkill on Pacific Avenue Tuesday 3 PM in front of New Leaf.  Not to mention devising new schemes of holding police agencies and the city manager accountable for enabling the threat of mounting terrorism against both documented and undocumented homeless community.

We got coffee.  We even have cups.   If the Sub Rosa is closed, check for a sign on the front gate as to our new (temporarly) location.


HUFF hangs tough, huddling around the Sub Rosa coffeepot 11 AM Wednesday March 1, 2017

On the agenda:  Report on last night’s SCPD-managed City Council meeting and Mayor Chase’s Muzzling of Krohn in the Weak Sanctuary Ordinance Deliberation; Flood Follies and Landlord Retaliation; Updates from MHCAN, Free Radio Santa Cruz, and other activistas, Reported Hypothermia Death of Mistfall Mike, Tenttheft in Cold Weather–the Lethal Shenanagans of the Parks and Rec Rangers; Lobo’s Plan to Save Survival Gear With HUFF stencils; and more….

HUFF again, though the winds blow wet and cold Wednesday 2-22 11 AM Sub Rosa

Come HUFF again with the oldtimers, brooding on the results of the D.A.’s “investigation” of the Sean Arlt killing released last week; new reports of Rangers ripping tents, seizing homeless property, and driving away campers from their survival encampments; and the usual Norse round-up of scattered tales of terror, heroism, and mindless bureaucracy.   Coffee as usual will be perking nearby.

HUFF Assesses Latest Outbreak of Democracy at City Council Audience on Valentine’s Day, Meets 11 AM 2-15 Sub Rosa Cafe, As Ever

In the uproar over police collusion with the Department of Homeland Security’s Monday raids, and as Freedom Sleepout #84 prepared to bed down outside, were there indications of some Direct Action politics in Santa Cruz that might impact the homeless civil rights struggle as well?  Check out the HUFFmeet tomorrow (Wednesday the 15th) where we’ll also trudge through Public Records issues, Merchant Signboard Scams, the latest $90,000 grant being given to First Alarm Insecurity thugs and how to address it, as well as whatever the wind, rain, and cold blow in.   With coffee.

History Lessons at the Huffmeet–11 AM at the Sub Rosa Wednesday February 8th

Coming Up on the Wednesday February 8th HUFF Agenda:

Updating the Homeless Issues Task Force Recommendations; Catching Up with Oakland and Berkeley–on Encampment Protection Demands; What the City Council’s Parks and Recreation Study Session Missed–“Homeless People Stay Away from the Parks!”;  Why Isn’t the Winter Shelter Program More Popular?….and more!   Hoist a cup of coffee with your cornies while taking shelter from the weather!


Winter HUFFsters Gather Around the Coffee Pot 11 AM at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific

Up for comment and possible action: Fanning the Flames of Protest from the distant to the immediate; Moving Along Merchant Signs–Next Chapter of Pacific Avenue Resistance?; the Oakland Encampment/City Hall Village Emergence–a Lesson for Santa Cruz?; Muslim Bans and Homeless Bans–Organizing Up at UCSC 9 AM -noon Tomorrow?, Close Inspection of the SCPD Citation/Arrest Records, and more…

HUFF plunges into the Public Records; Meeting 11 AM 1-25 Wednesday at the friendly Sub Rosa Cafe

HUFF gathers its limited resources to examine recently released Public Records documenting police arrests over the last year, reexamining the “merchants uber alles” policies of the police in going after handicraft vendors and performers downtown, and an examination of new ties with new activists groups at the Dawn of Trumpiana.  We have coffee to help drown your despair.