Waterlogged HUFFsters postpone meeting yet again; No meeting tomorrow at the Sub Rosa; next meeting rescheduled for 11 AM January 11th at 701 Pacific


Due to pounding rain, vacation absences, health problems, and assorted other circumstances,  HUFF won’t be meeting tomorrow at its usual time and place (11 AM at the Sub Rosa).


However, anyone interested in being involved in HUFF activities for the next week can call me at home 11 AM to 1 PM tomorrow.   Possible tasks involved: Greeting the New City Council at its First meeting of the year on January 10th; carpooling to Salinas on Martin Luther King Day (Jan 16th) to join the Salinas Union of the Homeless event; Prep for and Connection with the Annual Homelessness Marathon on January 19th; Help for the Public Records Squad;  Support for Berkeley’s First they Came for the Homeless; Forming a Santa Cruz Union of the Homeless (again) and more….probably less.


HUFF SleepBan Busters Ride Again! Round-Up at the Sub Rosa Coral 11 AM Wednesday, December 28

Back from a week’s respite, I’ll be hoping to find a HUFFster or two tomorrow at the usual time and place.

Agenda prospects:   Input for the Christopher Krohn interview on Free Radio Thursday night; support and salute to the Berkeley “First They Came for the Homeless” encampment; traveling plans: possible connect-up’s with Salinas Union of the Homeless Martin Luther King day get together and the Marysville Jungle Protection Assembly coming up next month; another round of protest demanding police reform this Saturday at the Town Clock; Sleeping Ban and Property Recover lawsuits–Lost, Strayed, or Stolen?;  the ignored Winter Shelter Emergency………..

………….and whatever the cat drags in…


Vacation Time for HUFF

HUFFsters:   The Wednesday 12-21 meeting of HUFF is canceled due to holiday realities as well as other factors.  Next scheduled meeting is 12-28.

Similarly the next protest of the official silence in the killings of Sean Arlt and Luke Smith, being held weekly at the Town Clock will be 12-31 at 1:30 p.m. according to organizer Steve Argue.

HUFFish type activity will still be continuing behind the scenes.  Contact me at 423-4833 if you want to be involved.

Ho, ho, ho.!

Robert Norse


HUFF peeks out of chilly hibernation, back at the Sub Rosa Wednesday 12-14 at 11 AM scheming to topple homeless-aphobia in Santa Cruz

Agenda prospects include:  HUFF specific demands for the December 17th “Justice for Sean Arlt and Luke Smith” Rally 1:30 PM at the Town Clock; Reports from Colorado, Berkeley, Santa Rosa,and far-away Florida; Slipping Past the Stalling on Police Records; Adding New Wrinikles to Old Homeless Xmas Carols;  and more…

Coffee as ever, crunchy chocolate chip cookies, and a warm place to chatter.


HUFFing Against the Cold: Meet 11 AM Wednesday December 7 at the Sub Rosa Cafe

Back again to heat up things with coffee and catcalls,  HUFF plans a meeting with Councilmember Elect Sandy Brown, HUFF proposals for next Saturday’s anti-police violence rally, updates on the somewhat successful attack on the County-s RV  ban, spinoff demonstratons supporting the Freedom Sleepers,  a report on the Winter Shelter and Warming Center mini-programs and maybe more…

Late and Scrambling, HUFF has a sitdown today 11-30 at 11 AM out of the cold and coffee-heavy at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church

Likely HUFF Agenda topics:  The mini-Winter Shelter program beginning tomorrow; the future of HUFF, prep for the rain-free Stop-More-Police-Killings protest Saturday 1:30 PM at the Town Clock, Victory with Video–the impact of local on-line video in curbing harassment of homeless folks, and more !  

HUFF ponders the future, preps for Saturday “End Police Violence” Protest 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe

HUFF will be hammering out its proposals for police reform at the Saturday 1:30 PM protest at the Town Clock 11-26.  The meeting runs from 11 AM depending on when coffee and patience and participants run out.

Agenda items also likely to include:  Freedom SleepOut #72 Lookback and Lookforward; Expectations from Incoming City Council members (Krohn and S. Brown); Interacting with the Growing Anti-Trump Protest;  and more!


HUFF braves post-election blues to cackle together over coffee at the Sub Rosa Cafe 11 AM Wednesday 11-16

Hearty (and not-so hardy) HUFFsters will brave drizzle and sunshine to ponder HUFFstuff.  On the agenda in part:   David Silva’s hunger fast and the “Rolling Fast”; County RV Ban Battle Continues;  Struggling with the Sheriff’s Department to Get Its Citation Record Released as Required by Law; Surveillance Public Records of the City Police Again Delayed;  Watsonville Homeless Connect–Worth Wandering South?; ACLU Agenda for Wednesday Night–Prospects?; Looking for Updates from Tenant Rights Struggle, Council Coronation Crapola on Tuesday 11-22, Aftermath of the Metro (Measure D) Fight, MHCAN, Laura’s Law at the Supes, and Cannabis Constriction at the Supes; Prep for the Saturday 1:30 PM Cop-Corner-at-the-Town-Clock rally, and Freedom SleepOut 71 Update…all this and the new Street Spirit too (!).


HUFF in Trumpland–meet and rage 11 AM today 11-9 Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific

HUFFsters battered and bruised by electoral hysteria will stare at each other and then press on at the usual mid-morning to early afternoon meeting.  Up for discussion and prep are

  • tomorrow’s Cop Corner protest on SCPD profiling, surveillance, and lack of accountability as well as their secrecy in withholding the audio and video of the Sean Arlt shooting.
  • discussion of future actions opposing police/ranger/First Alarm sweeps of sleepers and sitters around the library
  • winter shelter woes and the PR shell game being played
  • updates on the Cooper trial and Andy C. expose of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center
  • latest on public records about tenant complaints and city response
  • Coastal Commission update on the County’s RV law


HUFF Hops to It Today (Wednesday 11-2-16) at 11 AM As Ever at Ye Olde Sub Rosea Cafe

In the wake of Freedom SleepOut #69 and the “Vent and Vamoose!” session with SCPD’s “No Audio, No Video, No Names” Chief Vogel and Vice-Chief Martinez up at the Peace United Church last night, we’ll be sizing up creative ways of educating the interested and pressuring the complacent around the dangerously expanded police power in Santa Cruz–particularly as it impacts the unhoused.   Also on the agenda”  Coastal Commission RV update,
Guarding Against the Guardian Angels, Spotlighting Harassment Around City Hall and the Library, and Getting the Goods on the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center.

Come prepared to drink coffee and chat endlessly.

We’ll also be making final prep for the “Return to Cop Corner” protest Thursday at 1 PM.  See https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2016/11/01/18792930.php.

On the sidewalk at the corner of Laurel and Center Street (at the location of the SCPD main station).