HUFF Shouts Humbug at City Council’s Xmas Chilly Cheer 11 AM 12-23 Sub rosa Cafe

Any chance to make the City Council Sinners Repent?      Not likely.    Legal Leapabout:    Attorney Judi Bari may be up for helping follow up on illegal seizures of homeless property;  a review of the year’s abuses and victories.  Reports of violence attacks on the homeless.     The latest chapter on the Lane-Posner “real soon we’ll put the Sleeping Ban on the agenda”.   Xmas treats.

HUFF meets again at Sub Rosa 11 AM 12-16 703 Pacific Indoors!


HUFF’s been guaranteed an indoor space thanks to the kindness of Penske tomorrow morning.   Up for chatter and possibly action:  More effective documention of police escalation against homeless folks; property and sleeping ban plaintiff search at the homeless meals; sit-down with new Homeless (Lack of) Services Center boss Phil Kramer; organizing against the RV law and supporting the proposed lawsuit against it; defending existing encampments–prospect or pipedream?; allied parallel expeditions assisting Freedom Sleepouts and opening up new daytime protest;  and whatever you fancy!    Liquid consumables available without cost.

HUFF to meet at traditional watering hole–the Sub Rosa 11 AM today 12-9

 In the wake of what may be the last Sleep-Out of this year at least, I’ll propose we discuss what actions should be taken in light of

                        (a) San Jose hypothermia death and City Council babble about supporting Tent cities (albeit on church grounds;
(b) search for vehicular plaintiffs who want to challenge the RV law due to go into effect on January 8th;
(c) solidarity & communication with homeless activists in Eugene, Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Jose, & elsewhere;
(d) the upcoming Freedom Sleepers sponsored-forum with Tristia Bowman (of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty), Robert Aguirre (San Jose founder of H.O.M.E.L.E.S.S. in San Jose), and Ketih McHenry (Food not Bombs co-founder) at 4:30 PM Sunday 12-13 at the Resource Center for Non-Violence.

And other stuff, for sure. With the usual hot drinks provided.  Come early so we don’t leave first!

HUFF Definitely Back at Sub Rosa Tomorrow (Wednesday December 2) 11 AM. Coffee guaranteed!!


HUFFsters:  No more trekking around to mingle with seclusive students sipping bourgeois beverages at the Pergolesi–at least this week!  Back at the usual Sub Rosa Cafe surrounded by lots of literature and agreeable reasonably priced (free) drinks.

Likely to find agenda discussion:  Next  week’s Shitty Council Final Vote (12-8) on the “Homeless RV’s Get Lost” law coming up for a final reading;  the latest update on the frost-bitten Freedom Sleepers movement and its next move; Berkeley Battle In Progress–a weeklong campout culminates in today’s City Council meeting up there; fighting back against police property seizures–schemes and strategies; plus lots of stuff that hasn’t made print yet…

Today (Dec 1) there will be a special 5:30 PM “New tactics, new energy?!” meeting to protect the rights of houseless people at the Supply Room of the Red Church.  Want more Freedom SleepOuts and like actions?  Join the meeting!    And come to Freedom Sleep-Out at City Hall tonight thereafter.

HUFF: Come in out of the Cold to Sub Rosa 11 AM Wednesday 11-25-15

Coffee and chat at HUFF tomorrow (11-25) as we view remains of the wreckage from City Council’s ‘decisions’ on the Warming Center, the “No Homeless RV’s law, and the aftermath of Freedom SleepOut #20.   Also on the agenda:  the California Rural Legal Assistance Lawsuit Against the Manteca Sleeping Ban; Berkeley’s Ongoing SleepOut Outside City Hall,  New Strategies of Survival and Resistance as Winter Descends…

HUFF hunkers and huddles at 11 AM Wednesday 11-18 at the Sub Rosa Cafe

 After two outdoors coffee-scarce meetings at the Sub Rosa, we’ll be trying again tomorrow

If the place is still closed, we’ll move to the Cafe Pergolesi. 

Likely subjects:  Transportation up to UCSC to troll for student HUFF volunteers up at the Housing Conference on campus 5:30 PM  Kresge Town Hall where Pat Colbe and Steve Pleich (among others) will be speaking; updates on court wrangles & prospects around the Freedom Sleepers; report from the Berkeley Freedom Sleeper-like SleepOut and City Council meeting there; prospects of fighting the RV bans likely to come up at the next Santa Cruz City Council meeting; impact of the Armory opening and deepening cold weather–HUFF responses…and more

HUFF ‘n Stuff will brave the mid-day cold to huddle together tomorrow 11-11 at 11 a.m. (!) at the Sub Rosa

HUFF agenda is likely to be brooding over:

+++  Berkeley’s Upcoming SleepOut on 11-16 and the Berkeley City Council meeting’s planned attack on the homeless (See
+++ The on-going struggle to focus federal attention via the DOJ and HUD oversight to finally force City Council to pay attention to basic homeless survival rights this winter before the suffering toll grows from El Nino.
+++ Support for other allied student and community struggles (Tuition/Police Abuse by UCSC activists, the Beach Flats Community Garden by activists there,  Tenant organizing).
+++ Transformed Support for the Freedom Sleepers Movement to account for freezing and wet weather ahead.
                                                            …and more!   Come to the Freedom Sleep Out Tonight, then wake up merry and bright for the HUFF follow-up!  What fun!

HUFF it up later today–if you dare 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe

Moving from Freedom SleepOut #17 to HUFF Chat-and-Sip #1608 (we’ve been meeting weekly since 1989 or perhaps before).    Agenda prospects for:  tonight’s City Commission for the Prevention of Violence to Women’s discussion of safe sleeping zones for women to (perhaps) be forwarded to the next Shitty Council meeting; RV Parking and Safe Zones on November 24th agenda; Panhandling laws coming up for challenge?; Blue Box 2 Case 8:30 AM 11-5; whatever the cold wind blows in…along with hot coffee and other drinkables.

HUFF will still puff at Sub Rosa Today 11 AM at ye olde 703 Pacific Ave.

HUFF meeting today to review recent work by activists Avian, Laura, Linda perhaps, and others!  Not to mention the latest vague Mea Culpa from Mayor Lane on his facebook page ( ) as well as Rabbi Phil Posner’s supportive response from beautiful Puerto Rico… and other updates and non-updates re: Public Records Act requests.

HUFF struts its stuff Wednesday 10-21-15…11 AM at Sub Rosa 703 Pacific

HUFF will be staggering in from SleepOut #15 (assuming we’re not in the hoosegow) to consider tabling at a Take Back Santa Cruz Event on Thursday night, organizing for the UN street closure on Saturday,  considering a recent report of a police officer drawing a gun, and prep for next Tuesday’s Council Meeting sleep-out for a possible Sleep-In.  Come on down and join the merriment.  Coffee and cups provided.