The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows as well as netcast at 9:30 AM.
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can leave comments. Still struggling to find a good way to post Ursula’s Utterances on the HUFF website–don’t hold your breath.
A Flashback description page is at .
FRSC still seeks a spot to setup our antenna again in the downtown area–a tree, a house.
Want our call-in line restored as well as live shows? Send us tips on where to rent studio space with a $300 reward for cueing us into a year’s contract.
Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or
xxx “Whip the Wicked” Wes White defends his optimism regarding recent Salinas politician palaver.
xxx 4-29 Bits of Benchlands Banter from Roaming Monitors Jeremy and Chris
xxx Even the small well-managed Oakland RV camp under assault in Oakland:
xxx Ryan from Seattle Answers the Call to Protest in the Friday False Alarm in San Lorenzo
xxx Fred from Stockton Found Work, Lodging, and a Friendly Community in the Park
xxx Oakland’s Cob on Wood Encampment also faces threat:
xxx Former Freedom Sleeper and VideoJournalist Israel Dawson Looks Back. His earlier protest video at
xxx Unchecked unaccountable police murders still going strong after Chauvin’s conviction
xxx “Can’t Catch my Breath” Keith McHenry Fields Criticism and Praise on the SC Union’s “Wait for Benchlands” Organizing Strategy at the 4-29 HUFF meeting + many other updates
xxx “Shit me Not!” Cherie on Home Invasion, Seizure, Deportation, and False Drugging by the Mental Health Helpers
FLASHBACK TO February 20, 2014
xxx Co-Host “Travelin'” Tom Noddy Reviews the History of the Voluntary Street Performers Guidelines–crushed by City Council ordinances and its impact on high quality performers in Santa Cruz:
xxx “Dead-on” David Silva on New National Help for Vets and Silva’s Experience in the Secret Radioactive Spraying in Vietnam
xxx Misty-eyed Doc Mike on Shelter Challenges for the Older Folks
Gather 8:00 AM Monday May 3 at San Lorenzo Duck Pond to Support The Homeless Encampment Being Displaced by City Police
Check out the weekly HUFF meeting Thursday May 6th 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenanigans by authorities public and private. Or at least to howl at the darkness.
Conspire for Justice with a community opposed to likely spring sweeps may be meeting 5 PM Friday May 7th on the lawn at the Red Church at Cedar and Lincoln. Contact Keith McHenry at 575-770-3377 for more info. Also contact him to help with a Survey of Homeless Encampments he’s making to determine a possible positive response to threatened police expulsion in the weeks ahead.